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Path of the Sword


Wil Upchurch


Greg Benage


Clay Breedlove, Shaun Cashman, Lizard, Michelle Lyons, James Maliszewski, Brian Patterson


Toren “Macbin” Atkinson, Andy Brase, David Griffith, Eric Lofgren, Chad Sergesketter, Tyler Walpole


Brian Schomburg


Greg Benage & Wil Upchurch


Wil Upchurch

LAYOUTWil Upchurch


Christian T. Petersen


Bang Printing


Roseville, MN 55113



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Path of the Sword



The Fighting Classes 5


The Fighting Arts 82


Schools of Combat 96


The Warrior’ s World 125

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IntroductionPath of the Swordwas a great project to workon for me. I’ve always enjoyed playing thefighting classes, as I like to be able to directly

affect my in-game environment. A fighternever runs out of muscles or forgets how tothrow his axe.

We introduce several new concepts in this bookthat will be followed up on in the future Pathbooks. The most notable examples are leg-endary classes, schools of learning, and organi-zational templates. Schools of learning andorganizational templates are my way of tryingto help players differentiate their characters ina meaningful way while gaining some benefitfor doing so. Options are good. Legendary

classes, on the other hand, are just cool. I’mexcited about this new format of add-on classand I think you will enjoy them as well. Theyare different enough from prestige classes toreally make it feel as if your character is some-thing special, a child of destiny, a legend in hisown time. They are similar enough, I hope, tofit right into any d20 campaign.

So, all you characters who pride yourselves instrength of arms over shadow, magic, and faith,take heed the call and use the knowledgegained herein to kick some serious butt.

Wil UpchurchFantasy Flight, Inc.

WelcomeFantasy Flight Games is pleased to presentPath of the Sword, the sixth volume in ourLegends & Lairs line of sourcebooks for thed20 System.Path of the Swordbrings togethera host of information for those characters inter-

ested in the fighting arts.

Chapter 1 contains more than 20 new classesfor use by characters that are well versed in thefighting arts. Twelve new prestige classes,including the mysterious brother of the cloakand the brutal pit fighter, are presented. Eachprestige class is accompanied by a new organi-

zation, designed to fit into any campaignworld. A new concept is also presented, the

legendary class, for characters that are aboveand beyond the norm. Finally, several variantcore classes are presented.

Chapter 2 details more than two dozen new feats.Next, two sections are presented detailing rulesfor combat while mounted and acrobatic combat.

Chapter 3 includes an essay about maximizingyour character’s fighting potential. Fightingschools are described next, giving charactersnew options for building unique fighting stylesby specializing in the techniques of a particularschool.

Chapter 4 presents information on mounts anda variety of new organizations that characterscan join. Next up is a a complete system fordetermining the effects of unique terrains oncombat. New equipment, weapons, armor, andtools follow, as well as information on howcharacters can personalize their weapons. Thechapter concludes with a look at some of thetournaments and games that one might find inlocal faires or royal competitions.

The Open Game LicensePath of the Swordis published under the termsof the Open Game License and the d20 SystemTrademark License. The OGL allows us to usethe d20 System core rules and to publish gam-ing material derived from those rules.

Material that is strictly rules related is OpenContent.

Not everything in this book is Open Content,however. The names of races, feats, skills,equipment, spells, magic items, and rulesderived from the d20 SRD are designated asOpen Content. Descriptive text, unless other-wise noted, is closed content and cannot berepublished, copied, or distributed without theconsent of Fantasy Flight Games. A note at thebeginning of each section describes the open

and closed content found within.

All illustrations, pictures, and diagrams in thisbook are Product Identity and the property ofFantasy Flight Games, © 2002.

The Open Game License is printed in its entire-ty at the end of this book. For further informa-tion, please visit the Open Gaming Foundationwebsite at www.opengamingfoundation.org.




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This chapter contains more than 20 new class-es for use by characters that are well versed inthe fighting arts. Twelve new prestige classes,including the mysterious brother of the cloakand the brutal pit fighter, are presented. Eachprestige class is accompanied by a new organi-zation, designed to fit into any campaign worldand to provide a context for the prestige class-es presented herein. A new concept is also pre-sented, the legendary class, for characters thatare above and beyond the norm. Legendaryclasses have a high bar for entry, but those whofollow the path of destiny are rewarded well fortheir troubles. Finally, several alternate classesare presented. These are variants of core class-es that may be taken from 1st to 20th level, justlike a normal class. Enjoy!

All of the text describing prestige classes andalternate classes is considered Open Game

Content. All text describing organizations andlegendary classes is designated closed content.


Brother of the CloakBrothers of the cloak are mysterious figureswho use a weapon that many regard as strangeand fanciful. They rarely take root in any com-munity and tend to be strangers wherever theyare seen. This has led to rumors and legendsconcerning them, that they are vampires or thattheir cloaks are living creatures who control theminds of their human hosts. While these talesare not true, they serve the brothers well, grant-ing them a wide berth in new communitieswhere tendencies might be toward harassmentand foul play rather than guarded suspicion.

The brothers do have a secret mission, althoughsome low-level members do not know of it.Their elders are training a shadow army withwhich to fight the drow, the ancient enemies ofthe school’s forefathers. Many membersare trained specifically to teach the tech-niques and philosophies of the bladed


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cloak, but this goal is geared toward broaden-ing the recruiting pool for the final assault onthe brotherhood’s subterranean enemies.

Hit Die: d10


To qualify to become a brother of the cloak, acharacter must fulfill all of the followingrequirements.

Base Attack Bonus: +5Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bladedcloak), Lightning Reflexes

Special: Must be sponsored for membership bya senior member of the brotherhood.

Class Skills

The brother of the cloak’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump(Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of thebrotherhood of the cloak prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A brother ofthe cloak is proficient with all simple and mar-tial weapons, light armor, medium armor andshields. Note that armor check penalties forarmor heavier than leather apply to the skills

Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble.

Also, Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every5 pounds of armor and equipment carried.

Hide Bonus: At 1st level, the brother of thecloak learns to hide within the folds of hiscloak, granting him a +4 bonus to Hide checkswhen he is wearing his cloak.

Weapon Focus: At 1st level, the brother of thecloak gains the Weapon Focus (bladed cloak) feat.

Cloak Bluff: At 2nd level, the brother of thecloak learns to use his cloak as a tool for sub-terfuge in combat. He gains a +4 bonus to any

Bluff check when using the Feinting in Combatoption (PHB 64).

Cloak Defense: At 2nd level, the brother of thecloak learns to pad his cloak in various placesto provide him protection in combat. His cloaknow has the same statistics as leather armor,except the arcane spell failure chance is 0%.Furthermore, his cloak counts as armor as wellas a wondrous item for purposes of imbuing itwith magic properties.

Sneak Attack: This ability functions just like the

rogue’s sneak attack ability, except the brother ofthe cloak may only add sneak attack damage toattacks with his bladed cloak. If the character hasbonus sneak attack damage from another source,the damage stacks with this ability.

Weapon Specialization: At 3rd level, thebrother of the cloak gains the WeaponSpecialization (bladed cloak) feat. The charac-ter need not have the requisite number of fight-er levels to gain this feat.




Brother of the Cloak

Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Hide bonus, Weapon Focus

2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Cloak bluff, cloak defense, sneak attack +1d63 +3 +3 +1 +1 Light as a breeze 1/day, Weapon Specialization4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Sneak attack +2d6, swirling shadows5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Cloaker form 1/day6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Instant attack, light as a breeze 2/day7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Defensive disarm8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Greater swirling shadows, sneak attack +3d69 +9 +6 +3 +3 Light as a breeze 3/day10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Improved cloaker form

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Light as a Breeze: Beginning at 3rd level, thebrother of the cloak gains the ability to fly forshort bursts by using his cloak to catch the air.The character can fly up to 90 ft. for a singleround each time he uses this ability. He can dothis once per day at 3rd level, and gains oneadditional use per day at 6th level and 9th level.

Swirling Shadows: Beginning at 4th level, thebrother of the cloak learns to swirl his cloakabout him to obfuscate his true position. Doingso is a move-equivalent action that does notprovoke an attack of opportunity and affordsthe brother of the cloak one-half concealment(20% miss chance) from attacks until thebeginning of his next action. At 8th level, thebrother of the cloak gains total concealment(50% miss chance) when using this action.

Cloaker Form: This ability works exactly likethe druid’s wild shape ability except that thebrother of the cloak can only choose to trans-form into a cloaker. He gains all of the cloak-er’s special abilities when doing so. Refer tothe core rules (MM 37) for the cloaker’s stats.The brother of the cloak may stay in his alter-nate form for up to one hour before resuminghis normal form.

At 10th level, the brother of the cloak mayfreely shift between his normal and cloakerform at will as a standard action, although heonly gains the healing benefits upon the first

transformation of the day. There is no limit tothe amount of time he may spend in cloakerform per day. In addition, the brother of thecloak may choose to either transform into astandard cloaker or an advanced cloaker of upto 16 HD. See the core rules (MM 12–14) forrules on advancing monsters.

Instant Attack: At 6th level, brothers of thecloak master the art of striking their opponentswith blinding speed. The character can makeattacks or attacks of opportunity with his blad-ed cloak even if he is flat-footed. This means

that during a surprise round the brother of thecloak may take a partial action to attack withhis cloak even if he was surprised.

Defensive Disarm: At 7th level, the brother ofthe cloak learns to take advantage of clumsyopponents by using his cloak to relieve them oftheir weapons. Any time an opponent misses amelee attack against the brother of the cloak,the brother of the cloak gains an attack of

opportunity that may only be used for a disarmattempt against that opponent. This action doesnot provoke an attack of opportunity. If thecharacter has already taken an attack of oppor-tunity in the round, he may not use this ability(unless he possesses the Combat Reflexes feat).

Organization:Brotherhood of the Cloak


The Brotherhood has a twofold purpose – oneapparent, the other hidden. Its apparent purpose isto promote and disseminate the traditions of thebladed cloak. Its hidden purpose is train a cadre ofshadow warriors to battle against the drow.

LeaderNyrrik Maanhalja (NG elf male Ftr6/Brc10)

Current Activities

To the world at large, the Brotherhood of theCloak is just another exotic weapons school,one of the dozens that teach their esoteric skillsto swordsmen looking for an edge over theiropponents. That the Brotherhood’s weapon ofchoice, the bladed cloak (called tuulakiljunen,or “thorn mantle,” in elven), was once anemblem of the extinct elven warriors called theTuulanihen has gone unnoticed by all but thehoariest of sages – which is exactly how theBrotherhood prefers it. From their citadel deepwithin an ancient forest, the Brotherhood culti-vates an image not of mystery but of eccentric-ity. Its grand masters operate openly and makelittle effort to hide their activities, which con-sist primarily of training warriors interested ina fighting style that emphasizes subterfuge andmisdirection, for the bladed cloak demands theutmost subtlety to be effective in combat.

Yet, much like the weapon its initiates employ,the Brotherhood is engaging in dissimulation.The organization is much more than a fightingschool. It is in fact a decadent remnant of theTuulanihen, the elite defenders of the rulers ofthe ancient elven kingdom of Muutlainjen. Thekingdom was unique in that most of its hold-ings existed beneath the surface of the worldrather than amidst the beauty of nature.Likewise, its subjects included not onlyelves but drow who had forsaken their


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evil ways because of Muutlainjen’s efforts toreach out to them. For a brief shining moment,it appeared as if the breach between the twohalves of the elven nation might be healed.

But it was not to be. The unrepentant drowwarred against Muutlainjen and destroyed it,enslaving its subjects and scattering the few

survivors to various places on the surfaceworld. A few members of the Tuulanihen sur-vived and passed on the secrets of their fightingstyle to a new generation, so that they mightone day return to the subterranean lands onceheld by Muutlainjen and reclaim them from thedrow. The leaders of the Brotherhood realizethis is a long-term goal that may take genera-tions to achieve, but they are prepared to waitas long as necessary. Until they are properlyprepared, they conduct small raids against thedrow, both on the surface and beneath it. Theyare likewise foes to any who ally themselveswith or otherwise aid their ancient enemies.

Campaign Integration

The Brotherhood of the Cloak can serve sever-al purposes in a fantasy campaign. At its mostbasic, the organization is simply a fightingschool. Many characters, particularly fightersand rogues, would find its unusual skills to beuseful additions to their repertoire. TheBrotherhood is very accepting of newcomers –even those whose past history or alignmentmight seem to be at odds with the deeper mis-sion of the group. This should not be surpris-ing, however. Like the ancient kingdom ofMuutlainjen to which it looks for inspiration,the Brotherhood believes fervently in conver-sion and redemption. Everyone deserves a sec-ond chance. Indeed, senior members of theorganization sometimes sponsor initiates withthe express purpose of bringing them to thelight. Consequently, the Brotherhood providesa nice backdrop against which to set adventuresor campaigns with salvation or atonement ascentral themes.

The Brotherhood need not be limited to a groupof exotic shadow warriors with extraordinarypowers. In some parts of the campaign world,the group might work with civil authorities torehabilitate criminals or train street urchins tolead productive lives. Though many dismissthem as eccentric idealists, the Brotherhoodfrequently gets results, which is why charactersof many different backgrounds could conceiv-ably join their ranks. Though elven in origin,




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ERONE:TheFightingClassesthe group is extraordinarily open-minded and

tolerant, believing that Muutlainjen represent-ed a model of a realm in which many racesmight live and work side by side. This mindsetprovides many opportunities for adventure aswell, with the Brotherhood striving to over-come prejudice and suspicion in the face ofevil. Similarly, the goal of rebuildingMuutlainjen could take several forms, up toand including an epic quest to retake its formersubterranean territories and find the heir to itslost throne.

Naturally, the Brotherhood’s war against the drow

is another important element of the group andmakes it easy to include in any campaign wherethese dark elves feature prominently as villains.Indeed, the organization could well serve as aconduit for information about the drow, a racethat is mysterious to many on the surface world.This shadow war between the two groups alsogives the DM an excellent way to introduce theBrotherhood into a campaign. The drow fre-quently attack holdings of the Brotherhood,which may seem odd to characters unaware of thesociety’s origins and ultimate goals.

If the characters become deeply involved withthe Brotherhood of the Cloak, the DM shouldbe aware that this organization has the potentialto dominate his campaign. That is not neces-sarily a bad thing, since the Brotherhood hasseveral different aspects and many of its spe-cific details can be easily changed.Nevertheless, the group’s devotion to a numberof causes, large and small, makes its inclusionsomething to consider seriously. If the DM isunwilling or unable to introduce any of the

society’s elements into his campaign, he might bewise to avoid including it at all. On the otherhand, the Brotherhood offers a lot in the way ofdirection and focus, giving the DM a way toframe a series of adventures or even an entirecampaign that is both meaningful and enjoyable.If the DM is looking for a well-intentioned secretsociety to fight against perfidious evil, theBrotherhood of the Cloak provides that and more.

Champion of the ShiningLight

Champions of the shining light are the chosenfighters of their order, an order dedicated to thestudy and destruction of the undead. While notallied with any particular god, and sometimesfinding themselves at odds with paladins andclerics of other faiths, these monks have uncov-ered many divine secrets by turning their med-itations inward. They have been known tochannel positive energy from within them-selves to defeat their ghastly opponents, whileat the same time healing the grievous woundscaused by the beasts’ foul talons and fangs.

The champions are a wandering group, havingbeen trained and then sent out with the missionto seek and destroy all that walks the earth bythe power of negative energy. They can senseundeath in the air, even when the stealthiestservants of night use tricks and deception tohide their true form. The appearance of a cham-pion of the shining light is both a blessing anda curse for a community; it means the com-munity now has a defender, but it alsomeans it must have a foe.


Champion of the Shining LightBase Unarmed Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Attack Save Save Save Special1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 Channeling attack +1d6, detect undead2 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 Champion’s aura 1/day

3 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Undead sense4 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Champion’s aura 2/per day5 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Channeling attack +2d6, hands of power +16 +4 +4/+1 +5 +5 +5 Champion’s aura 3/per day7 +5 +5/+2 +5 +5 +5 Soul of energy8 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Improved champion’s aura9 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Hands of power +210 +7 +7/+4/+1 +7 +7 +7 Channeling attack +3d6, touch of the shining light

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Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a champion of the shin-ing light, a character must fulfill the followingcriteria.

Skills: Knowledge (undead) 3 ranks.Feats: Deflect Arrows, Great Fortitude,Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.Special: Must be chosen by the elders of themonastery to go out into the world as a cham-pion of the shining light.

Class Skills

The champion of the shining light’s class skills(and the key ability for each skill) are Balance(Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft(Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex),

Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana)(Int), Knowledge (undead) (Int), Listen (Wis),Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha),Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble(Dex).

Skill Points at each level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the champi-on of the shining light prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Championsof the shining light are proficient with basicpeasant weapons and special weapons. This list

includes club, crossbow (light or heavy), dag-ger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarter-staff, shuriken, siangham, and sling.Champions of the shining light do not weararmor.

Monk Abilities: Beginning at 1st level, theguardian of the way advances the unarmeddamage, AC bonus, and unarmored speedmonk abilities as if she had gained a level inmonk. In effect, her monk levels and guardianof the way levels stack when determining thesethree abilities.

Channeling Attack: At 1st level, the champi-on of the shining light learns a technique thatallows her to channel her positive ki intoattacks against the undead. By burning one ofher stunning attacks for the day, the champion




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can add +1d6 points of damage to her unarmedstrikes for one round. This ability increases to+2d6 points of energy damage at 5th level andincreases again to +3d6 points at 10th level.

Detect Undead(Sp): At 1st level, the champi-on of the shining light may detect undead atwill, as the spell.

Champion’s Aura: Upon reaching 2nd level,the champion of the shining light begins toradiate an aura of positive energy. Once perday, the champion of the shining light maychannel her aura outward, confusing and hob-bling undead in the area. This aura functionsexactly like the cleric spell consecrate. At 4thlevel the champion of the shining light may usethis ability two times per day, and three timesper day at 6th level. At 8th level, the championacts as a divine focus for this ability, doublingits effects as noted in the consecrate spelldescription.

Undead Sense: At 4th level, the champion ofthe shining light’s ability to detect undeadbecomes more powerful. The range of thedetection ability is doubled to 120 feet and shemay know within the first round of concentra-tion all of the information that would normallytake her three rounds of concentration to dis-cern by using the spell.

Hands of Power: At 5th level, a champion of

the shining light’s unarmed attack is empow-ered with positive energy. The unarmed strikefrom such an attack can deal damage to a crea-ture with damage reduction as if the attackwere made by a weapon with a +1 enhance-ment bonus. At 9th-level, this bonus increasesto +2.

Soul of Energy: The positive energy that flowsthrough the champion of the shining lightmakes her more resistant to the life-drainingtouch of undead. At 7th level, the champion ofthe shining light gains the power to counteract

the level and ability draining abilities ofundead. This ability functions exactly as thenegative energy protection spell, granting alevel check (1d20 + champion of the shininglight level) against a DC equal to 11 + theattacking creature’s hit dice to resist the drain.

Touch of the Shining Light: At 10th level, thehands of the champion of the shining light arecharged with a steady flow of positive energy,

treating them as disruption weapons. With anysuccessful unarmed attack against undead, thecreature struck must make a successfulFortitude save (DC 14) or be destroyed.


The Champions of LightPurpose

The Champions exist to serve the god of lightby battling against those who dwell in dark-ness, particularly undead, whose very existenceis anathema to their divine master.


Maren Havor (LG human female Mnk10/Col9)

Current ActivitiesThere are tales that say that at the beginning oftime when the gods created the universe as itcurrently exists, the god of light earned theenmity of the god of death, for wherever lightfell, death could not easily go. And so it wasthat the Temple of Light has always been a ded-icated enemy of the god of death and his great-est servants – the undead. For untold genera-tions, the Temple has sought to bring light tothe dark corners of the world, flushing out theminions of evil and death that used darkness to

cloak their nefarious deeds.

Unsurprisingly, the god of death fought back.He created ever more powerful undead ser-vants, each one more fiendish than the last. Hetook special pleasure in finding ways to over-come the Temple of Light’s greatest members,and from their fallen ranks he brought forthtwisted abominations with which he mockedand demoralized his foes. The god of light’sservants might be strong, but they were notnumerous. Each victory they won cost themdearly, while the legions of the dead grewgreater with each passing day. It was only amatter of time before the god of death wouldhave the final say and his dominion over theworld would be complete.

Fortunately for the forces of good, the god oflight heard the cries of his servants and acted.He endowed his greatest servants with spe-cial powers and abilities with which tofight against the god of death. These new


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Champions of Light would be his specialagents. They were suffused with a fragment ofhis power and took with them rays of his owndivine light, by which they could defeat theundead forever. Moreover, these Championswere protected against the worst of theundead’s powers and could better withstand theworst the god of death threw at them. Though

they could never defeat death permanently, theChampions could at least limit its dominionand confine it again to the darkest corners ofcreation.

To this day, the Champions of Light are at theforefront of the battle against the undead. Mostmembers of the order are monastic asceticsdevoted to the god of light who have dedicateda good portion of their lives to the developmentof their spiritual and martial abilities. Othersare warriors that have served as temple guardsand thus have faced the minions of the god ofdeath on numerous occasions. All are speciallychosen by the elders of the Temple, after hav-ing received a vision from the god of lightenjoining the elders to confer their blessingsupon them. The Champions are thus a vocation,a calling that comes from an external source.One cannot seek to be a Champion of one’sown accord; one is simply recognized as suchby the Temple.

Champions operate in small groups, rangingfrom one to four in size, and rove about the

world to do battle with the undead and otherminions of the god of death. More rarely, theyare given special missions by the Temple ofLight. Most often, though, they follow theirown inner voice, which some believe to be thevoice of the god of light himself. Consequently,they have acquired a reputation as wanderingdo-gooders who will often appear out ofnowhere to fight against the undead. That rep-utation is somewhat exaggerated, since theChampions do possess a loose chain of com-mand, with their Grand Master providing guid-ance and assistance in times of trouble. Even

so, the Champions of Light follow their ownpath, one set out for them by their god untoldmillennia ago, when he first raised them up todo battle with death itself.

Campaign Integration

The Champions of Light make perfect addi-tions to any campaign in which the undeadplay a major role as adversaries. As allies,

their abilities are almost without equal in

this area. Adventurers would be wise to accepttheir assistance (or seek it out) when fightingagainst the forces of death. Their roving andindividualistic nature make them excellentchoices for player characters as well. Indeed,very satisfying campaigns could be builtaround the characters working as agents for theTemple of Light and fighting against the god of

death and his undead minions.

At the same time, the Champions’ abilities arevery narrowly focused. If the undead do notplay a major role in the campaign, they serverelatively little purpose and a player whochooses this group may find himself withoutmuch reason to exist. Similarly, their ability tofight undead is quite formidable. If the DMwishes to keep undead creatures as frighteningor mysterious foes, he might not wish to use theChampions in his game. Whereas most charac-ters rightly fear the undead, Champions of theLight see them as little different than any otherenemy (except in their zeal to destroy them).Their abilities make the undead much less dan-gerous and thus much less likely to provoke theterror that many DMs seek to instill in theirplayers.

Dragon WarriorThe draconic races have been mixing theirblood with that of lesser races for ages beyondcounting. It’s said that almost any thinking race

has at least a trickle of draconic blood in it, forthe ability to tear forth magic from the universeand shape it at will has been found in nearlyevery species — sometimes as rarely as once ina millennia, but it has almost always beenfound. For as long as there have been thosewho use their tainted blood to wield arcanemight, there have been those who foresworethat path, and chose another. Only recently,however, have the dragons taken notice ofthese prodigal children and turned them intopieces in their game.

The first dragon warrior was Aedel Morivan,and the blood of the red dragons was in hisheart, though he did not know it for most of hislife. He was a man of fury, and chaos, andpower, and it is said that even when he had notfought in days, blood would pool where his feetleft marks upon the earth. One day, standing ina smoking slurry of ash, blood, and boneswhich had once been a town, an old manapproached him. Aedel turned to cut him down,




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but something held him back. He lowered hisblade and watched.

For an hour-long minute, the two simply stud-ied each other. Then the old man spoke. “Youare great, but you could be greater...far greater.

You shall be far more than any of my otherchildren.” Then there was a roar of sound andflame, and both Aedel and the man vanished.

A year later, Aedel returned. His naked skinturned back blades and his breath turned woodto ash, and when wizards tried to take himdown, he caught their spells and hurled themback, laughing at the astonishment that wasseared into their faces as they died. For anoth-er year, he rampaged without any purpose butto destroy, and then, at the same place where hehad met his father, another warrior came to

challenge him.

“I am Edallin, and I am of the gold,” said thechallenger as both charged into battle. Neithersurvived that fight, but the opening moves in acenturies-long game had been made. All thatremained was for all the players to choose theirpieces.

Hit Die: d12.


To become a dragon warrior, a character mustfulfill the following requirements.

Base Attack Bonus: +4.

Alignment: Chaotic good or chaotic evil.Feats: Power Attack, Toughness.Special: Ability to rage. Ability to cast arcanespells spontaneously. Must be recruited by adragon.

Class Skills

The dragon warrior’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Climb (Str),Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Intimidate(Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the dragonwarrior prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragonwarriors are proficient with all simple andmartial weapons, all armor, and shields.


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Drakekin: The dragon warrior is considered tobe both a dragon and his base creature type(usually humanoid) for all purposes.

Patron: When a dragon warrior is recruited, hegains a patron—a dragon that is a distant rela-tive of the character. The type of dragon is veryimportant, and should be decided on by theplayer and DM before this class is chosen.(Alternatively, a player may express interest inthis class, and have the DM surprise him withwhat type of dragonblood flows in his veins.)The patron will rarely, if ever, interfere direct-ly in the life of the warrior; the dragon warrior

serves the dragon, not vice-versa! Still, a par-ticularly loyal and skilled warrior might makea small request for aid, or might receive a spon-taneous gift of a minor magic item or the like.Other agents of the same dragon might be will-ing to help him. Once the training is complete,a dragon warrior may continue to advance inthis class even if his patron is dead. Indeed,there are three cases on record of a dragon war-rior slaying his own patron.

Rage Ability: Beginning at 1st level, the drag-on warrior advances his rage abilities as if he

had gained a level in barbarian. In effect, hisbarbarian levels and dragon warrior levelsstack when determining these abilities.

Wyrmtongue: At 2nd level, the dragon warriorlearns to speak Draconic.

Slashing Rage: Starting at 3rd level, the char-acter’s hands become claws and his teethbecome fangs when he rages. These are nowconsidered natural weapons, his claws

attacking at his highest base attack bonus andhis bite at his second highest. The damage dealtdepends on the dragon warrior’s size, as shownon the following chart.

Size Claw BiteSmall 1d3 1d4Medium-size 1d4 1d6Large 1d6 1d8

Drakefoe: Against dragons (or dragon war-riors) of the opposite alignment (on thegood/evil axis) of their patron, dragon warriorsgain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

This increases to +2 at 6th level and +3 at 9thlevel.

Elemental Resistance: At 4th level, the drag-on warrior gains elemental resistance 15 versusthe element of his patron (fire for red, electric-ity for blue, and so on).

Spellrage: Beginning at 5th level, the dragonwarrior gains the ability to extend his rage bysacrificing stored arcane energy. As a freeaction, the dragon warrior may sacrifice one ormore spell slots to extend his rage for a number

of rounds equal to the total number of spell lev-els sacrificed.

Armored Rage: Beginning at 7th level, thedragon warrior gains damage reduction 2/–when raging.

Burning Rage*: Starting at 8th level, the drag-on warrior gains a breath weapon when raging.This weapon can be used once per rage, deals1d8 points of damage per point of Constitution




Dragon WarriorBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Drakekin, patron, rage ability2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Slashing rage, wyrmtongue

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Drakefoe +14 +4 +4 +1 +1 Elemental resistance5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Spellrage6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Drakefoe +27 +7 +5 +2 +2 Armored rage8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Burning rage9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Drakefoe +310 +10 +7 +3 +3 Winged rage

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modifier, and has additional characteristicsbased on the chart below.

*This ability is renamed according to the drag-on type—Freezing Rage, Caustic Rage,Shocking Rage, and so on.

Color Breath Weapon DC

Black Line* of acid 17Blue Line of lightning 18Green Cone** of acidic gas 17Red Cone of fire 19White Cone of cold 16Brass Line of fire 17Bronze Line of lightning 18Copper Line of acid 17Gold Cone of fire 20Silver Cone of cold 18

*A line is always 5 ft. high, 5 ft. wide, and 60ft. long.**A cone is always 30 ft. long.

Winged Rage: When raging, the dragon war-rior grows wings (the dragon warrior musthave his armor customized, costing 300 gp,otherwise this ability deals him 2d6 points ofdamage each time it is activated). These wingsallow the character to fly at his normal move-ment speed with average maneuverability.

Ex-Dragon Warriors: Should a dragon war-rior ever become lawful, he can no longer rage,

and loses all rage-related abilities. Lawful char-acters may not gain levels as a dragon warrior,even if their patron dragon is lawful—a dragonwarrior embodies the raw fury that is in thesecret heart of even the most benign and disci-plined of dragons.


Brood of Verthaxis

PurposeThe Brood exists only to serve the whimsicaland self-serving interests of its patron, the redwyrm Verthaxis, whatever they may be.


Arrixaka (CE human female Bar9/Sor2/ Drw9)

Current Activities

For reasons few can guess, dragons havealways taken an interest in humanoid species,particularly humans. This interest takes manyforms, including the desire to sire childrenupon humanoids. These children show themarks of their draconic ancestor to varying

degrees, but the ability to cast spontaneousmagic is one of the surest signs. Denigrated bymany wizards as freaks, the descendants ofdragons are rare and misunderstood – and oftenfeared. It is this fear that the powerful red drag-on Verthaxis wished to harness when he orga-nized his Brood.

The Brood of Verthaxis is a small but danger-ous cult totally dedicated to the wishes ofVerthaxis, one of the most destructively eviland immensely self-absorbed dragons in livingmemory. Verthaxis understood, as all dragonsdo, that humanoids descended from him pos-sessed powers and abilities beyond those oftheir fellows. Yet, Verthaxis was one of the firstto recognize that those powers could be har-nessed toward ends other than simple spellcasting. Indeed, he believed he had found themeans to encourage his “children” to developfurther along the path of dragon-kind than wasconsidered possible – all the while serving hisevil ends.

Verthaxis gathered together the strongest and

most powerful of his descendants and revealedhimself to them. He inculcated them in a phi-losophy of evil and showed them that strengthcame through fear and destruction. He encour-aged them to turn on each other and to show nomercy and give no quarter. He watched as hischildren slowly destroyed one another, separat-ing the wheat from the chaff until finally only afew remained. These, Verthaxis decided, werehis true children; they were his Brood. Theywere as like him as any humanoid could be andhe would teach them so much more, so thatthey too might become creatures of unremitting

destruction and thoroughgoing evil.

The plan of Verthaxis worked all too well. Inshort order, his surviving children began toshow their draconic heritage even more strong-ly. Bit by bit, they began to exhibit further pow-ers and abilities to distinguish themselves fromordinary mortals. The more they servedVerthaxis, the more they performedaccording to his will, the stronger theybecame. It was as if they could transcend


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their humanoid forms by behaving more likethe bestial creature that was their sire.

The Brood of Verthaxis now act as the greatwyrm’s personal agents. They travel about thecountryside on missions that serve their mas-ter’s interests – whatever they happen to be at agiven time. Most often, they rain random

destruction down on anyone who dares to enterthe dragon’s domain. At other times, they seekout would-be slayers of Verthaxis and destroythem before they have the opportunity to try.The Brood also makes war upon the children ofother dragons, some of whom show character-istics similar to their own. Verthaxis seemsconvinced that he too can gain greater powerby indulging in his basest instincts. He uses theBrood to advance his own ascension toward“perfection” and would willingly sacrificethem to achieve that insane end. For now, theBrood remains his good right arm and theinstrument of his evil.

Campaign Integration

The Brood of Verthaxis is obviously a goodchoice as an enemy organization. They areruthlessly evil and show no regard for commonmorality. In fact, their sire’s mad philosophy isall about overcoming such concepts andbecoming perfect as a result. Consequently,they could easily serve as particularly vile andpowerful villains for a series of adventures.

More interestingly, the Brood might be used asa good way to involve the characters in the pol-itics of dragon-kind. Verthaxis hates all otherdragons, including other evil dragons, who heviews as impediments to his eventual ascensionto a higher form. Because dragons are extreme-ly powerful creatures, many DMs shy awayfrom using them as villains until charactersbecome very high level. The Brood gives theDM the chance to use a dragon much earlier.They can serve as proxies for Verthaxis. Thus,the characters can do battle against this insane

wyrm for many adventures before actually fac-ing him directly. Likewise, their battle againsthis minions might draw the attention of otherdragons, both good and evil, to aid them intheir quest.

Another fascinating option is if one of the char-acters shows draconic heritage himself. Hemight discover to his chagrin that his dragon

ancestor is none other than Verthaxis! Thegreat wyrm is always on the lookout for

new children to add to his Brood. He mightcome seeking one of the characters, whichcould lead to a rather exciting campaign, inwhich the character must come to grips withthe evil nature of his ancestor and whether thisfact dooms him to eventual corruption as well.This latter option is admittedly melodramaticand introspective, but the rewards for straying

beyond more traditional battles against evil canbe rich indeed.

Blade of the EmperorIn any kingdom or empire of any size, there isoften more going on than the official forces ofgovernment can handle. Empires grow topheavy and sluggish; the simplest decisions takemonths to enact. A thousand tiny internal prob-lems, none dangerous in isolation, combine torot even the greatest state from within.

Thus, in those empires that survive, a particulartype of solution evolves. Individuals of greatpower and loyalty are recruited to solve prob-lems at their source, to be the hands and eyesand voice of the Emperor.

And, sometimes, to be his sword.

Hit Die: d10.


To become a blade of the emperor, a charactermust fulfill the following criteria.

Alignment: Any lawful. Despite the fact thatthe blades were formed to act outside of theestablished order, everything they do is in sup-port of it, and their authority comes from thesource of all authority, the emperor himself.Lawful good blades believe the empire is asource of security and prosperity, lawful neu-tral blades care for order above all, and lawfulevil blades relish the power and position theempire provides for them.

Base Attack Bonus: +6.Skills: Gather Information 8 ranks, Spot 8ranks.Feats: Alertness, Iron Will.

Class Skills

The blade of the emperor’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha),Disguise (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Climb (Str),Craft (Int), Forgery (Dex), Gather Information




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(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride(Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the blade of

the emperor prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Blades ofthe emperor are proficient will all simple andmartial weapons and all types of armor andshields.

Imperial Charter: This is the basis of thepower of a blade of the emperor. By revealingthe symbol of membership to anyone sworn toobey imperial law, the blade can request aid,supplies, or information. This is not a charmspell, however, and while the power of a blade

is theoretically unlimited, the reality is thatmany people will find ways to put their owninterests first. The Imperial Charter allows theblade to add twice his class level to any Bluff,Diplomacy, or Gather Information checksmade when acting “in the service of theEmpire” and when he is dealing with someonewho generally obeys Imperial Law. Regardless

of the outcome, any requests that he makes willbe reported (for compensation, in many cases)and blades who abuse this power may findthemselves outcast or dead.

Defend The Empire: When in combat against“enemies of the Empire,” the Blade is con-sumed with fury, granting him a +1 bonus to

attack rolls, damage rolls, and AC. This bonusincreases as the blade rises in level.

Cover Identity: A blade of the emperor oftenhas to establish himself in a location in order toroot out traitors. A cover identity creates a com-plete disguise, with full documentation issuedby the appropriate authorities. These docu-ments are not forgeries, they are authenticimperial issue—only the name on them is false.Detecting this requires a successful GatherInformation (DC 30) check.

Bonus Feat: The blade may choose any of thefighter’s bonus feats.

Assistance: After reaching 5th level, the bladeof the emperor can order almost any loyal citi-zen of the Empire to work with him, providedthe citizen is of a lower level than the blade.For all purposes, the citizen is treated as a


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cohort of the blade, but will only serve for oneweek per point of the blade’s Charisma modifi-er. This assistant is not a charmed slave, butsomeone working for the good of the Empireand obeying the law, and he will act according-ly—he will not go marching into a dragon’smouth, murder close friends, or commit othersuch acts. Any expenses incurred while actingat the behest of a blade are expected to be reim-bursed, and, if the assistant is killed, the familymust be compensated appropriately. Such com-pensation usually comes from the pocket of theblade himself, as a reminder that the lives ofthe citizens of the Empire are not to be thrown

away lightly.

Loyalty Beyond Death: When in battleagainst an enemy of the Empire, if the bladefalls to 0 hit points, he does not go uncon-scious, but continues fighting. He may keepfighting until he has reached –10 hit points, atwhich point, he does indeed die. If the bladeconquers his enemies, he immediately fallsunconscious and begins dying as presented inthe core rules (PHB 129).

Organization:The Twenty Shards ofGlory


The Twenty Shards are the emperor’s specialagents, each of whom has sworn to under-take and complete whatever mission he has

been given, whatever the risks to himself.


Valjor Dhorja (LN human male Ftr9/EmB10)

Current Activities

Legend has it that during the last imperial civilwar, rebel forces besieged the emperor’s palaceand it appeared as if all hope was lost. Whilelooking out on the destruction wrought by hisenemies, the emperor saw that an ancient vase,an heirloom of his family for untold genera-tions, had been shattered. He turned to one of

his advisors and asked, “If a vase such as thiscan scarcely be repaired, how much moreunlikely is an empire?” At these words, twentyof his bodyguards stepped forward and eachpicked up a piece of the shattered vase andsaid, “You have only to ask and we shall try.”At great cost to themselves, the bodyguardsspirited him out of his palace to a safe location,where he planned the defeat of the rebellionand the restoration of the empire. From then on,the emperor relied heavily on his TwentyShards of Glory, as he called them, to solveproblems that prove intractable. Every emperor

since has upheld this tradition.

The Twenty Shards of Glory are an elite teamof men and women who have sworn their livesto the emperor. They are selected from amonghis regular forces on the basis of their skill atarms and loyalty to the imperial throne. Onceselected, their old lives are over. They are takenfrom their families and friends to live in theimperial palace. Their relatives are compensat-




Blade of the EmperorBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Imperial charter, defend the empire +12 +2 +3 +0 +0 Cover identity

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Bonus feat4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Defend the empire +25 +5 +4 +1 +1 Assistance6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Bonus feat7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Defend the empire +38 +8 +6 +2 +2 Loyalty beyond death9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Bonus feat10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Defend the empire +4

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ed for this loss in gold and prestige, but theShards are never again allowed to see them.While at the palace, they are instructed in allmanner of skills, from swordplay to subterfuge.They are also initiated into a quasi-religious cultthat reveres the emperor as the chosen of thegods and their agent on the Material Plane. Theend result of this intensive regimen is a warrior

without peer, an exemplar of devotion, and themost feared agents the emperor possesses.

The Shards undertake a variety of missions, butthey are all difficult or otherwise unusual. Theyare missions that defy the simple application offorce and require clever thinking or a uniqueperspective. They are also frequently missionswhose outcome might well demand the deathof one or more members of the Shards whoundertake them. Skilled as they are, the deathtoll among the Twenty Shards of Glory is phe-nomenally high. Few of their missions are sui-cide missions as such, but a great many are sodangerous that only the luckiest of souls couldescape with his life. The Shards accept this astheir duty to their emperor. After all, of theoriginal Twenty Shards, fully half of them diedwhile aiding the emperor to escape his palaceduring the civil war.

Shard missions also frequently skirt the edgesof acceptable morality. Though most emperorshave the best of intentions and seek to avoiddoing evil directly, many have recognized that

too narrow an interpretation of ethical behavioris a serious impediment to the security of theempire. Consequently, the Shards occasionallyengage in assassination and sabotage againstenemies, as well as other equally dubious activ-ities. It is not surprising, then, that some of theShards drift over into evil alignments in shortorder, since the tension between their vows andthe reality of ends justifying the means is toogreat for most to escape unscathed. If there is athreat to the future of the Twenty Shards ofGlory, it is an internal one, as more and more ofthe group becomes corrupted in the course of

their duties. In time, this may prove a graverdanger than anything posed by enemies of theempire.

Campaign Integration

The Twenty Shards of Glory can be used in avariety of ways. The most straightforward is topresent them as loyal agents of the emperor,doing his bidding in the never-ending battleagainst the empire’s foes. In this role, they can

function as “the cavalry” that saves the charac-ters when the going gets tough. The nature oftheir organization makes it unlikely that theywould cooperate with the characters in anyother fashion, except under extraordinary cir-c*mstances. Admittedly, many campaigns reg-

ularly feature such circ*mstances, but the DMshould be careful to avoid overusing the Shardsfor fear that they will lose their special status inshort order.

If the characters want to work with the Shards,the DM will either need to re-imagine them asa less secretive or elite organization.Alternately, the characters could all becomemembers of the group. In such a situation, thecampaign would quickly become a fantasy ver-sion of a techno-thriller movie, with the Shardscast in the role of a special operations team.

This nicely provides a rationale for why thecharacters work together and why they do allthe crazy things adventurers regularly do. Onthe other hand, it could prove limiting to DMsand players who prefer a more freewheelingapproach to the game.

The Shards could just as easily be used asadversaries. After all, player charactersfrequently engage in antisocial behaviorthat might well threaten the stability of


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the empire. In such a situation, the Shardswould be a logical choice to defeat the charac-ters. This would be especially true if an evilemperor currently occupies the throne and thecharacters are dedicated to defeating him.Another option is for the Shards to have beenwholly corrupted and now they run the empirefrom behind the scenes, with the emperor as

their puppet. In a case like this, the characterswould need to defeat the Twenty Shards ofGlory in order to restore the emperor to hisrightful place and bring order to the empire.This kind of campaign takes on a conspiratori-al flavor, which might be a nice change of pacefor many players and GMs, provided they likea little subterfuge and paranoia mixed in withtheir swordplay.

Frontier Marshal

In the lawless outlands of a kingdom’s frontieror the most remote settlements of a forest king-dom, lawlessness and chaos often reignsupreme. Often the kingdom or country inwhich these outlying areas exist forgets aboutthem, not having the time or resources todevote to keeping the peace for such smallcommunities. Some stout men and women,devoted plainly to the cause of justice, make ittheir self-imposed mission to establish justicein such wild frontiers. Thus are born the fron-tier marshals.

These adventurous souls most often workalone, preferring the stealth and flexibility thatthis gives them. In some cases they will seekout a partner, but only rarely do they work ingroups. Their devotion to local law often grantsthem titles such as warden or sheriff, but moreoften than not such titles are bestowed by thepeople of the frontier marshal’s protected arearather than the official government that so oftenignores these areas.

Hit Dice: d10.

RequirementsTo qualify to become a frontier marshal, a char-acter must fulfill all of the following require-ments.

Alignment: Lawful good or lawful neutral.Skills: Knowledge (law) 3 ranks, Ride 8 ranks,Wilderness Lore 5 ranks.

Feats: Mounted Combat, Track.

Class Skills

The frontier marshal’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Animal Empathy(Cha, exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Craft (Int),Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha),Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump

(Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge(nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot(Wis), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore(Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the frontiermarshal prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A frontiermarshal is proficient with all simple and mar-tial weapons, light armor, medium armor, andshields.

Mounted Feat: At 1st level, the frontier mar-shal gains a bonus feat pertaining to mountedcombat. The frontier marshal gains an addi-tional bonus feat at 5th level and another at10th level. These bonus feats must be drawnfrom the following list: Mounted Archery,Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, SuperiorMounted Archery*, and Trample. The frontier

marshal must still qualify for any feat he selectsby meeting all prerequisites for that feat.

*Found in this book.

Master Tracker: A frontier marshal has well-developed tracking skills when within hisassigned territory or native terrain. Beginningat 1st level, a frontier marshal gains a +5 bonusto all Wilderness Lore checks when used fortracking within his assigned territory or nativeterrain. At 4th level this bonus increases to +10,

at 7th level it increases to +15, and at 10th levelit increases to +20. The seven terrains areAquatic*, Desert, Forest, Hills, Marsh,Mountains, Plains, and Underground.

*Aquatic may not be chosen unless the frontiermarshal has some natural or magical means tobreathe water.

Summon Mount: At 2nd level, a frontier mar-shal can train an unusually intelligent and quick




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ERONE:TheFightingClassessteed to aid him in his duties as a keeper of the

peace. A frontier marshal’s summoned mount isas much a part of his life than anything else, andin many ways is an extension of the frontiermarshal himself. This mount is usually a lighthorse (for a Medium-size frontier marshal) or apony (for a Small frontier marshal).

The frontier marshal and his mount have a nat-ural affinity for one another, granting a +4bonus to all Ride checks when they are togeth-er. The mount does not suffer from the usualpenalties when entering a combat situation, andcan act normally as directed by his rider.

Usually ponies and light horses are consideredfrightened in combat and can be difficult tocontrol (PHB 138). In addition, the mountrequires only half the normal amount of food,water, and rest that an animal of its type wouldnormally require to survive.

Should a frontier marshal’s mount be killed, hecan find another with a week of searching for asuitable candidate and a payment of 250 gp.

Mount Ability: At 3rd level, a frontier mar-shal’s mount gains a new ability. The mount

gains additional abilities at 5th level, 7th level,and 9th level. The mount’s new ability may bechosen from the following list:

• Move +10 feet : This ability increases thespeed of the mount by 10 feet. This abili-ty may be taken multiple times.

• Combat Reflexes: As the core rules feat(PHB 80). The mount is adept at makingmultiple attacks against opponents incombat.

• Improved Evasion: The mount takes onlyhalf damage on a failed Reflex saveagainst an attack that allows for a Reflexsave for half damage. On a successfulsave, the mount suffers no damage.

• Tremorsense 10 ft. Radius: This abilitymay be taken multiple times, each timeincreasing the range of this ability by 10feet. This is an extraordinary ability.

• Mobility: As the core rules feat (PHB 83).The mount is skilled at avoiding attacks ofopportunity. The mount need not have theDodge feat to select this ability.

• Darkvision 30 ft.: As the core rules abili-

ty (DMG 74), with a range of 30 feet. Thisis an extraordinary ability.• Energy Resistance 10: The mount builds a

natural resistance to a particular type ofenergy (fire, cold, etc.). This ability maybe taken multiple times, but a differenttype of energy must be selected each time.This is an extraordinary ability.

• Spell Resistance 15: Over time the mounthas developed a resistance to magic. Thisextraordinary ability grants the mount SR15 as detailed in the core rules (DMG 81).This is an extraordinary ability.

Quick Response: The frontier marshal isalways prepared for the unexpected. At 3rdlevel, he gains a +2 bonus to all initiative rolls.This ability stacks with the Improved Initiativefeat and similar abilities.

Respected Lawman: At 6th level, the fron-tier marshal has earned a reputation as akeeper of the peace and may reap thebenefits as such. This ability grants the


Frontier MarshalBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Master tracker +5, mounted feat2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Summon mount

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Mount ability, quick senses4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Master tracker +105 +5 +4 +1 +1 Mount ability, mounted feat6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Respected lawman7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Master tracker +15, mount ability8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Judge of character 9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Mark of justice, mount ability10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Aura of justice, master tracker +20, mounted feat

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frontier marshal a +4 bonus to each of the fol-lowing skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information,and Intimidate. This ability may only be usedin situations where the frontier marshal or hisreputation is known and respected, or at leastacknowledged.

Judge of Character: Over time, the frontiermarshal gains an increased ability to judge thecharacter or sincerity of an individual. At 8thlevel, a frontier marshal gains a +10 bonus toSense Motive skill checks.

Mark of Justice: Acting on behalf of the wayof justice, a frontier marshal may occasionallybe called upon to deliver the sentence of a con-victed criminal. At 9th level, a frontier marshalcan use mark of justice (PHB 226) once perweek as a cleric equal to the frontier marshal’s

character level. This is a spell-like ability.

Aura of Justice: When a frontier marshalreaches 10th level, his very presence causesfear and panic in chaotic creatures and law-breakers (anyone who has broken a local lawwithin the past week). Any chaotic creaturewithin 20 feet of the frontier marshal must

make a Will save (DC 15 + frontier marshal’sCharisma modifier) or become panicked

(DMG 85). The frontier marshal can activateand deactivate this ability as a free action, oth-erwise it is always considered active.


The Order of Jurats


Sometimes a kingdom expands its territoriesfaster than its ability to govern them effective-ly. The Order of Jurats exists to fill that void,bringing justice and peace to regions that haveneither.


Vadim Kostash (LG human male Rgr8/Frm9)

Current Activities

For good or for ill, war is a constant companionof civilization. Few nations or realms haveavoided its scourge, especially when faced withthe threat posed by evil humanoid races such asorcs, hobgoblins, and others even more foul.Many a kingdom has won the battle against itsenemies and found itself suddenly in posses-




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sion of their lands. While some decide not tooccupy these territories permanently, othersfeel that doing so is the only sensible bulwarkagainst future incursions. In almost every case,doing so taxes their resources to the limit. Itmay be months or even years after the first set-tlers arrive before anything more than a tokenforce is sent by the king to maintain order.

This chaotic environment provides rich oppor-tunities for exploitation and injustice. TheOrder of Jurats arose to combat these veryevils. Sometimes called “frontier marshals,”the Jurats are a band of fair-minded men andwomen whose primary purposes are the main-tenance of order and the equitable dispensingof justice in otherwise lawless lands. The firstmembers of the order were inspired by the pre-cepts of the god of justice, particularly that“justice recognizes no borders.” Over time,though, the connection to that deity’s churchgrew less strong and now the organization hasno formal connection to it, although manyJurats are imbued with its teachings.

The order has an extremely elevated view ofjustice and peace, one that transcends the lawsof any particular nation or kingdom. Althoughnot opposed to particular laws or regulations,Jurats respect them only to the extent that theyreflect their own notions of right and wrong.Nevertheless, there is some disagreement with-in the order between those who seek goodness

as well as law and those for whom the law iseverything. Even so, there is sufficiently broadagreement on general principles that Juratsrarely come to blows with one another. Instead,their disputes are philosophical, and mirrorthose that typically occur between adherents ofthe lawful good and lawful neutral alignments.

Because of their belief in transcendent justice,the order sometimes has a rocky, if not antago-nistic, relationship with the powers that be. Inareas under the nominal control of goodrealms, Jurats are typically welcomed as agents

of justice and peace. However, in neutral orevil lands they are viewed as interlopers andoften hunted as enemies of the state.Consequently, these resourceful individualsbecome figures of popular acclaim, fightingagainst injustice in areas that otherwise wouldhave no such defenders.

The vocation of the Jurat is not an easy one.Becoming a member of the band requires both

a devotion to the ideals of transcendent justiceand the skills needed to survive while constant-ly on the move. Jurats are renowned horsem*nand their remarkable mounts are magical beaststhat some say are an enduring gift of the god ofjustice they once served. Whatever the truth,the Order of Jurats is a bastion of hope in war-torn and anarchic lands. Whether working with

or against local authorities, they are proof thatsome men and women are willing to hold fastto their ideals, despite the personal costs thatthese principles invariably bring.

Campaign Integration

The Order of Jurats can be used in two prima-ry ways in a campaign. The most straightfor-ward is to have them work with the representa-tives of a good nation as it attempts to tame anew land. In this respect, the Jurats live up totheir nickname; they literally are frontier mar-

shals, serving up justice where there might oth-erwise be none. Under these circ*mstances,they are perfect patrons or allies to good-aligned player characters who work toward thesame goal. If the characters are actually mem-bers of the order, it makes a wonderful basis fora long-term campaign to establish, maintain,and protect a far-flung outpost of a nation orkingdom. The characters can take pride inplanting the seeds of peace and order andwatching them grow under their care.

Of course, the order is known to operate evenin neutral or evil lands. Their function is muchthe same, to establish peace and justice, buthere they do it without the cooperation of theauthorities. In fact, the Jurats are singled out asenemies of the state and hunted down.Campaigns based around this concept willacquire a Robin Hood-like quality, with theJurats being fugitives from a perversion of thetrue justice they seek to establish. This makesfor an exciting guerrilla war-style game, one inwhich rebellion and insurrection are the toolsto establish justice for all. In campaigns like

this, the Jurats’ survival abilities and quickmovement become more valuable than ever.

It is also possible that the order could be usedas antagonists to the player characters. Mostobviously, evil characters would have much tofear from the order. Yet, that is not the only wayto use Jurats in this fashion. Clashes within theorder between the lawful good and lawfulneutral branches of the organizationcould finally boil over into physical vio-


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lence, drawing the characters into the middle.Alternately, the extreme law and order stanceof the lawful neutral Jurats might cause prob-lems by failing to temper its version of justicewith mercy. Adventures that revolve aroundsuch conflicts would necessarily have a morephilosophical tone to them and thus might notbe suitable for all characters. If, however, the

characters are inclined to dive into ethical andmoral conundrums, the Order of Jurats mightwell give the DM a fascinating new way offraming such issues.

Guardian of the WayEventually, a monk’s skills surpass those ofother monks in his monastery. Once this hap-pens, the monk is asked to become the guardianof the way. The monk must act as themonastery’s ambassador, cultivating friend-

ships with important patrons and increasing thefame of his monastery by acts of heroism.Occasionally, the guardian of the way will beasked to take along a new monk and train her inthe art while adventuring.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify as a guardian of the way, the charac-ter must meet the following requirements.

Skills: Craft (calligraphy) 5 ranks, Diplomacy8 ranks.Feats: Deflect Arrows, Improved UnarmedStrike, Lightning Reflexes, Stunning Fist.

Class Skills

The guardian of the way’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex),Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide(Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Swim(Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the guardianof the way prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Aguardian of the way is not proficient withany armor or shields, and is proficient with

the same weapons as a monk (club, crossbow(light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin,kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, shuriken, siang-ham, and sling). Guardians of the way cannotuse their special abilities, unarmed attacks,unarmed damage, AC bonus, or unarmoredspeed while wearing armor heavier than leatherarmor.

Monk Abilities: Beginning at 1st level, theguardian of the way advances the unarmeddamage, AC bonus, and unarmored speedmonk abilities as if she had gained a level inmonk. In effect, her monk levels and guardianof the way levels stack when determining thesethree abilities.

Defensive Spin: As a full round action, theguardian of the way can give himself the equiv-alent of nine-tenths concealment (granting a40% miss chance to any attacks aimed againsthim) until his next action by focusing in on hisattacker’s blows and deftly avoiding them.

Guarded Thoughts: At 2nd level, the guardianof the way gains a +4 bonus to saving throwsagainst spells that read her thoughts or detectmistruths. If such a spell does not grant a sav-ing throw, the guardian of the way gains one,although without the +4 bonus. Spells affectedby this ability include: detect thoughts, discernlies, andzone of truth.

Ki Strike: Starting at 2nd level, a guardian ofthe way’s unarmed attack is empowered withki. The unarmed strike damage from such anattack can deal damage to a creature with dam-age reduction as if the blow were made with aweapon with a +1 enhancement bonus. Kistrike is a supernatural ability.

Pain Touch: At 3rd level, the guardian of theway can inflict great pain with a simple touch.This is a melee touch attack that uses up one ofthe guardian of the way’s stunning attacks forthe day. The victim must make a Fortitude save

with a DC equal to that of the character’s stun-ning attack or suffer two points of temporaryDexterity damage and a –4 penalty to attackrolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Thesepenalties last for 1 round per class level.

Aura of Friendship: At 4th level, the guardianof the way can emit an aura of goodwill thataffects those in his immediate area. This abilityis usable once per day and acts in all ways as an




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ERONE:TheFightingClassesemotion (friendship) spell cast by a 9th-level


Levitation: When the guardian of the wayreaches 5th level, he gains the ability to levitatethree times per day. Treat this ability as thespell cast by a 10th-level sorcerer, except thecharacter may only affect himself with thespell.

Luck of the Rabbit: At 8th level, the guardianof the way can add his class level to any rollafter seeing the results of that roll. This abilitymodifies the total, not the die result, so it may

not be used to achieve a critical threat, althoughit could be used to confirm a critical. The char-acter can only use this ability once per day.

Persuasive Calligraphy: At 9th level, theguardian of the way learns to invoke powerfulmagic using his calligraphy. He may draw pat-terns in the air or on paper that have incredibleeffects on those around him. This pattern actsas a symbol of persuasion cast by a 14th-levelcleric.

Organization:Guardians of the Way


The Guardians of the Way exist to be conduitsof monastic wisdom to the outside world.Whether as diplomats, teachers, or even adven-turers, the Guardians ensure that monasteries

do not become too detached from the world andthereby have no impact on it in the face ofgrowing evil.


Lambent Flame (LG human femaleMnk6/Gow10)

Current Activities

The Monastery of Harmonious Virtue is an oldand powerful order whose abbot rules overmany lesser monasteries and whose teachingsare rightfully respected by those who know

them. Unfortunately, too few outsiders knowits wisdom, for the Monastery is located in anisolated mountain range and its monks haveonly rarely ventured forth—until recently. Therise of evil in the land has not gone unnoticed,even by the abbot, a serene old man who hasstudied well the lessons of the past. He hasrealized that far too often the Monastery and itsmonks did nothing while evil men and crea-tures were allowed to wreak havoc in theworld. Past abbots have dressed up this inac-tion as “detachment” and “serenity,” but theirpresent successor knows this is a falsehood.

Failing to prevent evil is itself an evil and theabbot is unwilling to allow it to continue.

Drawing on ancient texts and his own insights,the abbot has instituted a new training regimen,one that combines diplomacy with fightingskills. His first and brightest student, LambentFlame, has in turn been tasked to teach oth-ers this regimen, hoping that its ranks willswell large enough that the abbot will


Guardian of the WayBase Unarmed Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Attack Save Save Save Special1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 Defensive spin, monk abilities2 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 Guarded thoughts, ki strike (+1)

3 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Pain touch4 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Aura of friendship 1/day5 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Levitation6 +4 +4/+1 +5 +5 +5 Ki strike (+2)7 +5 +5/+2 +5 +5 +5 Aura of friendship 2/day8 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Luck of the rabbit9 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Persuasive calligraphy10 +7 +7/+4/+1 +7 +7 +7 Ki strike (+3)

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have a veritable army of diplomat-monks at hiscommand. Calling them his Guardians of theWay (the Way being the Monastery’s teach-ings), the abbot has begun to send out thesemonks across the land, where they will seek outallies and do battle against evil. They will alsospread the wisdom of the Monastery so that itshard-won insights might be of use to even those

who have not devoted their lives to the Way.The abbot strongly believes that the Guardiansare an integral part of the wisdom theMonastery teaches, for they offer the means bywhich it can complement its meditations withactions.

Under the direction of Lambent Flame, theGuardians of the Way have become one of themore common representatives of the monasticvocation in faraway lands. They are still quiterare, but she hopes that will change in time.Many realms have never heard of monks at alland view them with a combination of awe andsuspicion. The abbot feels, as does his student,that the Guardians might serve to overcomeboth these misapprehensions and to foster aproper understanding of monastic life andbeliefs. Thus, Guardians travel the world, seek-

ing to teach the Way to any that will listen, aswell as to show how the Way impels them tofight evil. It is dearly hoped that this combina-tion will prove a powerful inducement to out-siders, at least some of whom might adopt theWay as their personal creed. Even if they donot, the Guardians of the Way will have servedtheir primary purpose: to fight the darkness that

grows with each day.

Campaign Integration

The Guardians of the Way are easily droppedinto almost any campaign setting. They providethe DM with a relatively painless way to intro-duce monks into his game, especially if theclass had hitherto been rare or non-existent.The description above presupposes a standardmedieval setting in which the Eastern ways ofthe monks will be a thing of mystery and per-haps even fear. The Guardians exist as roving

ambassadors, designed to cast away any doubtsabout their teachings and to show that monkscan be powerful allies in the war against evil.In this respect, they are tailor-made adventurehooks for DMs seeking to introduce a new ele-ment into their campaigns.




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Even if monks already exist in the campaign,the Guardians can offer a new approach tothem. The Way that they espouse is left delib-erately vague so that the DM can tailor it to hiscampaign. Broadly speaking, it is a philosophyof thought given action and wisdom givenform, in which spiritual growth is tied to phys-ical deeds. The Guardians are thus “evange-

lists” of the Way, as well as impressive fighters.Their goal is to convince others of the wisdomof the Way, believing that its adoption is a sureway to protect the world from the darkness thatsurrounds it. Characters who wish to multi-class in the monk class or become Guardiansthemselves will therefore have an easy way toframe their character’s addition of the prestigeclass—they have seen the truth of the Way.

In all likelihood, the Guardians will be allies orpatrons of the player characters. Except in anevil campaign, it is improbable that they couldbe outright villains. It is possible that theycould be used in an antagonistic fashion, espe-cially in a nation with a long-established reli-gion whose principles, though good, differfrom those of the Way. In this circ*mstance, theGuardians might meet opposition from highpriests and hierarchs, who see them as interlop-ers or even heretics. Simply because theGuardians are generally good-aligned does notmean that they will be automatically welcomedwith open arms. In this scenario, characters thatwork with or join the Guardians of the Way

may find themselves shunned by society andfriends—all because they have accepted the“alien ways” of the Guardians. Such a cam-paign could be melodramatic or philosophical,depending on the interests of the DM or theplayers. It could also serve as the starting pointfor plotlines in which the player characters tryto bridge the gap between the two points ofview in order to forge a lasting alliance againstthe minions of evil.

Ki Warrior

The ki warrior is able to perform superhumanfeats by channeling his inner power. His entireexistence is marked by focus, and he givessupreme attention to every detail of his dailylife. Even the most mundane events such aseating and lacing his boots are given the timeand care that most would reserve for a greatpiece of art or difficult problem. It is this focuson the mundane that gives the ki warrior hisstrength.

Adventuring ki warriors are rare, as most canbe found in temples searching for enlighten-ment. Typically, such ki warriors are fighters ormonks interested in the exploration of theirspiritual self through new experiences. Theydesire to see the world and find new challengesfor their minds to focus upon. Such behavior isviewed as extravagant by many ki warrior tra-

ditions, but some new masters are teaching thatthis is the only way to achieve ultimate under-standing of mind and body.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a ki warrior, a charactermust fulfill the following requirements.

Feats: Deflect Arrows, Endurance, ImprovedUnarmed Strike, Skill Focus (Concentration),

Stunning Fist.

Skills: Concentration 8 ranks.

Class Skills

The ki warrior’s class skills (and the key abili-ty for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), EscapeArtist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str),Knowledge (religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), MoveSilently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession(Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the ki war-rior prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A ki warrioris not proficient with any armor or shields, andis proficient with the same weapons as a monk(club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, han-daxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff,

shuriken, siangham, and sling). Ki warriorscannot use their special abilities, unarmedattacks, unarmed damage, AC bonus, or unar-mored speed while wearing armor heavier thanleather armor.

Monk Abilities: Beginning at 1st level, the kiwarrior advances the unarmed damage, ACbonus, and unarmored speed monk abilitiesas if she had gained a level in monk. Ineffect, her monk levels and ki warrior lev-


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els stack when determining these three abilities.

Graceful Waterfall: This ability allows the kiwarrior to land safely from up to her unarmoredspeed. The ki warrior does this by spinning hercloak around and letting the winds guide herdown safely.

Fist of Iron: At 2nd level, the ki warrior gainsthe ability to cause massive damage to inani-mate objects with her fist. As a full roundaction, the character can use one of her stun-ning attacks to break an object. This allows thecharacter to ignore the hardness of an object for

purposes of damaging it. The character dealsher normal unarmed strike damage to theobject, possibly breaking it. This ability cannotbe used on creatures. If it is accidentally usedon a creature (such as striking a mimic dis-guised as a chest or a statue that turns out to bea stone golem), it deals no damage.

Swinging Monkey: At 3rd level, the ki warriorgains the ability to swing from and hold on tovines, trees, and ropes. Provided the necessaryhandholds are present, the ki warrior can swingat ½ her normal speed, or her full speed with a

successful Climb check (DC 10 +1 per extra 5ft. of movement). If she fails this Climb check,she moves at ½ speed only. Failure by 5 ormore indicates that she has fallen from therope.

Asp Venom: At 4th level, the ki warrior canattempt to poison an opponent by forfeiting one

of her stunning fist uses for the day. On a suc-cessful hit, the victim must make Fortitudesave (DC 10 + ki warrior level) or take poi-

son damage (initial damage 1d6 Con, sec-ondary damage 1d6 Str).

Falcon Dance: At 5th level, the ki warriorgains the ability to glide with this special abili-ty. She simply jumps from a high place (at least10 feet high) and then glides, moving 100 feetper round and losing 10 feet of altitude perround. She can make 90-degree turns, losing anadditional 5 feet from her altitude when doingso.

Chameleon Eyes: At 6th level, the ki warrioris able to extend her visual sense by focusing

her internal energies. After one full round ofconcentration, the ki warrior gains several abil-ities for 10 minutes per level. First, she can seewith darkvision out to 30 ft. and she gains a +4circ*mstance bonus to all Search checks andSpot checks. In addition, the ki warrior gains360-degree sight, negating any flanking bonus-es gained by enemies.

Wholeness of Body: At 7th level, the ki war-rior gains the ability to focus her ki to heal herown wounds. She can cure up to twice her cur-rent level in hit points each day. She need not

use all her healing at once. This is a supernat-ural ability.

Hydra Kick: At 8th level, the ki warrior gainsthe ability to kick all opponents in melee rangeas a full attack action. Each kick deals normalunarmed damage and uses the ki warrior’s fullbase attack bonus.

Turtle Shell: Ki warriors reaching 9th levelgain the turtle shell ability. The character may




Ki WarriorBase Unarmed Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Attack Save Save Save Special1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 Graceful waterfall, monk abilities2 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 Fist of iron, ki strike (+1)

3 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Swinging monkey4 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Asp venom5 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Falcon dance6 +4 +4/+1 +5 +5 +5 Chameleon eyes, ki strike (+2)7 +5 +5/+2 +5 +5 +5 Wholeness of body8 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Hydra kick 9 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Turtle shell10 +7 +7/+4/+1 +7 +7 +7 Dragon touch, ki strike (+3)

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activate this ability as a free action once perday, and when she does so she gains a +5 nat-ural armor bonus for one minute per level.

Dragon Touch: At 10th level, ki warriors gainthe ability to throw a ball of energy at theiropponents. As a full round action, the ki war-rior may throw a ball of either fire or electrici-

ty at one opponent. This is resolved as a rangedtouch attack. The energy ball deals 1d6 pointsof damage per ki warrior level to the creaturestruck. This ability is usable three times perday.


The Dragon’ s BreathSchool


The School exists to perpetuate the esotericteachings of the Dragon Master and to do bat-tle against the forces that would upset the nat-ural order of the world.


Khaa-Lin (LN half-orc male Ftr6/Kiw10)

Current Activities

There are other types of magic beyond thedivine and the arcane – or so say certain reclu-sive sages. These learned people claim that allliving beings, no matter how small, possesswithin them a magical spark given to them bythe gods. This spark does more than animatetheir bodies and give thought to their minds; itunites them with their creators and, in a way,shows their similarity to them. These scholarsgo on to claim that, by learning to use one’smagical spark, a being might begin his ascenttoward something greater and along the waymanifest powers and abilities that few think

possible. This road is a long and arduous one.It is not for the weak-willed or the brash, for itrequires discipline and a willingness to learnthe unspoken wisdom that the natural worldoffers to those who will listen. Few are thosewho have learned such wisdom and passed iton to others.

The Dragon Master was one such man. Anancient ascetic, he spent his days traveling

from place to place, avoiding the contact ofother beings. He preferred to wander amongthe forests and mountains of the world, observ-ing their creatures and learning from them. Itwas through these observations that the DragonMaster began to hone his remarkable abilities.

By heeding the rhythms of nature, he becameits highest exemplar – a paragon of humanachievement in both body and soul. TheMaster’s peripatetic existence took him manyplaces and he met many individuals, some ofwhom sought him out as a teacher. He rejectedtheir entreaties, for he believed strongly thatnature’s lessons could only be learned on one’sown, not through the instruction of another. Atleast that is what he believed until he metKhaa-Lin.

Khaa-Lin was a half-orc warrior in a tribe of

bloodthirsty savages. He led a life of pillageand rapine, without any heed for mercy or wis-dom. Yet, as is often the case with such men,Khaa-Lin met with misfortune. A neighboringtribe destroyed Khaa-Lin’s people and nearlykilled him as well. The half-orc escaped intothe wilderness, fleeing for dear life – and stum-bled upon the Dragon Master’s temporaryresidence. Khaa-Lin mistook the old manfor an enemy and foolishly attempted to


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kill him. The aged monk easily bested thefighter in combat but spared his life. He sawsomething in him. He felt a connection toKhaa-Lin like he had never felt before. TheMaster could not explain it but he knew instinc-tively that he had at last met the one to whomhe could entrust nature’s secrets.

For years, the Dragon Master trained Khaa-Lin. It was a long and difficult journey, for thehalf-orc was chaotic and undisciplined, givento uncontrollable rages. Yet, he too felt astrange connection to the old man and workedhard at overcoming his baser impulses. In time,it worked and Khaa-Lin became a new person.His old persona fell away as he came to under-stand the wisdom that the Dragon Masterimparted to him. Now as serene as he was pow-erful, the half-orc was ready for his next task:to go out into the world and restore its order.

At first, Khaa-Lin did not understand why hisMaster had given him this quest. At times, he isstill unsure. He had learned that the worldteetered on the brink of great chaos, one inwhich either good or evil threatened to over-take all and send everything into ruin. Even so,such a notion is hard to comprehend and evenharder to act upon. The Dragon Master toldhim not to worry – he would know what heneeded to do when the time came. He wouldknow when to take apprentices and pass onwhat he had learned. And so Khaa-Lin wanders

the world, seeking out others who would helphim in his mighty quest to keep the world fromfalling under the sway of good or evil. It is alonely quest, but one that he is convinced mustgo on.

Campaign Integration

The Dragon’s Breath School is an unusualgroup in that it can easily be used as either anally or an enemy depending on the interests ofthe DM and the nature of the player characters.The Dragon Master taught Khaa-Lin that the

world exists in a precarious balance betweengood and evil and that this balance is the natur-al law on which everything else depends.Tipping that balance too far in either directionleads to chaos and ultimately destruction. Thus,he ordered Khaa-Lin to work against anythingthat threatens to give too much power to eithergood or evil.

In this way, the School could work on theside of good or evil. Its only real concern is

that neither becomes too powerful. In the end,its only interest is in upholding a natural lawthat the Dragon Master believed to rule overeverything. If the DM wishes, he could empha-size the oddity of this philosophy by using theSchool alternately as allies and enemies. In oneadventure they could uphold good against evil,only to have them switch sides the next adven-

ture. To them, this is as it should be, since bal-ance is everything and the petty moralities ofmortal beings stand in the way of a moreimportant universal law.

Not surprisingly, this makes the School moreeasily usable as NPCs, but they could becomethe basis for an unusual campaign in whichgood and evil are irrelevant and preventingchaos is the sole reason for adventuring. Suchan arrangement is not unheard of in fantasy,even if it is not the norm. Consequently, theDM should think carefully before allowing aplayer character to join the School. Doing sowill have a profound impact on its philosophi-cal tenor, which could derail campaigns builtaround the more traditional struggle of goodversus evil.

Order of the UnicornThe Order of the Unicorn, sometimes called theKnights of the Unicorn or the Unicorn Riders,is an “order” only in the loosest sense. Indeed,the free-riding and independent Unicorn Riders

seem to exist almost as a rebuke to paladins andtheir ilk, their existence being a bold statementthat nobility, virtue, and heroism are not alwaysbound to discipline and rules. Members of theOrder are most often found in regions wherelaw is a corrupt and oppressive force, and theyappear almost at random, to strike againsttyrants and to liberate the downtrodden.

The exact origins of the Order are unknown,but the earliest records of it date back severalcenturies. Since then, they have never appearedin great numbers, but they have been a constant

presence in the world. The earliest members ofthe Order, mostly by coincidence, were femalehumans and elves; this led to a persistent myththat only such people would ever be permittedto ride a unicorn.

Members of the Order deliberately seek outadventure. They do not wish for a quiet life,only taking up arms when danger arises. Theyare active crusaders, rarely staying in one place




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ERONE:TheFightingClassesfor long. Some may join a party of like-minded

people who are pursuing a long-term goal(killing an elder wyrm, destroying an evil arti-fact, and so on), but others are rovers.

Fighters, rangers, and bards are the most likelyto join the Order. Paladins, for obvious reasons,cannot, but some fallen paladins (fallen fromlaw, but not from good) can and do. Barbariansare rarely refined enough of purpose to be con-sidered candidates, and most arcane castersnever develop the combat skills that the Orderfavors.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify for the Order of the Unicorn, thecharacter must meet the following require-ments.

Alignment: Chaotic good or neutral good.Race: Any Small or Medium-size humanoid.Base Attack Bonus: +5Skills: Ride 8 Ranks, Wilderness Lore 4 RanksFeats: Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat,Ride-By AttackSpecial: The Order seeks qualified candidatesand tests them, most often without the potentialrecruit even knowing what is going on.

Class Skills

The order of the unicorn’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha),Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha),Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),

Knowledge (nature) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot(Wis), Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the order ofthe unicorn prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Members ofthe Order of the Unicorn are proficient with alltypes of armor and shields, and all simple andmartial weapons.

Bonding: When someone is inducted into theOrder, they are bonded to a specific unicorn.This becomes the basis for all later abilities.The unicorn will serve as her mount, but also asan advisor and friend. The rider cannot be poi-soned, charmed, orheldwhile mounted on theunicorn, and she adds her class level to savingthrows against these effects when not on theunicorn. Furthermore, each time the member ofthe Order gains a level in the class, the Unicorngains an extra hit die. The unicorn can also useits cure abilities once per day on its rider inaddition to its normal abilities. (Thus, a bondedunicorn can cast cure light wounds on its riderand still have three uses remaining.)

Should a character’s unicorn die, she must waitat least one year before bonding another mount.This often drives characters to abandon the lifealtogether, as the loss of a bonded friend oftenleads to an incurable melancholy.

Plainseeming: Unicorns tend to attract


Order of the UnicornBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Bonding, plainseeming2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Detect evil

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Unicorn’s touch I4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat, lethal charge5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Swift returning, combat bonding6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Unicorn’s touch I7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Tireless ride8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Bonus feat, resist evil9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Unicorn’s touch I10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Sky gallop

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attention. Any unicorn bonded to a rider gainsthe ability to disguise itself as a normal horse,covering itself with an artfully constructedglamer. The Will save to penetrate this glameris DC 16, and the person making the save musthave some reason to suspect something is


Detect Evil: At 2nd level, members of theOrder gain the spell-like ability to detect evilasthe spell. Using this ability is a free action.

Unicorn’s Touch I: At 3rd level, the ridergains the ability to cast cure light wounds anumber of times per day equal to her Charismamodifier. Her order of the unicorn level is con-sidered her class level for purposes of resolvingthe spell.

Bonus Feat: At 4th level, and again at 8th, therider may select a feat from the list of fighterbonus feats.

Lethal Charge: Beginning at 4th level, when-ever the unicorn uses the charge maneuver andattacks with its horn, the threat range of thehorn become 18–20 and the critical multiplierbecomes x3.

Swift Returning: Beginning at 5th level, therider may teleport without erroronce per dayto the location of her bonded unicorn, providedthey are both on the same plane.

Combat Bonding: Beginning at 5th level, theunicorn gains a bonus to all attack and damagerolls equal to its rider’s class levels.

Unicorn’s Touch II: At 6th level, the ridergains the ability to cast cure moderate woundsa number of times per day equal to herCharisma modifier. Her order of the unicornlevel is considered her class level for purposesof resolving the spell. This ability replaces anyprevious unicorn’s touch abilities (therefore therider may no longer cast cure light woundsusing this ability).

Tireless Ride: At 7th level, the unicorn’s over-land travel speed is twice normal when not incombat.

Resist Evil: The rider gains the ability to pro-ject a magic circle against evilup to three timesper day.

Unicorn’s Touch III: The rider gains the abil-ity to neutralize poison a number of times perday equal to her Charisma modifier. Her orderof the unicorn level is considered her classlevel for purposes of resolving the spell.

Sky Gallop: Once per day, the unicorn maycast air walkas a 10th-level cleric. It can onlydo this while being ridden. The unicorn maynot use Plainseeming while flying.


Order of the Unicorn


The Order of the Unicorn is a loosely organized

group of warriors whose unorthodox methodsin battling tyranny and injustice have earnedthem the respect of the notoriously untamableunicorns, who serve as their steeds and as asymbol of the Order’s devotion to good uncon-strained by law.


Sarelma Nikkaanen (CG elf femaleRgr8/Oou10)




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Current Activities

The Order of the Unicorn (also known as theKnights of the Unicorn or Unicorn Riders) ishardly an order at all – at least from an out-sider’s perspective. Its lack of a formal hierar-chy of members is one of its most notable char-acteristics, for the Order is dedicated to spread-

ing good and righting wrongs without concernfor the niceties of law. The Order’s origins areunknown to all, save the unicorns themselves,who are the true leaders of the group and pro-vide it with what little structure it possesses.Many centuries ago, a small circle of unicornsrecognized that too often the cause of goodfoundered on an obsession with law. Humanswere especially prone to this failing, althoughmost humanoid species have shared it to vary-ing degrees. To combat this, the unicornssought a way to work with humanoids in thecause of justice, one that combined thestrengths of all species. The Order of theUnicorn was the result.

The unicorns choose the members of the Order.There is no way an individual can seek outmembership, however worthy them may deemthemselves to be. Through their contactsamong the fey creatures of nature and othermembers of the Order, the unicorns becomeaware of those who share their ideals and pos-sess the talents necessary for the tasks theymight eventually undertake. If such a person

shows exceptional promise, she will be invitedto join the Order by a unicorn, which offers toserve as her steed. Make no mistake, however– it is the unicorns that direct the actions of theOrder, not their riders. The riders function pri-marily as the arms and legs of the unicorns,whose non-humanoid physiognomy makes itdifficult for them to do many things necessaryfor the cause of good.

Their cause pays no heed to laws if they standin the way of justice. Consequently, the Orderoften clashes with orders of paladins and others

who dismiss the Unicorn Riders as unthinkingrebels whose actions could lead to greater evilsif not properly reined in. The Order rejects suchcriticisms as exactly the kind of thinking thatallows kingdoms to suffer under the yoke oftyrants and the natural world to be despoiled.The unicorns would rather do something aboutthese affronts, whatever the cost. The Orderthus operates wherever evil is allowed to flour-ish because either the law has been elevatedabove good and evil, or places where evil uses

the law as a shield to defend itself against thosewho would overthrow it.

The Order of the Unicorn is not opposed to lawas such. Rather, they believe that justice, peace,and freedom trump all laws and that good peo-ple should be willing to do whatever it takes toensure that these ideals reign triumphant. The

unicorns that guide the Order do so withoutrecourse to rules or regulations, instead trustingin the natural inclinations of the humanoidsthat serve them. They rarely act directly andissue orders to the members of the Order.Instead, they rely on a loose network of alliesand associates to keep them and their servantsabreast of the latest events that require theirattention.

When absolutely necessary, the unicorns speakthrough Sarelma Nikkaanen, a powerful elvenmember of the Order, who enjoys a specialrelationship with the unicorns due to her longassociation with them. However, only thegravest of circ*mstances would bring Sarelmainto the fray, for the unicorns prefer to alloweach member to act on her own conscience.They also realize that any attempt to create astronger hierarchy would not only contradicttheir own beliefs, but would make the Ordereasier to destroy. Thus far, its fluidity has beena great strength, enabling it to strike againstevil with little concern for widespread conse-quences. It has also limited the Order’s ability

to coordinate its actions – a source of greatfrustration for those who share its goals, bothwithin the Order and without.

Campaign Integration

The Order of the Unicorn is relatively easy toplace into any campaign in which unicornsexist. As unicorns are powerful and intelligentmagical creatures, it is not surprising that theymight take an interest in humanoid affairs anduse their abilities to fight against evil. TheOrder makes an excellent basis for a rebel

movement against the forces of tyranny andinjustice, especially in lawful evil lands orplaces where the beauty of nature is threatened.Because the Order is so diffuse and lacks aclear hierarchy, it will never overshadow theplayer characters and, in fact, might well enlisttheir aid to supplement its own limitedresources in the war against villainy. In a sim-ilar vein, a player character who is induct-ed into its membership will not have theluxury of vast resources to draw upon.


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Thus, any battle she participates in is unlikelyto bring the whole of the Order to bear – a greatadvantage to the DM who wants the struggleagainst evil to be an uphill battle.

Alternately, the Order could make for an inter-esting twist, playing the role of benevolentantagonist. The brash and individualistic nature

of its members might put them at loggerheadswith more lawful characters. In the war againstevil, they might be the idealistic rebels without aclue, who rush in where angels fear to tread –leaving the player characters to pick up thepieces. Alternately, they might be a goad to theconsciences of lawful characters who might oth-erwise be inclined to look the other way wheninjustice occurs. Either way, the Order of theUnicorn presents the DM with the chance toshow some of the diversity that exists among theforces of good and that being on the same sidedoes not necessarily mean seeing eye to eye.

Pit FighterThese dangerous fighters are trained for com-bat in the brutal gladiatorial pits of lawless andvile cities across the land. Over time, the blood-thirsty crowds and gory combats they areexposed to turn them either into calculatingkillers or savage beasts. They rarely get tochoose the weapons they use and quicklybecome accustomed to learning new weaponson the fly; those that do not soon meet their


Pit masters, as those who run these sad*sticspectacles are called, love to incite the crowdby throwing unexpected obstacles and oppo-nents into the mix. Therefore, pit fighters learnthat the fight is never over until they are safelyback in their cells. Most often pit fighters areslaves, as only the most sad*stic or insane free-man would choose this life. Those that do andsucceed, however, are often rewarded farbeyond what they could expect in another pro-fession or in a sanctioned combat arena.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a pit fighter, a charactermust fulfill all the following requirements.

Attacks: The character must have at least twoattacks per round that use different baseattack bonuses, whether through natural

weaponry or iterative attacks. Two weapon anddouble weapon fighting do not count towardsthis requirement.

Feats: Endurance, any two Exotic WeaponProficiencies.Special: The character must have survived atleast five fights in a gladiatorial pit.

Class Skills

The pit fighter’s class skills (and the key abili-ty for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Tumble(Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the pitfighter prestige class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A pit fight-er is proficient with all simple and martialweapons, light armor, medium armor andshields. Note that armor check penalties forarmor heavier than leather apply to the skillsBalance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump,Move Silently, Pick Pocket and Tumble. Also,Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5pounds of armor and equipment carried.

Battle Sense: Beginning at 1st level, the pitfighter is increasingly aware of the spacearound him, giving him the ability to react insituations that a normal combatant would not.The advantages he gains are listed below.

At 1st level, the pit fighter cannot be caughtflat-footed in combat, as life in the pits hastrained him to be constantly on the lookout forambush. This works exactly like the rogue’sUncanny Dodge ability.

At 4th level, the pit fighter cannot be flanked.

He understands and instinctively utilizes spe-cial techniques in combat versus multipleopponents. This works exactly like the rogue’sUncanny Dodge ability.

At 7th level, if two or more opponents withinhis reach have attacked the pit fighter since hislast action, he gains an extra partial action thatcan only be used to attack one of these oppo-nents. This extra partial action is lost if the




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number of valid targets is brought below twobefore the pit fighter’s action.

Weapon Sense: At 1st level, the pit fighterbegins to learn how to use any availableweapon effectively. Therefore he only suffers a–2 penalty when using a weapon in which he isnot proficient, as opposed to the normal –4.

At 3rd level, the pit fighter no longer suffersany non-proficiency penalties and is effective-ly proficient with all weapons.

Armor Adjustment: Because of the lack ofreliable equipment found in most pits, the pitfighter is incredibly adept at adapting bits andpieces of armor to maximize his protection. Asa result, starting at 2nd level the pit fighter mayadd a bonus to his AC when he is wearing anytype of armor. Creatures with natural armormay also apply this bonus.

Skewer: At 2nd level, the pit fighter learns todrive his blade deep into his opponent and keepit there until his opponent stops struggling. Anytime the pit fighter damages a foe with a pierc-ing weapon he may attempt to skewer as a freeaction. He and his opponent make an opposedStrength check. If the pit fighter is successful,he has lodged his weapon inside his opponent’sbody.

Every round thereafter the pit fighter may use a

full round action to twist the weapon and pressit deeper into his opponent, automatically deal-ing damage as if he had rolled a successful hit.

An opponent caught in this manner may makean opposed Strength check to pull the weaponfrom his body. The pit fighter receives a +2bonus to this check due to his improved lever-age. Either character can make an opposedStrength check to move up to ¼ speed while theskewer is maintained. If successful, both crea-tures move the same distance.

Fighter Feat: The pit fighter may select a featfrom the list of fighter bonus feats.

Savage Strike: This crippling blow is meant todisable the pit fighter’s opponent so that hemay finish him off more easily. Once per day at5th level, and then twice per day at 9th, the pitfighter may declare one of his attacks as a sav-age strike. If the attack hits, it deals 2d4 tem-porary damage to Strength, Dexterity, or


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Constitution in addition to normal damage. Thepit fighter may choose which ability score hewishes to damage.

The savage strike can only affect opponents ofMedium-size or smaller, and any creature thatis immune to critical hits is also immune to thesavage strike.

Poison Use: The pit fighter learns to look forany advantage he can get. Therefore at 6thlevel he no longer risks poisoning himselfwhen applying poison to his weapons.

Steal the Kill: Pit fighters quickly learn thatthe less opponents they have to fight the better,so they train themselves to finish off the weakand wounded first. A pit fighter may use anattack of opportunity to strike an opponent whohas been damaged by another source in thesame round. This counts as the pit fighter’sattack of opportunity for the round.

Pure Form: At 10th level the pit fighter’scombat training gives him the extraordinaryability to stay alive during the fiercest of com-bats. As a full round action, the pit fighter may

designate each opponent within 10 feet andeither take an attack against that opponent orgain a +4 dodge bonus to his AC against thatopponent until his next action. He must still beable to reach an opponent to attack him, andmay use his 5 ft. step at any time during hisround.

Organization:The Stable of the Outlander


The Stable of the Outlander is an organizationof warriors trained to fight in the gladiatorialarenas of the Great City. Masters of this brutalamusem*nt, they are on the verge of becominga potent political force as well.


Eskander (NE human male Bar7/Pit10)

Current Activities

The Stable of the Outlander takes its namefrom its pit master, Eskander. Born to a barbar-ian tribe in the wilds surrounding the GreatCity, he was enslaved as a young man andforced to fight for the pleasure of thedebauched citizenry. Eskander proved adept atpit fighting and quickly earned the respect ofhis fellow slaves as well as the adulation of the

jaded crowds. In time, he became one of themost popular men in the city, despite his rivals’numerous attempts to kill – or at least embar-rass – him. Through a combination of cunningand luck, Eskander survived all these attemptsand his popularity only grew greater.

Seeing the suffering of his fellow slavesweighed heavily on the former barbarian.Eskander came close to believing that the onlysolution was a slave revolt that he would lead.




Pit FighterBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Battle sense, weapon sense2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Armor adjustment +1, skewer

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Fighter feat, weapon sense4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Battle sense5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Armor adjustment +2, savage strike 1/day6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Fighter feat, poison use7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Battle sense8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Armor adjustment +3, steal the kill9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Fighter feat, savage strike 2/day10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Armor adjustment +4, pure form

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He might well have acted on his beliefs – andsucceeded – if the City’s ruling council had notrecognized this danger and preempted hisattempt. The council freed Eskander and lav-ished riches and luxury upon him. He then usedhis new position to establish his own stable ofgladiators, one in which his own style of fight-ing was taught. His pit fighters quickly became

the best in the City, so much so that, in theminds of many devotees of the arenas, the term“pit fighter” refers only to members ofEskander’s stable. All other fighters are inferi-or breeds that do not deserve that title.

Though corrupted and decadent like the otherlords of the City, Eskander remains unhappy andunfulfilled. His barbarian heart is torn betweenhis youthful love of freedom and the pangs ofconscience make him question his original inten-tions to overturn the City’s order. Yet, Eskanderis also ambitious and part of him wonders if itmight not be better if he took the reins of powerhimself. For now, the fighters of his stable plytheir trade primarily in the arena, but the timemay come when they will serve as Eskander’sarmy. Only time – and the vagaries of the bar-barian heart – can tell whether that army will beused to seize liberty or naked power.

Campaign Integration

The Stable of the Outlander is much more lim-ited as an organization than many of the othersdescribed in this book. For one, it is found onlyin a single locale, the decadent Great City.While it is possible that former members of thestable could buy their freedom and leave theCity to journey farther afield, that is not thenorm. Indeed, the immense popularity of thestable’s fighters makes this highly unlikely.The rewards for staying in the City – wealth,popularity, influence – far outweigh those to begained by leaving. This is an important consid-eration for the DM who is considering usingthis group in his campaign.

The stable’s pit fighters are the celebrities of theGreat City and command far more respect thando many of its political or military leaders. Thatis, of course, why the ruling council was sokeen to pacify Eskander in the first place. It isalso the reason why characters may wish to joinhis stable, for although a great many of its fight-ers are slaves, the majority of them are not. Thatis one of the things that distinguishes the Stableof the Outlander from other groups of fighters.Eskander believes fervently in giving his fight-

ers the fruits of their labors. Slaves are far lesslikely to perform well in the arena, because theyhave less to gain by success than a free man.

In an adventure or campaign that takes placeentirely within the Great City, the Stable of the

Outlander offers an attractive way to betteroneself in ways beyond the purely monetary.Eskander is an important figure in the GreatCity, and his fighters share in his influence.That means successful members of the stablecan expect deferential treatment in certain cir-c*mstances. It also means that the stable willundoubtedly play a pivotal role in deciding thefuture of the city itself.

Eskander is genuinely torn between his old ide-alism and his present cynicism. His stable issimilarly divided between those who want to

reform the government of the Great City andthose who simply wish to enjoy its riches. Anentire campaign could be built around swayingEskander to do one thing or the other – or fight-ing against the decision he ultimately makes. Inthe end, many pit fighters will choose tooppose Eskander’s decision, whatever it is.Characters who want to turn a fallen hero tohis noble roots and overthrow a decadentregime have a chance to use the stable for


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that very purpose. Likewise, characters whowant to seize power can use the stable in thatway as well. Both are viable approaches to thegroup and offer lots of exciting opportunitiesfor adventure.

The DM would be wise to consider how thecharacters will relate to the Stable in his cam-

paign. If they become members, do they do sovoluntarily? Or are they one of the rare slavesin the group? If so, how do they feel about thelegend of Eskander’s origins and how he hasseemingly abandoned his quest for freedom forthe slaves? In most respects, the Stable of theOutlander is a very straightforward groupwhose only complexity lies in the motivationof its leader. Once the GM knows howEskander intends to use the Stable – andwhether the characters might be able to swayhim one way or the other – he will be ready touse the group in his campaign with a minimumof trouble.

ReaverThe reavers are feared in all the lands in whichthey live. They are known as butchers and sav-ages, nomadic bandits who indiscriminatelyprey on caravans and travelers, taking every-thing and often leaving no one alive. They rideon through the night, tracking down every trav-eling lootpurse in their domain, and return bythe light of dawn to feast and celebrate their

victories. Authorities have trouble capturingthese raiders, as the reavers excel not only atfast riding but also in camouflage and stealth. Itis possible to ride past a dozen reavers withoutever seeing them; and doing so almost alwaysmeans an attack is imminent.

Characters who become reavers almost certain-ly do so in order to track down others of thekind. Perhaps they learn the reavers’ secretsfrom an ex-reaver seeking to atone for the evilthat he has committed in his life. In any case,by learning the secrets of the reavers it

becomes easier to track them down and captureor kill them.

Hit Die: d12.


To qualify as a reaver, the character must meetthe following requirements.

Alignment: Any chaotic.

Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks, Intimidate 5ranks, Ride 8 ranks.Feats: Mounted Combat, Track.Special: The character must have the UncannyDodge ability.

Class Skills

The reaver’s class skills (and the key ability foreach skill) are Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex),Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump(Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride(Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), and WildernessLore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the reaver

prestige class.

Horse Protection: At 1st level, the reaverbecomes so proficient in guiding his mount thathe can impart his AC bonus due to Dexterity tohis mount.

Judge of Horseflesh: When the reaver attains1st level, he knows just by examining a horsefor one minute if the horse has any outstandingattributes. The reaver can identify traits asbeing weak, normal, or above average as com-pared to other horses. This gives the reaver a

+4 circ*mstance bonus to any Appraise checksrelated to horses.

Horse Empathy: At 2nd level, the reaverlearns to communicate more complex com-mands and messages to his steed. The reavergains a +2 bonus on all Ride checks and a +4bonus on all Animal Empathy and HandleAnimal checks related to horses.

Improved Cover: At 2nd level, the reaverlearns improved techniques for taking coverbehind his horse. He may now make a single

attack each round while taking cover, providedhe makes the normal Ride check (DC 15) forthe cover maneuver.

At 7th level, the reaver is able to gain evengreater cover from his horse, though at greaterrisk to the beast. He gains three-quarters coverwith the cover maneuver, meaning that anyattack that misses by seven points or less has achance of striking his mount.




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ERONE:TheFightingClassesSpur On: At 3rd level, the reaver can spur his

horse on to greater than normal speeds. Duringany round in which the reaver’s horse makes adouble move, the actual distance traveled isequal to three times the horse’s speed. So, ahorse with a base speed of 40 ft. would travel120 ft. with a double move. This ability mayonly be used a number of rounds per day equalto the horse’s Constitution score.

Archery Feat: Upon reaching 4th and 8thlevel, the reaver may take one free archery-based feat from the following list: Far Shot,Mounted Archery, Point Blank Shot, Precise

Shot, Rapid Shot, and Superior MountedArchery. The reaver must still have all the nec-essary prerequisites for any feats that heselects.

Ambush: Upon reaching 5th level, the reaverlearns that taking out an enemy quickly canmean the difference between victory and death.On the first round of combat, the reaver gainsan extra partial action that can only be used tofire a ranged weapon.

Camouflage: At 6th level the reaver learns to

hide his mount and himself beneath the coverof trees and shrubs. Given 10 minutes, thereaver can create a 10 ft. by 10 ft. camouflagedarea, granting all within (usually just the reaverand his mount) a +8 bonus to Hide checks.

Improved Tracking: At 9th level, the reaverlearns to track while riding his horse. He nolonger suffers the –5 penalty for tracking atnormal speed, and he may move as fast as hishorse’s speed during the pursuit.

Spirit Horse: At 10th level, the reaver gains aspecial mount: the spirit horse. This horse fol-lows the reaver’s commands and can commu-nicate with the reaver through a telepathicbond.

Spirit Horse

Spirit HorseLarge Outsider

Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (38 hp)Initiative: +1 (Dex)Speed: 70 ft.AC: 17 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +7


Attacks: 2 hooves +8 melee, bite+3 melee

Damage: Hoof 1d4+3; bite 1d3+1Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.Special Qualities: Phase, rider link, scentSaves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17,

Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6Skills: Listen +7, Move Silently

+8, Spot +7

Climate/Terrain: Any landOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: 2Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always neutralAdvancement: —

The spirit horse is a legendary creature, said tobe a normal horse transformed by the ghost ofan awakened paladin’s mount. It carries itsrider in near-total silence, unerringlyobeying the rider’s unspoken commands.


ReaverBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Horse protection, judge of horseflesh2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Horse empathy, improved cover

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Spur on4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Archery feat5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Improved tracking6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Camouflage7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Improved cover 8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Archery feat9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Ambush10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Spirit horse

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A spirit horse can fight while carrying a rider, butthe rider cannot also attack unless he or she suc-ceeds at a Ride check (DC 10).

Phase (Su): Once per day the spirit horse cango ethereal as though it was the target of an

ethereal jaunt spell. It can also take its riderand any equipment up to its medium load withit. The spirit horse can remain ethereal for up to10 minutes at a time.

Rider Link (Su): The spirit horse chooses arider and bears him and him alone. While itcannot speak, it shares a telepathic link throughwhich it can communicate silently and instant-ly with its rider if they are within 100 ft. of eachother.

Carrying Capacity: A light load for a lightwarhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load,231–460 pounds; a heavy load, 461–690pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450pounds.


Troovad’ s Band


Troovad’s Band has one purpose only: to makeits members rich by any means necessary,preferably through violence.


Troovad (CE half-orc male Bar7/Rea10)

Current Activities

No one, not even Troovad himself, knows thehalf-orc barbarian’s true origins. He was foundas a young boy by the Poolikhis tribe, hungryand without any memory of his family or placeof origin. Rather than let him die as the shamantold them, the tribal elders took the boy in, gavehim a name, and inducted him as a member ofthe tribe. Troovad grew quickly and powerful-ly and soon became a menace to the Poolikhispeople, as the shaman had warned. He proved




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wild and uncontrollable and was given toinsane rages for no apparent reason.Reluctantly, the elders banished Troovad to theVale of Horses, a harsh place where theyexpected him to die as had so many before him.

But Troovad did not. Not only did he survive –he thrived. And he found peace. His rages grew

more manageable and he saw the world moreclearly. Troovad also saw great potential in thewild horses of the Vale. He saw them as kin-dred spirits, untamed yet suffused with poten-tial. In the horses, he saw his salvation and thatof his tribe. Troovad spent many months tam-ing several horses and learning from them.When his learning was complete, he returned tothe Poolikhis tribe, much to their surprise anddismay.

The half-orc did not come to punish them, butto thank them. He saw his banishment as a timeof spiritual growth and understanding. He nowknew what he was meant to do: lead thePoolikhis tribe against the weakling nations ofthe south and to take their riches for the benefitof his people. The shaman disagreed with hisplan and the elders threatened to banish himagain, despite his seemingly changeddemeanor. Troovad was wounded by theirrejection and slew every member of the tribewho did not join him.

The handful of men, women, and children who

survived became the original members of hisband. Troovad taught them the way of mount-ed combat and the wisdom of horses. Heshowed them how to be nimble in battle andquick in retreat. He also showed them how touse what they had learned to enrich themselvesand their families. Together, the members ofthe band became a potent fighting force, onethe southern nations called “reavers” andfeared for their ferocity and skill.

Now, the reavers of Troovad’s Band have ven-tured farther into the lands of their enemies and

have become even more renowned as mountedwarriors. With each month, they find stifferresistance, including bands of other mountedwarriors, who seem to possess the same uniqueabilities as Troovad’s reavers. But the half-orcis not concerned. He remains convinced thathis is a call from the spirits themselves and thathe shall be victorious in the end. The time iscoming, he believes, when his reavers’ rankswill swell ever greater and he shall conquer one

of the southern lands. Then, his enemies willtremble and know true fear – and there is noth-ing anyone can do to stop it.

Campaign Integration

Troovad’s Band is easy to use as a villainousgroup in most campaigns. First of all, their sim-

ple goal – riches and power – is universalenough that most DMs should have few diffi-culties using them. Second, they are mobileenough that they could be placed almost any-where in a campaign setting. All that is reallyneeded is a remote northern locale from whichthe roving barbarians can hail. Another possi-bility is for Troovad’s Band to have succeededin their leader’s goal of conquering a kingdomand swelling their ranks with more reavers.Using this option, Troovad’s Band becomes alonger-term threat that will take much longer todefeat and could well form the basis of an

ongoing series of adventures, or even an entirecampaign.

Players who wish their characters to becomereavers can take several different approaches.The first is to assume that their character dis-agreed with Troovad’s evil plans and left theBand. This gives them access to its abilities, aswell as a nice enemy that the DM can exploitfor adventure possibilities. Another option isfor the character to be a member of a differentreaver band that opposes Troovad and uses itssimilar abilities to fight him. A last opportunityassumes the character is indeed evil, in whichcase he may participate in Troovad’s villainywith reckless abandon, watching as the punycivilized folk tremble before the mountedmight of the reavers.

Shadow TigerMonks who learn that the arts of stealth cancomplement their martial prowess are drawn tothe teachings of shadow tiger. The shadow tigerclan is a brutal conglomerate of assassins and

mercenaries whose motives are not necessarilyevil, just mysterious. Although many from theclan keep companions drawn from the shadowworld, they are in no way connected todenizens of that plane. They seem to have anunderstanding of the interaction between theshadow and material worlds, which aids themin their mysterious quests.

Shadow tigers do not often talk, prefer-ring their presence alone to convey a


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sense of foreboding and awe around them. It issaid that if a shadow tiger pays a person a visit,the reason for his presence should already beknown. Even the most hidden agendas and clev-erly concealed secrets can be extracted by theterrifying prowess of a shadow tiger clansman.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a shadow tiger, a charac-ter must fulfill all the following requirements.

Skills: Animal Empathy 4 ranks, Hide 8 ranks,

Tumble 8 ranks.Feats: Deflect Arrows, Improved UnarmedStrike, Spring Attack, Stunning Fist.Special: The shadow tiger must break thethumbs on both of his hands in order to use thetechniques of his particular style.

Class Skills

The shadow tiger’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Animal Empathy(Cha), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str),Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist

(Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis),Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str),and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are the class features of theshadow tiger prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A shadowtiger is not proficient with any armor or shields,and is proficient with the same weapons as amonk (club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger,handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff,shuriken, siangham, and sling). Shadow tigerscannot use their special abilities, unarmedattacks, unarmed damage, AC bonus, or unar-mored speed while wearing armor heavier thanleather armor.

Monk Abilities: Beginning at 1st level, theshadow tiger advances the unarmed damage,AC bonus, and unarmored speed monk abilities

as if he had gained a level in monk. In effect,his monk levels and shadow tiger levels stackwhen determining these three abilities.

Hook Thumb: The shadow tiger initiate musthave both of the bones in each thumb broken,repositioned, and allowed to grow back as ahooked claw. His thumb is now immobile,imposing a –2 penalty to all Climb and Tumblechecks, and a –4 penalty to all attack rolls withweapons. His unarmed strikes do not suffer thispenalty. This brutal initiation rarely dissuadesthose with their minds set on becoming shadow


Sliding Shadows: Some that have watched ashadow tiger in combat swear that these fight-ers can dance through the shadows, appearingat various places around the battlefield, seem-ingly without moving. Beginning at 1st level, ashadow tiger learns to step into shadows,allowing him to move through space instanta-neously as if he were teleporting. He can moveup to the distance shown as a move equivalent




Shadow TigerBase Unarmed Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Attack Save Save Save Special1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 Hook thumb, sliding shadows 10 ft., monk abilities2 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 Claws of the tiger

3 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 Shadow companion4 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Sliding shadows 15 ft.5 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 Tiger’s leap6 +4 +4/+1 +5 +5 +5 Tiger’s form7 +5 +5/+2 +5 +5 +5 Sliding shadows 20 ft.8 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Tiger’s hunger 9 +6 +6/+3 +6 +6 +6 Killing strike10 +7 +7/+4/+1 +7 +7 +7 Sliding shadows 40 ft.

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action, bypassing any barriers as if they did notexist. Thus, a character hiding behind a bouldercould shadow slide to the other side of theboulder to avoid searching foes. Moving in thisway never provokes attacks of opportunity, andit cannot be performed in or through areas lit bythe equivalent of full sunlight.

Claws of the Tiger: Upon reaching 2nd level,the shadow tiger’s hands grow sharp claws,granting a +2 damage bonus to his unarmedstrikes. In addition, the shadow tiger learns tostrike incorporeal opponents as effectively asnormal creatures. For up to one round per pointof Wisdom bonus per day, the shadow tiger’sunarmed strikes act as if they have the ghosttouch ability.

Shadow Companion: Upon reaching 3rdlevel, the shadow tiger gains the ability to calla shadow companion. This companion is a tigerfrom the plane of shadow that follows the char-acter and obeys his commands, given via a tele-pathic link between the companion and thecharacter. If the shadow companion is killed,the character may not call another for a yearand a day. See the accompanying sidebar fordetails on the shadow companion.

Tiger’s Leap: Once per combat, the shadowtiger can make a full attack even if he hasalready taken a move action.

Tiger’s Form: At 6th level, the shadow tigergains the ability to transform into a tiger onceper day. This ability works exactly like thedruid’s wild shape ability except that the shad-ow tiger can only choose to transform into atiger. The shadow tiger can keep this form forup to one hour before transforming back to hisnatural form. See the core rules (MM 203) forthe tiger’s stats.

Tiger’s Hunger: At 8th level, the shadow tigerlearns a ferocious attack form designed toquickly down a single opponent. Any time the

shadow tiger hits with a stunning attack(regardless of whether or not the opponentmakes his save) he can immediately start agrapple as a free action that does not provokean attack of opportunity.

Killing Strike: At 9th level, the shadow tigergains access to the most guarded secret of theshadow tiger clan. He uses his hook thumbs torip out vital organs of an opponent, causing


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serious damage and most likely death. Onceper day, the character can attempt a killingstrike against a Medium-size or Small oppo-nent as a full attack action or as the result of agrapple check. Any creature hit by the attackmust make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or take 1point of Constitution damage per round until hedies or receives either a heal, mass heal, or

regenerate spell. Creatures that are immune tocritical hits cannot be the target of a killingstrike.

Shadow Companion

Shadow TigerMedium-size Outsider

Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (33 hp)Initiative: +4 (Dex)Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft.AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +5 natural)Attacks: Bite +9 melee, 2 claws +4

meleeDamage: Bite 1d6+3; claw 1d3+1Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab,

rake 1d3+1Special Qualities: Blindsight 30 ft., shadow

phasingSaves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5Abilities: Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int

2, Wis 12, Cha 6Skills: Balance +12, Climb +11,

Hide +13*, Listen +6,Move Silently +13, Spot+9

Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite,claw)

Climate/Terrain: AnyOrganization: Solitary or pack (5–10)Challenge Rating: 4Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always neutralAdvancement: 6–8 HD (Medium-size)

The shadow tiger is a denizen of the plane of

shadow, little more than a faded image of thesame creature on the prime. The shadow tigeris comfortable on the prime, but it avoids areasof bright light, often seeking underground shel-ter during the day. It can only function in areasof shadow, and so for the four brightest hoursof each day it cannot be found in the open.


Pounce (Ex): If a shadow tiger leaps upon a

foe during the first round of combat, it canmake a full attack even if it has already taken amove action.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, theshadow tiger must hit with its bite attack. If itgets a hold, it can rake.

Rake (Ex): A shadow tiger that gets a hold canmake two rake attacks (+6 melee) with its hindlegs for 1d3+1 damage each. If the shadowtiger pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Shadow Phasing (Ex): The shadow tiger is ina constant flux between the prime and hisnative plane of shadow. This gives the creaturethe equivalent of one-half concealment againstall attacks. This ability is temporarily negatedif the shadow tiger is grappling with a foe.

Skills: Shadow tigers receive a +4 racial bonusto Hide and Move Silently checks and a +8racial bonus to Balance checks. *In areas ofshadow or darkness, the Hide bonus improvesto +8.


Shadow Tigers


The Shadow Tigers exist to explore the Planeof Shadow and understand how and why it –and the creatures that dwell within it – growsmore powerful with each passing year.


Renvat Mhar (LN human female Mnk8/Sht10)

Current Activities

The Material Plane that most beings call homeis not the center of the multiverse. It would bemore accurate to say that it is at a planar cross-

roads, which is why it is a frequent stopoverpoint for outsiders traveling to other realms ofexistence. Yet, there are also realms that bear amore significant connection to the MaterialPlane. One of the most important of these is thePlane of Shadow, a whirling nexus of darknessand evil power. More so than most planes, thePlane of Shadow is strongly connected to theMaterial Plane and its dark inhabitants movefreely between the worlds. For the last severalcenturies, shadow creatures have become




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increasingly common, leading some sages tosuggest that something unpleasant is afoot.

Of course, recognizing something and takingaction against it are two very different things.While most scholars simply nodded their headssagely upon discovering this phenomenon,Zhorsi Mhar did not. Instead, he investigated

the matter further. He delved deeper into tomesof forgotten lore and sought answers in ancientwisdom. He even conversed with outsiders –fiendish and celestial alike – to discover justwhat was happening. In the end, his worst fearswere confirmed: the Plane of Shadow wasgrowing.

Under the direction of inhuman beings knownonly as the Shadow Lords, the Plane of Shadowis invading the Material Plane, slowly swal-lowing it and, in the process, strengthening thedark creatures that dwell within it. In the courseof a millennium (the blink of an eye to theShadow Lords), the Material Plane’s very exis-tence may be at stake.

Rather than do nothing, Mhar distilled the wis-dom he had learned into a regimen of self-dis-cipline and inner growth, designed to steel thebody and soul against the ravages of shadow.Taking inspiration from the deadly shadowtigers (one of many such dark reflections of theMaterial Plane he encountered) whose ferocityknows no bounds, Mhar decided to devote

himself and his descendants to the defeat of theShadow Lords. In doing so, he founded theShadow Tiger clan, whose members continueMhar’s work to this very day.

Though not all members of the clan are directdescendants of Zhorsi Mhar, all share in hisdevotion to defeating the Shadow Lords.Through a combination of meditation, exercise,and a unique alchemical process that involvesingesting small portions of the very stuff of thePlane of Shadow, Shadow Tigers hone them-selves into living weapons. Their skills work

equally well against material creatures as againstshadows, but they prefer to fight the dark crea-tures that plot the destruction of reality itself.

Shadow Tigers can be found in both theMaterial Plane and the Plane of Shadow. Ineither locale, they do battle with the ShadowLords’ minions. The higher-level Tigers, whoin some ways exemplify the clan, prefer tospend most of their time on the Plane of

Shadow – a testament to their tenacity anddevotion. Shadow Tigers operate wherever thePlane of Shadow has impinged upon theMaterial Plane and will cooperate with any thatoppose the Shadow Lords, regardless of theirreasons for doing so. They will occasionally

take on more mundane foes for specific pur-poses, but their stock in trade remains narrow-ly focused, which is why most adventurershave rarely heard of, let alone encountered, amember of the Shadow Tiger clan.

Campaign Integration

The Shadow Tigers are very narrowly focused,making them difficult to incorporate into cam-paigns that do not deal extensively with thePlane of Shadow or its minions. Even in cam-paigns where the plane does become involved,

it is probably best to restrict this clan to NPCs.Player characters who are members of the clanwill devote themselves fully to its goal, whichmakes it difficult for non-members, who mustnecessarily follow the same path or be leftbehind.

However, in a game where the Plane ofShadow does figure prominently or wherethe Shadow Lords are an importantenemy, the clan makes for a great addi-


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tion. Either as allies or as patrons, the ShadowTigers will prove useful. They might evenbecome antagonists, if the clan decides toaccept the aid of evil forces for the sake ofachieving their own goals. Because the clan islargely unconcerned with matters of good andevil as such (though they are inclined towardgood), they sometimes allow themselves to be

swept away by their zeal, with disastrousresults.

Tribal ProtectorChezin Berall, tribal protector of the clanBerall, stands quietly on the snow coveredplains of his tribe’s land. He can hear themcoming.


Not ordinary giants mind you, but frost giantsled by the warlord Grigden Frostbane. He isleading his band of marauders to the Beralltribal lands for pillage and destruction.

Only Chezin stands in their way. This is theyoung barbarian’s destiny; it is in his blood. Heknows that this moment will define his legacyand honor within the tribes. Will he honor theelder spirits? Or will he bring shame to histribal lands. It is his destiny. He is the tribalprotector.

The tribal protector is a path chosen by fewbarbarians, but it is a life filled with personalhonor and prestige. The bonuses gained as thetribal protector advances helps him in hisdefense of the tribal lands, while the specialabilities granted by the tribe’s elder spirits pro-pel the tribal protector further forward on hispath to a greater destiny. Feared by his enemyand respected by his tribe, the tribal protector isthe living embodiment of barbarian spiritualityand honor.

Hit Die: d12.


To qualify to become a tribal protector, a char-acter must fulfill the following requirements.

Base Attack Bonus: +6.Alignment: Any non-lawful.Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Wilderness Lore 8

ranks.Feats: Great Fortitude.

Special: A tribe must choose the character’s eldersas a tribal protector and have the rage ability.

Class Skills

The tribal protector’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),

Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen(Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), and WildernessLore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The following are class features of the tribalprotector prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A tribal pro-tector is proficient with all simple and martial

weapons, light armor, medium armor, andshields.

Ancestral Rage: Beginning at 1st level, thetribal protector advances his rage ability as ifhe had gained a level in barbarian. In effect, hisbarbarian levels and tribal protector levelsstack when determining rage effects.

Nature’s Blood: At 2nd level, the tribal pro-tector gains a natural energy resistance of 5 toan energy type of his choice (acid, cold, elec-tricity, fire, or sonic). At 4th level, the tribal

protector may choose a second energy type oradd an additional 5 to his existing resistancetype (raising the resistance to 10). Finally, at8th level the tribal protector may choose anadditional energy type or add a final 5 to hischosen resistance (raising his total resistanceto that energy type to 15). This is an extraordi-nary ability.

Gift of the Elder Spirits: In time, the tribalprotector gains the attention of his tribe’s elderspirits. At 3rd level, the tribal protector maychoose one of the abilities listed below. The

tribal protector may choose another ability at6th level and a final gift at 9th level. He maychoose the same ability multiple times.

• +1 bonus to all saving throws• +8 hit points• +1 bonus to all melee attacks• +10 competence bonus to any skill in the

tribal protector’s list.*• 1st-level spell-like ability three times per




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ERONE:TheFightingClassesday (chosen from the ranger or druid spell


* If selected multiple times, each bonus mustapply to a different skill.

** If selected multiple times, a different spellmust be chosen with each gift.

One with the Land: As his body becomesfilled with the power of the elder spirits, thetribal protector soon shares a bond with histribal lands. At 7th level, the tribal protector nois longer required to eat or drink for sustenance

within a 20-mile radius of his tribal lands. Thetribal protector also gains a +4 bonus toWilderness Lore and Intuit Direction skillchecks while within his tribe’s lands. This is anextraordinary ability.

Embodiment of the Elder Spirits: While pro-tecting the tribe in the name of the elder spirits,the tribal protector is being groomed to join theranks of the tribe’s greatest protectors. At 10thlevel, the tribal protector is infused with thepower of the elder spirits, changing his typefrom humanoid to outsider. The tribal protector

gains damage reduction 10/+1 and the follow-ing spell-like abilities: 1/day: augury; 1/week:divination; 1/month: commune.

Organization:Sword Children


As foremost among the servants of the SwordSpirits, the Sword Children exist for one reasonalone: to preserve and protect the people andlands of the Shakeeb tribe.


Sharath (CG human female Bar7/Tpr10)

Current Activities

More civilized nations may make a distinctionbetween gods and mortals, but the Shakeebpeople know better. They understand that theuniverse is a great continuum, with each stepon that path differing only in degree, not kind.What the elder spirits are now, mortals may oneday become. Thus, the Shakeeb are not swayedby the sophisticated arguments of outsiders,who scoff at the notion that everything in cre-

ation is made from the same eternal spirit-stuff.They dismiss such notions as the products oflazy minds and dulled senses that fail to heedthe truth that hides in plain sight.

Thus, the Shakeeb do not doubt for a momentthat their tribe’s most ardent defenders, theSword Children, in fact possess shards of theSword Spirits within them. When thesespirits forged the first weapons and gavethem to mortals, the sparks from their


Tribal ProtectorBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Ancestral rage2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Nature’s blood

3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Gift of the elder spirits4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Leadership5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Nature’s blood6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Gift of the elder spirits7 +7 +5 +2 +2 One with the land8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Nature’s blood9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Gift of the elder spirits10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Embodiment of the elder spirits

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otherworldly forge fell to the earth and took onmortal semblance, becoming the first SwordChildren. These powerful warriors are there-fore intimately linked to the spirits whom theyserve and whose constant presence guides themtoward the realization of their full potential – asspirits themselves.

Sword Children form a tightly knit brotherhoodof barbarian fighters who have dedicated them-selves to guarding the lands of the Shakeebtribe from all manner of foes. Most of the time,they do battle against evil humanoids and othermore deadly opponents (such as the troglodytesand their yuan-ti masters). They seek also toappease the Sword Spirits and ensure their con-tinued protection of the tribe. To that end, theytrain youths in the ways of war and respect forthe tribal lands granted to them by the spirits.The Sword Children believe that the failure todo either may result in dire consequences forthe Shakeeb. They are thus tribal protectors inmore than the martial sense.

Induction into the Sword Children usuallyoccurs late in life, well after a tribe member isrecognized as an adult. Existing members of

the brotherhood offer membership to promis-ing warriors who have shown a combination ofwarrior spirit and mystical connection to theland. The Sword Children teach their ways toany who accept. There is no expectation thatanyone will accept the offer, but few refuse asthe Shakeeb believe the Sword Children speakfor the Sword Spirits. Their word is thus high-

ly regarded and not contradicted without goodreason.

On rare occasions, a foreign warrior may beaccepted into the Sword Children. The Shakeebbelieve that the spirits guide all mortals, eventhose who fail to hear their call. When someonefrom outside the tribe aids it in a significantway, the Shakeeb see this as a sign that theelder spirits have guided his actions. An offerof membership in the brotherhood is not auto-matic, even in this case, but it is one of the onlyways a non-Shakeeb might become one of itssworn protectors. Foreigners who take up thecall of the Sword Spirits can expect a difficultlife, including rejection by their former friendswho may not understand their newfound dedi-cation to the well being of a barbarian tribe.




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Campaign Integration

Unless the campaign is centered on a barbarianculture, the Sword Children work best as eitherallies or antagonists. Their single-mindeddevotion to the safety of the Shakeeb and theirtribal lands makes them unsuitable as charac-ters in a game that takes the characters to many

different lands. Many of their special abilitiesdo not function outside of Shakeeb lands and,more importantly, they are the chosen of theSword Spirits. Wandering about the world insearch of glory and gold is largely incompatiblewith this vocation. It is possible that, in excep-tional circ*mstances, a Sword Child mightleave Shakeeb lands on a quest of importancefor the tribe. In fact, the appearance of an NPCtribal protector away from his homeland makesan excellent adventure hook for DMs lookingto draw the player characters to a remote localefor a series of scenarios. Even so, this is theexception rather than the rule and DMs shouldbear in mind the Sword Children’s intimateconnection to their tribal lands before usingthem in their games.

In a barbarian-centered campaign, the SwordChildren are much more appropriate and easilyused. Their respected position and heroicexploits make them an excellent group to use aspatrons or allies. They also represent a goaltoward which barbarian characters might wishto aspire. Membership in the brotherhood is an

acknowledgement of skill at arms and honorwithin the Shakeeb tribe. Consequently, joiningthe group should be more than a matter of sim-ply meeting its entrance requirements. It shouldbe a reward earned through much hardship andeffort. It is recognition that a particular charac-ter has achieved much and that the elder spiritssmile upon his efforts.

Finally, the Sword Children could easily serveas opponents in games that center around thewar between civilized and barbarian nations.The brotherhood exists to defend the Shakeeb

against all opponents, including other nations.Though good aligned, they do not necessarilylook kindly on the efforts of outsiders toencroach upon their lands in the name of civi-lization. The Shakeeb have their own traditionsand culture, which they believe to be every bitas important as those of other nations. TheSword Children will thus use their gifts to fightagainst anything that might threaten those tra-ditions. In campaigns like this, the focus quick-ly becomes a clash of civilizations and the right

of one culture to foist its values on another.This style of story is not appropriate to all cam-paigns, but it does offer a unique alternative todungeon delving and monster bashing. A varia-tion on this might involve the characters com-ing to the Shakeeb as outsiders and eventuallysympathizing with their position, culminatingin a conversion to the ways of the supposed



So you stole the Kingston diamond, passed theguild’s tests, and became a master thief. Or per-haps you’ve mastered the whirling blades andwon a handsome fee in the arena. Maybe you

are a wizard who mastered the elements andlearned to carry the stuff of fire within yourvery body. What is left for men and womensuch as you, who have conquered every chal-lenge, solved every puzzle, and defeated everyenemy?

There is one challenge left: to become a legend.

Legendary classes present high-level optionsfor characters on the verge of greatness, whosenames will be scribed eternally and againstwhose deeds each man shall measure his own.Although similar in concept and appearance toprestige classes, they represent far more. Theydescribe the pinnacle of a profession or culture,the kind of opportunity that only appears oncein a generation. Someone who decides to walkthe path of a legendary class may be fulfillinghis people’s oldest myth, or a society’s greatestfear. It is never an easy path, nor one manywould choose. Those who do take up the man-tle award themselves great power as well asgreat danger, and only the boldest are able tofulfill their destiny.

Class MechanicsLegendary classes have all the same progres-sions as normal classes: base attack bonus, sav-ing throws, and special abilities. They alsohave unique class skill packages and proficien-cies. Like a prestige class, there are prerequi-sites that must be fulfilled before the firstlegendary class level may be selected.Some of these are left open for the DM’s


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discretion, so that he can customize them to hishome campaign. This allows the DM to includefeats from official sources that have not beenreleased as Open Game Content.

The PreparationA character must announce his intention to take

a legendary class well in advance of ever tak-ing a level in it. In game terms, this representsthe character trying to catch the attention of adeity or powerful extra-planar being, applyingfor a position within an organization, or chan-neling the spirits of his ancestors. Two levelsbefore the character takes his first legendaryclass level, he must announce his commitment.This means that if Dran decides to channel thespirit of his great teacher in order to becomeThe Dragon at 13th level, he must announce hisintention no later than the point at which he

reaches 11th level. Once the character hasannounced the level at which he will become alegend, there is no turning back.

Each legendary class has among its prerequi-sites a list of quests, each of which must be ful-filled in between the time of commitment andthe acquisition of the first level of the class.The character may not complete them beforehe announces his intentions. Once each questhas been fulfilled and all other prerequisites aremet, the character may take a legendary classlevel.

Legends wait for no man. If some or all of thequests go unfulfilled, the character may notadvance in level until they are. All excess expe-rience gained in the meantime is lost. Thismeans that in the above example, if Dranreached 77,999 experience points withoutdefeating enough challengers, he would gainno more experience until he had done so. Thecharacter need not meet all the prerequisites ofthe class upon announcing his intentions, buthe must meet them before taking the first leg-endary class level. If he does not, the same

penalty described above applies.

The PowerLegendary characters have access to powersand abilities beyond the reach of those whohave chosen ordinary lives and less impressivelegacies. They also wield greater control over

the development of their powers than othercharacters, having choices to make as they

rise in level and power. Even though two char-acters march down the same path, each mayend up quite differently depending on thesechoices.

For each legendary class level gained, the char-acter may choose one special ability from thoselisted. The power and scope of this ability are

determined at that time and do not increase asthe character goes up in levels. This is knownas the ability’s power level. No power may bechosen more than once. This always means asacrifice for the character, but sometimes therewards of patience are worth the wait.

Example powers of a 5th-level Dragon

Blood of the Dragon I: The character’sunarmed attacks are now considered to have a+1 enhancement bonus.

Thunder Strike II: The character adds a +2bonus to his stunning attack DC, and the stun-ning effect now lasts two additional rounds.

Mind of the Dragon III: The character gains a+3 legendary bonus to Wisdom.

Stillness of Water IV: The character gains a +4legendary bonus to AC.

Speed of the Dragon V: The character gains a+5 legendary bonus to Dexterity.

The PriceOnce a character has begun to walk the path ofa legend, he may not turn back even if his faithis shattered or his kingdom lost. The forces act-ing upon him are great, and he cannot resist thetidal wave of fate he has chosen to ride. Once acharacter chooses to take a legendary classlevel, he may not choose any other classes untilthe legendary class has been completed.Although this may seem restrictive, it is a small

price to pay for the power and prestige afford-ed a legend.

Adamantine WarriorFighters face death regularly; it lies in theblades of every opponent and the maw of everybeast they face. Renowned fighters gain fameby cheating death, dancing the thin linebetween living and dying, and returning tri-umphant where lesser men would have fallen.




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• When a skilled fighter of the barbariantribes believes he is destined to be the nextAdamantine Warrior he must venture intohumanoid lands and there challenge anarmy. He may bring with him what

weapons he chooses and any friends fool-ish enough to stand with him, but his partymay number no more than 10, and the onlymagic he may make use of is that magicwhich enhances his own abilities. Thestrength of the gods and the strength of hisaxe must slaughter his enemies, not thearcane workings of magic. The warrior’sparty must be outnumbered at least twenty-to-one, and he may not retreat for morethan a day to rest.

• Upon returning successfully with the head

of the humanoid war chief, the tribe elderswill admit that he may be the next comingof the Adamantine Warrior. They thenbegin to test him. The period of testing usu-ally lasts a full month and consists of end-less ordeals to confirm the strength andresilience of the warrior. Examples of testsinclude: having him chop trees for 24 hourswithout food, sleep, or rest; having everymember of the tribe take their best swing atthe warrior to see if he still stands; havingthe warrior stand in front of a fire or pit (oreven a cliff) while the four strongest mentry to push him back; forcing the warrior topull the elders (and often children) onsledges across miles of wilderness. If at theend of his ordeals the candidate has with-stood everything the elders could dream upto throw against him, he is announced to bethe Adamantine Warrior in a celebrationthat lasts for days, after which the tribeprepares for the inevitable war that anAdamantine Warrior brings.


If a character dies and is raised after he hasannounced that he’s going to try to become anAdamantine Warrior, he can no longer becomethe Warrior, but may then progress in otherclass levels, destined to never become a legend.

If an Adamantine Warrior is killed, only a wishspell followed by a true resurrection may bringhim back to life.

Class Skills

The adamantine warrior’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen(Wis), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), and WildernessLore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of theadamantine warrior legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Anadamantine warrior is proficient with all simpleand martial weapons, light armor, mediumarmor, and shields.

Adamantine Warrior AbilitiesUnrelenting: Tireless and unrelenting, theadamantine warrior gains a +1 legendary bonusto Constitution per power level.

Adamantine Attack: The adamantine warriorcan double his base strength for one round perpower level per day. He must declare he isusing this ability before the attack is made, andboth attack and damage rolls benefit from the




The Adamantine WarriorClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Adamantine Warrior Ability2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Adamantine Warrior Ability

3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Adamantine Warrior Ability4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Adamantine Warrior Ability5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Adamantine Warrior Ability

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increased strength. This is an extraordinaryability.

Cheat Death: When death comes to claim thewarrior, he forces it to back down and leavehim alive. Once per power level an attack thatwould normally kill the warrior fails to dealany damage. This works against any effect, be

it physical damage, a death spell, or any othermeans of killing the warrior. Adamantine war-riors hold this ability sacred, for once it hasbeen used it never returns.

War Chant: As blood fills the battlefield, theadamantine warrior’s song of death lifts to urgehis tribesmen on, fueling their rage. Once perday as a free action the adamantine warrior canraise his voice in a war chant, increasing therage duration of all allies (himself included) bytwo rounds per power level. He must chantcontinually, for once he stops for any reasonthe ability ends, though very little can interruptthe war cry of the warrior in the heat of rage.

Sorcery Overpower: The adamantine warriorshrugs of magical attacks as well as physical.He may ignore up to three spell levels perpower level per day. The spell is not dispelledor negated, but simply has no effect on the war-rior. He may choose to use this ability after asaving throw has been failed, but before dam-age is rolled. This is a supernatural ability.

Life of Rage: When the bloodlust is upon himthe adamantine warrior’s rage sustains him, notonly allowing him to ignore wounds, but toactually repair them. The warrior gains the fasthealing ability, allowing him to heal one hitpoint per power level per round while raging.This is an extraordinary ability.

Granite Body: Once per power level per daythe Warrior may declare a successful attackagainst him to have a chance of shattering theweapon that struck him. This ability may onlybe used after a successful strike that deals dam-

age, but must be announced before damage isrolled. The weapon must make a Fortitude save(DC 10 + 2 per power level); failure means theweapon still deals damage, but then shattersagainst the warrior and is destroyed. Magicalweapons add their enchantment bonus to theirsave. Only weapons may be shattered, and thisability does not work on natural weapons(claws, bites, and so on), unarmed strikes,touch attacks, and ranged touch attacks. This is

a supernatural ability.

Unstoppable: The adamantine warrior fightsto the brink of death and beyond. There is nolonger such a thing as unconscious to the war-rior—he fights until he is dead. When raging,the adamantine warrior continues to fight to anextra –10 hit points per power level. Thus if he

takes this ability at power level two, he gainsthe ability to fight to an additional –20 hitpoints, so he does not drop until he reaches–30. If the warrior falls out of rage while at –10hit points or lower, death claims him as usual.This is an extraordinary ability.

Black KnightThe fallen defender of a noble king broughtback to health by a murderous overlord. Anexpatriate intent on bringing his old domain to

its knees for disobeying his wishes and desires.A cruel and merciless general whose lust forpower is only overshadowed by his lust forblood.

The black knight of legend has many faces, buteach is terrifying and evil to the core. He rideshis demonic steed across the deadliest battle-fields, spreading destruction and terror acrossthe lands of his lord. This dark general answersto only his lord, and any who disobey hisslightest whim are quickly and brutallydestroyed. Often these bloody examples are

enough to keep even remote populations inline, lest the wrath of the black knight be calleddown upon their homes.

Black knight characters must pledge themselvesto their lord, whether a tyrannical king orupstart warlord who will soon attempt to carveout a kingdom from the surrounding lands.They often travel in search of powerful magicwith which to aid their lord or to find suitableterritory to conquer. Whatever a black knight’sultimate goal, he brings death and destructionwith each fall of his evil steed’s hoof.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a black knight, a charac-ter must fulfill all the following requirements.

Alignment: Lawful evil.Skills: Handle Animal 12 ranks,Intimidate 7 ranks, Ride 15 ranks.


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Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastardsword), Great Cleave, Trample, any one feat ofthe DM’s choice.Special: The character must pledge himself tothe service of an evil warlord, becoming thewarlord’s cohort. He must also own and wear asuit of magical full plate mail.

Quests• The character must track down a night-

mare and somehow convince it to be hissteed, whether by force or persuasion. Thenightmare becomes his companion andally, but still has its own intelligence,motives, and goals. The nightmare maytrade its service in return for some deedfrom the black knight, which then becomesan additional requirement to fulfill.

• The black knight character must single-handedly deliver an entire village to his

lord, most often by intimidating its citizensinto servitude or by cutting down thetown’s defenders one by one until thetownsfolk agree to peace. The black knightis responsible for keeping the village firm-ly under his master’s control from thatpoint on, and if he fails to do this some ofhis abilities may become unavailable (mostnotably his ability to summon conscripts)at the DM’s discretion.

Class Skills

The black knight’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha),Jump (Str), and Ride (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the blackknight legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A black

knight is proficient with all simple and martialweapons, all armor, and shields. Note thatarmor check penalties for armor heavier thanleather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, PickPocket and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffera –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor andequipment carried.




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Black Knight Abilities

Enhanced Strength: The character gains a +1legendary bonus to his Strength per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Enhanced Charisma: The character gains a

+1 legendary bonus to his Charisma per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Aura of Domination: Once per day per powerlevel, the black knight can invoke an aura of fearthat emanates up to a 10-ft. radius per powerlevel. All those within the radius must make aWill save (DC 20 + black knight’s Charismamodifier) or be considered panicked (DMG 85).Those who make their Will save are still shakenuntil they leave the area of effect. Each time theblack knight invokes this ability, the aura ofdomination lasts for one minute per power level.

Summon Conscripts: Given one day, theblack knight can summon a band of conscriptsfrom his master’s lands. These conscripts num-ber 10 per power level and each is a 1st-levelwarrior. 10% of the conscripts will be leaderswith one fighter level per power level. So, atpower level three, the black knight could sum-mon 30 conscripts, 27 of whom would be 1st-level warriors and three of whom would be 3rd-level fighters. These conscripts will serve theblack knight in any capacity for up to one dayper power level before returning to theirhomes. The black knight can only summonconscripts once per week.

Supernatural Resilience: The black knightgains damage reduction 1/– per power level.

Battle Frenzy: Once per day, the black knightcan enter a frenzy in battle. The frenzy lasts forone round per power level and gives the blackknight +1 to attack and damage rolls per power

level. The black knight also gains an additionalattack at his highest base attack bonus.

Murderous Cleave: The black knight canmove 5 ft. every time he uses the Great Cleavefeat. He may do this once per power level perround. Thus, if he strikes down four foes in a

round using Great Cleave, he can take up tothree 5-ft. movements, one in between eachstrike. This movement does not provoke anattack of opportunity, nor does it count towardhis movement for the round.

Demonic ServantThose who live and serve in the Abyss are for-ever attempting to corrupt mortals on theprime. Their foul masters thrive on the soulsand deeds of such weak-willed men. Althoughmost legends feature a spellcaster who deals

his soul for undreamed of power, demons knowbetter than to only target mortals who have thepower to destroy or banish them.

Every once in a while these mundane servantsprove so useful to their nether lords that thedemons cannot afford to see them fall. Themortal attracts more and more followers to thecause of the demon, and his charismatic leader-ship persuades them to wreak terrible havoc inthe name of the demon. Often it is only theascension of the demon to a more powerfulposition that causes it to lose interest in suchfollowers. Rather than leaving them be, how-ever, the demon often appears one last time tobestow the final reward on his long-time assis-tant in the mortal realm.

Hit Die: d12.


To qualify to become a demonic servant,


Black KnightClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Black Knight Ability2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Black Knight Ability

3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Black Knight Ability4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Black Knight Ability5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Black Knight Ability

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a character must fulfill all the followingrequirements.

Skills: Intimidate 15 ranks, Knowledge (theplanes) 4 ranks.Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Leadership,any one feat of the DM’s choice.Special: Ability to rage. Character must have

followers gathered through the Leadership feat,but he must dismiss any cohorts he may havegained. The character must sacrifice 1d8 per-manent hit points to create the lifebondbetween him and his master.


• The character must undergo a ceremony thatattracts the attentions of a demon of at least15 HD. Often a demon will slowly poison acharacter’s thoughts until he is ready toaccept the ceremony, at which time the

demon sends one of his minions to performthe rites. Otherwise, the character must seekout someone who knows the rite and con-vince him to perform it, through physical orsome other means of persuasion.

• The character must sacrifice at least 10victims of opposite alignment, each ofwhom must be captured by the hopefulhimself. Once these sacrifices have beencarried out, the demon will be assured ofthe character’s willingness to serve andmay take him under his wing.

Class SkillsThe demonic servant’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge(the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex),Swim (Str), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of thedemonic servant legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A demonicservant is proficient with all simple and martialweapons, light and medium armor, and shields.Note that armor check penalties for armorheavier than leather apply to the skills Balance,Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, MoveSilently, Pick Pocket and Tumble. Also, Swimchecks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds




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of armor and equipment carried.

Demonic Servant Abilities

Enhanced Constitution: The character gains a+1 legendary bonus to his Constitution perpower level. This is a one-time bonus.

Enhanced Charisma: The character gains a+1 legendary bonus to his Charisma per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Summon Ally: The demonic servant gains theability to summon a demonic ally from time totime. Unlike a normal summoning, this allydoes not demand anything for payment, havingbeen instructed by the character’s dark lord toserve him no matter the task. The summonedally will aid the character in one task that maynot take any more time than one hour per

power level. At the expiration of this limit, thesummoned ally goes away until called again.The specific ally and the frequency with whichit can be summoned are determined by thepower level at which this ability is selected, asshown in the following chart:

Power Level Ally Frequency1 Quasit 3/day2 Succubus 1/day3 Bebilith 3/week 4 Retriever 3/week 5 Vrock 2/week

Possessed Rage: Through the forging of thebond between the character and his demonicmaster, the character begins to take on charac-teristics of the denizens of the Abyss. Thismanifests itself every time the character ragesand has the following effects.

• The character gains immunity to poison.• The character gains 5 points of cold, fire,

and acid resistance per power level.• The character gains a +1 natural armor

bonus to AC per power level.• The character takes on the visage of a

demon, granting him a +1 bonus per powerlevel to Intimidate checks.

Blood Sacrifice: For each person the demonicservant sacrifices in a single day, up to a num-ber equal to the power level at which this abil-ity is chosen, he gains 1d8 temporary hit pointsthat go away after 24 hours.

Smite Good: Once per day per power level thedemonic servant can strike any good beingwith unholy fury. This attack gains a +2 bonusto the attack and damage roll per power level.

Lure of the Abyss: The demonic servant gainsa +1 bonus to his Leadership score per power

level, but can only attract evil followers.

The DragonIn the secluded temples atop lonely mountains,disciples of the body study to perfect them-selves through strenuous physical and mentaltraining. They teach their bodies to assume thestrength of stone and the speed of lighting, theirminds to contain the stillness and threat of awaiting avalanche, their spirit to be asindomitable as the mountains on which theytrain. In the evenings, the old monks tell theirpupils the legends of the Dragons, mighty mas-ters of ancient times whose deeds and philoso-phies defined and inspired warriors for ages.

The Dragon is a warrior who has mastered hisbody and has become in every way a weaponhimself. In battle he is has a preternaturalawareness of his enemies, sensing attacksbefore they have begun. His movementsare fluid and graceful; at the last possible


Demonic ServantClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Demonic Servant Ability2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Demonic Servant Ability

3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Demonic Servant Ability4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Demonic Servant Ability5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Demonic Servant Ability

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moment he seems never to be where an oppo-nent is striking. When he concentrates his ener-gy into himself he is like the wind; utterlyimpossible to hit. When he focuses outward he islike a storm, raining fists and elbows in a flurryof attacks that can render an opponent senselessfor the duration of the fight, or even channel his

power into great blows that extend beyond therange of his fists to strike like thunder.

The Dragon is the perfection of self, the victo-ry of mind over body. Such legendary person-alities are commonly founders of monasticorders, attempting to impart the wisdom ofwhat they have learned to their students, andoften embark on great quests to discoverancient knowledge or defeat mighty beasts.Some legends say the Dragon is so calledbecause the blood of true dragons runs throughhis veins, pushing him beyond the limitations

of his mortal body. The story of the Dragonappears in the legends of many differentmonastic orders, and at different pointsthroughout history. Rarely is more that onewarrior considered the Dragon in a century, andonly one recorded account has ever claimedthat there were two warriors of such a level ofskill at the same time.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become the dragon, a charactermust fulfill all the following requirements.

Alignment: Any lawful.Skills: Balance 10 ranks, Jump 10 ranks,Tumble 15 ranks.Feats: Improved Evasion, Improved UnarmedStrike, Lightning Reflexes, Stunning Fist,

Weapon Finesse (unarmed), any one feat ofthe DM’s choice.


• When a monk feels the pull of his destiny,the legends of his ability have alreadybegun. Other warriors seek him out to testtheir skill against his, or to crush one theysee as an unworthy upstart. Once a charac-

ter has announced that he will attempt toachieve the dragon legendary class, hebegins to be challenged by other warriors.The character must accept all challengesand must defeat 20 opponents in a rowwithout losing a fight. If the character isever defeated, his count is considered zeroand he must defeat another 20 opponents.Very likely, the opponent who defeated thecharacter will loudly proclaim that he is noDragon come again to the world, shatteringhis reputation.

The character gains no experience fromthese challenges and may not challenge oth-ers or count any other sort of combat towardhis total; only when another directly chal-lenges the character will word of his legendspread. If the character has any kind of aidfrom companions during the fight it doesnot count towards his total; the challengesare against him alone. Challengers will notalways come when the character is at fullhealth. Challengers may be obviouslyweaker than the character, or obviouslystronger; most will be monks, but somemay be multi-classed or just fighters andbarbarians who wish to see for themselveshow tough this legend could be. Sometimesthe challenges will be spread out andannounced days in advance, sometimesthey will come one after the other. Oftenentire groups will challenge the character atthe same time. To become the Dragon, thecharacter must accept and defeat them all.




The DragonClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Dragon Ability2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Dragon Ability

3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Dragon Ability4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Dragon Ability5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Dragon Ability

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• Once the twentieth challenge is won, thecharacter need no longer accept all comers;his reputation is secure. He must then jour-ney to a secluded place and meditate onwhat he has learned and what he wishes tobecome. Common retreats are mountainpeaks and desolate islands, where the char-acter will be uninterrupted as he attunes

himself with the world around him. Hismeditations last for a full month, duringwhich time he studies the movements of thewater and the wind, of the mountains andthe trees.

Class Skills

The dragon’s class skills (and the key abilityfor each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str),Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump(Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis),

Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha),Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble(Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the drag-on legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: The drag-on is proficient with all simple weapons. The

dragon is not proficient with any armor orshields.

Dragon Abilities

Mind of the Dragon: The rigorous physicaland mental training has elevated the dragon’sinstinctive abilities. The dragon gains a +1 leg-endary bonus to Wisdom per power level. Thisis a one-time bonus.

Speed of the Dragon: The dragon is capable ofnear inhuman feats of agility and swiftness. He

strikes with speed and accuracy, and attackersfind him nearly impossible to hit. The dragongains a +1 legendary bonus to Dexterity perpower level. This is a one-time bonus.

Stillness of Water: Years of training and cease-lessly testing his skills has left the dragon pre-pared for attacks at any time. The dragon gainsa +1 legendary bonus to AC per power level.This bonus stacks with all other AC bonuses,and the dragon keeps this bonus even if he is


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caught flat-footed or if he would not normallybe allowed an AC modifier for any reason. Thisis a supernatural ability.

Perfect Defense: The dragon has mastered theart of defense. His awareness of his enemieshas reached a level where he is aware of attacksfrom all sides even as they begin. Once per

power level per day the dragon can assume per-fect defense for one round. He is considered tobe taking the full defense action, and so mayonly make movement actions. During thattime, however, any form of attack that requiresan attack roll, including touch attacks andranged touch attacks, automatically fails. Thisis an extraordinary ability.

Thunder Strike: Every part of the dragon’sbody moves together to channel maximumpower into a strike. The dragon’s stunningattack DC is increased by 1 per power level,and the duration of the stun in increased by oneround per power level. This is an extraordinaryability.

Strike of the Spirit: The dragon has become soattuned to his inner ki that he can channel itoutward through his attacks. For one round perpower level per day the dragon may makeunarmed strikes at a range of 5 ft. + 5 ft. perpower level. The dragon may not use a weaponand may only attempt to strike an opponent fordamage or to use his stunning attack. The drag-

on uses his unarmed attack bonus, but in allother ways it is considered a ranged attack.This is a supernatural ability.

Combat Attunement: The dragon becomesaware of even the intent to attack and canunerringly strike at opponents. For one minuteper power level per day the dragon knows thelocation of all potential combatants within 10ft. per power level. This ability allows him tosuffer no attack penalties due to darkness,blindness, concealment, or invisibility, and hecannot be flanked or caught flat-footed by

opponents. This is an extraordinary ability.

Blood of the Dragon: Every part of the drag-on’s body is a weapon; he strikes with fists,elbows, knees, shins and feet, and nothing canstop his attacks. The dragon’s unarmed attacksgain a +1 enhancement bonus per power level.




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The Great TeacherSecure in his mountain fortress, the greatteacher continuously ponders the lessons hehas learned in his long life. He knows that oth-ers will seek him out. Some will be humble stu-

dents who will ask him to spell out the secretsof his art in easy to understand terms; otherswill be rivals, burning with hatred, jealousy,and a desire to elevate their names by defeatinga great master. Sometimes the great teacherchooses to wander, gaining knowledge andpassing on his wisdom to those who might oneday take his place. Even those who spend theirlives building a serene environment in which tostudy and train sometimes find that they do notenjoy a sedentary life.

The great teacher has an innate understanding

of combat that transcends styles and tech-niques. He can effortlessly deflect and dodgeblows, all the while taunting his attacker withhis tittering giggle. Many warriors and monksseek out the great teacher, but only a few gainaccess to the greatest of his secrets; most gettheir lessons the hard way.

Hit Die: d8.


To qualify to become a great teacher, a charac-

ter must fulfill all the following requirements.

Skills: Balance 12 ranks, Concentration 8ranks, Jump 12 ranks, Tumble 15 ranks.Feats: Deflect Arrows, Improved Evasion,Improved Trip, Spring Attack, any one feat ofthe DM’s choice.Special: The character must be at least 40 yearsold and own a stronghold in a secluded area.


• The great teacher must seek out theinstructors at three well-known schools ofcombat and defeat them in a personal duel.This duel must be one on one, and the greatteacher may use no weapons, even if his

opponent does. The great teacher need notkill his opponents; indeed, many view thisas a disgraceful way to prove one’sprowess in combat.

• The great teacher must find within himselfthe wisdom to intuitively understand thenature of the combative mind. He mustdrop all his defenses in combat in order tolearn why creatures attack the way they do.In at least 4 combats, the great teacher mayonly apply armor and natural armor bonus-es to his AC. He must voluntarily lose alldodge, Dexterity, Wisdom, and other

bonuses to his armor class and engage inmelee for a minimum of 5 rounds.

Class Skills

The great teacher’s class skills (and the key abil-ity for each skill) are Balance (Dex),Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump(Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis),Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession(Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the greatteacher legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A greatteacher is proficient with all simpleweapons. The great teacher is not profi-cient with any armor or shields.


The Great TeacherClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Great Teacher Ability2nd +2 +3 +3 +3 Great Teacher Ability

3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Great Teacher Ability4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Great Teacher Ability5th +5 +4 +4 +4 Great Teacher Ability

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Great Teacher Abilities

Undisturbed Serenity: The character gainsincredible insight and a peaceful mind, addinga +1 legendary bonus to his Wisdom per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Style Mastery: The great teacher has learned

so many styles of combat that he can recognizethe common building blocks throughout them.This allows him to break down an opponent’sfighting style quickly and accurately. Once perday per power level, the great teacher can des-ignate an opponent as a free action. That oppo-nent cannot use any of his feats in combatagainst the great teacher.

Incredible Agility: The great teacher has anuncanny ability to dodge out of the way of eventhe most lethal and precise blows. As a result,he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Unclouded Awareness: The great teacher’smind is not cluttered by everyday worries,therefore leaving it open to perceiving all thatgoes on around him. Thus, he gains a +2 leg-endary bonus to Spot and Listen checks and a+1 legendary bonus to initiative per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Sense Life: The great teacher is attuned to thelifeforce of all living creatures, giving him the

supernatural ability to sense all of the creaturesaround him. By concentrating for one minute,the great teacher learns the number, type, andlocation of every living creature within 100 ft.per power level. This ability can be used onceper day per power level and is not stopped byany physical barrier.

Borrow Style: Once per day per power level,the great teacher can designate one creature.For the remainder of the day, the great teachercan use any one feat that he sees the designat-ed creature use in combat. So, if the great

teacher designates his party’s fighter, who goeson to use Great Cleave against a pack ofghouls, he can then use Great Cleave for theremainder of the day as if he had it. The greatteacher can designate the same creature morethan once.

Masterful Instruction: Once per day perpower level, the great teacher can designate

one creature. Given 10 minutes of training,the great teacher can impart any one skill or

feat to the designated character for one hour perpower level. This imparts full knowledge of thetechniques of a feat, but not the feat’s prerequi-sites, or the skill ranks of any one of the greatteacher’s skills (the student character adds hisown modifiers).

JusticarThe justicar is a wandering loner, seeking toright injustice in lands where it goes unpun-ished. It is often a thankless job that he pursues.The justicar can even find himself at odds withthe local law enforcement, who do not takekindly to either his methods or his successes,which only serve to justify his presence all themore. The motivations of a justicar are var-ied—perhaps someone who hid behind the lawto escape justice slaughtered his true love, orperhaps the perpetrators of some other great

crime were simply never caught. Whatever thereason for his existence, his presence makeslawbreakers nervous and at the same time giveshope to the downtrodden that the law so oftenforgets.

Characters taking on the legendary role of thejusticar may find themselves at odds with for-mer party members. The justicar wants to seekout lawbreakers, not loot treasure hoards. Still,he may find some pleasure in the company ofhis old companions or simply be willing topatiently wait for the time when he can bend

them to his pursuits. While justicars often makelocal law enforcement nervous, they also com-mand a great deal of respect from those whosetrue allegiance lies with justice rather than lawand with common folk who see the justicar astheir only means of gaining justice for wrongscommitted.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a justicar, a character

must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment:Neutral good or true neutral.Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Move Silently 10ranks, Sense Motive 7 ranks, Spot 15 ranks.Feats: Quick Draw, Skill Focus (SenseMotive), any one feat of the DM’s choice.Special: Must have at least 3 favored enemies.




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• The justicar must hunt down two law-breakers that have eluded the authoritiesfor a month or more and deliver them tojustice. He may have help in theseendeavors, but the character must capturethe offender himself.

• The justicar must investigate a new crimehimself, receiving no help from the localauthorities. He must determine the identi-ty of the lawbreaker, track him down, andbring him to justice. By setting this exam-ple, the justicar learns to understand thevalue of justice over procedure andbureaucracy.

Class Skills

The justicar’s class skills (and the key ability

for each skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha,exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal(Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis),Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int),Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str),Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the jus-ticar legendary class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A justicar isproficient with all simple and martial weapons,light and medium armor and shields. Note thatarmor check penalties for armor heavier thanleather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, PickPocket and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffera –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor andequipment carried.

Justicar AbilitiesEnhanced Charisma: The justicar gains a +1legendary bonus to his Charisma per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Enhanced Wisdom: The justicar gains a +1legendary bonus to his Wisdom per powerlevel. This is a one-time bonus.

Sense Injustice: Once per day per power level,63

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the justicar can sense the crimes of thosearound him. This ability has a radius of 100 feetper power level and does not require the jus-ticar to have line of sight to his targets. If a tar-get within range has committed a crime withinone day per power level, the justicar knows thisfact. If the target is out of sight at the time this

ability is activated, the justicar still knows thecrime and will recognize the person as a crimi-nal the first time he sees him. This ability doesnot give the justicar specific knowledge of thecrime, only the fact that a law has been broken.

Hunter of the Guilty: When the justicar gainsthis ability, he gains a new favored enemy: law-breakers. He gains a +2 bonus on all normalrolls and checks per power level, so if taken at4th power level the justicar would gain a +8 toBluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, andWilderness Lore checks, as well as weapon

damage rolls, against this new enemy. He gainsall other bonuses associated with having afavored enemy as well. The justicar neverincreases this bonus, even if he gains a newfavored enemy through another class.

A lawbreaker is any creature that has broken alocal law within one month that has not beenbrought to justice.

Intimidating Presence: The justicar gains a +5bonus to the following skills per power level:Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,Intimidate, and Sense Motive. This bonus onlyapplies when the justicar is acting on behalf ofa legitimate target. So he could shake down avendor for information on his target’s move-ments, but he could not try to get a good dealon an item he was purchasing unless it wasabsolutely necessary to the acquisition of hisprey.

Survival Instinct: The justicar is often

hunted by those he would track down.Assassins are deployed and local roughs bribedto try to kill the justicar before he can reach histarget. To help insure that he does not meet anuntimely end, the justicar gains a +1 bonus toinitiative per power level. He also gains a +2bonus per power level to Spot and Listen

checks to detect hidden enemies.

Aura of Law: All non-lawful creatures within15 feet per power level of the justicar mustmake a Will save (DC 10+2 per power level) orbe shaken as long as they are in his presence,and for one minute after they leave the aura’sradius.

The SlayerUnlike other wilderness warriors and rangers,the slayer cares little for protecting his environ-

ment and guarding those in need. The slayer’ssole purpose is the destruction of all life hedeems unworthy to walk the earth. He sharpenshis hunting skills to razor-like precision, prac-tices the stealth necessary to defeat the mostperceptive opponents, and studies all manner ofliving being until he knows the weaknesses ofeach as well as he knows his own sword.

A character that is drawn to the slayer classdoes not merely hold a grudge against the orcsthat burned his village or the undead monstersthat drove his sister insane. He knows that allthe evil in the world, all that he deems evil,must be completely eradicated. He makes it hislife’s quest to do so, unerringly seeking thehearts and blood of every creature that must notbe allowed to live. The slayer’s motivations areoften called into question, as his unyieldingquest brings him into conflict with the laws andmorality of the nations and communitiesthrough which he travels. Although a noblespirit often drives slayers, their lust for the




JusticarClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Justicar Ability2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Justicar Ability

3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Justicar Ability4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Justicar Ability5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Justicar Ability

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blood of their foes is most often viewed as raw,uncontrolled contempt for life.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a slayer, a character must

fulfill all the following requirements.

Alignment: Any chaotic.Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 8ranks, Search 12 ranks, Spot 10 ranks, andWilderness Lore 15 ranks.Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Track, anyone feat of the DM’s choice.Special: The character must have at least threefavored enemies.


• The slayer must seek out an advanced ver-sion of each of his favored enemies (onewith at least four more hit dice than anaverage specimen) and defeat them andtheir immediate allies. The slayer mayenlist help in these quests, but he mustdeliver the killing blow to each of thesespecial favored enemies. If he does not, hemust seek out another advanced specimento kill.

• The character must tithe at least 1,000 gpto five towns in the vicinity in which hetravels. This is a symbolic act meant to

seal his break from traditional law in pur-suit of his many chosen enemies. He muststate his intent and purpose to the authori-ties in each town and accept whateverpunishment they mete out, barring impris-onment or death.

Class Skills

The slayer’s class skills (and the key ability foreach skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha, exclu-sive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis),

Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), MoveSilently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex),Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope(Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features65

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All the following are class features of the slay-er legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A slayer isproficient with all simple and martial weapons,light and medium armor, and shields. Note thatarmor check penalties for armor heavier than

leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, PickPocket and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffera –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor andequipment carried.

Slayer Abilities

Enhanced Strength: The slayer gains a +1 leg-endary bonus to his Strength per power level.This is a one-time bonus.

Enhanced Wisdom: The slayer gains a +1 leg-

endary bonus to his Wisdom per power level.This is a one-time bonus.

Unbridled Hatred: The slayer’s hatred for allthings that he deems unfit to live knows nobounds. Therefore, when the slayer choosesthis ability he gains a new batch of favored ene-mies, one per power level. These favored ene-mies give bonuses similar to the ranger’s abili-ty, depending on how many are gained. Thefirst new favored enemy gained grants a +1bonus, and each new one after grants an addi-tional +1 to the appropriate checks and rolls.

So, if this ability is chosen at power level 2, theslayer could have goblinoids at +1 and dragonsat +2. These bonuses never increase, and maynot be chosen if the slayer already has them onhis favored enemy list; they may not be chosenas future favored enemies if the characteradvances in ranger level.

Death Strike: Once per day per power

level, the slayer can change a hit on a favoredenemy into an automatic and improved critical.The slayer need not roll to confirm the critical,the death strike automatically deals double hisnormal critical damage to his enemy.

Defensive Posture: The slayer gains a +1

dodge bonus to AC when in melee combatagainst his favored enemies.

Knowledge is Power: The slayer knows hisenemies and their abilities so well that he gainsthe supernatural ability to resist their attacks.Once per power level per day, the slayer canname a special attack, special quality, or spell-like ability of one of his favored enemies towhich he is then immune for the remainder ofthe day. This can apply equally to the breathweapon of a dragon, the fireball spell of anenemy spellcaster, or the poison of a monstrous

spider. The character need not know that a par-ticular specimen has the ability he names, but ifit does not he has wasted one of his uses for theday.

Unrelenting Pursuit: The slayer hunts his ene-mies relentlessly once he catches their trail,whether through the forest, over the mountains,or in the rivers and lakes. To accomplish thistireless task, the slayer gains extraordinarymovement abilities when tracking a favoredenemy. The slayer gains +5 ft. to his basemove, Swim 10 ft., and Climb 10 ft. movementrate per power level. Swim and climb are nowconsidered normal movement rates for theslayer.

StormwalkerAmong the people of the Aarathisian Hills, thelegend of the stormwalker has grown fordecades. It is whispered that he is an angel, sentto defend them from the ogres and giants that




The SlayerClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Slayer Ability2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Slayer Ability

3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Slayer Ability4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Slayer Ability5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Slayer Ability

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prowl their tribal homelands. Others, however,fear him as a demon, come to steal away theirchildren and their lives. Although he has notappeared to them in many years, these shep-herds and traders alternately fear and pray forhis return.

The truth is not far from the legend. Thestormwalker is a man infused with the power oflightning by the denizens of another plane.Although their motives remain a mystery, theselightning demons almost certainly exact a pricefor the power they give. The originalstormwalker, a human by the name of SereliusMal, sought power to avenge the death of hislove at the hands of the giants of theAarathisian Hills. What he gave in return isunknown, and he has not been seen in over twodecades. Once per generation, another feels thepull of the stormwalker, being drawn to the

Aarathisian hilltops to receive the blessing ofthe demons that reside in the storms.

Hit Die: d10.


To qualify to become a stormwalker, a charac-ter must fulfill all the following requirements.

Base Attack Bonus: +12.Base Reflex Save: +4.Skills: Wilderness Lore 7 ranks.

Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, anyone feat of the DM’s choice.


• The character must journey to theAarathisian hilltops, where it storms near-ly every night of the year. Once there, hemust converse with the demons, indicat-ing his willingness to receive the powerthey grant. Although it is unknown what

price he pays for this pact, many havesince been willing to seek out the demonsand receive their gift.

• The character must be brought below 0 hpby an electrical attack of some kind. Thesource of the attack does not matter, and ifthe character dies and is raised it still ful-

fills the quest. Prospective stormwalkersoften stand with metal rods in a storm,attracting lightning to them until they fallunconscious.

Class Skills

The stormwalker’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft(Int), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis),Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str), andWilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All the following are class features of thestormwalker legendary class.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: Astormwalker is proficient with all simple andmartial metallic weapons, light and mediummetallic armor and metallic shields. Note thatarmor check penalties for armor heavier thanleather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,

Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, PickPocket and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffera –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor andequipment carried.

Stormwalker Abilities

Enhanced Dexterity: The stormwalker gains a+1 legendary bonus to his Dexterity perpower level. This is a one-time bonus.Electricity Resistance: The stormwalk-


StormwalkerClass Base Fort Ref WillLevel Attack Save Save Save Special1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Stormwalker Ability2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Stormwalker Ability

3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Stormwalker Ability4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Stormwalker Ability5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Stormwalker Ability

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er gains electricity resistance with a value of 5per power level.

Channeled Energy: For up to one hour perpower level per day, any melee or rangedweapon wielded by the stormwalker acts as if ithad the shock and shocking burst magical abil-ities. The stormwalker can break this ability up

into one hour uses, so it could be activated upto five times per day. Activating this ability is afree action.

Blood of the Storms: The stormwalker gainsone or more abilities according to the followingchart, depending on the power level at whichhe selects this ability. The character gains theability for his power level and each levelbelow. Each of these abilities is usable once perday and is cast at 20th level.

Power Level 1: protection from elements(electricity)

Power Level 2: call lightningPower Level 3: lightning boltPower Level 4: air walkPower Level 5: chain lightning

Stormshield: The lightning in the veins of thestormwalker can be focused into a shield thatsurrounds his body. For up to one minute perpower level per day, anyone touching thestormwalker or striking him with metalweapons takes electrical damage equal to 1d8

points per power level. Only one such electricalbacklash activates per round, so a creature withmultiple attacks will only take the damageonce. The stormwalker can activate this abilityas a free action on a round by round basis.

Vortex: For up to one minute per day per powerlevel, the stormwalker can surround himself witha vortex of strong wind. This shield causes any-one firing a ranged weapon at the stormwalker tohave a 20% miss chance per power level. In addi-tion, the character gains a +1 bonus per powerlevel to saves against gas-based traps and attacks.

Swarm of Elemental Fury: Once per day perpower level, the stormwalker can call allies fromthe elemental plane of lightning. These allies takethe form of lightning mephits that obey the wish-es of the stormwalker. One mephit per powerlevel is summoned and they will carry out thestormwalker’s orders for up to one minute perpower level before returning to their home plane.




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Lightning Mephit

Lightning Mephit

Small Outsider (Electricity)

Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved

Initiative)Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)

AC: 18 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +4 nat-ural)

Attacks: 2 claws +4 meleeDamage: Claw 1d3 and 2 electricityFace/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Breath weapon, spell-like

abilities, summon mephitSpecial Qualities: Electricity immunity, fast

healing 2, damage reduction5/+1

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int

12, Wis 11, Cha 15Skills: Bluff +6, Hide +12, Listen

+6, Move Silently +9, Spot+6

Feats: Improved Initiative

Climate/Terrain: Any land and undergroundOrganization: Solitary, gang (2–4), or

swarm (5–12)Challenge Rating: 3Treasure: StandardAlignment: Usually neutralAdvancement: 4–6 HD (Small); 7–9 HD


A lightning mephit is a minor elemental crea-ture that is formed from ambient electricity.They are extremely curious, and seem whollyunconcerned that their mere touch can causedeath in other creatures. The lightning mephitappears as a small, winged creature whosebody is made of tiny arcing bolts of electricity.


Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of sparks, 10 feet;

damage 1d4, Reflex half DC 12. Living crea-tures that fail their saves are tormented byburning shocks and muscle spasms unless theyare immune to or protected from electricity.This imposes a –4 morale penalty to AC and a–2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/hour—shocking graspas cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer; once per day thelightning mephit can shoot forth an arc of elec-tricity in a 30-foot-long line that deals 3d6

points of damage to all creatures in the area. AReflex save (DC 14) halves this damage.

Fast Healing (Ex): A lightning mephit healsonly if it is within the radius of an electricaleffect, such as flying in the midst of a storm.The mephit also heals in any round that it is hitwith an electrical effect, such as that produced

by a lightning boltspell.


This section discusses variant core classes —new versions of the base classes, which aredesigned for players to take at 1st level.

The CommanderThroughout the world, there are those whostraddle the line between leader and warrior.They learn to rule as they learn to fight, theycommand on the field and off. The rituals ofrulership are as ingrained in them as the reflex-es of battle. The Commander embodies theleader/warrior, from the mercenary boss to thenoble knight.

Adventures: Commanders can be found inmany situations. While they are often leadingothers, there are times when they must goalone. Achild of lesser nobles, born and bred torule but presently landless, adventures to seek adomain of his own. An unemployed mercenarycommander sees the core of a great fightingforce in the adventurers gathered at the localinn, and connives to join them.

Characteristics: Commanders are slightly lessskilled in pure combat than fighters, but makeup for it with a wider range of social and lead-ership skills. They have the ability to command

and inspire those they battle with, and they areexceptionally fearless in combat, knowing thatthey are battling not just for themselves, but fortheir family and reputation as well. Off thefield, they understand the warfare that occurs inballrooms and feast halls, and can defend them-selves there, as well.

Alignment: Commanders may be of anylawful alignment. They are trained, disci-plined, and honor-bound, and even those


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who are currently without anyone to commandretain these traits. Their class abilities oftendepend on their strict inner discipline. A com-mander who becomes non-lawful cannot gainmore levels in this class, and will not haveaccess to certain class abilities (noted in thedescriptions of these abilities)

Religion: Commanders will usually follow thedominant faith in their culture, as befits rulers.They will usually choose gods of leadership orcombat as their personal deities. Some wander-ing commanders will worship whatever god isprevalent in their current place of residence.Generally, a commander will try to mimic thereligion of those he leads, or, if he is trulydevout, will only lead those of compatiblefaiths.

Background: Commanders usually definethemselves early. In the thick fog of childhoodsociety, they are the lights that others swarmtowards. In situations where a group strugglesto find a consensus, they become the voice ofthe group. During apprenticeships, they quick-ly find themselves placed in charge of theirpeers. In battle, they instinctively give ordersas needed, and these orders are usually obeyed.Sometimes, though, the gift of leadershipcomes later in life; a previously undistin-guished soldier may suddenly rally a falteringband around him and change the course of bat-tle, or a character with no previous leadership

experience may be put in charge of a group anddiscover that he has a talent for leadership.

Races: All races need commanders, but chaot-ically inclined races produce fewer of them.Humans, half-elves, and dwarves are the mostlikely to become commanders. Half-orcs likebossing people around, but most lack thecharisma and discipline to become a comman-der, rather than just a bully. Halflings are disin-clined to either give or take orders, and gnomeslack a strong military culture. Elves of anunusually lawful bent often take up this class,

helping to unite their more chaotic comradesagainst a foe.

Other Classes: The commander is a benefit toany group, and he views others as a benefit tohim. More than almost any other class, thecommander is at his best when working in agroup environment; many of his skills are of

little use to a loner. Having more than onecommander in a group can be interesting,

depending on their personalities. Some willfind themselves working together synergisti-cally, while others will continually battle,covertly or overtly, to be top dog.

Game Rule Information

Commanders have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Strength, Constitution, and Charismaare the most important abilities for a comman-der. Intelligence is useful for learning tacticsand strategy; Wisdom aids in quickly evaluat-ing conditions and responding to them. Sincecommanders tend to be heavily armored and onthe front lines, an exceptionally high Dexterityis not required, but anything less than averagecan be a serious detriment.

Alignment: Any lawful.Hit Die: d10.

Class Skills

The commander’s class skills (and the key abil-ity for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Jump(Str), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), SenseMotive (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (3 + Int bonus) x 4.Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 3 + Intbonus.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of thecommander.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A com-mander is proficient with all simple and martialweapons, all armor, and shields. Note thatarmor check penalties for armor heavier thanleather apply to the skills Balance, Climb,Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, PickPocket and Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer

a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor andequipment carried.

Bonus Feat: The commander may select anyof the fighter’s bonus feats, except for WeaponSpecialization.

Command: The commander is a skilled com-batant, second only to the fighter in skill andflexibility. However, he is also capable ofinspiring others. Once per day equal to the com-




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mander’s Charisma modifier, the commandercan activate his Command ability. For eachlevel of this ability, the commander may chooseone of the following benefits to confer upon his

allies. He may choose the same benefit morethan once, and all command bonuses stack witheach other. All affected allies are granted thesame bonus; the commander may not choosedifferent bonuses for different troops within thesame use of this ability. Using Command is amove-equivalent action that lasts until one ofthe following happens: the commander losessight of his allies, the commander goes uncon-scious for any reason, the commander issues anew Command, or 10 minutes passes.

The possible commands are as follows:

• Offensive Tactics: Chosen allies gain a +1command bonus to attack rolls.

• Defensive Tactics: Chosen allies gain a +1command bonus to AC.

• Stand Fast: Chosen allies gain a +1 com-mand bonus to Fortitude saves.

• Heads Up: Chosen allies gain a +1 com-mand bonus to Reflex saves.

• Inspiration: Chosen allies gain a +1 com-

mand bonus to Will saves.

• On the Double: Chosen allies’ speedincreases by 5 ft.

• Coordinate: Two allies who both threatenthe same target in melee are considered tobe flanking it, even if they are otherwise notable to do so.

• First Strike: Chosen allies gain a +2 com-mand bonus to initiative.

• Close and Attack: Chosen allies gain a +2command bonus to AC against attacks ofopportunity incurred by moving into orthrough a threatened area (but not againstthose incurred by spellcasting or usingranged weapons).


The CommanderBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +0 +0 +2 Command I2 +2 +0 +0 +3

3 +3 +1 +1 +3 Bonus Feat4 +4 +1 +1 +45 +5 +1 +1 +4 Command II6 +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Bonus Feat, Leadership7 +7/+2 +2 +2 +58 +8/+3 +2 +2 +69 +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Bonus Feat10 +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Command III11 +11/+6/+1 +3 +3 +712 +12/+7/+2 +4 +4 +8 Bonus Feat13 +13/+8/+3 +4 +4 +814 +14/+9/+4 +4 +4 +915 +15/+10/+5 +5 +5 +9 Bonus Feat, Command IV

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +1017 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +1018 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Bonus Feat19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +1120 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Command V

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Command abilities can only be used on alliesthat the commander can see, and who can seeand hear him.

Only a single commander can aid an individualat one time. Two commanders can aid differentindividuals in the same area.

A commander may not target himself withthese abilities.

Leadership: The commander automaticallygains the Leadership feat at 6th level. If theDM feels this feat would unbalance or undulycomplicate the campaign, the commander maygain another fighter bonus feat instead.

The HunterThere are countless types of life in the world,

and, at some point, all of it is going to needkilling. While anyone can simply pick up asword and start hacking, it is the hunter who isthe consummate tracker and slayer. The hunterfocuses intently on a single foe (or type offoes), and can pursue, catch, and kill (or justtake prisoner) with perfect precision. From the

vengeful farmlad who has sworn to slay everyorc he sees to the bounty hunter who can trailher quarry across half a continent, the hunterfills a vital role in the workings of the world.

Adventures: A hunter does not need to devoteall of her waking hours to pursuing her chosenfoes, but most end up doing just that. They will

seek out situations where they are likely tomeet their preferred enemies in combat, orwhere their skills can otherwise be honed. Ahunter may also be called to battle — a townplagued with orcs may search out a hunter, or apowerful lord may send a hunter after a hatedrival.

Alignment: Hunters may be of any alignment,though there is a strong lawful bent. The singleminded determination that a hunter uses isunlikely to be found in a chaotic mind. Chaotichunters tend to be focused more on the thrill ofthe chase and the freedom of the road as theypursue their prey, while lawful hunters focus onthe end goal. To a chaotic hunter, the journey isthe reward; to a lawful hunter, the dead body ofher foe is the reward. A hunter may likewise begood or evil; good hunters only choose evil




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beings as their targets, while evil hunters willtake anyone or anything. Some hunters evenprefer neutrality; to them, the hunt is all.

Religion: Hunters tend to worship gods of thehunt, justice, vengeance, shadow, or the wild. Afew are directly associated with a temple,focusing on the enemies of their faith. Othersview the act of pursuit as sacred in itself, view-ing the foes they slay as their ticket to a gloriedplace in the outer planes after death. Still otherstend to a “The gods help those who help them-selves” attitude, and trust to their own skill andjudgment without seeking divine aid.

Background:No single background defines ahunter. Some simply settled on the role early inlife. Others find themselves motivated byvengeance after suffering a grievous loss at thehands of some type of creature. Some pick upthe skills later, after having spent some time inother pursuits—not a few rogues ultimatelyend up in this class, either as bounty huntersserving the law or as enforcers for criminalguilds hunting down the guild’s foes. The onlycommon thread is that no hunter is ambivalentabout their foes; they hate their chosen enemies

absolutely, and will rarely allow them quarteror safe passage.

Race: All races may become hunters, but

humans and dwarves are the most common, asboth races place great score by justice anddetermination, and both are slow to forget awrong. Elves rarely take up the path, but thereare exceptions, and an elf with a thirst for bloodhas centuries to perfect his skills. Gnomehunters are ingenious tricksters, using a widerange of tactics when bringing down a foe.Half-orcs usually lack the discipline, but whensufficiently motivated, they hunt with a plod-ding determination few others can match.

Other Classes: Hunters are welcomed in anygroup going against a hunter’s chosen foes.They, in turn, view the other classes as usefuladjuncts. Acleric’s healing, a fighter’s strength,and a mage’s command of arcane forces are allof great use to a hunter. They tend to viewbards as too flighty and barbarians as too wild.Good hunters get along well with paladins,who share their dedication.


The HunterBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Chosen Foe2 +2 +3 +0 +3

3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Night Stalker, Trackless Step4 +4 +4 +1 +45 +5 +4 +1 +4 Chosen Foe6 +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Merciful Strike7 +7/+2 +5 +2 +58 +8/+3 +6 +2 +69 +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Sense Foe10 +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Chosen Foe11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +712 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Forceful Strike13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +814 +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +915 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Chosen Foe, Weak Spot

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +1017 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +1018 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Inescapable Pursuit19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +1120 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Chosen Foe

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Game Rule Information

Hunters have the following game statistics.

Abilities: Hunters need to be strong in severalareas, though Strength is less important to themthan to most other fighters. Unlike many com-bat-focused classes, hunters benefit from

Charisma, as their pursuits often require themto deal with people.

Alignment: AnyHit Die: d10.

Class Skills

The hunter’s class skills (and key ability foreach skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration(Con), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha),Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex),Intuit Direction (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump

(Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex),Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int),Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), UrbanLore (Wis), Use Rope (Dex), and WildernessLore (Wis).

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier)x 4.Skill Points as Each Additional Level: 4 + Intmodifier.

Class Abilities

All of the following are class features of thehunter.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:A hunter isproficient with all simple and martial weapons,light and medium armor, and shields.

Chosen Foe: At 1st level, a hunter chooses onecreature type from the ranger’s favored ene-mies list to be her chosen foe. Against a chosenfoe, the hunter gains the following benefits:

• +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack and dam-

age rolls, or a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Thismust be decided upon when the chosenfoe is named. The bonuses to hit and dam-age do not apply against creatures that areimmune to critical hits.

• The hunter may perform a sneak attackagainst a chosen foe for an additional 1d6points of damage. All the normal rules fora sneak attack apply.

• +1 circ*mstance bonus to Bluff,Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, andSpot checks.

• The hunter may attempt to track a chosenfoe as if she had the Track feat. If she doeshave the Track feat, she gains a +4 bonusto Wilderness Lore checks to track her


• The hunter knows the language of herchosen foe. If the chosen foe has severalinnate languages, the hunter only knowsone (her choice)

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the huntermay choose a new chosen foe. She gains thebonuses listed above against her new foe. Thebonuses are also applied again to each previouschosen foe, stacking with existing bonuses.Therefore, upon reaching 5th level and choos-ing her second chosen foe, the hunter now alsohas the following benefits against her 1st levelfoe: +2 circ*mstance bonus to either attack anddamage or AC, +2d6 points of damage forsneak attack, a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Bluff,Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spotchecks, and a +8 circ*mstance bonus to allWilderness Lore checks to track her originalfoe.

Note: If the hunter has sneak attack from roguelevels, or any other source, the damage bonus-

es do not stack. Only the highest bonus is used.

Optional Rule: The DM may allow a hunter tochoose a specific organization or other affilia-tion (such as barbarians of a specific tribe) ashis chosen foe rather than basing it on race. Ahunter should not be able to choose chosen foesbased on class, either, although sometimesprestige classes can be applicable if they aretied to an organization with its own uniquemethods and motives.

Night Stalker: By 3rd level, a hunter has

trained herself to get by on very little sleep, inorder to keep the pursuit up while her targetrests. A hunter only needs a number of hours ofsleep per night equal to 6 – Constitution modi-fier (minimum 2). Note: multiclassedhunter/spellcasters still need the appropriateamount of sleep and time to prepare spells asdescribed under their class abilities.

Trackless Step: Beginning at 3rd level, a




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hunter can no longer be tracked.

Merciful Strike: Against a chosen foe, thehunter may choose to deal subdual damageinstead of normal damage with any meleeattack. The hunter does not suffer the usual –4penalty to such an attempt.

Sense Foe: At 9th level, the hunter gains theability to detect a chosen foe through any typeof disguise or illusion. He gains a +10 bonus toSpot checks to see through a mundane disguise,and the hunter automatically sees through alter-ation magic such as change selforpolymorphself(also negating the Disguise bonuses grant-ed by such spells). Invisible foes are still con-sidered to have full concealment, but the hunterknows their exact location if they are within hisnormal range of vision (so he can still targetthem).

Forceful Strike: Beginning at 12th level, thehunter can automatically change any criticalthreat into a critical hit without a second roll.This ability is usable only once per day.

Weak Spot: Upon reaching 15th level, thehunter may choose one of his chosen foes thatis normally immune to critical hits. The huntercan now perform a critical hit on this foe nor-mally. If the hunter has two such foes (con-structs and undead, for example), then he mustchoose only one for which he knows the weak

spot. If he has no chosen foes that are immuneto critical hits, then this ability grants him nobenefit.

Inescapable Pursuit: If a chosen foe moves toanother plane within the site of the hunter,whether via spell, magic item, or innate ability,he may choose to follow, moving to the nearestopen space to his foe. Note that the hunter can-not see his destination before committing tofollow his enemy. This decision must be madewithin one round of the foe leaving, and thehunter is in no way protected from his new



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The OutdoorsmanCivilization is a few flickering campfires on adark, empty plain. Most of the world is wildand trackless. Beyond the city walls and tend-

ed fields stretches a seemingly endless wilder-ness. From the densely packed trees of theelder northern forests to the sucking mire of thesouthern swamps, from the lethal glare of thedesert sun to the snowblind Arctic wastes, theoutdoorsman travels and fights.

The outdoorsman is most at home in the wilds.He knows how to both fight and survive in theharshest terrain. His skill is such that he gains asignificant edge while battling in lands heknows well. He can survive, even thrive, inareas that would kill the less skilled. Some are

explorers, seeking new lands and new opportu-nities; some are brigands, appearing fromnowhere, striking hard, and then vanishingagain; some are well-traveled mercenaries whohave learned that knowing your ground wellcan be the edge needed for survival.

Adventures: An outdoorsman’s adventuresusually simply happen to him as he goes

about his business. The explorer may find anancient ruin or a nest of arrowhawks; the

brigand may hear news of a rich caravan brav-ing his favorite haunts. Some outdoorsmen findthemselves sought out by other adventurers,seeking a guide through hostile terrain, whileothers are loners. The outdoorsman prefers toavoid cities and even large towns; trading out-posts and border forts are the closest he tends tocome to civilization.

Characteristics: Outdoorsmen are equal partsmasters of combat and masters of the wild.They are skilled in taking advantage of terrain,gaining several bonuses when fighting in ter-rain they know well. They are also well versedin natural lore. Without access to towns andsmithies, they tend to find a favored class ofweapon early in their career and stick with it,becoming exceptionally deadly when usingthose weapons but less talented with others.They are also masters of motion in their chosenrealms, able to move rapidly through the dens-est forests and pass through snow-crustedmountains without leaving a clear trail.

Alignment: Outdoorsmen may be of any align-ment, though most tend to chaotic. The fewlawful outdoorsman are normally agents of civ-ilization in some way, the first explorers, pio-neers, or conquerors, out to tame or control theouter wilds. Good outdoorsmen protect travel-ers and respect the wild; evil outdoorsmen plun-der travelers and nature with equal vigor.

Religion: Outdoorsmen usually worship godsof war or nature, though some find themselvesfollowers of gods of travel, and a few even fol-low gods of knowledge. Some worship no godsexplicitly, worshipping rather ‘the world’ or‘the wild’, seeing the divine reflected in allthings. A few are as agnostic as possible inworlds with large pantheons, seeing no divineplan in anything, just an endless struggle to sur-vive, with the universe oblivious to who livesand who dies.

Background: Outdoorsmen come from a vari-

ety of backgrounds. Many grew up on the fron-tier and simply learned their skills as part oftheir maturation. Others joined organizationssuch as the Pioneer Corps or the Border Patroland found they had a special love for the deepwilds. Some come from nomadic or barbariantribes, where they served as scouts or patrollers.A few come from the largest and most decadentcities, where they grew sick of wealth and com-fort and chose to leave it all behind.




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Races: Humans, elves, and half-orcs are themost common outdoorsmen, with halflings fol-lowing closely behind. Dwarves are masters ofthe caves, and some intrepid dwarven spelunk-

ers do become outdoorsmen, but dwarves pro-duce few who prefer to explore alone. Gnomes,too, are too tied to the comforts of their bur-rows and hill cities to seek out the wildernessfor its own sake. There are, of course, alwaysindividual members of these races who feel anodd calling, or who may find themselves learn-ing the skills of the outdoorsman as an alterna-tive to death in the wildlands.

Other Classes: The outdoorsman is a loner bynature, but his love of survival means heacknowledges the utility of companions. He isgood at many things, but not the best at any —a pure fighter is more flexible in combat, adruid commands nature rather than merely sur-viving it, and a rogue is a better sneak. Wizardsand clerics can control powers the outdoors-man cannot even attempt. Outdoorsmen get onwell with rangers, bards, and barbarians, all ofwhom share a common love for independence.Wizards and sorcerers are respected, but notgenerally liked, at least not at first. Rogues are

often seen as creatures of the city, with someuseful skills but wholly out of place in thewoods. On the other side of the equation, theoutdoorsman’s combination of survival and

combat skill makes him valuable to any partytraveling in any terrain the outdoorsman knowswell, as he possesses some skills even the otherwilderness classes do not.

Game Rule Information

Outdoorsmen have the following game statistics.

Abilities: The outdoorsman is a warrior, firstand foremost, and thus, must be strong andhealthy. Dexterity is important as well, asheavy armor is a bane in many situations.

Intelligence and Wisdom help the outdoorsmanlearn the ways of nature and to be alert to sub-tle signs. Charisma is of little importance tothem, except as a means of dealing with ani-mals, though it never hurts to be able to at leastcarry on a decent conversation on those occa-sions when they do have to deal with people.


The OutdoorsmanBase Fort Ref Will

Level Attack Save Save Save Special1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Favored Terrain, Preferred Weapons, Lightstep2 +2 +3 +3 +0

3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Animal Companion4 +4 +4 +4 +1 Bonus Feat5 +5 +4 +4 +1 Favored Terrain 2, Fast Passage6 +6/+1 +5 +5 +27 +7/+2 +5 +5 +28 +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Bonus Feat9 +9/+4 +6 +6 +310 +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Favored Terrain 311 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +312 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Bonus Feat13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +414 +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Bestial Companion15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 Favored Terrain 4

16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 Bonus Feat17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +518 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Magical Companion19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +620 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Favored Terrain 5, Bonus Feat

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Alignment: Any.Hit Die: d10.

Class Skills

The outdoorsman’s class skills (and key abilityfor each skill) are: Animal Empathy (Cha),Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration

(Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal(Wis), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str),Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis),Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int),Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), UseRope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4.Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Intmodifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of theoutdoorsman.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The out-doorsman is proficient with light and mediumarmor and with simple weapons. He is also pro-ficient with two preferred weapons, which maybe simple, martial, or exotic weapons.

Favored Terrain: At first level, the outdoors-man may select two regions in which he hasexceptional experience. A region is comprised

of a terrain type and a temperature type. Thereare seven primary terrain types and three tem-perature types. Each terrain type chosen repre-sents skill in two of the temperature types,selected by the player when the terrain is cho-sen. Alternatively, characters can choose to beproficient in one temperature type for two dif-ferent terrain types, rather than two tempera-ture types in one terrain.

Type TemperatureAquatic* ColdDesert Hot

Forest TemperateHillMarshMountainPlainsUnderground

* Aquatic may not be chosen unless the out-doorsman has some natural or magical meansto breathe water.

Example: Naret is an outdoorsman who grewup on the edge of the vast Riffling Woods. Hechooses Forest as his terrain, and selects bothCold and Temperate terrain types. He does notgain his Favored Terrain abilities if he enters atropical jungle (a hot forest) unless he laterchooses that as an additional Favored Terrain.Alternatively, he could choose Cold Plains and

Cold Forest for his terrain types. He could notchoose Cold Plains and Hot Forest, becauseboth the terrain type and temperature types aredifferent. He could eventually gain both ofthese terrains, but they would have to be select-ed at different levels.

When an outdoorsman is in his favored terrain,he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC whenever heis not denied his Dexterity modifier to AC. Hefurthermore gains a +2 bonus to any Hide,Intuit Direction, Knowledge (nature), MoveSilently, Search, Spot, or Wilderness Lorechecks. Base speed increases by 5 ft. when in afavored terrain. These bonuses do not apply ifthe character is in a building or other constructwithin his terrain. (e.g., if Naret enters a castlethat is located in a deep forest, he does not gainhis Favored Terrain bonuses while he is in oron the castle.)

Every five levels, an outdoorsman may add twonew favored terrains and increase the bonus inall existing favored terrains by 1.

Preferred Weapons: Outdoorsmen have littletime to learn the ins and outs of every sort ofweapon. They tend to pick a specific weaponearly and stick to it. An outdoorsman mustselect one melee and one ranged weapon,which become his preferred weapons. Attackand weapon related feats that are chosen asbonus feats only apply when the character isusing his preferred weapons. Any time the out-doorsman gains a new favored terrain, he maychoose to substitute new weapons as his pre-ferred weapons. This choice replaces his previ-ously chosen weapons and is permanent until

he next gains a favored terrain.

Bonus Feat: The outdoorsman may chooseany of the fighter’s bonus feats. However, anyfeats that apply to, or are used with, weapons(Power Attack, Cleave, etc.) only apply whenthe character is using a preferred weapon. Ifthese feats are chosen when using non-bonusfeats, they may apply to all weapons withwhich the character is proficient.




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Animal Companion: The Outdoorsman hasbefriended an animal, as if he had cast the ani-mal friendship spell at a caster level equal tohalf his class level. Should this companion die,he can gain a new companion after one month.The companion must be native to one of theoutdoorsman’s favored terrains. The outdoors-man may never have more than one companion

of any type.

Fast Passage: The outdoorsman may move athis full speed through any of his favored ter-rains, despite impediments such as deep bogsor thick forest.

Lightstep: When moving through a favoredterrain, the outdoorsman is skilled at not leav-ing tracks; the DC to track him through theseareas is increased by his class level.

Bestial Companion: The outdoorsman is capa-ble of bonding with a beast, and may take anybeast with an Intelligence of three or less as acompanion. The outdoorsman may never have abestial companion whose HD are greater than hisown. The beast befriends the outdoorsman asdoes an animal that is the target of the animalfriendship spell. The outdoorsman may neverhave more than one companion of any type.

Magical Companion: The outdoorsman iscapable of bonding with a magical beast, andmay take any magical beast with anIntelligence of three or less as a companion.The outdoorsman may never have a magicalcompanion whose hit dice are greater than hisown. The magical beast befriends the outdoors-man as does an animal that is the target of the

animal friendship spell. The outdoorsman maynever have more than one companion of anytype.


The following variant classes are only slightlychanged from the core classes. As such, they

require somewhat less detail.

Fighter Variants

Urban Warrior

The urban warrior is a city-based fighter, whohas spent little time outside the walls of his


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hometown. Urban warriors can be found as theenforcers and the muscle of criminal guilds, asthe leaders of the City Watch, or as bodyguardsand private police for powerful nobles and mer-chants. The main advantage an urban warriorgains is skill selection; the main disadvantagethey face is fewer armor proficiencies and feats.

Urban warriors tend to travel light. Cities arefilled with tight alleys, dead ends, narrow pas-sages, and so on. Moving quietly and keepingto the shadows is vital if you wish to stay alive.For this reason, urban warriors train only inlight armor.

Furthermore, in the cities, there is often more tolife than combat, and even combat can be com-plex. No matter how skilled a fighter may be, allof that power is worthless if he cannot locate hisenemy. Unlike fighters who battle massedarmies of orcs or flamboyantly visible dragons,urban warriors are often unaware of the trueidentity of their foe. Whether a bodyguard seek-ing the man who attempted to kill his patron, aguild enforcer looking for a rogue operatingwithout the guild’s blessing, or a watchmansearching for the same rogue, the urban warriormust be prepared to ask questions and getanswers. They have skills to facilitate this, butthe time taken to master those skills detractsslightly from their combat abilities.

An urban warrior is identical to a fighter,

except as follows:

Class Skills

The urban warrior’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb(Str), Craft (Int), Gather Information (Cha),Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis),Jump (Str), Move Silently (Dex), Profession(Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Urban Lore(Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: 4 + (Int mod) x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 +(Int mod).

Class Features

Urban warriors are proficient in light armor, allshields, and all simple and martial weapons.


Urban warriors do not gain a bonus fighterfeat at 1st level.

New Skill: Urban Lore

Urban Lore (Wis)

Use this skill to survive in the urban jungle.You are a skilled scavenger of the streets, capa-

ble of finding the essentials of life in any cityor urban environment.

This skill is the urban counterpart toWilderness Lore. Rogues, bards, and rangersmay take it as a class skill. Rangers who takeUrban Lore as a class skill must makeWilderness Lore a cross-class skill. You mustmake this decision when you take your firstlevel of ranger.

Check: You can keep yourself safe in a city ortown without relying on others to help you.

DC 10: Scrounge enough food and water tostay alive; find a reasonably safe place to sleepon the streets.

DC 15: Determine if an abandoned building issafe or is likely to collapse or be inhabited bymonsters.

DC 20: Recognize signs of underworld fac-tions; know whose turf you are on. A success-ful check against this DC also grants you a +2synergy bonus to Gather Information checks in

this specific area or neighborhood.

Retry: You may try to find food and shelter onceper day. You may attempt to gain the +2 synergybonus on Gather Information checks only onceper use of the Gather Information skill.

Monk Variants

Seeker of WisdomThe seeker of wisdom is a monk who combines

his quest for inner development with a quest forknowledge. The seeker travels the world seek-ing enlightenment, both spiritual and temporal.Each has a number of key obsessions, whichmay or may not be related, and they will goalmost anywhere to further their knowledge oftheir chosen subjects. They are somewhat lesscombative than their fellow monks, as theyhave spent their time learning things other thanweapon use.Seekers of wisdom are a fairly diverse lot, but




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all share a few common personality traits. Theyare intelligent, curious, and believe there is noreasonable limit on the search for knowledge.While highly lawful and disciplined, a seekerwould think nothing of breaking into a libraryor violating a longstanding cultural taboo, if,by doing so, he could enhance his knowledgeof a certain subject.

A seeker of wisdom will often join up with anadventuring party if their actions are likely tofurther his personal quest for intellectualenrichment. This overwhelming desire cancause him to lead the party into danger, or atleast nudge them towards it. (“It is true that theCaverns of the Red Mountains are filled withdeadly giant scorpions. But what better place isthere, then, to learn of their mating habits?”)

A seeker of wisdom is identical to a monk,except as follows:

Class Skills

The seeker of wisdom’s class skills (and thekey ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex),Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),Diplomacy (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str),Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (reli-gion) (Int), Knowledge (any one) (Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis),Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

Weapon proficiencies are even more limited. Aseeker of wisdom is proficient in only three ofthe standard monk weapons.

Ghost HunterThe goal of the monk is physical and mentalperfection in this life, ending ultimately with aform of transcendence. Because of this, manymonks view undead as the ultimate abomina-tion, creatures that failed to achieve enlighten-ment in life and will not go to their proper placein death. The well-ordered world of the monk

cannot abide a creature that is neither alive nordead, one that cannot truly improve itself ormove on to its next stage of existence. Thus,ghost hunters emerge from among the monkorders, forsaking some parts of their training inorder to set the dead to rest, permanently.

Ghost hunters are found wandering the world,seeking out undead to destroy. They will glad-ly join adventurers whose expeditions are like-

ly to place them in contact with the undead.While a ghost hunter does not expect everyconflict to involve the undead, he will leave agroup that deliberately avoids undead or thatrefuses to seek them out when the opportunityarises.

Ghost hunters will never willingly bargain

with, or make treaties with, undead. Any ghosthunter that knowingly avoids killing undeadwhen the opportunity presents itself willbecome an ex-ghost hunter, advancing as a nor-mal monk from then on.

A ghost hunter is identical to a monk, except asfollows:


Must be lawful neutral or lawful good.

Class SkillsThe ghost hunter’s class skills (and the keyability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb(Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal(Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge(religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), andTumble (Dex).

Class Features

Once per day, a ghost hunter can turn undead asa cleric of half his class level. He may not takethe Extra Turning feat.

The intense spiritual training of the ghosthunter is not without its drawbacks; time spentstudying the ways of ghosts is time not spent inconditioning and exercise. Thus, ghost huntershave inferior Fortitude saves, using the sameFortitude save progression as a rogue.


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This chapter contains over two dozen new featsgeared toward martial characters, but appropri-ate for any character that wishes to betterdefend himself from the dangers of the world.After that, two sections are presented detailingnew rules for special types of combat, combatwhile mounted and acrobatic combat. Getready for high flying fun!

All of the text in this chapter is consideredOpen Game Content.

New FeatsThe following section describes several newfeats for use in any d20 system game. Severalof the feats have prerequisites that are also list-ed as class abilities for certain classes, such asTwo-Weapon Fighting for the ranger. If a char-

acter has a class ability that mirrors a feat, thenthat will pass for the appropriate prerequisite. Ifthe character somehow loses this ability, how-ever, they will no longer have access to anyfeats that require it.

Rage Feats

This new class of feat is available only to bar-barians and other characters with the ability

to rage. These new feats can be used while

the barbarian is raging, and cannot be used ifthe barbarian somehow loses the ability to rage.

New Feats

Barroom Brawler [General]

You can dish it out and take it in a tavern fight.Prerequisites: Con 13+, Toughness.Benefit: You gain +4 hit points for the

purpose of defending against subdual damage(PHB 134). In addition, your unarmed attacksdeal 1d4 points of subdual damage plus yourStrength modifier (1d3 for Small creatures).

Special: A character may not take thisfeat more than once.

Blood of Iron [General]

You have a natural resistance to spells thanks to

especially strong dwarven lineage.Prerequisites:You must select this feat at1st level.

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to all savingthrows against spells and spell-like abilities.

Special: The bonus may be selected bydwarves and stacks with their natural resistanceto spells and spell-like abilities, making theirbonus a total of +3 instead of the normal +2.


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Bull Strike [General]

You learn to make vicious attacks after throw-ing yourself into an opponent.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, base attackbonus +6 or higher, Improved Bull Rush.

Benefit: When you perform a successfulbull rush, you may also follow it up with onemelee attack against that opponent. This meleeattack uses your highest base attack bonus andis considered a free action. For example, T’Gal,a 10th-level barbarian, bull rushes an opponentand succeeds. He has two attacks per round,one at +12 and a second at +7. He may imme-diately make a melee attack with his first meleeattack modifier of +12. If the opponent is

knocked down or falls down during the bullrush, he is considered to be prone for the attack.

Normal: See the rules for bull rush in thecore rules (PHB 136).

Clinging Combat [General]

The character is exceptionally skilled at fight-ing while climbing.

Prerequisite: Dex 13+.Benefit: You do not lose your Dexterity

bonus to AC while climbing, and when youmiss while attacking someone while climbing,you do not need to make a Climb check toavoid falling.

Normal: A character who is climb-ing has no Dexterity bonus to AC, and


New FeatsGeneral Feats PrerequisitesBarroom Brawler* Con 13+, ToughnessBlood of Iron You must select this feat at 1st-levelBull’s Strike Dex 13+, base attack bonus +6 or higher, Improved Bull Rush

Clinging Combat Dex 13+Hunter’s Wisdom Wis 13+Improved Leverage Improved TripImproved Soft Step Dex 15+, Soft StepLionhearted Iron WillMaster Tracker Track, Wisdom 15+Parry* Dex 13+, base attack bonus +3 or higher, ExpertiseParrying Weapon* Two-Weapon FightingPressing Attack** Combat ReflexesQuick Leap Dex 13+Riposte* Base attack bonus +6 or higher, ParryRising Strike Dex 15+, base attack bonus +5 or higher, Quick LeapSoft Step Dex 13+

Superior Mounted Archery Mounted ArcheryTaunt Bluff 4 ranks, Cha 13+Two-Weapon Defense* Dex 13+, Ambidexterity, Expertise, Two-Weapon FightingWeapon Trip Weapon FocusWeapons of Opportunity* Base attack bonus +4 or higher

Rage Feats PrerequisitesCollective Fury Ability to rage, WarcryFurious Strength Ability to rageHoly Fury Ability to channel positive energy, ability to rageRaging Jump Ability to rage, Jump 3 ranksSavage Health Ability to rage, Con 15+Warcry Ability to rage, Cha 13+

* This feat was first released in the Seafarer’s Handbook, also by Fantasy Flight Games.** This feat was first released in the Dragonstar Starfarer’s Handbook, also by Fantasy FlightGames.

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when using skills and Soft Step together.

Lionhearted [General]

You possess an incredible level of bravery anddetermination.

Prerequisites: Iron Will.Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Will

saves and a +4 bonus to Will saves against feareffects.

Master Tracker [General]

You have mastered the ways of the hunter,allowing you to follow enemies through eventhe most difficult terrain.

Prerequisites: Track, Wisdom 15+.Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all

Search checks and Wilderness Lore checkswhile tracking.

Parry [General]You can deflect a melee attack against you withyour own weapon.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, base attackbonus +3 or higher, Expertise.

Benefit: On your action, you may chooseto hold one or more of your normal attacksuntil an opponent attacks. The opponent rollshis attack normally to determine if he hits. If hesucceeds, you may then make an opposedattack roll against a DC equal to your oppo-nent’s final attack result. If you succeed, youhave parried the blow and struck your oppo-nent’s weapon (PHB 136). Using parry doesnot provoke an attack of opportunity. If, at theend of the round, you have any unused parryactions, they are lost and may not be trans-ferred to the next round.

Normal: Characters who do not possessthis feat may not attempt to parry.

Parrying Weapon [General]

You can use an off-hand weapon as if it were ashield.

Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting.Benefit: When wielding a weapon in

your off-hand that is at least one size categorysmaller than you are, you can defend yourselfwith the weapon as if it were a buckler. Noarmor check penalty applies, but normal arcanespell failure does. You cannot use the weaponto both attack and defend in the same meleeround.

Pressing Attack [General]

You are skilled at seizing every advantage andkeeping your opponent on the defensive.

Prerequisites: Combat ReflexesBenefit: This feat allows you to follow an

opponent who tries to step back from an areayou threaten. The opponent must be in an area

you threaten at the beginning of his action. Ifthe opponent takes a 5-foot step to an area youdo not threaten, you may immediately take a 5-foot step of your own to any unoccupied spacewhere you again threaten the opponent. If nosuch space is available, you cannot use thisfeat. You may only use this feat once per round.

Quick Leap [General]

You can rise from the ground instantaneously.Prerequisites: Dex 13+.Benefit: If you are down on the ground in

a prone position and are able to stand, you maydo so as a free action rather than as a move-equivalent action.

Normal: It is a move-equivalent action tostand from prone.

Raging Jump [Rage]

You can use your rage to extend your leapingdistance.

Prerequisite: Ability to rage, Jump 3ranks.

Benefit: While raging, you can channel

some of your energy into a prodigious leap.You gain a +10 bonus on a single Jump checkat the cost of shortening your total rage time byone round.

Riposte [General]

You may attempt to turn a successful parry intoan additional attack against your opponent.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6 orhigher, Parry.

Benefit: If you made a successful parrythis round, you may make a free melee attack

against the opponent you parried. The attack isat your highest base attack bonus and all nor-mal modifiers apply. No matter how many par-ries you have made, you can make no morethan one riposte per round, unless you areaffected by magic items or spells that increasethe number of actions you can make in a round,such as haste orboots of speed.


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Rising Strike [General]

You can make a quick, surprising attack whenrising from the ground.

Prerequisites: Dex 15+, base attackbonus +5 or higher, Quick Leap.

Benefit: You catch your opponents offguard by attacking from the ground and risingin one swift motion. If you attack an adjacentopponent in the same round as you rise withQuick Leap, your first melee attack gains a +4bonus to hit and your opponent loses hisDexterity bonus to AC against that attack.

Savage Health [Rage]

You gain temporary hit points when you rage.Prerequisite: Ability to rage, Con 15+.Benefit: In the first round that a character

is raging, he may choose to channel some of hisfury into a surge of health. This free actiongrants them 1d8 temporary hit points for eachround by which they shorten their rage. All ofthese hit points vanish when the rage ends.Damage is taken from these temporary hitpoints first; if the total damage taken during the

rage does not exceed these hit points, the char-acter has taken no real damage.

Soft Step [General]

You are so light on your feet that you avoid anopponent’s tremorsense ability.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+.Benefit: While using this feat you cannot

be targeted by an opponent’s tremorsense abil-ity. Your base speed is one-half normal whileusing this ability. Additionally, any skill checksthat require extreme movement (Escape Artist,

Tumble, and so on) may allow an opponent todetect you. Add five to the DC of any skillcheck if it is made while using Soft Step.Making an attack roll immediately negates thebenefits of this feat. Once you have revealedyourself to a creature, you may not use SoftStep against it until you leave its tremorsenserange and then return.

Special: Characters wearing heavier thanlight armor may not benefit from this feat.

Superior Mounted Archery [General]

You are a master bowman while mounted onyour steed.

Prerequisites: Mounted Archery.Benefit: The penalty you suffer when

using a ranged weapon with the MountedArchery feat is halved: –1 instead of –2 if yourmount is taking a double move, and –2 insteadof –4 while your mount is running.

Taunt [General]

The character can distract and anger an oppo-nent with well-chosen mockery.

Prerequisite: Bluff 3 ranks, Cha 13+.Benefit: As a move-equivalent action that

does not provoke an attack of opportunity, thecharacter can target a single opponent who caneither see or hear the character. The characterthen insults, mocks, or otherwise attempts toinfuriate the target, who must make a SenseMotive check opposed by the taunting charac-ter’s Bluff check. Should the target fail thischeck, he will attempt to attack the tauntingcharacter, ignoring any present targets in favor

of the offensive newcomer. This does not meanhe will stupidly charge the taunting character;he will fight as cunningly as is fitting. He will,however, ignore other opponents unless doingso is suicidal. (He will suffer an attack ofopportunity to break combat with his currentopponent, but he would not run through agauntlet of the taunter’s allies, suffering multi-ple attacks.)

This feat is often used to draw oppo-nents away from allied spellcasters or to dis-tract foes while the party rogue disables a lockor safely trips a trap.

Two-Weapon Defense [General]

You can attack and defend with a weapon ineach hand. You can fight defensively while stillmaking your normal attacks each round.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Ambidexterity,Expertise, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Benefit: You can take a penalty of –2 toall attack rolls this round in order to gain a +4dodge bonus to AC until your next action.



Official Errata: Two-Weapon DefenseThe Two-Weapon Defense feat was originally presented in the Seafarer’s Handbook. The versionpresented below is slightly modified and is now the official version of the feat.

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Normal: See Expertise (PHB 82) andFighting Defensively (PHB 124).

Special: You can only use this feat if youwield a weapon in each hand.

Warcry [Rage]

The character can terrify opponents with a fear-

some battlecry.Prerequisite: Ability to rage, Cha 13+.Benefit: As a move-equivalent action, the

character can emit a battlecry that will severelyunnerve his opponents. Each opponent within30 ft. of the character at the time of the crymust make a Will save (DC 10 + the character’sCharisma bonus). Add two to the DC of theWill save if the character with Warcry has atleast five ranks in Intimidate.

Opponents that fail the Will save suffer a–1 morale penalty to attack rolls, Will saves,and AC for as long as the raging character

remains in combat and raging. Using Warcryreduces the character’s total rage time by oneround.

Weapon Trip [General]

You have trained to be able to trip foes withyour melee weapon.

Prerequisites: Weapon FocusBenefit: Select one melee weapon for

which you have the Weapon Focus feat. Youmay now use that weapon to make trip attacks.If you are tripped during your own trip attempt,

you can drop that weapon to avoid beingtripped.

Normal: Only specially designedweapons such as the guisarme may be used totrip opponents in combat.

Weapons of Opportunity [General]

You can use mundane objects as weapons incombat.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4 orhigher.

Benefit: You can use virtually any mun-

dane object that you can lift as if it were aweapon. You attack with all normal bonuses,including those from applicable feats. Damagefor a weapon of opportunity depends on itssize. Consult the following table.

Size Damage Critical Range IncrementTiny 1d3 x2 10 ft.Small 1d4 x2 10 ft.Medium 1d6 x2 10 ft.Large 1d8 x2 10 ft.


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There are as many styles of combat as there aregenres of fantasy. One of the most entertainingto watch is the acrobatic style, a collection ofmoves and tricks that are used in everythingfrom martial arts to pirate skirmishes. For acharacter who specializes in acrobatic fighting,Dexterity and Intelligence are particularlyimportant. Some of the more complicatedmaneuvers require a well-rounded characterwho has practiced Balance, Tumble, and otherphysical skills in addition to the fighter’s classskills. Rogues and bards are often drawn to thisstyle of combat, but anyone with the proper

training can perform the moves listed here.

Some of the maneuvers listed below involveleaping, swinging, or walking over the charac-ter’s opponents. This kind of three-dimension-al combat raises the question of which squaresaround an opponent are threatened. For all pur-poses of these maneuvers (unless it specifical-ly states otherwise in the maneuver), a personis considered to threaten squares above himwith the same reach as around him. So, a char-acter threatens the squares directly above his

threatened squares to the same distance as hisreach. Some of the maneuvers also require theuse of a prop (furniture, rope, enemies, allies,etc.). Any required props will be listed in thedescriptions below.

Each maneuver listed below has a list of pre-requisites that must be met before the maneu-ver can be performed. In addition, some of themaneuvers require skill checks in order to suc-ceed. If no skill check is called for, assume anycharacter that meets the prerequisites can uti-lize the maneuver.

Attack From Above

Prerequisites: Tumble 3 ranks, Jump 5ranks.

Benefit: If the character wishes toambush a passerby from higher ground, he maymake an attack from above. He must be at least5 ft. above the head of his target, which usual-

ly means 10 ft. higher than the surface onwhich his target is standing (assume all

Medium-size creatures are 5 ft. tall for this pur-pose). The character initiating the attack fromabove makes a melee touch attack roll, with a+1 modifier for starting from higher ground.Targets hit by an attack from above suffer 1d6points of subdual damage and are subject to animmediate trip attack. The attacking charactergains a +4 bonus to the opposed trip check due

to the extra force being applied to the defender.After resolving the trip attack, the attackermust make a Tumble check (DC 15) to remainstanding. If this check fails, he falls prone andsuffers 1d6 points of subdual damage.

The attacking character can attempt totrip multiple targets with the attack from above.He may target up to four Medium-size crea-tures with a single attack as long as each targetis no more than 5 feet away from all other tar-gets. In order to attack the group as a whole, thecharacter must make a melee attack roll asabove, with a –1 penalty to his attack roll foreach target to be included in the group. Theattack roll is then applied separately against thetouch AC of each target. Those who are hitmust then make opposed trip checks.

Alternatively, a character attempting anattack from above can initiate a grapple insteadof a trip attack. In this case, the target suffers nodamage from the attack from above, but maystill take damage if he is successfully grappled.The attacker gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus tohis touch attack roll for starting from higherground and a +4 bonus to the opposed grapple

check to start the grapple. Unlike a normalgrapple attempt, you may still initiate the grap-ple even if the target hits you with his attack ofopportunity.


Prerequisites: Balance 8 ranks, Tumble 5ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Dex 15+.

Benefit: The character can run or leapfrom beam to beam across an otherwise openchasm (i.e., open rafters in a building, rareplanks in a dilapidated bridge, tree limbs in an

ancient forest, a diabolical maze over a pool ofacid, etc.). This maneuver allows movement attwice the normal rate with a single Balancecheck per round (DC 15) at no penalty. Thebeams must be at least six inches wide for thismaneuver to be used. If the beams are aboveground level, a successful Jump check isrequired both to gain access to the beams and todismount without taking falling damage.



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Blade Ballet

Prerequisites: Blind-Fight, SpringAttack, Int 13+.

Benefit: Through years of intensive train-ing, the character has intuitively masteredgraceful and deadly sequences of combatmoves, allowing him to effectively fight foes

on all sides with a reduced penalty. Opponentsattacking the character from flanking positionsreceive only a +1 flanking bonus to their attackrolls.


Prerequisites: Tumble 5 ranks, Mobility.Benefit: A character using this maneuver

can cartwheel over the back of either an oppo-nent or an ally, thus passing through an occu-pied space to get to the other side. This move-ment can only be made in a straight line and the

cartwheeling character must land directlyopposite the starting point. The ending positioncan be no further than 10 feet away from thestart of the move. This maneuver may not beperformed while wearing medium or heavyarmor.

In order to cartwheel over an ally, thecharacter must make a successful Tumblecheck (DC 15). If she is successful, she doesnot provoke an attack of opportunity at the end,even if she lands in or moves through a threat-ened space. Should the character fail theTumble check he does not move, and his ally

suffers a –2 penalty to all attack rolls and Ac*ntil his next round.

Cartwheeling over an opponent is moredifficult. The character must make a Tumblecheck (DC 20) to execute the maneuver safely.Failing this check means the character does notmove and his opponent gets an attack of oppor-tunity. If the character then makes an attack onthe opponent over which she just tumbled, shecan add a +2 flanking bonus to her attack roll.

Performing a cartwheel is in all otherways identical to a 5-ft. step.

Dance Around the Maypole

Prerequisites: Balance 5 ranks, Str 13+,Dex 13+.

Benefit: This maneuver requires twofriendly characters, both with the listed prereq-uisites. When performing this maneuver, thetwo characters grasp hands and swing around,using the momentum to deliver kick attacks toadjacent enemies. Both characters must go on


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the same initiative, and neither can be wearingmedium or heavy armor.

Each character may take his full numberof unarmed attacks against any opponent with-in 5 ft. of either character. These attacks may besplit up however the character wishes. Each

attack deals 1d6 points of subdual damage plusStrength modifier, and the character does notsuffer attacks of opportunity even if he does nothave the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.

Going Up

Prerequisites: Climb 5 ranks, Str 13+.Benefit: A character can use this maneu-

ver to grab a rope that is connected to a counterweight, loosen the counter weight, and bepulled up to a higher elevation (the top of ashaft, the second floor, etc.). This maneuver is

a move-equivalent action that does not provokean attack of opportunity.

High Dive

Prerequisites: Swim 5 ranks.Benefit: A character can use this maneu-

ver to dive off a building or cliff face that isbetween 50 and 150 feet in height, into water

that is at least 10 feet deep for every 30 feetof his dive. The character must make a

Swim check (DC 15) to succeed. He gains a +2synergy bonus to this check for having 5 ranksin Jump or Tumble, up to +4. On a successfulcheck, the character takes no damage. Failureindicates that the character receives standarddamage for falling into water (see the core

rules, DMG 112). The character takes the stan-dard penalty to this check: –1 for each 5 poundsof gear he is carrying.

Leap to Different Elevation

Prerequisites: Jump 5 ranks, Tumble 5ranks.

Benefit: The character can take a runningleap and tumble up or down one five-foot levelof elevation without changing her speed. Shecan jump up to a ledge or outcropping from theground, down to a platform on a lower level,

and so on, by making a successful Jump check(DC 18). If the character is jumping down andthrough an opponent’s threatened area, she maymake a Tumble check (DC 15) to avoid attacksof opportunity. A character may not leap to adifferent elevation while wearing medium orheavy armor.

Failure on the initial Jump check indi-cates that the character botched the landing,taking 1d6 points of subdual damage and stop-ping her movement. The character still ends up



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on the new elevation, but may not move fartherunless she has another action.


Prerequisites: Balance 8 ranks, Climb 5ranks, Tumble 8 ranks, Dex 13+.

Benefit: A character with this maneuver

can swing from pole to pole, as well as do flips,handstands, and other acrobatic moves.Polework is useful in that it allows a characterto gain greater distance than a leap might nor-mally provide, to control his descent from ahigher elevation, to reach places (and things)that are normally inaccessible, and to pick andchoose both the method and position of land-ing. A character cannot do polework whilewearing medium or heavy armor.

Characters using polework must have afixed pole to work with somewhere in theirenvironment. (Immovable rods are excellent

for this purpose, and every would-be acrobatdoes well to find one or two.) Polework is oftendone in series, with a mount, a number of exer-cises, and then a dismount. The character canuse the dismount as a jump, clearing a base of10 ft. and adding 1 ft. per point above 10 on aJump check. If used as a high jump, the char-acter can jump 3 ft. higher than the pole, +1 ft.per 4 points above 10 on his Jump check. Inorder to control the placement of the landing,the character must make a successful Tumblecheck (DC 15). Failure indicates that the char-acter botches the dismount, does not landwhere he wished, and suffers 1d6 points of sub-dual damage upon landing. The character lands5 feet from his intended destination in a ran-dom direction.


Prerequisites: Balance 5 ranks, Climb 5ranks.

Benefit: A character can use this maneu-ver to slide down a rope, cable, or chain quick-ly and silently. This can be used either to quick-ly descend a vertical surface, with the rope

fixed at the top, or to cross a horizontal dis-tance, with the rope or chain fixed at both endsand a handle (rope, chain, leather, a wheeled“trolley,” etc.) that allows the character to slidedown the rope. Either way, a successful Climbcheck (DC 10) must be made to successfullyrappel each round. On a failed check, the char-acter takes 1d3 points of subdual damage andmust make a Reflex save (DC 10) or fall therest of the way down.

Rappelling doubles the character’s Climbspeed in both situations, as well as adding a +4circ*mstance bonus to Move Silently checksmade while climbing the rope.

Running Up Walls

Prerequisites: Balance 7 ranks, Climb 7

ranks, Tumble 5 ranks.Benefit: This maneuver allows a charac-

ter to scale a sheer vertical wall of no more than15 feet in height as part of a normal moveaction. This maneuver requires a successfulClimb check (DC 20) in order to reach the top.Failure indicates that the character fell or raninto the wall, taking 1d6 points of damage andfalling prone. This maneuver may be per-formed on a smooth, flat wall. If the characterruns up the wall in an inside corner, where shecan use the perpendicular wall to push off, theClimb DC is reduced by 5.

This maneuver can also be used to pushoff a wall and flip back, landing behind a pur-suing opponent. A character may use this onlyif in the previous round he did nothing butmove adjacent to a wall and an opponent fol-lowed him. If this is the case, he can make aTumble check (DC 20) to perform the maneu-ver. If successful, he lands 5 feet directlybehind his opponent and may make an attackwith a +2 flanking bonus.

Swing Kick

Prerequisites: Tumble 5 ranks, Dex 13+.Benefit: This maneuver allows the char-

acter to swing over an object or around a verti-cal pole to deliver a powerful kick attack. Thiskick deals 1d6 points of subdual damage andinitiates a bull rush attack against the target.The attacker does not provoke an attack ofopportunity by using this maneuver.

Swinging Attack

Prerequisites: Climb 5 ranks, Dex 13+.Benefit: Sometimes characters have the

opportunity to swing on a rope, vine, chande-lier, or other hanging object. This can have avariety of effects depending on the intent of theswinger. If the swinging character wishes toinitiate a bull rush, he does not provoke anattack of opportunity by doing so and adds a +1bonus to his Strength check for every 5 feet hemoved. If the character makes a melee attack,he gains the +1 bonus for higher groundand suffers no attack of opportunity forswinging by the defender. The attacker


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can also attempt to knock his target off its feet,making a trip attack with a +1 bonus to theopposed roll for every 5 feet traveled. Thecharacter does not provoke an attack of oppor-tunity for the trip attack, and gains a +1 bonusto the melee touch attack for higher ground.

The trip also deals the target 1d6 points of sub-dual damage. If the character is tripped duringhis own trip attempt, he is pulled off his ropeand takes 1d6 points of subdual damage, falling5 feet away from his opponent.

In order to dismount next to the target, thecharacter must make a Tumble check (DC 15)or fall prone. Otherwise, the character holds onto the chandelier until his next action.

Tuck and Roll

Prerequisites: Tumble 8 ranks, Mobility.

Benefit: A character using this maneuvercan somersault through the legs of an enemy atleast one size category larger, then pop up intoa fighting position. This maneuver can be usedto travel up to 20 feet. On a successful Tumblecheck (DC 20), the character suffers no attacksof opportunity while crossing the area. If thecharacter then makes an attack on the opponentunder which she just tumbled, she can add a

+2 flanking bonus to her attack roll. On afailure, the character provokes an attack of

opportunity and does not move. A charactercannot tuck and roll in medium or heavy armor.


Prerequisites: Jump 5 ranks, Tumble 5ranks.

Benefit: Vaulting allows a character to

leap over terrain, walls, and other obstacles nomore than five feet in height without slowingdown. She may even do this while at a full runor while engaged in combat, possibly grantingherself cover in the process. A character maynot vault while wearing medium or heavyarmor.


CombatThese maneuvers, much like the ones in theAcrobatic Combat section, do not require a featto use. They are meant to present more combatoptions to characters based on their existingskills rather than enhancing a character’s over-all abilities.

Catching Prey

Prerequisites: Aerial mount, Trample feat.Benefits: When performing a trample on

an opponent from an aerial mount, a charactermay decide to grab the opponent instead ofdealing damage, provided the mount has clawsor arms. On a successful trample, the mountmakes a grapple check with a +4 bonus to theattempt. This does not provoke an attack ofopportunity. Afterwards, the mount may con-tinue its movement for that round. Opponentssuffer no damage from being grappled, but adropped opponent suffers 1d6 points of dam-age for every 10 feet fallen.

Drawback: A mount can only attemptthis maneuver against an opponent at least two

size categories smaller than it.

Charged Jump

Prerequisites: Ride 5 ranks.Benefit: If an experienced rider’s mount

makes a full double move in a straight linebefore attempting a jump, the rider can make aRide check (DC 10) to aid the mount’s Jumpcheck (see cooperating in the core rules, PHB62).



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Coax the Beast

Prerequisite: Ride 5 ranksBenefit: An experienced rider can push a

mount to run even after it is exhausted. By mak-ing a successful Ride check (DC 20 + number ofprevious checks) the character can delay onepoint of Constitution damage to his mount frompushing its movement. This does not actuallynegate the damage, but delays it until the riderand mount stop. Once stopped, the horse takes allof the Constitution damage at once, often killingthe mount on the spot. A rider can only coax thebeast one time for every three Constitution pointsthe mount has. After this point, the mount beginslosing Constitution at a rate of one point perminute until it has reached its total current abili-

ty damage, at which time it collapses.

Deft Dodging

Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Ride 5ranks.

Benefit: By focusing on dodging oppo-nents and defensive maneuvers, the charactergrants both he and his mount a bonus to AC. Ifboth he and his mount perform nothing but a sin-gle move in a round, the mount gains a +4 dodgebonus to AC and the rider gains a +2 dodgebonus to AC.

Diving Assault

Prerequisites: Aerial mount, Ride 5ranks, Ride-By Attack.

Benefit: When performing a divingassault, an aerial mount flies straight down toan opponent to make an attack. The mountgains a +4 bonus to its attack roll that round.

Drawback: The rider must spend his fulleffort controlling the mount and may not attack

until the next round.

Hit and Run

Prerequisites: Ride 10 ranks, Ride-By

Attack.Benefits: The mounted character can

make an attack against any adjacent enemy thathe approached in the previous round and thenmove away without suffering an attack ofopportunity.

Drawback: Due to the haste of the attack,the character suffers a –1 penalty on his attack roll.

Jumping on Horseback

Prerequisites: Ride 8 ranks, Balance 8ranks, Dex 15+.

Benefit: A character can stand and jumpwhile on horseback to avoid low obstacles thatmight otherwise unseat her. This requires a suc-cessful Balance check (DC 20). Failure indi-cates that the character slipped, taking 1d6points of physical damage, 1d6 points of subd-ual damage, and falling prone.

Lasso and Drag

Prerequisites: Ride 5 ranks, Strength13+, Use Rope 5 ranks.

Benefits: As a standard melee attack, a

character can try to lasso and drag an opponentwith a rope. It takes a full round action and asuccessful Use Rope check (DC 15) to preparethe lasso for the attack. An opponent hit by alasso can shed it as a move-equivalent actionany time before the knot is secured; oncesecured it requires a full round action and anEscape Artist check (DC 20) to release. Therope can be burst with a Strength check(DC 23). In order to secure the lasso, thecharacter that threw it must make a Use


Knocking a Rider from His MountAny rider can be knocked from his mount by a blow from an enemy. The enemy must make a suc-cessful trip attack to do so, on which the mounted character gains a +1 higher ground bonus. Themounted character can substitute a Ride check instead of a Strength or Dexterity check to opposethe trip attempt. On a success, the character is knocked or pulled from his saddle and suffers 1d6

points of damage, ending up prone on the ground next to his opponent.

A military saddle grants the mounted character a +2 on his opposed roll, an emergency belt grants a+8 bonus, and a flat saddle imposes a –2 penalty on such checks. A character tied into an aerial sad-dle cannot be pulled from his mount in this fashion. The opponent’s mount may be no more than onesize category larger than the character initiating the trip, otherwise he is out of reach.

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Rope check (DC 15). If this check fails, thelasso comes loose and falls to the ground harm-lessly. If it succeeds, the knot tightens and thelasso grapples the target, pinning him.

If the character’s mount continues tomove, he must make a Strength check (DC 15)or be yanked off his horse. A stock saddle addsa +2 circ*mstance bonus to this check. The

pinned opponent is dragged behind the horse,taking 1d6 points of subdual damage per rounduntil he escapes.

Leaping Onto Your Horse

Prerequisites: Ride 5 ranks, Jump 5ranks, Dex 13+.

Benefit: A character can leap from a 20-foot height or less into the saddle of his horsewithout damage to him or the animal. Charactersmust make a successful Ride check (DC 20) inorder to land safely and avoid spooking the ani-

mal. On a failed check, the character and thehorse both take 1d6 points of damage and theanimal spooks. The character’s armor checkpenalty, if any, does apply to this roll.

Rider’ s Leap

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Ride 8 ranks.Benefit: The character can combine rid-

ing skill, agility, and a bit of luck to manage tojump onto a horse (or any other animal thecharacter can ride) that is both in motion andbeing ridden by another character. To do this,

he must get to within 5 ft. of the target animaland on an elevation at least equal to the targetmount’s back. This can be accomplished byriding next to it, by leaping from a branch as itpasses underneath, or any other such means.

The character then makes a Jump check(DC 15). If the check succeeds, the character isnow perched on the target animal, behind thecurrent rider. It is possible to attack the riderfrom this position, using any weapon that couldbe used in a grapple. The rider does not gain hisDexterity bonus to AC and may not use ashield. Either rider can make an opposed Ridecheck as a standard action to attempt to unseatthe other. If a defender loses this check, he fallsfrom the mount, taking damage as appropriate.



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Prerequisites: Ride 8 ranks, Ride-By Attack.Benefits: A mounted character can try to

knock over a smaller creature by slamming intoit from the side as a part of the movementaction. To perform a sideswipe, the mountmakes a melee touch attack against an oppo-

nent that is at least one size category smaller. Ifthe touch attack succeeds, the mount and targetmust make opposed Strength checks. If themount wins, the target falls to the ground andtakes 1d6 points of subdual damage. If the tar-get wins, the mount fails to knock the targetdown and takes 1d6 points of subdual damage.

Drawback: The character must make aRide check (DC 20) or the mount stops movingfor the round. If this check succeeds, the mountcan finish its move normally.

Snatch and GoPrerequisites: Dexterity 13+, Ride 8 ranks.Benefits: As a standard action, a charac-

ter can lean over the side of a moving mountand pick something up. If the object is on theground, the rider must make an unarmed attackagainst AC 10. If the character attempts to graban object or weapon from an opponent’s hand,he must make a standard disarm attempt,except the opponent has a –4 penalty to hisattack of opportunity. If this attempt fails, theopponent does not get the opportunity to dis-arm the character.

Drawback: The character cannot have anyweapons drawn when performing the snatch.

Spinning Kick

Prerequisites: Ride 8 ranks.Benefit: A four-legged mount can make

this attack in any round in which it moved 5 ft.or less. The mount spins around and lashes outwith its rear legs, causing tremendous damageto anything struck. The attack deals 2d6 pointsof damage plus one and a half times themount’s Strength bonus. Any target of this

attack must also make a Strength check (DC 5+ the damage inflicted) or be pushed 5 ft. backand knocked to the ground.

Drawback: The mount’s rider may notattack during a round in which his mount per-forms a spinning kick, and he must make aBalance check (DC 10) or fall off the mount.

Straddling Two Horses

Prerequisites: Ride 8 ranks, Balance 8

ranks, Dex 15+.Benefit: A character can straddle two

horses and control them simultaneously. Thismaneuver can also be used to bring harnessedanimals to a stop, or to help control a horsewhose rider has been incapacitated. Thismaneuver requires two horses of roughly thesame size (two light warhorses, two riding

horses, etc.). In order to straddle two horses,the character must make a successful Ridecheck (DC 20). Failure indicates that he isunable to control the horses and falls prone,taking 1d6 points of both normal and subdualdamage.

Sudden Halt

Prerequisites: Ride 4 ranks.Benefit: If a rider pushes his mount into a

run or charge, he can use a full round action tobring the mount to a complete halt rather than

slowing it down to a trot first. The rider mustmake a Balance check (DC 12) or fall off themount as it rears itself back. The rider may dis-mount as a free action in the same round.

Switching Horses in Mid-Gallop

Prerequisites: Ride 8 ranks, Balance 5ranks, Dex 15+.

Benefit: A character can switch from hishorse to another horse in mid-gallop, as long asthe horses are alongside each other with nomore than 5 feet between them. He must make

a Ride check (DC 15) or miss the target andfall, taking 1d6 points of damage.

If the target horse has a rider, this maneu-ver provokes an attack of opportunity. Once thetwo riders are on the same horse, they maystruggle to unseat one another. The two charac-ters must make opposed Ride checks, with thefirst character to lose two consecutive checksbeing thrown from the horse, taking 1d6 pointsof damage from the fall and ending up prone.


Prerequisites: Jump 3 ranks, Ride 5 ranks.Benefit: A character using this maneuvercan leap off his mount to initiate a trip or grappleattack on an opponent without provoking an attackof opportunity. The character gains a +2 bonus tothe touch attack to initiate a grapple or trip, and a+4 bonus to the Strength check to resolve a trip.

Drawback: If the character fails to tripor successfully initiate a grapple, he auto-matically falls prone in a square next tohis opponent.


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This chapter contains an essay on character cre-ation and ability selection that can help a play-er maximize his fighting character for whatev-er he would like to do. Fighting schools arenext, giving characters new options for build-ing unique fighting styles by specializing in thetechniques of a particular school.

All text in this chapter is designated closedcontent. All rules-related material derived fromthe d20 System Reference Document is desig-nated Open Game Content.

TheMechanics of

MeleeThis section is designed to aid players who areplaying melee-based characters (fighter, barbarian,ranger, or monk) for the first time, although someof the topics also touch upon ranged combat aswell. By covering topics such as melee archetypes,feat combos, and simple combat tactics this sec-

tion attempts to educate new players in the finerpoints of entering melee combat and surviving.

Melee ArchetypesThe term “melee archetype” is used to describethe different styles of execution that melee-based characters have to choose from.Examples range from skilled swordsmen whouse dexterity and intelligence to disarm and

bewilder opponents to savage barbarians thatuse brute strength and feats such as PowerAttack to pile on massive amounts of damage.Rangers and monks possess a wide variety ofstyles and tactics in combat as well.

By having a character plan (with skill selection,feat selection, and ability score placement) dur-ing the character creation process, new and oldplayers alike will perform more effectively andmore comfortably during combat. Listed beloware four examples of melee archetypes.

The SwordsmanThis type of character uses speed, skill, andintelligence in combat rather than brutestrength.

Ability Scores: The swordsman’s primary abil-ity scores are Dexterity and Intelligence. A highDexterity score increases the swordsman’s AC,while placing a premium on Intelligence givesthe character a few extra skill points to place


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where he most needs them.

Skills: Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble are allkey skills that play into the strengths of theswordsman character.

Feats: The swordsman’s key feats are Dodge,Expertise, Improved Disarm, Mobility, and

Weapon Finesse.

Tactics: The swordsman uses his mobility aseffectively as his weapon to both keep oppo-nents off balance and always keep his optionsopen. His high Tumble score makes it morelikely that he can dodge in and out of combatwithout suffering attacks of opportunity. Byselecting the Mobility feat, he ensures that evenif he fails his Tumble check, he gains a +4 tohis AC against attacks of opportunity, makinghim even more difficult to hit. The swords-man’s Weapon Finesse and Improved Disarmfeats allow him to take advantage of his highDexterity score, making him more skilled withhis melee attacks and better able to disarmopponents without provoking attacks of oppor-tunity. The key to the swordsman is opportuni-ty and mobility; he should never box himself inif it is not absolutely necessary.

Note: after a successful disarm attempt anopponent’s weapon falls to the ground at hisfeet unless the disarming character is unarmed.The disarming character can use a move-equiv-

alent action to pick up the weapon, and he suf-fers no attack of opportunity unless the oppo-nent has Improved Unarmed Strike or anotherweapon in hand.

The Destroyer

Few things are more intimidating than a skilledand powerful melee character with his weaponin hand. This type of character uses brutestrength, intimidation, and destructive tenden-cies to crush opponents and their possessions.

Ability Scores: The primary ability scores forthe destroyer are Strength and Constitution. Ahigh Strength score adds to all of the destroy-er’s melee attacks and damage rolls. With thedestroyer placing himself in the midst of com-bat, the bonus hit points provided by a highConstitution score are helpful as well.

Skills: While the destroyer rarely slows downlong enough to use his skills in combat, a highIntimidate score can help him reduce the num-

ber of viable opponents before the fight evenbegins.

Feats: The key feats for the destroyer areCleave, Combat Reflexes, Improved BullRush, Power Attack, and Sunder.

Tactics: The high Strength of the destroyer

increases the effectiveness of his melee attacksand damage rolls. By using Power Attack andSunder at higher levels, the destroyer can pileon added damage as well as destroy the armorand weaponry of opponents. The use of theImproved Bull Rush feat allows the destroyerto initiate bull rush maneuvers without provok-ing attacks of opportunity, forcing opponentsout of his threatened area and creating attacksof opportunity for his allies. By placing himselfin the middle of multiple opponents, thedestroyer can use the Combat Reflexes andCleave feats to attack all of the enemies withinhis threatened area. Combining these elementswith the barbarian’s ability to rage makes thedestroyer incredibly dangerous in combat.Subtlety is not the strong point of the destroy-er; he is direct and dangerous, almost to thepoint of recklessness.

The Grappler

With strength and speed, this character usesgrappling attacks to throw opponents off bal-ance and deliver punishing unarmed strikes.

Ability Scores: The primary ability scores forthe grappler are Strength and Dexterity. A highStrength score adds to all of the grappler’sattack and damage rolls, while a high Dexterityscore improves the grappler’s AC and impor-tant skills such as Escape Artist and Tumble.

Skills: Listen, Move Silently, and Tumble arethe grappler’s most important skills. A highListen score aids a grappler’s attempts to detecthidden or stealthy opponents, while a highMove Silently helps him avoid detection. Much

like the swordsman, a good Tumble score ishelpful in avoiding attacks of opportunitywhile moving through an opponent’s threat-ened area.

Feats: The key feats for the grappler areCombat Reflexes, Expertise, ImprovedDisarm, Improved Trip, Improved UnarmedStrike, and Power Attack.

Tactics: While in combat, the grappler’s


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hands are his weapons. His high Strength scoregives him an advantage when using theImproved Trip feat, and allows him to dealmore damage even before factoring in thePower Attack feat. Combat Reflexes allowshim to strike multiple opponents who passthrough his threatened area, and his higher-than-average AC combined with Tumble

checks aid in efforts to avoid attacks fromopponents. A monk’s stunning fist and flurry ofblows abilities increase the melee potential ofthe grappler as well.

Tripping is a good option against opponentswith a high number of attacks, since by stand-ing from prone they are limited to one attackper round. The Improved Trip feat allows acharacter to follow up a successful trip with agrapple attempt at a substantial bonus. In thisway the grappler can completely incapacitate adangerous opponent with a series of touchattacks, followed by a single opposed grapplecheck. The grappler’s use of unarmed strikesallows him to deal massive amounts of damageto grappled foes while maintaining an effectivegrapple or pin.

Disarming is another good option against adangerous and highly armored opponent.Rather than striking to deal damage, the char-acter takes away his opponent’s ability to dealdamage to him, thus reducing the chances ofserious injury. Once the grappler’s opponent isweaponless, the grappler is at a great advantagedue to his specialized unarmed training.

Melee TacticsThis section covers a few of the tactics thatmelee-based characters can use to aid oneanother or themselves in combat.

Aiding: This tactic can be very helpful to low-level characters, as the +2 bonus to attack rollsor AC makes more of an impact early in a char-acter’s career; and, with only a DC of 10 to per-form the aid, it is more often than not a success.

You may initiate an aid action any time you andyour ally can both attack the same opponent inmelee combat.

Flanking: The flanking tactic is helpful tomelee characters no matter what level they maybe. In fact, higher level characters are even



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more dangerous while flanking an opponent.The +2 bonus gained by flanking applies anytime you and an ally are positioned on oppositesides of an opponent. This tactic is particularlyuseful while working in conjunction with arogue character, as flanking an opponentallows a rogue to use his sneak attack ability.

Positioning: By keeping an eye on your place-ment during a battle you increase your chancesfor survival. By staying mobile and avoidingflanking situations you decrease your oppo-nents’ opportunities to gain bonuses againstyou. If faced with multiple opponents, placeyour back to a wall or similar structure, thisreduces the chance for a flank against you.Other positioning options are within narrowpassages (where only one opponent may enteryour threatened area) or within a doorway (alsoreducing opponents’ flanking opportunities).

Choosing Your Actions: Always be carefulwhen choosing actions in combat. Pulling anyitem other than a weapon while an opponentthreatens you gives him an attack of opportuni-ty. If you need an item, attempt to move awayfrom an opponent before pulling the item. Itmay take an additional round or two to accom-plish your goal, but the chances of taking dam-age and suffering attacks of opportunity arereduced.

Know When To Run: Standing your ground

against a dangerous foe is not always the bestplan of attack, and in some cases you will beforced to run away from an opponent. Never beafraid to leave combat if necessary, especially atlower levels, as spells such as raise deadmay beincredibly difficult to acquire for a fallen ally.

Plan Ahead: During the course of an adven-ture (or long-running campaign) plan ahead forencounters. Discuss tactics and signals to usewhile in combat to aid one another. Learn theabilities of allies and discover new ways to aidthem. An example is knowing when to force an

enemy into an adjacent square with a bull rushattack, one round before the group’s wizardunleashes afireballspell that just reaches thatsquare, leaving you unharmed and your oppo-nent singed.

Practice Combat Maneuvers: With the per-mission of your DM, play through practiceencounters to learn what your melee characteris capable of in combat. By practicing with the

use of feats, skills, and abilities you will bemore comfortable when actual adventureencounters happen.

Mounted Combat TacticsBy choosing to use a mount in combat, a meleecharacter chooses to make the mount an exten-

sion of himself as well. Both mount and ridermust be skilled and aware of their surround-ings. This section covers some of the tacticsthat a mounted melee character may use toincrease his effectiveness in combat.

Melee Combat: For melee combat whilemounted, characters have a greater selection offeats to aid them. Feats such as MountedCombat, Spirited Charge, and Ride-By Attackare effective in both keeping a mount focusedin combat and giving a mounted character

more freedom of movement in the combat area.Combine these feats with a high score in theRide skill and mounted characters can quicklybecome an imposing force on the battlefield.This is particularly true for characters whohave Spirited Charge and choose WeaponFocus (lance) or Weapon Specialization(lance). This not only increases their chargingdamage with a lance but also increases theirchances to hit with it as well.

Ranged Attacks: Unlike fighters, who gain asignificant amount of feats, many melee char-

acters must be selective at lower levels whenchoosing a style of combat that is right forthem. When choosing a style of mounted com-bat there are two options: ranged or melee. Bychoosing the Mounted Archery feat, a characteris more skilled at firing a bow from horsebackand gains the advantage of a mount’s increasedmove rate. By choosing the WeaponSpecialization feat in a ranged weapon orselecting feats such as Point Blank Shot orPrecise Shot, a mounted archer can even fur-ther offset the penalties suffered while firingmounted.

Using a Mount’s Natural Abilities:Remembering the natural attacks of a mountcan be very helpful. Typically a successfulRide or Handle Animal skill check (DC 15) isrequired to spur a mount to use its naturalattacks in combat. But just as with characters,mounts may only make a standard actionand move-equivalent action per round(unless otherwise stated).


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Doubling Up: By placing two riders on onemount, characters increase their effectiveness.With a melee-based character leading themount and performing melee attacks, thisleaves room for a second character to makeranged attacks. Using two riders on one mountmay reduce the mount’s move rate, but the dou-bled amount of attacks can be very favorable

during combat.

Ranged Combat TacticsCharacters using ranged weapons possess adistinct advantage over close-quarters fightersin that they have the aid of distance. By stayingout of the threatened areas of opponents, char-acters using ranged weapons have a betterchance of avoiding attacks and being damagedin combat. Described below are several exam-ples of combat tactics that characters using

ranged weapons may use in combat to improvetheir effectiveness.

Shoot and Hide: If your opponents areunaware of your initial location, it is possible tofire on them and hide before they can react.Once they have been shot, however, they areaware of your previous position, so taking around or two to relocate before shooting againis a wise decision. This can also serve as a dis-traction while close range fighters move intoposition, or as the bait when laying an ambush.

Interrupting Spellcasters: By keeping dis-tance in combat, characters using rangedweapons have the advantage of overseeing thebattlefield. By delaying in the initiative countuntil an enemy spellcaster begins to cast, a suc-cessful ranged attack has the potential to inter-rupt the spellcaster’s semantics and ruin hiscasting attempt. By doing this and allowingclose-quarters characters to attack the morephysical opponents, a character using rangedweapons can significantly improve his allies’chances for success and hinder the efforts ofenemy spellcasters.

Use Grenade Weapons: By taking advantageof their high ranged attack bonus charactersspecializing in ranged weapons can be moreeffective with items such as thunderstones,flasks of acid, alchemist’s fire, and tanglefootbags. These items are effective and can be veryhelpful even if conventional ranged weaponryis unavailable. A well-placed thunderstone candisrupt enemy spellcasters and possibly make it



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incredibly difficult for them to cast spells at all,while tanglefoot bags can slow down anenemy’s advance long enough to get additionalshots off before they engage.

Melee Combat vs. MagicCombat

For the melee character, fighting monsters andevil warlords comes with the territory, butfighting opponents with spellcasting abilitiescan be another story. This section covers twoexamples of combat that fighting characterscan use to overcome the difficulties of facingspellcasting opponents.

Close-Quarters: The first example is close-quarters combat. Most often this requires afighter to simply charge in and attempt to over-power a spellcasting opponent (although the

inevitable minions that the spellcaster throws atenemies often make this difficult). This stylefocuses on the use of attacks and maneuversthat deal large amounts of damage and serve tointerrupt enemy spellcasting. Closing in quick-ly on a caster often creates attacks of opportu-nity for melee characters if the caster attemptsto cast a spell while within the melee charac-

ter’s threatened area. Use of the PressingAttack feat (see Chapter 2) makes it even moredifficult for a spellcaster to escape once he isengaged. When facing an opponent with afocus or similar item that allows them to castspells, using Sunder to destroy the item canleave one’s opponent helpless. In the case ofdivine spellcasters, sundering a holy symbol

may greatly hinder their abilities. Wheneverpossible, the use of multiple melee charactersflanking a caster can make a large difference,as the +2 bonuses to hit increase the chances ofinterrupting the caster’s spells. This style maybe risky for melee characters, however, asmany spells require a simple touch attack tocast. For heavily armored melee characterswho do not rely on a high Dexterity score andmagical bonuses for a high AC, this can lead totrouble.

Ranged Combat: By using ranged weapons,characters stand a better chance of avoidingtouch attack spells and other short range effectscreated by spellcasting opponents. With featslike Far Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot,characters have a good chance to interrupt anopponent’s spellcasting attempts. Most bowsand crossbows have a better range than spells,although the shooter may take severe range


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penalties for firing in the higher range incre-ments. Often ranged combat is used to aidmelee characters by disrupting spellcasterswho repeatedly take a 5-ft. step out of melee tocast spells. The ranged character merely read-ies an action and fires when the spellcaster

steps back.

Feat CombosThis section covers a few examples of featcombinations that melee characters can use toincrease their combat prowess. By learning tocombine feats with others, or even with skills,melee characters can give themselves an edgein combat, offset penalties, or aid their allies.Listed below are examples of feat combos andfeat/skill combos.

Power Attack and Sunder: When you attemptto strike a weapon or armor with the Sunderfeat, use the Power Attack feat to increase theamount of damage you deal to the item. Thisallows you to destroy heavy weapons with asingle blow, although if your opponent isskilled, it may drastically reduce your chancesof success.

Mobility and Tumble: By using the

Tumble skill to pass through or away from anopponent’s threatened area, melee charactersmay be able to avoid attacks of opportunity.Mobility gives a character a +4 AC bonusagainst attacks of opportunity for leaving orpassing through a threatened area. Having ahigh Tumble skill and the Mobility feat gives acharacter great freedom when moving through

a crowded melee.

Weapon Finesse and Weapon Focus: Formelee characters that rely on speed and finessemore than power, this combination is ideal.Taking these feats compliments a fighter with ahigh Dexterity and low Strength, making himan effective combatant on both the defensiveand offensive sides. This feat combo is espe-cially beneficial to low-level characters.

Improved Trip and Stunning Fist: By fol-lowing up a successful trip attack with a stun-ning fist, a character prevents his opponentfrom rising in the following round. This meansthat the character’s (and his allies’) next attackswill benefit from the +4 bonus for attacking aprone enemy. It can also give a character extratime to retreat if he is badly wounded or need-ed elsewhere.

Alertness and Skill Focus: The Alertness featgrants a +2 bonus to all Listen and Spot skillchecks. Combining this feat with Skill Focusgives a character a +4 bonus in the chosen skill,

instead of the normal +2.

Deflect Arrows and Lightning Reflexes:Lightning Reflexes gives the character a bonusto all Reflex saves, including those to deflectincoming ranged attacks using the DeflectArrows feat.

Handle Animal, Mounted Combat, and SkillFocus (Ride): The Mounted Combat featallows a character to attempt a Ride skill checkto negate a successful melee hit against hismount. By choosing the Skill Focus (Ride)

feat, a character gains a +2 bonus on all Ridechecks. By adding 5 ranks in the HandleAnimal skill, a character gains another +2bonus, making the total bonuses for his Rideskill and Mounted Combat ability a +4.



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Schools ofCombat

As a discipline grows and matures, it developsinto branches. These branches are unique inand of themselves, and yet still tied to thewhole. Combat, like the mighty oak, has manybranches.

It all begins with an idea of a different way tofight. The idea takes shape and becomes aunique style. The style is refined. It is givenboundaries and rules. Specialists emerge. Theyput the style to use and soon teach others whoin turn become the next generation of masters.

And thus the cycle continues and a school isborn.

Anyone who wishes to learn a unique fightingstyle is called a student. The student mustundertake a series of lessons that break downthe philosophies of the school. Once a studenthas learned at least half of the lessons a partic-ular school offers, he is considered a masterand may teach the techniques he has learned toothers. A student who learns from more thanone school will never be considered a master,although he may still teach lessons as long ashe has learned at least half of the lessons froma school.

Most combat schools have 10 individuallessons. Each lesson teaches a special tech-nique, but in order to gain the technique, a stu-dent must spend the appropriate time and expe-rience costs necessary to learn the lesson. Astudent must always learn the first lesson of aschool before advancing further. This deter-mines the course of education for the student.That first school is called the primary school

and all other schools become secondary.Because each school has its own way of learn-ing, it is more difficult for a student to learn thetechniques of a secondary school. As such, astudent must pay twice the normal XP cost tolearn a lesson from any secondary school.

Only a master can instruct others in a school’ssecrets, but not all masters can use the tech-niques they teach. The Veruthian Slayers, forexample, are mainly taught by clerics of the

god of death. These clerics cannot use the tech-niques of the Slayers, but each has spent thetime necessary to acquire the knowledge sothat they can pass it to others. A master neverneeds to spend the XP required to teach a les-son, only the time and, if appropriate, the gold.

The level cap listed in Table 3-1 details the

ideal level that a student should be beforeattempting to learn a lesson. If the studentwishes to undertake a lesson and does not meetthe level cap, the XP costs are increased by20% to reflect the difficulty of the lesson.

Academies and TravelingMasters

In order to learn the techniques of a school, astudent must seek out either an academy or atraveling master.

Academies are large, usually self-funded, orga-nizations dedicated to instruction. Most acade-mies are found within cities and metropolises,but a rare few are mobile. An academy hastraining rooms, all the necessary educationalequipment, and a staff of masters, usually onefor every five students. They are cheaper thantraveling masters and many offer scholarshipsfor talented, yet destitute, fighters. The localgovernment may sponsor a young student inreturn for future work with the town guard orarmy.

On the other side, a traveling master can befound almost anywhere, from the most danger-ous dungeons to the corner of a seedy tavern. Acharacter can locate a traveling master by suc-ceeding at a Gather Information check (DC 25)and spending 1d4 weeks searching. Theseronin masters are under no obligation to teachand can charge whatever rate they feel like.Some may ask for gold or favors, and a fewteach for more personal reasons, such asvengeance or boredom.

Some masters do not teach at all and mayrequire strong convincing to take on a student.Traveling masters are usually expensive, buthaving the one-on-one kind of education foundonly with a traveling master reduces therequired time to learn a lesson by 15 percent.


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tle in some tavern, but sometimes can be foundlying unconscious in the street. His rates rangefrom 5 gp to 50 gp a day, and are usually basedon his current gambling debts. He is willing totake on a student, however, and he has a gen-uinely good demeanor, even while drunk. Hisskills as a master Soldier are impressive, even ifthey are sometimes hampered by his weak will.


Lesson 1 – Lead FootingA strong stance is the basis for all the tech-niques of the White Shield. As part of his train-ing, a student of the White Shield strengthenshis legs through constant running and balanceexercises. The lead footing technique bestows a+4 stability bonus when defending against tripattacks and improved grab attempts.

Lesson 2 – Defensive Stature

To learn the defensive stature, a student mustundergo a grueling exercise regimen. The mas-ter and student engage in a series of battles inwhich the student may not strike back and mustremain totally on defense. The purpose of thisexercise is to improve endurance, patience, andthe ability to dodge blows. Defensive statureimparts a +1 dodge bonus to AC.

Lesson 3 – Block ArrowWhen teaching the block arrow technique, amaster fires arrows at a student who tries toblock them with a round, wooden shield. Thislesson teaches a student to keep an eye out forranged weapons and to predict their movementin combat. From then on, if the student doesnothing but move in a round, he gains twice the

normal AC bonus from his shield againstranged attacks. This ability does not work withtheshieldspell.

Lesson 4 – Defend AllyIn combat, a good soldier keeps a friend cov-ered from attacks. When first learning thistechnique, students are taught to concentrate onprotecting another person in combat. As aresult, any time the Soldier uses the aid anoth-er action in combat, he can impart a +4 bonusto his ally’s AC rather than a +2.

Lesson 5 – Stubborn WillIn this lesson, the student and master travel to asecluded spot. The master carries all the sup-plies. For several days, the student must standin absolute silence and refuse all offers of foodor drink while the master taunts and provokeshim. The master may even roast up a disgust-ingly obscene feast and lay it out toward the


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end of the second day. By refusing to give in totemptation, the student learns the stubborn willtechnique, imparting a +1 bonus to all Willsaves.

Lesson 6 – Defensive NatureBy continuing his efforts in balancing exercis-es, the student learns to be naturally defensive

at all times. Defensive nature improves the ACbonus given by defensive stature to +2.

Lesson 7 – Disarming BlowA disarming blow is an improved strike againsta weapon. When learning this lesson, the stu-dent and master practice for days with a varietyof different-sized weapons and positions.Eventually, the student masters the angle ofattack needed to strike a weapon away from anopponent. This technique grants a +2 bonus toall disarm attempts. In addition, a successfuldisarm knocks the weapon 10 ft. away from thedefender.

Lesson 8 – Unexpected ChargeSometimes the best defense is a good offense.As part of this lesson a student randomlyattacks his master without warning, usuallywith clever ambushes. The unexpected chargeteaches the idea that an opponent caught offguard is easier to fight. Once this technique islearned, the character can take a charge actionwithout suffering attacks of opportunity fromcreatures whose threatened squares he charges


Lesson 9 – Energy ResistanceThis lesson is a real trial by fire and sometimesscars a student for life. The student first choos-es an energy type such as cold or electricity andthen travels to an appropriate environment: afrozen wasteland for cold, a volcano for fire, arotting swamp for acid, a stormy mountaintopfor electricity, and so forth. The student thenendures this harsh environment wearing as lit-tle clothing as possible and using no magicalprotections. The master checks up on, feeds,

and encourages the student on a daily basis.The result of this torture is the development ofa natural energy resistance 5 to the chosenenergy type.

Lesson 10 – Damage ReductionThe most powerful technique a student of theWhite Shield can learn is the ability to shrug

off damage. The secrets of attaining this abil-ity are carefully guarded, and students wish-

ing to learn this powerful technique arewhisked away for a month and return with verylittle memory of what occurred or where theywent. However, upon his return the student hasgained the damage reduction technique. Withthis ability, a character gains a natural damagereduction of 2/–.

The VinekeepersThere is an old saying, “You don’t see aVinekeeper until it’s too late,” and there issome truth to this. The Vinekeepers have aknack for camouflage, and move with thesilence of a rabbit in snow. To a Vinekeeper,nature is not only a friend, but also a cloak anda shadow. They live for the hunt and sometimesgather together in large parties to track downand kill a powerful beast. There are tales ofVinekeepers going after everything from green

dragons to displacer beasts. Sometimes a townwill hire a Vinekeeper to rid the area of adestructive monster such as a bulette or a packof dire wolves. The origin of the Vinekeepers isshrouded with mystery, though some attributeits founding to some great avatar of old.

School Motto: The Wind Has No Fear


The Rhyecatchers are a mobile academy madeup of a small group of master Vinekeepers.They only train about 10 students at a time andrequire a small test, a Move Silently check (DC12), for new recruits. Costs are 1 gp per day perlesson level, but students are on their own forfood and shelter.

Traveling Master: Fei Starshell

Female elf Rgr8/Sor3; Size M (4 ft., 10 in. tall);HD 8d10 + 3d4; hp 54; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC19; Attack +11/+6 melee (1d6+2 longsword),or +13/+8 ranged (1d8 longbow); SV Fort +7,Ref +7, Will +8; AL CG; Str 13, Dex 19, Con10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 15.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, HandleAnimal +11, Hide +6, Knowledge (nature) +9,Listen +8, Move Silently +11, Profession +5,Ride +10, Search +12, Spellcraft +5, Spot +9,Wilderness Lore +7; Alertness, ImprovedInitiative, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Track.

Possessions: +1 longsword, bracers of armor+4, ring of protection +1,gloves of swimming



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and climbing, 48 gp.

Vinekeepers Lessons:Nature’s Clothing, TheHuntsman, Watchful Rest, Quickscape,Stoneface, The Grassblade.

Fei Starshell is a tiny, spry high elf of 168 win-ters. She is fond of jewelry, music, and good

company and will occasionally take a studentfor about 5 gp a day should the mood take her.Although flighty at times, Fei can instruct eventhe densest students in the ways of the forest.One of her favorite tactics is to disappear andambush her student, or her student’s friends.This tendency has gotten her compared to a feymany times, a comparison that she is not entire-ly uncomfortable with.


Lesson 1 – Nature’s Clothing

Vinekeepers wear a distinct uniform that makesit easier for them to blend into wooded areas.This clothing has to be specially made by themaster for the student. The student receives aseries of lectures of how clothing, plants, col-ors, and sunlight are all important in camou-flage. The clothing covers light and mediumarmor and gives the wearer a +2 circ*mstancebonus to Hide checks made in forested areas.The clothing cannot be worn by another indi-vidual and requires 1 full day to completelyreplace if destroyed.

Lesson 2 – The HuntsmanAs part of being more at home in the wild, astudent of the Vinekeepers must learn to beself-sufficient. As such, the master teaches thestudent how to identify certain tracks, huntwild animals, and to properly prepare game foreating. The huntsman technique gives a charac-ter a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Wilderness Lorechecks and makes it a class skill.

Lesson 3 – Watchful RestA Vinekeeper must be ready for anything, pre-

pared to move at a moment’s notice. As part ofher training, a student spends her nights inmeditation while her master occasionally deliv-ers an unexpected slap. This techniqueimproves awareness during periods of rest. Acharacter with watchful rest gains a +4 circum-stance bonus to Listen checks when sleeping orresting and may react immediately upon wak-ing (she is never considered surprised afterbeing awoken).

Lesson 4 – QuickscapeVinekeepers use the quickscape technique toescape quickly from trouble. It takes patienceand careful study to know the exact momentthat an opponent will blink or otherwise be dis-tracted in combat. With the master’s careful

guidance, a student learns to use nature as away to conceal a retreat. Once per battle, thecharacter can use her move action to run awayand hide. Even if the opponent’s eyes are fol-lowing the character, it will seem as if she hasmelted into the background.

She may hide at any point during her move-ment, although her Hide check suffers a –1penalty for each enemy combatant. Opponentscan make an immediate Spot check as a freeaction to detect the character’s hiding place,but if they fail this check they must search for

her as normal. This technique can only be usedin heavily forested areas.

Lesson 5 – StonefaceStoneface teaches a student the ability toremain perfectly still for hours on end. The les-son begins early one morning and involveshours of remaining motionless in a variety ofpositions and locations. The master teach-es the student how to control breathing


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and how to ignore irritations such as mosqui-toes. The stoneface technique grants theVinekeeper a +4 circ*mstance bonus to Hidechecks when the character is in position andmotionless before an enemy approaches. Thestudent can remain motionless for a number of

hours equal to 1 + her Constitution modifier.She may extend this time by making aConcentration check (DC 20 + the number ofprevious checks) at the beginning of each hour.

Lesson 6 – The GrassbladeMovement can give away a position and reveala Vinekeeper, so much of her training focuseson erasing these disadvantages. The grassbladetechnique focuses on reducing sound and leav-ing as few traces of movement as possible. Forone week, the master and student practice stopand go travel. By learning the grassblade tech-

nique, a character gains a +2 circ*mstancebonus to Move Silently checks and increasesthe DC of Wilderness Lore checks to track herby 4 when she is traveling through woodedenvironments.

Lesson 7 – WindwalkAs a supernatural ability, the Vinekeeper can

move among the branches of the trees hiddenby the sound of rustling wind. This ability

can be used three times per day and it lasts oneminute per level each time it is used. A studentlearns this technique by sitting high in the treesand concentrating on the sound of the wind forseveral days. When using the windwalk, a char-acter gains a +8 bonus to Jump, Hide, andMove Silently checks while moving among thebranches of trees.

Lesson 8 – Nature’s AllyThe Vinekeeper has a good relationship withthe plants and animals of the forest. By learn-ing to tap into latent area magic, a Vinekeepercan ask for help from her environment. Thisability acts as either a control plants oranimalfriendship spell as cast by a 9th-level druid, andcan be used twice per day. The character canfreely choose between the two effects eachtime the ability is used.

Lesson 9 – Viper StrikeOne of the deadliest abilities of theVinekeepers is the technique of attacking with-out warning and then retreating, all in a singleaction. When using a viper strike, theVinekeeper draws a weapon, attacks with a +4bonus on her attack roll, retreats, and hides, allwithin one round of combat and without pro-voking an attack of opportunity. This actioncombined with the quickscape ability has givenrise to legends that the Vinekeepers spring fromthe forest itself to wreak terrible havoc upontheir enemies.

This ability works in all ways like the SpringAttack feat, except the Vinekeeper must be hid-den before she initiates the strike.

Lesson 10 – One With NatureIn a forest, the Vinekeeper becomes nigh invis-ible even when she is not hiding. To learn thispowerful technique, a student must spend anentire month in the wild without food, water,clothes, or even friends. The master watchesfrom afar but does not directly intercede, leav-ing only clues, written suggestions, and odd

animal sounds for the student to study. Afterlearning this powerful technique, theVinekeeper is always considered to have fullconcealment against attacks in a forest, as sheblends in with her surroundings and ducks andweaves in combat, using the terrain to herutmost advantage.



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Order of IllianelThe Order of Illianel came into being when agroup of knights decided to open a school thattaught combat with raw power and strength.;the Order of Illianel is not for the weak of body.Students in this school suffer more than just a

bruise or two after a hard day of training.Although it has an incredible history, the Ordercurrently stands on the brink of ruin. Most mas-ters cannot even find work as town guards andmust resort to thievery or mercenary jobs tomake a living. It has become a political messand many governments are threatening to banthe school altogether; some are even talkingabout executions. The Order thinks the futureof the school depends on a war, and it is cur-rently trying to instigate a fight between twoneighboring kingdoms to give it just such anopportunity.

School Motto: Fight with all your Heart, yourMind, and your Body.


The Dagworth Academy in southern Kisel hasa fine reputation. This is increased no doubt byits headmaster, Sir Cuthwitt, a noble knight andproud father of twenty strapping young men,some of whom are still studying at the school.The price for entry into Dagworth is high, asare the standards for petitioning students, but

the knights who teach are first rate and roomand board is provided. Costs for study are 50gp a week.

Traveling Master: Sir Issacs of Jystun

Male human Ftr15; Size M (5 ft., 8 in. tall); HD15d10+45; hp 134; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21;Attack +24/+19/+14 melee (1d8+11longsword), or +16/+11/+6 ranged (1d8 com-posite longbow); SV Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +6;AL LG; Str 20, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 8,Cha 15.

Skills and Feats: Climb +21, Craft +12,Handle Animal +15, Hide +5, Jump +11, Listen+3, Spot +3, Swim +19; Alertness, Blind-Fight,Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave,Improved Critical (longsword), ImprovedInitiative, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, PowerAttack, Quick Draw, Sunder, Toughness,Weapon Focus (longsword), WeaponSpecialization (longsword).

Possessions: +3 flaming longsword, +1 halfplate, +1 large steel shield of bashing, ring ofprotection +2, gauntlets of ogre power, cloak ofcharisma +4,potion of love, gold bracelet (250gp), 72 gp.

Order of Illianel Lessons: Focused Attack,Expert Control, Ringing Strike, Power Slam,

Balanced Attacks, Double Notch, Last DitchEffort, Lion’s Toss.

Sir Issacs is a young, blonde man with a pen-chant for danger and romance. He can often befound in a tavern telling of his exploits,although most find the narcissistic bent to hisstories a bit harsh to listen to for long. He isextremely chauvinistic and will not take afemale student, although he may make a fewsuggestive remarks in the process of turningone down. Even so, the arrogant knight is arenowned tutor and charges 20 gp a day for hisservices.


Lesson 1 – Focused AttackThe Order of Illianel focuses on good, solidfighting over fancy maneuvers. A disciplinedfighter waits for the proper moment beforemaking a move. The focused attack involvesthe student taking a defensive stance for one ormore rounds in order to improve his nextattack. The character must be in combat andtaking no action other than full defense. Foreach round spent focusing, the character gainsa +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for onestandard melee attack. Subsequent attacks aretreated normally. The maximum bonus is equalto the class level of the character performingthe action.

If the character takes damage while he is focus-ing, he must make a Concentration check (DCequals the amount of damage taken) or lose anybenefits from previous rounds of focus.

Lesson 2 – Expert ControlThe Order of Illianel trains its members to beabsolutely controlled in battle. Expert controlbestows a character with a +1 bonus to damagerolls in melee combat, and makesConcentration a class skill for the character.

Lesson 3 – Ringing StrikeA well-placed slap can cause an opponent’shead to swim. The technique of the ring-ing strike can only be performed in


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unarmed combat and must be declared beforethe attack roll is made. The ringing strike dealsno damage but a foe struck by the attack mustmake a Fortitude save (DC 12). If the savingthrow fails, the foe is stunned for one round.This technique cannot be used against oppo-nents wearing helmets or other protective head-gear or who are immune to critical hits.

Lesson 4 – Power SlamTo learn this technique, students spend hoursthrowing themselves at tied bushels of hay inorder to learn how to use weight in a charge.This technique confers a +1 bonus to meleedamage when charging, and a +5 bonus to theopposed Strength check when the character ini-tiates a bull rush.

Lesson 5 – Balanced AttacksRequires multiple attacks. The Order of Illianelcan teach a student to balance multiple attacks.Rather than making a single strong attack fol-lowed by one or more weaker ones, the studentholds back a little on his initial strike toimprove his chances of hitting on future strikes.Once a character learns this technique he maytake up to a –4 penalty on his first attack andthen add the subtracted amount to the second orthird attack.

For example, Fenris is a 7th-level barbarianand has a total attack bonus of +10/+5. Fenrismay use balanced attacks to subtract two points

from his first attack and add it to the second.For one round, Fenris has a +8/+7 attack bonus.The exact amount subtracted must be declaredbefore attack rolls are made and the addedbonus must be used in the same round. Thistechnique only works with melee attacks.

Lesson 6 – Double NotchThe double notch technique allows a student tofire two arrows at once by gripping them bothat the same time. As such, a character can onlyuse double notch with a composite bow. In asingle ranged attack, a character props two

arrows on the bow and fires both of them at a–4 penalty. Only one attack roll is necessary,and both arrows must strike the same target.However, damage for each of the arrows isrolled separately. Grabbing and loading twoarrows is a move-equivalent action that can beperformed during a move (similar to drawing aweapon during a move).

Lesson 7 – Last Ditch EffortOften used as a final resort, the last ditch efforttechnique involves flinging a melee weapon atan opponent. Normally, such a maneuverwould be very difficult, but the Order ofIllianel instructs a student in the nuances ofmaking a melee weapon into a ranged one.After learning this technique, the student can

throw any weapon at an opponent with nopenalty to the attack roll. Such impromptuthrown weapons have a range increment of 10feet. The weapon deals its standard amount ofdamage.

Lesson 8 – Lion’s TossThis maneuver requires at least a 12 Strength toperform. A time honored game for the Order ofIllianel is the caber toss, in which players lifthuge tree trunks and see who can throw themthe farthest. The game demands incredibleupper body strength and balance, but it alsoleads to the lesson of the lion’s toss.

When using this technique, a character cangrab and throw an opponent for stunning dam-age. In order to perform the lion’s toss, a char-acter must first make a successful grapplecheck on an opponent of his size category orsmaller. The character can then throw the oppo-nent 5 ft. + 5 ft per point of Strength modifier.The unlucky individual takes 1d6 points ofdamage and is stunned for 1d2 rounds. Theopponent can attempt a Tumble check (DC 20);

if successful, he suffers only the damage and isnot stunned. The lion’s toss can be used threetimes per day.

Lesson 9 – Masterful ControlThis technique builds on the ideas learned inexpert control. It improves the amount of dam-age a character can deliver in melee attacks to+2 and grants the character a +1 bonus to dam-age with thrown weapons.

Lesson 10 – Screaming StrikeThe most powerful attack a student in the Order

of Illianel can learn is the screaming strike.When the character charges he leaps onto anopponent with such driving force that he gainsa +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls, as wellas driving his opponent back as if he had per-formed a bull rush (use the character’s attackroll as his bull rush total). The screaming strikecan only be used with melee weapons and maybe performed three times per day.



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The Veruthian SlayersIt would only be a slight understatement to saythat the Veruthian Slayers abhor the undead. Inall honesty, the Slayers go out of their way totrack down and destroy these crimes againstnature. The school is mostly taught by clerics

of the god of death. The members of this schoolare almost always few in number since notmany survive in the eternal war against thenon-living.

The original founder of the school, Elizabeth“The Bloodbeast” Horath, is now perhaps itsbiggest enemy. Once a good and kindly cleric,Elizabeth was a heroine in her day and per-formed many great deeds. She put together theVeruthian school and personally trained theoriginal ten Slayers. They were men andwomen of such power and strength that the

world has not seen their like in many a day.Together they successfully battled an undeadelder god and destroyed countless vampiresand ghouls. But like many such good tales, hersends in sadness. The complete story of how thischarismatic cleric became a monster ofunspeakable reckoning is unknown, but manyvariations can be heard in taverns and school-yards across the land. It is said that after her fallinto darkness, she came back and slew all theremaining eight Slayers, turning them into herundead slaves. They are now fearful black

knights whose mere presence scares even thebravest of paladins. The Slayers know the truthin these tales and realize the threat that hauntstheir every step. Horath still lives, and shedespises the Veruthian Slayers with a hatredand pain built over a thousand years. Shewages a continual war to destroy the veryschool that she created.

School Motto: Cheating Death is Not anOption


The Vandeal Academy has an impressive fortressin the town of Teir. Its founder, AugustusVandeal, still leads the school even in his agingyears. The price for study at the academy is 40 gpper month. It includes room and board.

Traveling Master: The Hangman

Male half-elf Rgr10/Clr2; Size M (5 ft., 8 in.tall); HD 10d10+10 + 2d8+2; hp 75; Init +1;Spd 30 ft.; AC 18; Attack +11/+6/+1 melee

(1d8 longsword), or +14/+9/+4 ranged (1d8+2composite longbow); SV Fort +11, Ref +6,Will +7; AL CN; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11,Wis 13, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +7, Hide +4,

Intuit Direction +8, Knowledge (nature) +10,Knowledge (undead) +4, Listen +5, MoveSilently +4, Search +5, Spot +9, Swim +6,Wilderness Lore +13; Alertness, Dodge,Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, Skill Focus(Concentration), Track.

Possessions: +2 composite longbow, 20 +1arrows, +3 leather armor, boots of levitation,dusty rose prism ioun stone, platinum holysymbol (350 gp), 88 gp.

Veruthian Slayers Lessons: Undead Lore,

Focused Slash, Sense Undead, UndeadCritical, Drain Resistance, Summon Undead,Vorpal Hack.

No one knows the Hangman’s real name, buthis presence is considered an omen of impend-ing doom. Not so much because of the man, butbecause his presence implies the existence ofundead in the area, powerful undead. Anemaciated man with short, well-groomed


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black hair and a wicked longsword, theHangman asks a mere 2 gp per day from hisstudents. Students must accompany him on hisquests, however, so there is some dangerinvolved in attempting to learn from this greatteacher. He is not a great conversationalist andgives little verbal direction, forcing his studentsto learn by his example and not his word.


Lesson 1 – Undead LoreRequires the ability to read. Knowledge ispower for a Veruthian Slayer. For one week, themaster provides a prospective student withmounds upon mounds of books on the undeadand occult. The student must read throughthese texts, scripts, accounts, studies, and his-tories to familiarize himself with the enemy.After acquiring this skill, a character gains a +4bonus to all Knowledge (undead) checks,

which is now considered a class skill.

When encountering a new type of undead orfinding evidence that suggests the presence ofone, a Knowledge (undead) check may revealhelpful information on how to deal with themonster. The DM should determine the DC ofany such check based on the informationsought and the resources available (a librarymay provide a bonus to such checks, asdetailed in Spells & Spellcraft).

Lesson 2 – Focused SlashSome undead, such as skeletons, take only partialdamage from slashing weapons. With a focusedslash, the Slayer deals full damage when using aslashing weapon through his understanding ofhow and where to strike. This technique onlyworks against non-living opponents.

Level 3 – Sense UndeadAdvanced students of the Veruthian Slayerseventually develop a spell-like ability to detectthe presence and relative strength of nearbyundead. This ability can be used three times per

day and acts like the detect undeadspell as castby a 3rd-level cleric.

Lesson 4 – Undead CriticalAll creatures, even the undead, have theirweaknesses. The Veruthian Slayers teach theirstudents to find these vulnerable spots throughintense understanding of the creature’s link tothe negative energy that fuels it. The master

and student spend several days tearing apartcorpses and observing weak points in mus-

cle and bone tissue, as well as the telltale black-ened areas that serve as conduits to the negativeenergy plane.

Upon learning this technique, a character caninflict a critical hit on undead in combat.Immunity to critical hits is ignored.

Lesson 5 – Drain ResistanceThe hours spent preparing for the rigors offighting horrific undead monsters eventuallypay off with improved mental and physicalstrength. As such, a character with this tech-nique gains an improved resistance to thedraining energy attacks of the undead. If a suc-cessful energy drain attack is made against thecharacter, he may attempt a Fortitude save (DC10 + one-half the attacker’s HD) to negate thelevel drain. If the save is unsuccessful, thecharacter gains the negative levels and mayattempt to shrug them off the following day asnormal.

Lesson 6 – Summon UndeadWhy seek the undead when you can make themcome to you? In a secret ceremony, theVeruthian Slayers instruct a student in the artsof summoning the undead. This spell-like abil-ity is usable three times per day and requiresthree rounds of concentration to perform.When this technique is used, the charactersends out a mental command to all undeadwithin 60 ft. + 10 ft. per point of Wisdom mod-

ifier. The effect lasts for two minutes and doesnot put the undead under the student’s control.It merely makes the character a beacon, ormagnet, drawing the undead to him. Intelligentundead can make a Will save (DC 15) to ignorethe summons but they will immediately beaware of the character’s presence and exactlocation.

Lesson 7 – Vorpal HackA student must show extreme prowess and ini-tiative in defeating the undead before theVeruthian Slayers will teach him this tech-

nique. The vorpal hack ability enables the stu-dent to chop off a specified limb of an undeadcreature when wielding a bladed weapon. Acharacter must declare that he is making a vor-pal hack and specify which limb he wants tochop off before making his attack roll. Theattack suffers a –4 penalty but on a successfulattack, the limb is severed completely. Thistechnique requires a full round action and canonly be used three times per day.



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Lesson 8 – Unnatural HealingThrough intense studies and experimentationwith vampire blood, the Veruthian Slayers haveunlocked the secret of unnatural healing. Theycan bestow this ability on a student in a com-plex ritual that lasts for three days, but leavesthe student sick and bedridden for almost aweek and a half afterwards. The power

bestowed by this ritual enables the body toquickly repair damage delivered by undeadcreatures. A character with this ability gains alimited form of fast healing, allowing him torepair one hit point of damage per round. Thisability only heals damage delivered by the slamattack of an undead creature.

Lesson 9 – Phantom BladeThe phantom blade is a supernatural ability thatrequires intense spiritual awareness. Whenusing this technique, any melee weapon in thecharacter’s hands becomes imbued with theghost touch ability, which enables it to strikeincorporeal undead. Should the weapon leavethe character’s hands for whatever reason itautomatically loses theghost touch ability untilthe Slayer once again wields it.

Lesson 10 – Spectral BlastAmong all of the techniques taught by theVeruthian Slayers, none is more feared than thespectral blast. This unearthly attack emits a boltof purely spiritual energy that rips throughundead like a tornado. The bolt begins from the

character’s hand and travels in a straight linefor 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels or until it hits anundead target. The spectral blast deals 10d6points of damage to undead but passes harm-lessly through living creatures. A character canperform a spectral blast three times per day.

Anrath BetrayersThe druids of Anrath spent years trying to cre-ate the perfect being; a creature that embodiedall that was good and noble, combining themorality of the sentient races with the harmon-

ic lifestyles of the animal kingdom. But theexperiments were a disaster. These beast-men,as they were later called, became the agents ofnightmares, a total opposite of the druids’vision. Savage, cruel, and spiteful, the beast-men traveled from village to village, killingand destroying all that lived. Although thedruids were loath to harm the children they hadcreated, they had to cast judgment and thebeast-men were no more. Afterwards, the


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druids of Anrath outlawed any further experi-mentation in animalism. And yet, there are stillsome that seek the old dream.

A student of the Betrayers must undergo threestages of transformation in order to access allthe lessons of the school. It is the goal of everyBetrayer to discover the fourth stage, which

some believe will mean an ascension into ahigher being. However, the druids of Anrathare not merciful in their dealings with theBetrayers and they actively seek to destroy theschool.

School Motto: One Day, All the World Will BeLike Us


The last known academy of the AnrathBetrayers is the Cataclysm. The head master

Feng Louxian, an elf-tiger, has kept the where-abouts of the academy hidden for centuries;rumors suggest that it might be in the forbiddenwastelands of Drail. The academy is main-tained by a diamond quarry, which is locatedunder the school and is mined by students. Inreturn for labor in the mines, the school offersfree room, board, and study. Students wholeave must drink a drug that induces forgetful-ness so that they cannot remember or lead oth-ers to the academy.

Traveling Master: Beldar Dreamsong

Male elf Bbn14; Size M (5 ft., 0 in. tall); HD14d12+14; hp 101; Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; AC 19;Attack +21/+16/+11 melee (1d8+6 battle axe),or +15/+10/+5 ranged (1d6+5 throwing axe);SQ Scent; SV Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +5; AL N;Str 18, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Climb +15, Intimidate +6,Jump +11, Listen +4, Spot +2, Wilderness Lore+9; Alertness, Improved Critical (throwingaxe), Improved Unarmed Strike, LightningReflexes, Track, Weapon Focus (battle axe).

Possessions: +2 battle axe, +1 returningthrowing axe, +4 hide armor, amulet of natur-al armor +2, ring of jumping, cloak ofelvenkind, boots of elvenkind, potion of neu-tralize poison, potion of fly, potion of cat’sgrace, 83 gp.

Anrath Betrayers Lessons: AnimalMagnetism, Heightened Senses, Claws and

Talons, Natural Defense, Sense Alignment,Danger Sense, Survival Instincts.

Beldar Dreamsong is an aging elf-fox whoconstantly seeks various holy relics that couldhelp him uncover the secrets of the fourthstage. He has a hearty laugh and a strong bodydespite his ancient appearance. For 1,000 gp

and help in his quest, Beldar will take on a stu-dent for as long as the student wishes to studyunder him.

Stage One

The first stage of transformation, sometimescalled the senses stage, is the most importantfor a student of the Betrayers. It is here that thestudent determines which animal he will cometo resemble. The student can pick any animalhe wishes, but he must adhere to this choiceand cannot switch once the transformations

have begun. In preparation for this stage, thestudent must acquire the desired animal andthen take part in a ceremony that lasts twonights. The ceremony requires incense worth atleast 200 gp, a cage for the animal, and a man-ual that is given only to masters of the school.During the ceremony, the master magicallyblends aspects of the chosen animal into thestudent. Upon completion, the student’s bodymutates to resemble the animal. At least twophysical aspects are permanently changed,determined by the DM. Either the student’sfeet, hands, eyes, hair, legs, tongue, or earstransform, or the student can grow a tail, horns,or small wings when applicable. The studentcan now learn lessons one through four of theAnrath Betrayers.


Lesson 1 – Animal MagnetismIn the first lesson, the master teaches the stu-dent how to respect and behave around otheranimals. This ability mirrors the animal friend-ship spell as if cast by a 5th-level druid.Animals of the same type as the character’s

chosen animal receive no Will save against thisability. This technique can be used 3/day.

Lesson 2 – Heightened SensesAlthough it comes naturally to animals, a stu-dent requires a little training before he canexploit his new senses. With some practice andguidance, the student can enhance his sense ofsmell, sight, taste, touch or hearing. He maychoose two of these to improve. The sense of



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smell grants the Scent ability. The sense ofsight grants the character low-light vision, ordarkvision if the character already has low-light vision (if the character already has darkvi-sion, his range is doubled). The sense of tastegives a +8 circ*mstance bonus to Spot checksinvolving poison. The sense of touch bestowstremorsense 5 ft. and makes Escape Artist aclass skill. The sense of hearing gives a +2 cir-c*mstance bonus to Listen checks and makes ita class skill.

Lesson 3 – Claws and TalonsThe master eventually teaches a student to har-ness his animal strength in unarmed combat.Without the aid of weapons, the studentengages in hourly combat with the master inorder to learn how to defend himself with onlyhis hands. Claws and talons endows a character

with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. If thecharacter fights with a one-handed weapon, hecan make an unarmed strike as an off-handattack incurring the standard penalties for two-weapon fighting. If the character’s hands haveclaws or talons from the transformations, hisunarmed attacks get a +1 bonus to damage.

Lesson 4 – Natural DefenseAlmost all animals have some form of naturaldefense, whether it involves a menacing roar ora cloud of ink. The student’s chosen animaldetermines the natural defense he gains. This

defense cannot harm others, but may cause irri-tation (such as a skunk’s nasty scent) or be adistraction (such as a cat’s reflective eyes). Atmost, the natural defense can either mimic a1st-level cleric spell three times per day, orgrant a +1 natural bonus to AC or a +2 bonus toReflex saves. Some common animals and theirdefenses are listed in Table 3-2.

Stage Two

The second stage of transformation, called theinstinct stage, is marked by a four day ceremo-ny in which the student is tied to an altar andforced to drink a variety of magical concoc-tions. The mixtures require 500 gp worth ofingredients and are specially prepared by anAnrath master. As a result of this ritual, twomore of the student’s physical characteristics,chosen by the DM, are permanently altered.The student can now learn lessons five throughseven of the Anrath Betrayers.

Lesson 5 – Sense AlignmentOver time, the student gains the extraordinaryability to determine the alignment of individu-als that he meets. With this technique, a char-acter can sense alignment of any individual

within a 10-ft. radius. This ability can be usedat will, and acts as either a detect goodordetectevilspell cast by a 5th-level cleric. This abilitycannot be used to detect alignment along thelawful-chaotic axis.

Lesson 6 – Danger SenseThe Anrath Betrayers are always wary of assas-sins sent by their druidic enemies. As such,they train young students to fine-tune theirsenses to alert them of danger. After repeatedscares, surprises, and lectures on improvingawareness, the student develops an extraordi-

nary ability to spot and avoid danger. This dan-ger sense acts like a 3rd-level rogue’s UncannyDodge ability, allowing the character to retainher Dexterity bonus to AC in otherwise dan-gerous circ*mstances.

Lesson 7 – Survival InstinctsSurvival instincts is a dangerous lesson tolearn and can make or break a student. Aspart of this lesson, the master spends sev-eral days hunting the student with inten-


Table 3-2: Anrath Natural DefensesAnimal Defense Animal DefenseWolf +2 to Reflex saves Monkey Double climb speedFox +1 to all saves Cat +2 to Reflex savesRaven +1 natural armor Skunk Cloud of stench 1/day*

*All within 30 ft. of the character must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or suffer a –2 penalty to allattack and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

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tion to kill or seriously maim. The student isstripped of all his equipment, given a two-hourhead start and must navigate through a set trailfilled with deadly traps while being chased byhis master.

After this training, the character learns to spottraps on the move, granting the character a Spot

check to notice any trap within 10 feet even ifthe character is not actively searching. TheSpot check DC is equal to the Search DC of thetrap, and the trap must have some external trig-ger in order to be spotted (the character cannotspot a poison needle hidden in a lock, but mightnotice a pit trap or deadfall).

Stage Three

The third stage of transformation, called theappearance stage, is the accumulation of all ofthe Betrayer’s studies. The ceremony necessary

to complete this stage lasts an entire week andrequires approximately 1,000 gp of materialcomponents. For his part, the student must beencased in a stone sarcophagus and forced intoa magical slumber for the duration of the cere-mony. As the master chants the appropriateincantations, the student’s body reaches itsfinal transformation. The student emerges fromhis makeshift cocoon, a half-breed of the cho-sen animal. The head now almost totallyresembles the chosen animal. The body, legs,and arms remain roughly the same form andmass but grow hair, scales, or feathers. Anyremaining animal characteristics are formed.

Lesson 8 – Improved PhysiqueIt takes some time for the student to get used tohis new body, but he will eventually discoverunexpected strengths and abilities. The masterhelps the student get used to the new body andexperiment with these newfound powers. Withimproved physique, a character receives threebonus ability points to be added in any combi-nation to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.

Lesson 9 – Animal PowerThe student can now draw upon the fullstrengths of his new animal form and exploit itsfaculties. The unique ability gained by the stu-dent is based on the chosen animal and the newform. Wings are now usable for flight, gillsallow for underwater breathing, a sturdy hidegrants a +2 natural bonus to AC, and so forth.Only one new ability is gained in this manner

and should be determined by the DM.

Lesson 10 – Dire TransformationThe ultimate defense against an assassination,this technique grants the Betrayer the spell-likeability topolymorph selfinto a Medium-size orLarge dire animal. This dire form is merely amore powerful version of his chosen animal, soa half-wolf could only become a dire wolf andnot a dire bear. The student can use this ability

once per day for a maximum of 20 rounds. Forcreatures not listed in the MM, this dire trans-formation grants the character +6 to Strength,+4 to Constitution, and +2 to Dexterity. Thecharacter gains 2 hit points per level as a resultof his increased Constitution, but these hitpoints are temporary and go away at the end ofthe transformation.

Talaxian DuelistsThe Talaxian Duelists have very high standards

for new students and accept only the best can-didates from each pool of hopefuls. They prizefighting talent above all else and are always onthe alert for a new opponent against whom theycan test and challenge their skills. Most duelistsare wanderers who seek new challenges andexperiences, and a duelist will never turn downa challenge no matter how hopeless the situa-tion might be. Duels are almost always one onone and rarely to the death, for the Duelistshave a strong belief that killing is the mark of asloppy individual. The Duelists hold a yearlytournament called the Skyblade, where they

compete in a weeklong competition to deter-mine the best fighter. The tournament is held ina different place each year and is open to any-one. However, killing on the tournamentgrounds disqualifies a contestant. To win theSkyblade is the highest honor any duelist canhope to achieve.

School Motto:Never Turn Down a Chance toLearn


The Talaxian Academy of Weathercrane has astrong and proud tradition of being the tough-est academy to join. Money and influencemeans nothing if a prospective student cannotback them up with skill during the academy’srigid entrance exam. All prospective studentsmust defeat a registered student who hasachieved at least the 3rd lesson. This defeat hasto be witnessed by at least three others and cantake place in any location. Costs for study atthe academy are 50 gp per month, which does



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not include room and board.

Traveling Master: Phineous Dunsworth

Male halfling Ftr7/Rog5; Size S (3 ft., 0 in.tall); HD 7d10+14 + 5d6+10; hp 79; Init +5;Spd 20 ft.; AC 20; Attack +19/+14 melee(1d6+4 rapier), or +16/+11 ranged (1d4+1 dag-

ger); SV Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +4; AL NG; Str12, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb+11, Craft +6, Disable Device +7, Hide +10,Jump +3, Listen +12, Move Silently +7,Perform +7, Read Lips +8, Ride +13, Spot +4,Swim +6, Tumble +7; Alertness, Dodge,Endurance, Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack,Weapon Finesse (rapier), Weapon Focus (rapi-er), Weapon Specialization (rapier).

Possessions: +1 keen rapier, +2 leather armor

of shadow, potion of invisibility, 27 gp.

Talaxian Duelists Lessons: Calm Demeanor,Weapon Mastery, Steady Grip, Parry, Thrust,Fast Hands, Improved Awareness.

Phineous Dunsworth, a halfling with unprece-dented skill in the rapier, is an excellent tutor

for a student with a sense of humor. Phineoussuffers from wanderlust and only stays in atown long enough to taste all the local vittlesand give the resident bullies an embarrassingthrashing. He requires 5 gp per day as paymentfor his instruction.


Lesson 1 – Calm DemeanorNo duelist worth his salt loses his temper incombat. This is the quickest way to ensuredefeat. A duelist remains focused and calm,always keeping his attention on the fight. Sincemany duels take place in front of a large andoften loud audience, the duelist learns to ignoreoutside distraction that would hinder his fight-ing performance. The calm demeanor tech-nique makes Concentration a class skill for theduelist and gives him a +2 bonus to Will savesagainst mind-affecting spells if he is in melee


Lesson 2 – Weapon MasteryA Talaxian Duelist slowly develops an uncannyaffinity for his favored weapon. To reflect this,a character that successfully learns this lessongains the Weapon Focus feat with his favoredweapon. If the character already has the


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Weapon Focus feat, the bonus granted by thatfeat is increased to +2.

Lesson 3 – Steady GripThe Talaxian Duelists are constantly honingtheir skills and are very possessive of theirweapons. A master teaches his student to main-tain complete control over the weapon, thus

making the student less likely to drop it. Steadygrip gives the character a +2 circ*mstancebonus when defending against disarm attempts.

Lesson 4 – ParryAt times, defense is as important as the attack,and knowing when to concentrate on blockingincoming strikes can be crucial to winning aduel. When performing a parry, a character canhold off on one standard attack in order toblock an attack by an opponent. A parry mustbe declared at the beginning of the turn so thateven if the challenger goes first, the charactercan still parry (unless the defender is flat-foot-ed). The Duelist loses his highest base attackfor that turn, but may still use his movementaction or any subsequent attacks.

On the challenger’s attack, the duelist and thechallenger make an opposed attack roll. If theduelist’s roll is equal to or greater than the chal-lenger’s roll then the attack is blocked anddeals no damage. If the challenger’s roll ishigher then the parry did not work and theattack is resolved as normal. A character maynot parry a weapon that is two sizes larger than

the one he is using to make the parry.

Lesson 5 – ThrustA well-timed attack may not deal as much dam-age to an opponent, but it is more likely to hit.In this lesson, a student learns to study an oppo-nent and to gauge his movements. By predictingan opponent’s reaction, the student can land amore precise hit with a small penalty to thedamage dealt. A thrust must be declared beforethe attack roll is made and provides a +2 cir-c*mstance bonus to the character’s first attackroll in a round, at a –1 penalty to damage.

Lesson 6 – Fast HandsA Talaxian Duelist must be ready for a fight atanytime and any place. In this first lesson, themaster instructs the student on the proper wayto sheath a weapon to make it easier for fast



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retrieval. This technique allows a character todraw his weapon instantly, as if he had theQuick Draw feat.

Lesson 7 – Improved AwarenessSometimes a defeated foe disregards the honorof the duel and tries to inflict vengeance on theduelist, usually with a surprise attack or by get-

ting some friends to help him seek revenge. Amaster teaches the student to expect suchattacks and to be wary of large groups. Thisimproved awareness makes it nigh impossibleto get a good hit against a duelist. As a result, acharacter with this technique cannot beflanked, as if he had a 6th-level rogue’sUncanny Dodge ability.

Lesson 8 – Speed of the CheetahUsually reserved for quick retreats and emer-gencies, this powerful technique grants a char-acter the spell-like ability to cast cat’s grace onhimself once per day as by a 3rd-level sorcerer.

Lesson 9 – BlademasterDuelists prefer to disable an opponent ratherthan killing him, but some foes are so stubbornthat they do not know when to quit. As such,the Duelists developed the blademaster tech-nique, which is the mastery of using a weaponfor subdual damage. When using a weapon thatthe character has a weapon focus in, the char-acter can attack for subdual damage withoutincurring any penalties.

Lesson 10 – Barrier of ReflectionSometimes an opponent resorts to magic tocheat in a duel. The Duelists consider thisunacceptable, and actually had to find a way toinsure that some petty, robed wizard was notknocking around the masters of their school.The barrier of reflection technique allows acharacter to castspell turningon himself onceper day as by a 13th-level sorcerer.

Fists of Ramos

The Fists of Ramos is a small school that focus-es on a unique form of unarmed combat.Because their style is based on putting oppo-nents off guard through unexpected motions,the disciples of this school are often mistakenfor drunkards, a misconception that the Fistslike to encourage. Only a fool underestimatestheir skills and abilities, however. The Fists arestaunch believers in the Path, which is the ideathat all things have a destiny. As such, it is the

duty of each student and master of this schoolto aid others in achieving their unique des-tinies. But since an individual’s fate is not writ-ten on his forehead, a follower of the Path mustrely on gut instincts and heavenly signs. Thiscan be quite troublesome if an individual’s des-tiny is illegal or goes against the commongood.

School Motto: We Must All Walk Our OwnRoad


The Sakino School of Ramos inhabits a long,circular building in the town of Keichan. Theheadmaster, Toya Sakino, is a relatively youngman with four sons and four daughters, all ofwhom serve him in the instruction of the stu-dents. The costs for study are 10 gp per weekand students may stay at the academy for an

extra 5 sp per night.

Traveling Master: Machagus Froth

Male human Mnk10; Size M (6 ft., 5 in. tall);HD 10d8; hp 48; Init +2; Spd 60 ft.; AC 19;Attack +9/+6/+3 unarmed (1d10+2 unarmed);SV Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +10; AL LG; Str 14,Dex 14, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +5, Climb +8,Concentration +8, Hide +3, Jump +9,Knowledge (arcana) +5, Listen +16, Move

Silently +5, Perform +10, Profession +8,Search +9, Spot +7; Blind-Fight, Dodge,Expertise, Mobility, Weapon Focus (unarmedstrike).

Possessions: ring of protection +2, ring ofwarmth, bag of holding, potion of truth, 138gp.

Fists of Ramos Lessons: Tipsy Demeanor,Kamse Strike, Unwary Snatch, The KaoriDefense, Passout, The Roving Eye.

A red-bearded, middle-aged man with a largebelly and a deep laugh, Machagus Froth has akeen eye and even keener ears. He charges 5 gpper day for instruction and may unexpectedlyquit studies midstream in order to help anotherindividual; he is particularly sympathetic whenhe sees a poor young man trying to win a lady’slove. He will always return to his duties, anddoes not charge students for time missedbecause of his own dalliances.


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Brightstone refined this technique before dis-appearing to an unknown quest centuries ago.Her sudden disappearance in the mines ofFelwar remains a mystery.

Lesson 5 – PassoutA good way to end unwanted combat or reallythrow an enemy a confusing bone is to merely

fall over and pretend to be unconscious. Wheninitiating the passout technique, a characterswoons and hits the ground in a seeminglyprone state. A character in this state is neitherhelpless nor considered prone, and he retainsany Dexterity bonus to AC. When using thistechnique, the character makes a Performcheck opposed by the Spot checks of his oppo-nents. The character can then wait and makeone surprise attack on any foe that comes with-in 5 feet and who failed his Spot check. Anyopponent that is the target of such an attackloses his Dexterity bonus to AC for that attack.

This technique can only be used once per battleand ends the moment the character initiates asurprise attack or performs any other actionthat requires more than a minimal movement.

Lesson 6 – The Roving EyeThe Fists of Ramos are keen observers and aretrained to carefully study those around them.Masters are often seen talking to the back of astudent’s head rather than facing them in orderto force the student to pay attention to her sur-

roundings. The roving eye technique endows astudent with a +2 bonus to all Listen, Search,and Spot checks.

Lesson 7 – Floor SweepAs a follow up to the passout technique, stu-dents of the Fist of Ramos are taught how totrip up an adversary in a sweeping kick withoutprovoking an attack of opportunity. The floorsweep grants a +2 circ*mstance bonus to anunarmed trip attack, and can be made from aprone position without penalty. The attack istreated as if the character had the Improved

Trip feat and he can rise as a free action imme-diately after making the attack.

Lesson 8 – Sleeper PunchThe Fists of Ramos are known for their abilityto knock an opponent unconscious with a sin-gle blow. Most attribute this ability to the Fists’reliance on strength of arms. However, that isnot quite the case. By learning the locations ofpressure points and vulnerable muscle struc-

tures, a student of the Fists learns how to strikean adversary in such a way that he falls into adeep slumber. This technique is an extraordi-nary ability that can be used three times perday. A character must declare that he is usingthe sleeper punch before making the attack roll.

When performing a sleeper punch, the charac-

ter makes an unarmed attack with a –4 penaltyto the attack roll. If the attack succeeds, theopponent falls asleep as if he was targeted by asleep spell cast by a 3rd-level sorcerer. Theopponent gets a Will save (DC 18) to resist.Creatures that are immune to sleep or criticalhits are not affected by the sleeper punch.

Lesson 9 – Purple HazeA student must undergo a small ritual in orderto learn the purple haze technique. As part ofthe ceremony she must drink a wild concoctionof potions that usually makes the student sickand helpless for several days. However, thebenefit for this temporary discomfort is thespell-like ability to cast blur on oneself onceper day as cast by a 10th-level sorcerer.

Lesson 10 – Tornado KickWithout question, the Fists are not afraid ofbeing outnumbered in battle. The tornado kickis identical to the Whirlwind Attack feat exceptthat it may only be used with unarmed meleeattacks, as well as the following differences.

When performing the tornado kick, a characterspins around in a wild flurry of kicking blowsthat have the chance not only to damage butalso knock opponents unconscious. As a fullattack action, the character makes one unarmedmelee attack at his highest base attack bonusagainst each opponent with 5 ft. All thosestruck with the tornado kick must make aFortitude save (DC 14) or fall to the groundunconscious. Unconscious characters can beawakened by normal means, similar to thoseaffected by a sleep spell. A character can usethe tornado kick twice per day.

The Jadan SpearmenFew schools are given as much honor andrespect as the Jadan Spearmen. The school’sorigins can be traced to guard posts in themountainous country of Jadan, although theynow have academies in most major cities.The Spearmen were at one time the onlyprotection against orc and goblin attacks


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along the mountainous highways of Jadan.They are specialists in reach weapons and aretrained to use spears, javelins, tridents, andchains. They received the title of Spearmen,however, because of the ornate magical spearscalled the Orc Slayers that they once carried.

The spearmen wielded these weapons with adeadly efficiency, but the art of making theseweapons was lost during the great orcish warsof Jadan and most of the spears were destroyed.The few remaining spears now reside in privatecollections or are forgotten deep among thegoblin caves. An academy is often willing togive a good reward for the retrieval of one ofthese historic weapons.

School Motto: The Only Good Orcs are Dead


The Elkbrothers Jadan Academy in the city ofBinder occupies an entire city block. They arerespectable sorts and give a weekly parade inhonor of the local goddess of life. Costs forstudy are 15 gp per week and they offer a smallroom and board for an additional 3 gp perweek. The headmaster is Samus Warrick, afriendly old man who purchased the academy

from the Elkbrothers almost two decadesago.

Traveling Master: Jeribel Elkbrother

Male human Ftr13; Size M (5 ft., 2 in. tall); HD13d10+26; hp 117; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23;Attack +19/+14/+9 melee (1d8+8 longspear),or +15/+10/+5 ranged (1d8+7 longspear); SVFort +10, Ref +6, Will +2; AL N; Str 16, Dex15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Climb +14, Craft +17, Jump+13, Listen +4, Ride +17, Tumble +6; Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Endurance, Expertise,Improved Critical (longspear), ImprovedInitiative, Leadership, Power Attack, QuickDraw, Sunder, Weapon Focus (longspear),Weapon Specialization (longspear).

Possessions: +2 longspear of frost, +3 chain-mail, cloak of protection +2, potion of protec-tion from elements (fire), 280 gp.

Jadan Spearmen Lessons: Spear Expertise,High Brow, The Iron Curtain, Low Blow,Flying Spear, Backstep, Vaulted Kick.

Jeribel Elkbrother decided some years ago tobecome a man of travel after selling the acade-my that he and his brothers Simia and Reginaldspent a lifetime building together. Jeribel wantsto see adventure and battle before he meetswith his ancestors, and so he is always lookingfor new forms of excitement. Although hewants little to do with them, his brothers still

live in the town of Binder, enjoying theirwealthy retirements. Jeribel charges 2 gp perday for lessons and is a decent, if distracted,teacher.


Lesson 1 – Spear ExpertiseThe Spearmen begin their training with thelongspear and practice to improve their controland handling of the long and challengingweapon. The swinging thrusts, kicks, andmaneuvers are quite impressive to behold, and

they take incredible strength and concentrationto perform. The spear expertise techniquegrants a character the Weapon Focus (longs-pear) feat.

Lesson 2 – High BrowThe first attack the spearmen learn to performis the high brow. In this attack, a spearmanstrikes with a reach weapon at a distance usingthe front end of the weapon and then follows itwith a close attack using the reverse end. A



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character must declare he is using a high browattack before the attack roll is made. Whenusing this technique, the character makes oneattack at a distance with his full base attackbonus, then the character moves within 5 ft. ofthe opponent and initiates a second attack at a

–5 penalty to the attack roll. This movementdoes not incur an attack of opportunity. Thisability requires a full attack action to perform.

Lesson 3 – The Iron CurtainBy holding out his weapon horizontally in frontof him and rushing forward, a Spearman canuse his longspear to clothesline enemies. Whenusing the iron curtain technique, a characterperforms an overrun and can strike all individ-uals in a 10-ft. wide line. Opponents that do notelect to jump out of the way are subject to a tripattack.

Lesson 4 – Low BlowThis technique teaches a spearman to use hisspear as an effective tripping tool. A characterthat knows this maneuver can make a tripattack on any opponent within 10 feet. Thisattack does not provoke an attack of opportuni-ty, and if the attack fails his opponent may notattempt to trip him back.

Lesson 5 – Flying SpearOften a spearman finds himself the target ofranged attacks, spells, or natural attacks fromunreachable foes. In this case, the experiencedspearman has an option, albeit one that leaveshim deprived of his favored weapon. This

advanced Jadan technique allows the spearmanto throw his longspear at his enemies. Theweapon has a range increment of 15 ft. anddeals its normal damage on a successful strike.The Jadan masters teach their students to onlyuse this technique as a last resort.

Lesson 6 – BackstepIt is very difficult to follow through with a hitup close and a Spearman needs room to moveafter performing a high brow or being pressedin melee. As such, Jadan masters train their stu-dents in the art of making a quick backstep.

When using this technique, a character canmove up to 10 feet back without incurring anattack of opportunity for leaving his opponent’sthreatened area. He suffers attacks of opportu-nity for moving through other opponents’threatened areas as normal.

Lesson 7 – Vaulted KickIn this lesson, a student learns that aweapon can be used both for balance as


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The Six TypesAll riding animals fall into six basic categoriesbased on their training and intended purpose.These categories are stock, trail, recreation,show, hunter, and war. Adventurers typicallychoose a trail, hunter, or war mount since these

types are less likely to bolt when danger arises.The animal’s purpose or role is taught from anearly age and therefore cannot be changed. Astock horse could not become a warhorse nomatter how much barding is laid upon it. Thebonuses listed in the descriptions below shouldbe added to the base scores of the mountsdescribed in the next section.

Stock: Stock mounts are commonly calledbeasts of burden since they are mainly used formanual labor. Pulling carts, skiffs, plows, andcarriages are just some of the mundane duties

performed by stock animals. These mounts aretireless in their labors and complain very little.However, a Ride check (DC 20) is requiredeach round to keep a stock mount from fleeingin the middle of battle. They spook easily andare extremely hard to control when injured.Stock mounts are cheap, easy to handle in non-combat situations, enjoy stables, and are a goodchoice for inexperienced riders. All stockmounts have the Endurance feat.

Trail: Trail mounts are bred to travel. They are

the ideal riding companion for most merchants,noblemen, and some adventurers along theroad. A trail mount is relatively easy to ride,eats and drinks little, and will remain by a mas-ter unless wounded or highly frightened.However, because of their innate need to move,trail mounts become restless if forced to stay inone spot for two long. After a long battle in anunderground dungeon, an adventurer mightemerge to sunlight only to find that his mounthas broken its harness and wandered off. Whenstabled in towns or villages, a trail mount mustbe allowed to walk and graze daily or it

becomes irate. If a trail mount is not riddeneach day, apply a –1 penalty per day to subse-quent Ride checks for one week. If it is ignoredfor a week or more, consider the horse hostileuntil it has been calmed and re-trained (usingthe Handle Animal skill). Trail mounts have a+1 bonus to Constitution.

Recreation: Bred for the enjoyment of nobil-ity, recreation mounts like to ride and jumpfor the mere fun of it all. While beautiful

and strong, these mounts tire easily and arehighly fickle. Extreme care must be spent on themaintenance and handling of recreation mountsso stable costs should be doubled for these ani-mals. A recreation mount is very self-orientedand requires a Ride check (DC 25) to remain inthe presence of a deadly monster. However, theimpressive breeding and luxurious nature of

these animals bestows a temporary +2 bonus toall Charisma-related skill checks on any riderfor as long as the rider and horse remain within5 ft. of each other. This bonus applies only totargets that would be impressed by such an ani-mal. Recreation mounts automatically have a+2 bonus to Charisma.

Show: Due to the long training necessary toraise a show mount, they are the most expen-sive type to purchase. Show mounts are trainedto entertain and perform. Because of theirinnate speed and intelligence, show mountsmake ideal traveling companions, but theydemand extra food and attention from their rid-ers. As such, double the price of food and waterfor these mounts. Show animals are reliable, ifsomewhat testy, and require a lot of skill tohandle. They are commonly found working ascircus or racing animals. Show mounts auto-matically begin with 10 ranks in the Performskill and either a +2 bonus to Dexterity or a +2bonus to Intelligence. A show mount alsobestows a +5 circ*mstance bonus to its rider’sPerform checks when they perform together.

Hunter: A mount earns the title of hunter byshowing an extreme knack for tracking andhunting in the wild. They are adept at respond-ing to commands, picking the best paths, andtraversing obstacles. Courageous and pos-sessed of good stamina, a hunter mount makesa decent traveling companion due to its ease ofriding and low maintenance. However, a huntermount is not the brightest creature in the worldand will not wear medium or heavy barding.All hunter mounts have the Track feat and cansignal that prey is nearby with either a snort or

a pull.

War: The favored mount of soldiers andadventurers, a war mount is raised for battle.They are quick, strong, and fearless. In heavyarmor, a war mount can move at half speedinstead of one-quarter speed. They do notflinch in battle, and obey a skilled rider withstubborn zeal and devotion. These mounts donot require their rider to control them in com-





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bat and therefore are the only type that gets aseparate attack from the rider. War mounts can-not stand an inexperienced rider and will buckand throw an individual that has less than 4ranks in the Ride skill. War mounts receive a

+1 bonus to Strength and Constitution.

Mount DescriptionsAlthough horses are the most common mountsto be found and purchased on the open market,many other creatures in the realm make goodsteeds as well. Dragons, camels, and even therare pegasi are occasionally seen with a rider intow. Humans have been known to trample overorc armies with elephants, and elven archersmounted on griffons make a formidable force.The smaller races, halflings, gnomes, and

dwarves, have their own set of mounts that theytrain and raise. Each animal brings its ownunique advantages to combat and this sectiontakes a look at the various mounts and theirinfluences in battle and offers some sugges-tions for specific traders. Unless otherwise stat-ed, all mounts have four legs and are neutral.

Horse: Elegant. Romantic. Graceful. The horseis the premier choice of steed for most adven-turers. They come in a wide array of colors andare found in even the most remote villages.Wild horses require time, patience, and some-times magical encouragement to tame.Cultivated horses are bred and raised to excelin whatever profession is chosen for them. TheEquine Guild of Theorne buys and sells horsesand has a member in almost every major city.They are fair and honest, albeit slightly moreexpensive than an independent dealer.

Equine Guild Horse – Large Animal

Price: 100 gp.Stable Cost: 5 sp/day.Food/Water Cost: 4 sp/week.

HD 4d8+8 (26 hp); Init +2; Spd 50 ft. AC 14;Atk 2 hooves +3 melee (1d6+1); Face/Reach 5ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +5,Will +2; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12,Cha 6.Skills and Feats: Jump +4, Listen +6, Spot +6.

Donkey or Mule: Stubborn and picky but verycheap, donkeys make good stock animals andvery little else. Because of their short build,donkeys can be ridden by both Small andMedium-size characters, although a comfort-

able ride is always questionable. Mules are theresult of a union between a horse and donkeyand have characteristics of both. Use the don-key stats below for a mule, but add a +1 bonusto Strength and Dexterity.

One of the biggest drawbacks to a donkey ormule is their tendency to balk. Each time arider mounts a donkey, there is a 30% chancethat the donkey will balk for one hour. Muleshave a 15% chance. Balked animals move at1/8 speed and automatically spook if injured.

Farms are the best places to purchase donkeys,but for the absolute cream of the crop adven-turers should visit the town fair of Sacksburg,held yearly, where donkeys and mules areraced and judged.

Sacksburg Donkey – Medium-Size Animal

Price: 8 gp.Stable Cost: 2 sp/day.Food/Water Cost: 2 sp/week.


Table 4-1: General Mount TraitsType Ride Skill* Spook % Price Special TraitsStock None 100 x1 Endurance featTrail 1 30 x1.5 +1 ConstitutionRecreation 2 100 x2 +2 Charisma

Hunter 2 10 x2 Track featShow 3 50 x4 +2 Dex or +2 Int, Perform skill +10War 4 0 x3 +1 Strength, +1 Constitution

*Minimum Ride skill ranks necessary to ride the mount.

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HD 3d8 (13 hp); Init +1; Spd 35 ft.; AC 13; AtkBite +1 melee (1d2); Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2;Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 5.Skills and Feats: Balance +2, Jump +1, Spot+5.

Zebra: The exotic zebra, with its telltale blackand white stripes, is a rare and beautiful sight.With proper training, a zebra can be a greatmount although nowhere near as strong or asquick as a horse. Zebras are highly sensitive totheir surroundings and are quick to respond todanger. The Centaurs of Ean raise and sellthese magnificent animals at major capitalcities, though representatives are sometimesfound traveling along the road.

Zebra – Medium-Size Animal

Price: 200 gp.Stable Cost: 5 sp/day.Food/Water Cost: 4 sp/week.

HD 3d8+3 (17 hp); Init +1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 13;Atk: 2 hooves +2 melee (1d6); Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +4, Ref +3,Will +5; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15,

Cha 5.

Skills and Feats: Listen +10, Spot +4;Alertness.

Elephant: Nigh unstoppable when angered,the powerful elephant lumbers where most ani-mals dare not tread. The elephant is a massiveforce in battle, with legs as thick as oaks, hornsthat gore, a trunk to fling away obstacles, and a

head hard enough to crush a castle wall.However, elephants are expensive to maintain,cannot go inside most buildings, and are ratherdifficult to hide. As such, elephants are best leftoutside of cities.

The Hanasi traders have elephants available forpurchase, but they are famous for being toughbargainers. They are a desert people, but theelephant traders travel extensively and oftenpop up in unexpected places.

Hanasi Elephant – Huge AnimalPrice: 4,000 gp.Stable Cost: 10 gp/day.Food/Water Cost: 7 gp/week.

HD 10d8+50 (95 hp); Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; AC16; Atk: Slam +12 melee (2d6+8) and 2 stamps+7 melee (2d6+2), or gore +16 melee(2d8+12); Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.SA: Trample (2d8+15); SQ: Scent; Fort +10,Ref +4, Will +4; Str 27, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 2,Wis 12, Cha 7.Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +5.

Unicorn: No animal has been the subject ofmore tales and more dreams than the mysticalunicorn. They are gentle and intelligent crea-tures with strong moral tendencies. Only blackunicorns willingly let an evil individual ridethem, and then only if the unicorn believes thatthe person can be redeemed. Although seem-ingly mute, it is said that a unicorn can speaktelepathically with one whom it considers afriend. The horns of these great creatures havebeen known to nullify poisons or poisoned

individuals with merely a touch, and rumors ofeven greater powers are too widespread to becompletely false.

For a small fee, the Druids of Mistgrove some-times allow an individual of pure heart intotheir unicorn grove. The character must thenmake a Charisma check (DC 20) to successful-ly attract a willing mount. The character hasthree chances to succeed at this roll, makingonly one attempt per day during the process.





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move action.

Landwyrm: Tireless and strong, the snake-likelandwyrms are found in small packs along thewild plains of Inor. They are legless, andstretch about 15 feet long from head to tail,although 30-foot long landwyrms are rumoredto exist. As herbivores by nature they are very

gentle, despite their terrifying appearance andlong, razor-sharp teeth. The landwyrm glidesover the earth by swaying its body side to sideand can completely turn itself around at anyspeed. The plainsmen of Inor train and ridelandwyrms in place of horses. Traders from theplains usually carry several of these exoticbeasts with them to sell in the big cities.

Landwrym – Large Beast

Price: 3,300 gp.Stable Cost: 3 gp/day.

Food/Water Cost: 4 gp/week.

HD 4d10+12 (34 hp); Init -2; Spd 20 ft.; AC:14; Atk: Bite +10 melee (1d8+4); Face/Reach:10 ft. by 10 ft. /10 ft. (coiled), 5 ft. by 15 ft./10ft. (uncoiled or mounted); SQ: Tremorsense;Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 7, Con18, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 4.Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Spot +12.

Camel: Often called “the desert tank,” camelsare the ideal mount for travel in extremelyinhospitable climates such as deserts. Afterdrinking its fill, a camel can go without water,and to a lesser extent food, for periods of up totwo months. They can be quite stubborn, how-ever, and untrained riders will find travel bycamel very uncomfortable. The nomadic Ghanare always willing to barter for camels. Theydo not have any use for gold, but are always onthe look out for rare or unique magic items.

Ghanic Camel – Large Animal

Price: 800 gp.Stable Cost: 6 sp/day.

Food/Water Cost: 2 sp/week.

HD 3d8+6 (20 hp); Init +4; Spd 50 ft.; AC 13;Atk: Bite +4 melee (1d4+3); Face/Reach: 5 ft.by 10 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will+1; Str 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha4.Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +5.

Swamp Lion: The enormous swamp lion is aliving plant covered head to toe in a green,moss-like fur. It has the general shape of a hip-popotamus and walks on six shaggy legs, sport-ing two black holes for eyes. The swamp liondoes not eat meat, but it still has a mouth that islined with numerous thick barbs. It feeds byburying its two back feet into the ground to

attain sustenance from the earth. Swamp lionswither and die in extremely dry climates. Theycannot run but neither are they slowed bytreacherous terrain. First domesticated by thepygmy tribe of Sul Hurrath, swamp lions aresold only in small-town marketplaces becauseit is illegal to bring these behemoths into mostmajor cities.

Swamp Lion – Large Plant

Price: 1,500 gp.Stable Cost: 20 gp/day.

Food/Water Cost:Nil.

HD 8d8+48 (84 hp); Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18;Atk: Slam +10 melee (2d6+5), bite +5 melee(1d8+5); Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.; SA:Roar; SQ: Plant, blindsight; Fort +8, Ref +2,Will +2; Str 20, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 1, Wis 8,Cha 7.Skills and Feats: Hide +9*, Listen +4.

Roar (Ex): Twice per day, the swamp lion canemit an ear-piecing roar. All creatures in a 30-ft. radius must make a Fortitude save (DC 14)or be stunned for one round.

Plant: Swamp lions are immune to mind-influ-encing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stun-ning, and polymorph. They are also not subjectto critical hits.

*In swamp-like terrain, a swamp lion gains a+10 circ*mstance bonus to Hide checks.

Sandskipper: Easily mistaken for a flyingmanta ray, the sandskipper is a favorite among

halflings due to its small size and incrediblemaneuverability. These animals are mountaindwellers, hovering noiselessly in the air as theyglide along. Because of a sandskipper’s uniquephysiology, it can only glide above the groundto a maximum height of 10 feet. If it is forcedhigher, such as by a levitate spell or moving offthe side of a cliff, it can glide, losing two feetof altitude for every 5 feet traveled.

Sandskippers live in trees and sleep upside





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Shepland Dog – Medium-Size Animal

Price: 200 gp.Stable Cost:Nil.Food/Water Cost: 8 sp/week.

HD 3d8+6 (20 hp); Init +4; AC 16; Spd 50 ft.;Atk Bite +1 melee (1d6+1); Face/Reach: 5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will+2; Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha8.Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +3,Track.

Bullrover Dog – Medium-Size Animal

Price: 200 gp.Stable Cost:Nil.Food/Water Cost: 1 gp/week.

HD 3d8+6 (20 hp); Init +0; AC 14; Spd 30 ft.;Atk Bite +4 melee (1d6+4); Face/Reach: 5 ft.by 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will+2; Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha8.Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +7.

Dwarf Pony: Standing a mere 4 feet tall, thebright-eyed dwarf pony is no less proud or

noble than its taller cousin. These miniature

horses are well suited for Small riders, but aremainly employed as stock animals. They areextremely strong and capable of pulling hun-dreds of pounds uphill. However, due to theirsmall legs and wide girth, dwarf ponies areusually poor at jumping.

The Kreikervitz Horse Guild exclusively spe-

cializes in dwarf ponies. They have traders inmost major dwarven cities.

Kreikervitz Guild Pony – Medium-sizeAnimal

Price: 200 gp.Stable Cost: 5 sp/day.Food/Water Cost: 4 sp/week.

HD 4d8+8 (26 hp); Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 14;Atk 2 hooves +4 melee (1d6+3); Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +2,

Will +2; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12,Cha 6.Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +7.

Dragon: The epitome of raw, animal strength,dragons are both majestic and terrifying tobehold. The freewings are a type of lesser drag-on that are more commonly trained as mountsdue to their low intelligence and small frames.These dragons are only distantly related to themore powerful and cunning species found inthe wild.

The years of controlled breeding have takenaway most freewing dragons’ ability to breathefire, but in some rare instances a fire breather isborn. These creatures are known as firewings.The freewings subsist mainly on a diet ofcooked meat and vegetables, and have a strongaffinity for stew. They will not eat raw meatunless starving or desperate.

For years the dragon riders of Kish kept solepossession of these powerful beasts, but withrecent famines and new elders they have

opened their doors to outsiders. The dragon rid-ers now sell the freewings and train riders touse them, but still carefully guard the secrets ofraising the dragons properly. Attempts by othergroups to mimic these breeding techniqueshave always ended in disaster.

Freewing Dragon – Huge Monster

Price: 6,400 gp.Stable Cost: 25 gp/day.





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Food/Water Cost: 15 gp/week.

HD 10d12+30 (95 hp); Init +1; Spd 50 ft., Fly 80ft.; AC 16; Atk: 2 claws +12 melee (2d8+7);

Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft.; SA:Firebreath*; SQ: Scent; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4;Str 24, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 8.Skills and Feats: Jump +10, Spot +6, Swim +7.

Firebreath (Su): Once per day, the dragon canissue forth a cone fire that deals 8d8 points offire damage.

*Only one in 500 freewing dragons is bornwith this ability, thus they cost four times theregular price.

Mount EquipmentThe following equipment can aid a riderimmensely in both protecting his steed andincreasing its overall effectiveness. At theDM’s discretion, a mount may come with anyamount of equipment for no cost, but a sourceof additional equipment and supplies must befound afterward.

Bridle: The bridle includes the headstall,browband, noseband, cheek piece, rein, and bit.Bridles attach to the top of the head and areused for direction and control. The headstall,browband, noseband, and cheek piece are usedto keep the bridle in place. The bit is a metalbar that lies on the inside of the mouth and aidsin control. The rider grasps the reins for controland direction. Halve the regular cost of the bri-dle for Medium-size mounts and double it forHuge mounts.

Emergency Belt: A set of thick leather straps

designed to thoroughly tie a rider into a saddle.An emergency belt makes it virtually impossi-ble for a rider to fall off his mount. As a result,unconscious riders have a 90% chance to stay

in the saddle, and all checks to to avoid beingpulled from a mount gain a +8 bonus. It takes afull round action to attach or undo the straps.

Mount Cape: A mount cape is merely a largepiece of cloth draped around the mount’s torsoand tied at the nape of the neck. These orna-ments are often printed with plain colors orexotic designs and are mainly used to improvethe regal appearance of a mount. The cape con-fers a +1 bonus to Charisma to mounts in joust-ing tournaments.

Flat Saddle: The flat saddle resembles a nor-mal saddle that is missing some of its strap-pings, making it easier for a rider to fall off butgiving the horse more freedom of movement.Flat saddles grant a mount a +2 circ*mstancebonus to Jump checks, but an unconscious rideronly has a 30% chance of remaining on such amount. In addition, the character suffers a –2penalty on all checks to avoid being pulledfrom his mount.

Stock Saddle: A stock saddle resembles a reg-ular saddle in all aspects except one. It has ahorn located on the front end that a rider canuse to attach ropes. Stock saddles give a +2 cir-c*mstance bonus to Ride checks involvingdragging or pulling.

Aerial Saddle: An aerial saddle is necessaryfor most aerial mounts and attaches directly tothe mount’s torso with numerous straps andemergency clips. Riders literally attachthemselves to the aerial saddle and can-


Table 4-2: Mount EquipmentItem Cost WeightBridle 2 gp 1 lb.Emergency belt 6 gp 7 lb.Feedbag 3 gp 2 lb.

Grooming brush 5 sp 1 lb.Jousting key 35 gp 8 lb.Mount cape 5 gp 2 lb.Saddle, aerial 60 gp 40 lb.Saddle, flat 30 gp 25 lb.Saddle, stock 10 gp 25 lb.

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not fall off without first unhooking themselves.Riders gain a +10 bonus against anyoneattempting to pull them from the saddle.

Riding an airborne mount without such a sad-dle is incredibly dangerous, requiring a Ridecheck (DC 15) each time the mount changesspeeds, lands or takes off, or performs an aeri-

al maneuver. It takes three rounds to attach orget out of an aerial saddle.

Jousting Key: A jousting key connects to theright side of a horse’s bridle and has a small cir-cular slot for the placement of a lance. It takesa full round action to slide a lance into the ringand a full round action to slide it back out. Thereason for the jousting key is to add extra sup-port so that the lance does not bounce with therider. Jousting keys convey a +6 bonus to acharging character’s attack roll, but onlyagainst targets directly in front of the mount.

Feedbag: The feedbag attaches directly to amount’s mouth and allows it to eat while walk-ing. The feedbag must be removed before themount moves faster than a walk.

Grooming Brush: Only useful for mounts thathave hair, a grooming brush keeps a mounthappy and healthy-looking.


Barding refers to armor specifically made formounts, a luxury that can greatly increase amount’s survivability. However, the more pro-tection the barding offers the more it slows themount down, reducing both its speed and itsmaneuverability. A rider should keep these fac-tors in mind when choosing barding for hismount.

Table 4-3 gives a list of the different bardingsavailable, the AC bonuses conferred, and thearmor check penalty. The prices listed are forlarge mounts. For Medium-size mounts reduce

the cost by one half and for huge mounts mul-tiply the cost by two. Exotic mounts also dou-ble the cost of barding.

The areas covered by barding include head-gear, side shielding, and leg shielding, but notall barding comes with these three pieces. Seethe descriptions below to determine what a spe-

cific piece of barding covers.

Side shielding protects the torso, flanks, andrear of the mount. It is often split in the middleso that the rider’s legs remain free. Almost allside shielding attaches directly to the saddleand has a padded inner lining for the mount’scomfort.

Headgear acts like a helmet, keeping the head

and neck safe from attacks as well as dust,blood, tree branches, or anything else that mightaffect vision. A mount with headgear gains a +4circ*mstance bonus to Fortitude saves involv-ing sight (such as the gaze of a basilisk).

Leg shielding mainly protects the front of themount’s legs, except in the case of shield cas-ing which protects both the front and the back.Since movement is an important part of themount’s usefulness in battle, leg shielding mustbe minimal and is usually attached with leatherstraps. Mounts with leg shielding gain a +2 cir-c*mstance bonus when defending against tripattacks.

Leather Flank: Made from toughened leather,this armor consists solely of light leather sideshielding. Mounts wearing this armor sufferfew penalties.

Studded Flank: This armor is made of a seriesof multi-layered leather pieces connectedtogether by metal, most often steel studs.Studded flank provides a mount with side

shielding and headgear.

Chain Flank: This armor is created by sewinginterlocking steel rings to a panel of toughenedleather pieces. A thin metal mesh covers themount with headgear, side-shielding, and leg-shielding.

Padded Banding: This armor consists of sideshielding made of strong metallic stripswrapped around leather straps that are looselytied to the saddle.

Spiked Banding: This armor is made frommetal strips tightly joined to a metal mesh. Itcomes with headgear and side shielding. Dullmetal spikes protrude from the armor, attachingthe metal wrappings and mesh together.

Steel Banding: This armor is similar to spikedbanding, only it is made from high quality steeland covers the head, torso, and legs withshielding. It is very uncomfortable and cannot





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be worn for more than one week without caus-ing extreme discomfort to a mount (the mountmoves at one-half speed after this period, andfor one day after the armor has been removed).

Half Casing: This armor is made of shapedmetal plates, bolted together, and paddedunderneath. It covers the torso with side shield-ing and has two indentations on either side,which are padded with bear fur for the rider’slegs.

Full Casing: Like half casing, this armor

extends to cover the body and the head withspecially formed metal plates. Some versionsof this armor have horns or a disturbing face-plate to make the mount more frightening inbattle. Such ornaments grant the mount and itsrider a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Intimidatechecks while the rider is mounted.

Shield Casing: This armor completely coversthe mount from head to foot in a nigh-impene-trable shell of metal plates. It greatly improvesa mount’s AC, but reduces its mobility andspeed considerably.

Mounts in CombatHaving a mount can mean the differencebetween victory and defeat in combat. A goodmount can increase a warrior’s mobility, vision,and defensive position, not to mention add afierce combatant to the fray.

MovementThe biggest advantage of taking a mount intocombat is its range of movement. Walking isthe mount’s standard speed.

If the mount makes a double move in a round,it is considered trotting for that round. A trot-ting mount must spend a move-equivalentaction to turn 180 degrees on its current posi-tion. If it makes a 90-degree turn and moves 10feet, then it can make another 90-degree turn. Amount can maintain a trot for 20 minutes per

point of Constitution before it needs to rest.The Endurance feat adds an additional 20 min-utes per point of Constitution to the mount’stotal trotting time. If a mount is pushed beyondthis limit, it suffers one point of temporaryConstitution damage for every 20 minutes it isridden. This penalty can be delayed by the useof the Coax the Beast maneuver outlined inChapter 2.

When a rider pushes the mount to run or chargeit moves at quadruple its speed. Runningallows for more freedom of movement, and a

charge can significantly increase the damagedealt by the mount’s rider in combat. Themount requires at least 10 feet of starting roomto build up enough speed for a run. A ridertakes 2d6 damage for falling off a mount dur-ing a run. It can maintain a run for one minuteper point of Constitution before needing to rest.The Endurance feat doubles the amount oftime a mount can run. Slowing back downto a trot is a move-equivalent action.


Table 4-3: BardingArmor Max Dex Armor Speed

Armor Bonus Bonus Check Penalty Modifier Weight CostLight

Leather flank +1 +6 0 — 10 lbs 60 gp

Studded flank +1 +5 –1 — 15 lbs 150 gpChain flank +2 +4 –2 — 20 lbs 250 gpMedium

Padded banding +2 +4 –1 –10 ft. 30 lbs 350 gpSpiked banding +3 +3 –2 –10 ft. 35 lbs 500 gpSteel banding +3 +3 –3 –10 ft. 45 lbs 860 gp

HeavyHalf casing +4 +2 –3 –10 ft. 50 lbs 1,200 gpFull casing +6 +1 –4 –20 ft. 75 lbs 2,700 gpShield casing +8 +0 –5 –20 ft. 100 lbs 5,000 gp

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If the mount is forced to move at a runningspeed for more than ten minutes within a singlehour, it must be allowed to rest or it suffers onepoint of temporary Constitution damage foreach additional minute that it is ridden.

A mount can rest intermittently to help it gofarther in a day. For each 10-minute period thatthe mount rests, it can be ridden for an addi-tional time period equal to its base (20 minutesat a trot, one minute at a run).

Turning is perhaps the most challenging aspectof movement on a mount. When standing still,a mount may turn up to 180 degrees from thedirection it is facing. In a trot, the mount mayturn up to 90 degrees. A mount in a run canonly make a 45-degree turn. The mount must

move at least 10 feet before making anotherturn in any case.

Mount Weapons

Bladed Shoes: Bladed shoes are designedexclusively for horses and dwarf ponies. Thetips of the shoes have small jagged blades thatdeal 1d6 points of damage on a successful

strike (heavy warhorses deal 1d8 points ofdamage on a successful strike with bladed

shoes). Mounts with talons, such as griffons,can be fitted with a variation of these weaponscalled a talon blade. This weapon deals 1d8points of damage on a successful strike andcosts four times as much as bladed shoes.

Long travel can wear down bladed shoes, somost mounted combatants learn to fit the shoes

onto their horses themselves. This way theycan arm their mounts when preparing for battle,saving them from having to replace the bladedshoes every few days. Traveling more than 10miles on bladed shoes makes them unusable incombat, therefore they must be replaced. Itrequires a Profession (blacksmith) check (DC20) to successfully fit bladed shoes onto amount or to remove them after battle.

Horn Talask: Elephants are sometimes fittedwith a pair of horn talasks, which attach snug-ly over the tips of the tusks and have either asharp blade or a bludgeoning ball at the tips. Anelephant with bladed horn talasks deals anadditional 1d8 points of damage with its goreattack, while ball and chain talasks increase theelephant’s reach on its slam attack by 5 ft.

Unicorn Razorhooves: These exotic weaponsare most often forged at the behest of a mem-ber of the Order of the Unicorn for his mount.Resembling horseshoes at first glance, closerinspection reveals the sharp, serrated edges andthe structural support that makes these

weapons of war. A unicorn wearingrazorhooves deals 1d8 damage with its hoofattacks instead of 1d4.

Unicorn’s Blade: This serrated blade ismounted on a cap that is placed over a uni-corn’s horn. It increases the critical threat rangeof the unicorn’s horn to 19–20.

Controlling A Spooked Mount

If a mount is frightened or wounded in combat,it has a chance of getting spooked and bolting.

Each time a mount takes damage, and when itfirst enters combat, the player should roll per-centile dice to see if the mount is spooked. SeeTable 4-1 for the percentage chance that agiven mount will spook as a result of combat.If the mount is spooked, the rider may attemptthat round to control it with a Ride check (DC20). In the event of failure, the rider may tryagain each subsequent round as a move-equiv-alent action to try and soothe the mount. Acharacter with five or more ranks in Animal





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Empathy gains a +2 synergy bonus to any suchchecks. A spooked mount runs as fast as it canaway from danger.

Attacks From Unusual Mounts

Medium-size mounts: When you ride aMedium-size mount into battle, you only gain a+1 bonus to melee attacks against opponents

smaller than Medium-size due to the advantageof higher ground. In addition, a rider only takeshalf damage for falling off a Medium-sizemount due to its closer proximity to the ground.

Huge and aerial mounts: These mounts donot allow for easy combat with standard reachweapons, as the rider is considered to be 10 ft.from any Large or smaller opponent on theground. As a partial action, a Huge or aerialmount may lower its rider close to the groundfor an attack; although to attempt this, the ridermust make a Ride check (DC 15) or provoke an

attack of opportunity. A rider who falls off ahuge mount suffers 2d6 points of damage.


Although many members of the fighting class-es are loners by nature, some seek out otherswho share their goals and ideals. Others recog-

nize that there is strength in numbers and thattheir causes – for good or for ill – are betterserved by working in a group. Still othersbelieve that organizations are the best means topass on what they know to others of their kind.

Whatever their reasons, fighting organizationsare at least as common as their magical or cler-ical equivalents and they are excellent vehiclesfor roleplaying. At their most basic level, theycan offer a good way to introduce a new pres-

tige class into a campaign, since many prestigeclasses are closely tied to a small group ororganization. They also give the DM a readysource of adventure hooks as well as a methodto frame adventures or even entire campaigns.The rootless adventurer is a common enougharchetype in fantasy, but it is not especiallywell suited to a campaign focused on a particu-lar goal or ideal.

Organizations provide a framing device thatcan serve as a backdrop for a campaign. Theyare likewise a convenient means by which thecharacters can interact with one another, sincethey might all belong to the same group or to acollection of related groups with shared goals.Finally, organizations offer an outlet foradvancement that is not tied to defeating mon-sters or dungeon delving. Characters canencounter an entirely different set of challengesas they attempt to advance within their chosenorganization.

OrganizationsWhen using an organization in a fantasy game,it is important to distinguish between member-ship in the organization and membership in anyprestige classes associated with it. The formeris represented by adding a “template” to a char-acter, much in the same way as you would tocreate certain types of monsters. The followingrules explain how to create a character thatbelongs to an organization such as the

Adventurers’ Guild or the ContemplativeOrder. Also included is advice on just how tochoose the right balance of requirements andrewards so that a template is not overly power-ful compared to others or so weak as to beunsuitable for player characters.


Table 4-4: Mount WeaponsWeapon Cost Damage Critical Range Increment Weight TypeBladed Shoes 25 gp 1d6 x2 — 3 lb. SHorn Talask 75 gp +1d8 x2 — 15 lb. S/BUnicorn Razorhooves 15 gp 1d8 19-20/x2 — 3 lb. S

Unicorn’s Blade 50 gp — — — 4 lb. P

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Creating an OrganizationalTemplate

The first step to creating an organizational tem-plate is having an idea for the organization itself.This idea should be either narrowly focused or at

least specific enough that there is a reason for itsexistence. For example, the Wardens of theGreat Wood is a narrowly focused organizationdevoted to protecting the Great Wood fromhumanoid incursions. That is a very narrowfocus, making it reasonable as an organization.On the other hand, the Adventurers’ Guild is notnarrowly focused in the same sense. Its mem-bers are quite diverse. However, all guild mem-bers share a common interest in the craft of pro-fessional adventuring, which is also a good basisfor an organization. The DM should bear theseexamples in mind when creating his own orga-

nizational templates.


One of the primary benefits of an organization-al template is its rank structure. Every organi-zation will have a number of different ranks,

which are levels of authority and initiationwithin the group. Most will have only fiveranks, but more are certainly possible, if theDM so desires. Each rank probably possesses aname, which a member may use as a titlebefore his own, as a badge of his position with-in the organization. The number and names ofthe ranks is entirely up to the DM and serves

only flavor purposes. That is, they have nogame mechanical effects. Instead, they are away to differentiate between organizations andgive the characters a chance to mark theirprogress by appending the title “Master” or“Warden” before their names.

Membership Requirements

At each rank, there should be requirements.These requirements must be possessed beforethe character is allowed to achieve that rank.They are the bare minimum that a character

needs before his organization will admit him tothe new rank – but there may be other require-ments as well. The DM makes this decision andit should be based on campaign considerations,such as whether the character in question hasgood relations with the guildmaster or provenhimself an unstable element. In such cases, the





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DM could reasonably make the character per-form additional deeds or meet other require-ments before his superiors will allow him toadvance further. Again, this is a roleplayingconsideration and should be used only if thecampaign warrants it.

The membership requirements themselves can

be many things. Most typically they are a fewgame mechanical milestones, such as a mini-mum base attack bonus, a minimum base save,a number of skill ranks, or feats. Their intensi-ty and their number should be linked to boththe nature of the organization and the benefitsaccrued at each rank (see below). In caseswhere the organization is lenient or where thebenefits are especially small, the DM would bewise to make the requirements equally paltry.If, on the other hand, the organization is strictor the benefits are significant, the DM wouldbe reasonable to make the requirements equal-ly impressive.

In general, though, no requirements should bemore strenuous than those needed to get into aprestige class. Prestige classes represent eliteindividuals who have totally devoted them-selves to a particular cause, group, or tech-nique. Organizations, on the other hand, are notnearly as taxing on their members – or rarelyare. If a character intends to join an organiza-tion rather than a prestige class, it is likely hedoes not want to focus too strongly on a single

aspect of his existence. Given that, the DMshould try to keep the requirements for mem-bership in a range that is somewhat less thanthat of a prestige class. This is only a guideline,of course, since it sometimes makes sense foran organization to have stricter requirements,particularly if the rank benefits are impressiveenough.

Another consideration is how broadly basedthe DM wishes an organization to be. It is gen-erally better to make the requirements broadenough that members of many classes and

races can join. So, alternative requirements areoften appropriate rather than very specific onesthat limit which types of characters may join.Again, there are always exceptions to this sug-gestion, and a DM should bear in mind the pur-pose and role of the organization before mak-ing any decisions one way or the other. In theend, what is most important is the integrity ofthe group itself. The Wardens of the GreatWood, for example, are very much a “ranger’s

group,” which is why its upper ranks require afavored enemy as a prerequisite. TheAdventurers’ Guild, on the other hand, is muchless stringent, since it is geared toward allclasses who wish to hone their professionaladventuring skills, not just fighters or rogues.


Just as each rank has requirements, so too dothey have benefits. These benefits represent therewards for advancing in the organization’shierarchy. Consequently, they should have areal effect in a campaign, whether as a roleplay-ing device or as a game mechanic. The amountof benefit should be tied directly to the require-ments for each rank. An organization with laxrequirements should, in general, give fewer andless impressive benefits than those with more

strict requirements. Likewise, the type of bene-fits should make sense within the context of theorganization. For example, the ContemplativeOrder allows higher rank members access to itslibrary of ancient tomes. This makes goodsense, given the Order’s focus on learning anddiscipline. However, it would have made nosense to give higher rank ContemplativesDisable Device as a new class skill. TheDM should try to tailor the benefits to thepurpose of the organization.


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Like requirements, it is important to keep pres-tige and other classes in mind when creatingbenefits. Benefits should be useful, but not souseful that they undermine the rules of thegame. Therefore, giving someone free feats oran ability unique to a class are probably poorchoices as benefits. In fact, feats and class abil-ities are good benchmarks for what is too pow-

erful. If a benefit comes close to being as effec-tive or useful as a feat or class ability, the DMshould consider revising the benefit. For magi-cal abilities, these should rarely be more pow-erful than 0-level spells. Otherwise, the unique-ness of the magical classes is undermined.Likewise, bonuses to saves or base attackbonuses should rarely be more than +1.

Roleplaying benefits are probably the best wayto ensure that membership in an organizationdoes not become too powerful. Indeed, thesesorts of benefits are one of the best ways to usethese templates. They give the characters asolid grounding in the setting and show thatthere are other ways to advance than throughaccumulating experience points. Gainingaccess to the Adventurers’ Guild hiring hall, forexample, is a true benefit and one that shouldbe the envy of those barred from it. Similarly,the friendship of the Wood Elves of the GreatWood might well be worth more than gold to aWarden who finds himself on his own andbeing pursued by a band of evil bugbears.

A Note about Requirements and BenefitsMembership requirements and benefits do notstack. That is, if Rank 2 grants a +1 Will savebonus and Rank 3 grants a +2 Will save bonus,the character does not gain a +3 bonus.Similarly, if Rank 1 requires three ranks inWilderness Lore and Rank 2 requires five ranksin Wilderness Lore, the character does not need8 ranks in total. Each subsequent level assumesthe requirements or benefits of the previousone. If, for some reason, this is not the case, theDM should make this explicit. None of the

sample organizations included in this bookbreak this rule, however.


Drawbacks are a bit like requirements in thatthey are things that place a burden on membersin the organization. They differ in that they donot necessarily increase with rank and usually

have more to do with ideology than withskill. For example, members of the

Contemplative Order must divest themselvesof excess material possessions while theServants of Ice must sacrifice living beingsmonthly to their demonic lord.

Drawbacks are tests of the character’s devotionand should usually be roleplaying-oriented.Mechanically based drawbacks are possible, of

course, but the DM would be well advised touse them only when the benefits are especiallygood. Depriving a character of an entire schoolof magic, for instance, should only come as aside effect of especially good benefits.

Drawbacks work hand in hand with require-ments. They are a way for the DM to balanceout a template’s benefits with its requirements.If a group’s requirements are minimal and thebenefits significant, a good way to balance theequation is by levying some hefty drawbacks.On the other hand, if the membership require-ments are already quite strict, adding too manydrawbacks might be seen as overkill. Weighingthese two elements of the template against oneanother is an important key to creating a rea-sonable organizational template for a campaign.

Causes for Expulsion

Also related to drawbacks are the causes forexpulsion. These are the reasons why an indi-vidual can be kicked out of an organization, aswell as the consequences for his being ejected.Typically, failing to live up to any of the draw-backs is cause for expulsion, but they need notbe the only one. Many organizations will haveideological or theological reasons to expelmembers, such as someone defying the teach-ings of a religion or consorting with the enemy.In the end, almost anything could be a cause forexpulsion, depending on the focus and striden-cy of the organization in question.

When deciding on appropriate causes, the DMneeds to bear in mind several factors, includinghow orthodox a group is. Some groups give

their members lots of leeway in their behavior;others do not. In general, tightly knit groupswith a lot of power (and therefore benefits) willbe less freewheeling and open to diversity ofopinion and action than looser and less power-ful ones. As always, there are exceptions tothese guidelines and the DM should try not tocharacterize all his organizations in the sameway. Variety is important and there willundoubtedly be many groups that defy easycategorization.





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Any character who is expelled from an organi-zation loses the template’s benefits immediate-ly. He may also suffer other penalties, such asostracism or even threats of violence from hisformer comrades. Some organizations aresecret in nature and they do not expel anyone;they merely kill them. This is an extremeexample, of course, but demon cults or con-

spiracies, for example, cannot tolerate anyonewho knows their secrets and leaves their ranksalive. No matter what, the DM should notewhat ill effects might occur as a result of beingexpelled from an organization, above andbeyond the loss of its rank benefits.

The Guild of AdventurersThe world is rife with amateur adventurers –but only the Guild of Adventurers contains thetrue professionals. The Guild exists to promote

professionalism among the sellswords, tomb-robbers, and rogues who undertake great deedsin quests of glory and gold. Its members recog-nize each other as kindred spirits who, whatev-er their differences in demeanor and world-view, have more in common with each otherthan with the common rabble who will neverunderstand the thrill of stealing from a dragon’shoard or exploring an abandoned dwarf-hold.

The Guild provides professional adventurerswith a network of contacts and allies who sharetheir love of excitement and can provide themwith food, lodging, rumors, and other servicesin exchange for monthly dues.

Membership Requirements

To qualify for each rank of this organization, thecharacter must meet the following requirements:

Apprentice: A record of accomplishment as anadventurer (character level 2nd+); recommen-dation of an existing member of the Guild.

Journeyman: 1 rank in Search; 3 ranks inClimb, Spellcraft, or Wilderness Lore.

Adventurer: Renown as an adventurer (char-acter level 5th+); 3 ranks in Search; 5 ranks in

Climb, Spellcraft, or Wilderness Lore.

Expert Adventurer: 5 ranks in Search; 7 ranksin Climb, Spellcraft, or Wilderness Lore.

Master Adventurer: Fame as an adventurer(character level 8th+).


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The Contemplative OrderThere are many mystics who believe that theonly path to true wisdom is by quiet meditationupon the world and its inhabitants. TheContemplative Order is an organization of suchmystics, who live in remote monasteries and

train their minds to concentrate on the hiddentruths of the world, the ones easily overlookedby those too wedded to life’s physical plea-sures. Though eremitic in demeanor, allContemplatives do not withdraw themselvesfrom interaction with their fellow beings.Indeed, some believe that it is by being in theworld but not of it that they can reach their ulti-mate goal of communion with the Divine thatlies beneath all of Creation.

Membership Requirements

To qualify for each rank of this organization,the character must meet the following mini-mum requirements:

Postulant: Will save +2 or higher; 1 rank inConcentration; acceptance by a Disciple-levelmember as a student.

Initiate: 3 ranks in Concentration, 1 rank inKnowledge (arcana).

Disciple: Will save +4 or higher, 5 ranks inConcentration.

Immaculate: Iron Will feat, 3 ranks inKnowledge (arcana).

Master: Will save +10 or higher, 7 ranks inConcentration.


Immediately upon being inducted to each rankof this organization, the character gains the fol-lowing benefits:

Postulant: A cell and meager food at aContemplative monastery, as well as a higher-ranked Contemplative (at least Disciple-level)to serve as the character’s mentor.

Initiate: Access to the monastery’s library ofancient texts and scriptures, which give a +2library bonus to all Knowledge (arcana) andKnowledge (religion) skill checks.

Disciple: +1 bonus to Will saves versus spells

from the Enchantment school. Permission totake on a postulant of one’s own and train herin the ways of the Contemplative Order.

Immaculate: +2 bonus to Diplomacy checkswhen dealing with monks or clerics who servedeities or orders that place a high value on con-templation and inner development.

Master: +2 bonus to Will saves versus spellsfrom the Enchantment school.

Special: Any Contemplative who completelydivests himself of all her worldly possessions,except the clothes on her back and shoes on herfeet, gains a +1 bonus to all unarmed attacks, Willsaves and skill checks for as long as she remainstrue to the ideals of the Contemplative Order.


The primary drawback associated with thisorganization is that its members seek detach-ment from the world by eschewing materialpossessions. A Contemplative is encouraged togive up as many of her possessions as she isable, but in any event may never own morethan 100 gp and one of each type of equipment(one weapon, one ring, one potion, etc.). Theideal is absolute poverty and detachment but itis not demanded of any member as a conditionof membership.

Causes for Expulsion

Undue attachment to the world is the primarycause for expulsion from the ContemplativeOrder. A character that possesses more than thelimited possessions allowed to a Contemplativeis expelled from the Order and shunned by hisformer comrades.

Wardens of the GreatWood

The Wardens of the Great Wood are a band of

rangers and their allies who exist to preserveand protect an ancient forest sacred to druidsand wood elves alike. The Wardens see theirmission as divinely ordained by their gods,who have commanded them to battle againstthe evil humanoids that have overrun the Woodand seek to corrupt it and its inhabitants. Theyoperate in small, highly mobile cells and relyupon their superior knowledge of the for-est to engage in hit and run attacksagainst their enemies.


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Membership Requirements

To qualify for each rank of this organization,the character must meet the following mini-mum requirements:

Runner: Sponsorship by an existing memberof the Wardens in good standing; Run feat.

Scout: Track feat; 3 ranks in Wilderness Lore.

Courser: 3 ranks in Intuit Direction; 5 ranks inWilderness Lore.

Pathfinder: 5 ranks in Intuit Direction; 7 ranksin Wilderness Lore.

Warden: Favored enemy (any humanoid race)+2.


Immediately upon being inducted to each rankof this organization, the character gains the fol-lowing benefits:

Runner: Knowledge of the names and generalwhereabouts of two other Wardens (of at least

Rank 3), who act as the character’s mentorsand, if need be, protectors.

Scout: Knowledge of the location of onefriendly druidic circle within the Great Wood,whose members will provide food, lodging,and healing to the character if asked. Undercertain circ*mstances, the druids may also loanthe Warden equipment (including magic items)

for a short time to assist in completing a partic-ular mission.

Courser: Permission to induct new membersinto the Wardens and impart to them knowledgeappropriate to their rank within the organization.

Pathfinder: Knowledge of phrases and codewords to identify oneself as a friend of thewood elves and thereby gain access to any oftheir settlements within the Great Wood.

Warden: The ability to castguidance once per

day, regardless of whether the character pos-sesses the ability to cast divine spells of anytype.


The Wardens exist as itinerant guerrillas with-out the official support of any kingdom orrealm. Consequently, its members can neverpossess more than they can carry unassisted.The use of horses and pack animals is strictly





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way that draws the attention of enemies of thegroup. In both cases, the penalty is not merelyexpulsion, but death. Any Servant who actscontrary to the group’s precepts is marked todie, probably as a blood sacrifice.


There is far more to the world than an endlessseries of 10-foot-wide stone corridors! Battlecan occur in all kinds of places—in the narrow,rain-slick alleyways of the city; on the surfaceof a boat pitching in a storm; on the glisteningice fields near the poles; waist-deep in the thick

muck of a fetid swamp; or, in the strange andwondrous realms of the outer planes, where thelaws of physics are mere suggestions, oftignored.

This section details many exotic locales forcombat, and provides a number of modifiers toreflect the unique nature of such places. Withthese rules as guidelines, the DM should be

able to quickly derive appropriate modifiersfor any situation or location not covered

here. (Underwater combat is not discussedhere; this topic is very complex, and is dealtwith at length in the Seafarer’s Handbook.)

While many explicit terrains with specialeffects are described, the core of the rules is the

Locale Description System. By noting thedegree to which each of the following factorsaffects combat, DMs can easily handle any sit-uation they may wish to fling at the players!

SlipperinessThe slipperiness of a terrain determines howslick it is. Slick terrain is very difficult to moveon, and the rapid motions of combat (suddendodges, thrusts, spins, and so on) are especial-ly difficult to perform. Slipperiness is ratedfrom 1 to 4, as follows:

Rating 1: Slightly slippery, such as a cobble-stone street after the rain.

Rating 2: Quite slippery, such as wet grass orhighly polished stone.

Rating 3: Very slippery, such as ice or an oil spill.





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Rating 4: Almost frictionless, somethingwhich could result from magic or as part of theconditions of another plane.

Each level of slipperiness has the followingeffects:

Rating 1: A character making a trip attempt

receives a +2 circ*mstance bonus to hisopposed check. A character who runs orcharges across the surface must make aBalance check (DC 10) or fall when he reachesthe end of his move. The DC of this check isincreased by two for each size category greaterthan Medium-size, and decreased by two foreach size category less than Medium-size. Thislevel of slipperiness can be traversed withouteffort when not in combat.

Rating 2: As rating 1, except that trip attemptsreceive a +4 circ*mstance bonus. Anyone run-ning or charging through the area must make aBalance check (DC 15), and anyone takingmore than a single move must make a Balancecheck (DC 10). This level of slipperiness canbe traversed without effort when not in combat.

Rating 3: As rating 2, except that anyonestruck in combat must make a Balance check(DC equals the damage dealt) or be knockedback 5 ft. and fall prone. (Halve the DC if thedamage was dealt by a piercing attack; ignore itif an immaterial force, such as a non-Evocation

spell, delivered the damage.). Even when not incombat, a Balance check (DC 5) must be madeto move at half speed; failing this check resultsin the character not moving. Failing it by morethan five results in the character falling. A bullrush moves the target of the attack back anextra 5 ft., but the character making the attackmust make a Reflex save (DC 10) in order toremain standing.

Rating 4: As rating 3, except that moving atmore then one-quarter speed requires a Balancecheck as follows:

1/2 move: DC 15Full move: DC 20Greater than full move: DC 25

Slipperiness Notes

Characters with a low center of gravity (manyinsects, carrion crawlers, and so on) or withmore than two legs gain a +4 stability bonus onall Balance checks to maintain their footing.

Characters larger than Medium-size gain a +2stability bonus for each size category greaterthan Medium-size against falling due to dam-age; characters smaller than Medium-size suf-fer a –2 penalty to such checks. Obviouslyenough, flying characters may ignore the slip-periness of a surface entirely, as can any char-acter who can naturally cling to surfaces or

who is under the influence of a spider climbspell.

Creatures native to a particular terrain (whitedragons on ice fields, for example) are unaf-fected by its slipperiness. Equipment or prepa-ration (throwing gritty sand on oil slicks, wear-ing skates on ice) may also grant considerablebonuses or cancel all effects entirely, at theDM’s discretion.

Partial Movement (Optional Rule)

If a character falls while moving on a slipperysurface, they did not necessarily just fall downwhere they started. Roll 1d6, and consult thefollowing chart:

Roll Distance Moved1–2 1/4 intended movement3–4 1/2 intended movement5–6 3/4 intended movement

While this is optional, and adds time to fights,it can also add some fun and danger. The fight-er who charged across the ice field to confrontthe white dragon may find himself lying on hisback within reach of the dragon’s claws.

SlopeSlope determines how steep the ground is.After a certain point (60 degrees), a slope isconsidered a wall, and normal climbing rulesapply. (Some variant climbing rules, specifical-ly dealing with fighting while climbing, arenoted below.)

When fighting on a sloped surface (the DMmust determine if the degree of slope is signif-icant enough to merit using these rules on acase-by-case basis), several modifiers apply.

• An attacker upslope from someone he isattacking in melee gains a +1 circum-stance bonus to attack rolls.

• Moving up a slope is more difficultthan moving across level ground,


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and moving down is easier. Anyonedoing a full move upslope loses 5 ft. fromthe total distance traveled; anyone doinga full move downslope gains 5 ft.

• If the target of a bull rush is downslopefrom the attacker, the target must make aReflex save (DC 10) or fall prone at the

end of his movement.

Close QuartersThe default combat rules assume a character isstanding on a surface at least five feet wide,and with clearance on both sides. This is notalways going to be the case.


Several factors come into play when dealing withtight quarters in combat. Weapon length is one

such factor. If a character is using a slashing orbludgeoning weapon of Medium-size or greater,and the character has less than five feet of totalclearance, the character suffers a –2 circum-stance penalty on attack rolls. If the character hasless than two feet of total clearance, only Smallor Tiny weapons or piercing weapons may beused. Furthermore, in such a narrow place, char-acters lose their Dexterity bonus to AC, as thereis no room to dodge, twist, or weave.

Normally, a character may pass through asquare occupied by a friendly character withoutdifficulty. In tight places, however, this is notthe case. If there is less than five feet of clear-ance, both the character moving and the charac-ter in the square being moved through must usea move-equivalent action as they slow down toget past each other. (This is provided both char-acters are Medium-size. Characters that areSmall may pass each other easily in up to twoand a half feet of clearance; Tiny characters canmove freely with only a foot of clearance.)

Narrow Footing

While fighting in close quarters hinders thechoice of weapon, at least there is no addition-al danger posed by the environment. This is notthe case when fighting on a narrow ledge overa gaping chasm.

A character risks falling during normal combatwhen standing on any surface less than two

feet wide. Whenever the character is struck,or misses an opponent by more than five, a

Reflex save must be made against the follow-ing DCs:

Width DC13–24 inches 107–12 inches 132–6 inches 15<2 inches 18

To this, add half the damage done by any blud-geoning or slashing weapon in the previousround.

Should a character be knocked off, he willalways have a chance to grab an edge if at leastone hand is free (i.e. not holding a shield orweapon). It can be assumed that a characterholding a shield and a weapon will drop theweapon in order to save his life! A Reflex save(DC 15) must then be made. If the charactersucceeds at the save, the character has grabbedonto an edge and is dangling dramatically. Anyattack against the character’s hand requires aFortitude save (DC 5+damage dealt) to hold on.

If a ledge is slippery as well as narrow, add theslipperiness rating to the base DC of any check.In other words, someone fighting on a 6-inchwide sheet of ice must make a Balance check(DC 18+one half the damage dealt) to avoidbeing knocked off when struck in combat.

ObstaclesNot all fighting areas are clear. Even if there isgenerally enough room on either side to swinga weapon and no danger of falling, there maystill be obstacles that can hinder combat. Forexample, fighting in a dense forest is somewhatdifferent than fighting in either an open spaceor in a tight passage; you do not have total free-dom of movement, but neither is your move-ment wholly constrained.

The amount of general clutter in an area can berated as follows:

Rating 1:Numerous loose items, small objectson the floor, light objects easily batted awayduring combat—a typical crowded barroom.

Rating 2: Several large or immobile objectsplaced so as to minimally impede movement,but which cannot be easily ignored, or a veryuneven floor that presents many opportunitiesto trip—a moderate forest.





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Rating 3: Movement in a straight line is almostimpossible; a character must continually steparound, over, or under blockages, and they can-not be swept aside—a dense rain forest.

Rating 4: Rapid movement is impossible.Every step involves carefully moving aroundblockages of various sorts—the inside of a

clockwork mechanism or a maze of floatingbricks in an extradimensional space.

The effects are as follows:

Rating 1: AC suffers a –1 circ*mstance penal-ty. Moving more than full movement in a sin-gle round necessitates a Balance check (DC 5)or the character falls. Normal (non-combat)movement does not require such a check.

Rating 2: Both AC and attack rolls suffer a –1circ*mstance penalty, except for attacks withpiercing weapons. Moving more than fullmovement in a single round necessitates aBalance check (DC 10) or the character falls.Normal (non-combat) movement is only three-quarters base speed.

Rating 3: Both AC and attack rolls suffer a –2circ*mstance penalty, except for attacks withpiercing weapons. Moving more than halfmovement in a single round necessitates aBalance check (DC 15) or the character falls.Normal (non-combat) movement is only one-

half base speed. Anyone more than 10 feetaway has one-quarter cover.

Rating 4: Both AC and attack rolls suffer a –3circ*mstance penalty, except for attacks withpiercing weapons, which are at –1. Movingmore than 5 feet in a single round necessitatesa Balance check (DC 10 + 5 for each addition-al 5 ft. moved) or the character falls. Normal(non-combat) movement is only one-quarterbase speed. Anyone more than 5 feet away hasone-quarter cover.

GlareThe harsh desert sun. The glistening ice fieldsof the arctic wastes. The brilliant glow of thesky itself on some alien plane. All of these canseverely hinder combat.

There are two levels of glare: brilliant andblinding. These are described below.


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This is the level of glare most likely to be foundin normal settings on a typical campaign world.The light is bright and harsh, and vision is dif-ficult. Simply staring into the light is painful,and looking down or otherwise shielding youreyes exposes you to attacks. Unless you have

the Blind-Fight feat or the ability to senseopponents through sound, smell, or othermeans, all targets in melee are assumed to haveone-half concealment; all ranged targets havethree-quarters concealment. It is possible toforce yourself to overcome the glare, negatingthese penalties, but at a cost. If you succeed ina Fortitude save (DC 15) you may attack with-out penalty, but each round you do so you havea 10% chance of being blinded for 1d4 days,with a 1% chance of the blindness being per-manent. (restoration, heal, or regenerate willrestore your sight.)


Blinding glare is just that, a light so bright thateven the briefest exposure can blind someone.This is likely to be found on other planes, or inparticularly extreme conditions (the desert sunreflecting off a field of stone polished to mir-ror-like refraction). All ranged targets are con-sidered to have total concealment; melee tar-gets have three-quarters concealment. Asabove, a character can force his eyes open longenough to get a solid bearing, but the Fortitude

save DC is 20, and the blinding chances are20% and 5%, respectively.

Characters with low-light vision are especiallysusceptible to glare. Increase the Fortitude saveDC to overcome glare by three, and the blind-ing chances by 5% and 2%.

GravityWhile it is very rare that gravity will vary dur-ing normal adventuring situations, it is not

unknown—many spells can affect gravity.Furthermore, it is possible for characters toadventure on other planes where gravity simplydoes not work as it does on their normal cam-paign world. The types of gravity are explainedbelow.

Microgravity: This level of gravity is usuallyreserved for objects in space such as asteroids.

There can be no atmosphere at this level ofgravity, which is found only on other planes.

Very Low: This level of gravity cannot retainbreathable atmosphere long enough to developlife. Any plane or area with this level of gravi-ty will be barren and devoid of life.

Low: This level of gravity can be found on anormal campaign world, as it can retain breath-able atmosphere and support life. It might be

found in a strange pocket deep within the earth,as part of a strange terrarium in a mad wizard’scastle, or as part of a trapped area.

Standard: This is the common gravity level ofmost campaign worlds.

High: This level of gravity is often found ondense planets, and will have a livable atmos-phere. A conflux of powerful magic near an oremine or similar area full of dense metals mightproduce a high gravity zone. This is also thecomponent of many traps in the castles of pow-erful beings such as cloud giants and dragons.

Very High: This level of gravity is rarely foundin a standard campaign world, and may be theremnants of an artificially created environmentused to house extra-planar or extraterrestrialcreatures. Areas of very high gravity are oftencreated in beholder lairs as a means of defenseagainst beings that rely on walking to getaround.

Extreme: An area of extreme gravity should

only be entered with great caution, as theatmosphere may be too dense to support life.Even if this were not the case, the extremelytaxing toll it takes on the bodies of creatureswithin makes it nearly impossible to traversefor any great period of time.

If your Strength is reduced to 0 or less by theeffects of gravity, you are pinned to the groundby your own weight and unable to move.

If your Dexterity is reduced to 0 or less by theeffects of gravity, you are unable to move in

any kind of coordinated fashion.

AC is reduced by the reduction in Dexterity,while damage and attack bonuses are increasedor decreased as appropriate by the change inStrength. Combat in low-gravity environmentsbecomes a lethally comic ballet, with targetseasy to hit and damage dramatically increased.





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Fighting While ClimbingIt is possible, though very difficult, to fightwhile clinging to a wall. The following limita-tions apply.

The attacking character may use only a one-handed weapon that is Small or Tiny.

The attacker’s reach is limited; he may onlyattack targets that are above him or on the samelevel, and on the same side as the hand wield-ing the weapon. In other words, if you think ofthe character as lying flat in the center of agroup of five-foot squares, a climbing charac-ter can threaten the square directly above him,the square to his weapon side, and the squarethat borders both of them.

If the attack misses by more than five points,the attacker must make a Climb check with theDC set to the DC for climbing the wall + thenumber of points by which the attack missed.

All other rules for combat while climbing stillapply, including the lack of Dexterity bonus toAC.

Example: Jalen is scaling a wall in the city ofDelorais. The wall is rough stone, and thus hasa Climb DC of 10. Suddenly, on Jalen’s right, awindow is flung open and a guard peers out.Jalen quickly draws his dagger (in his righthand) and slashes at the guard, hoping to killhim before he can sound an alarm. He missesby six, and must make a Climb check (DC 16)to stay on the wall.

LocationsThe following examples show how to use themodifiers above, as well as location-specificadjustments, to make the location in which afight takes place as memorable as the oppo-nents fought.

Grymir SwampGrymir Swamp can be found in the goblinlands south of New Retalia. Black dragons areknown to use it as a hatchery, and the entirearea is infested with wyrmlings along with afew adults who guard the nests. The lure ofblack dragon eggs (and the alchemicallyinvaluable corpses of the relatively weak


Table 4-5: Gravity Check ModifiersDex Str Jump Lifting Climbing

Gravity Modifier Modifier Distance Capacity Speed

Microgravity –8 +8 x8 x8 x8

Very low –4 +4 x4 x4 x4Low –2 +2 x2 x2 x2Standard — — — — — High –2 –2 1/2 1/2 1/2Very high –4 –4 1/4 1/4 1/4Extreme –8 –8 1/8 1/8 1/8

Flying Falling Base RangeGravity Speed Damage Speed Increments

Microgravity x4 1/8 x8 x8Very low x3 1/2 x4 x4Low x2 1/4 x2 x2

Standard — — — — High 1/2 x2 1/2 1/2Very high 1/3 x4 1/4 1/4Extreme 1/4 x8 1/8 1/8

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wyrmlings) attracts adventurers and collectorsalike. The swamp is a poor place for a fight,and the unprepared will die quickly, even inbattles they could have won had they occurredon solid ground.


The thick muck of the swamp halves basemovement. Anyone who becomes prone willbegin to drown, as per the core rules (DMG85). The thick trees that grow up from the muckcluster close together, creating rating 2 or 3obstacles. Furthermore, the swamp’s draconicinhabitants have had a major impact on thewaters of the swamp—anyone with an armorbonus of less than +4 who becomes fully sub-merged in the swamp must make a Fortitudesave (DC 10) each round or take one point ofacid damage. Weapons and armor must alsomake these saves, or else they begin to corrode.


Items or spells that grant water breathingreduce the chance of drowning due to beingknocked down or dragged under, and elementalresistance magic can defeat the acid. The tight-ly packed trees have no simple solutions, but awell-placed shrink plants spell might clear aspace, effectively lowering the obstacles ratingby one point.

Icefields of South AkatanWhile most think of Akatan as home to thesweltering Stone Kingdoms, it also stretches farenough south that the southern end of the conti-nent is forever encrusted with ice. Nomadsdwell here, descendants of those who fled thenorth when the Empire pulled back over a thou-sand years ago. Many ill-aspected creatures,ranging from winter wolves to ice worms, alsocall this place their home. Only a few of theboldest dare battle here, but those with the witto survive can win true glory. Those withoutwin only a well-preserved corpse.


The icefields have brilliant glare and are slip-periness level 3, all as described above. Theonly other major effects are the extreme cold(DMG 86) and the occasional gusts of wind.These harsh gusts, which have a 10% chance ofoccurring each round of combat (out of com-bat, characters will be well-enough braced thatthey are not a significant threat), do not deal





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damage. They do pose a significant danger tocombatants, however. Each time a gust of windblows through a combat, the participants mustmake a Balance check (DC 10) to remainstanding.


Dressing in winter garb stops a lot of the colddamage. Gnomes might make goggles ofsmoked glass that can help reduce the effects ofglare. Trading with the nomads can reveal theexistence of shoes of walrus-leather that havesharpened bits of bone implanted in the sole;these grant a +4 circ*mstance bonus to allBalance checks made while on the ice.

The LedgeIt is a virtual certainty that, if you are a rogue,you will, sooner or later, end up walking along

a narrow ledge high above a street. It is lesscertain that you will meet someone else on theledge, but this can indeed happen, and, when itdoes, one of you is certain to have a very fast,but very short, journey.


The ledge is narrow, only a foot wide. To oneside is a rough brick wall, to the other onlyopen air and a long fall. The wall is both boonand bane. It prevents the use of some weapons,as if in a narrow alley, but it also gives some-

thing to hold on to. Anyone with five or moreranks in Climb gains a +2 synergy bonus to allBalance checks to prevent falling from theledge.


There is not much that can be done to makefighting in this environment easier. Gloves ofclimbing and swimming or being under theinfluence of aspider climb spell can both lendsignificant aid to climbing characters. Tying arope to a drain pipe might prevent a fatal fall,

but it can also leave you dangling in midairwhile crossbowmen take potshots at you, orpikemen treat you like a stuffed toy. Overall,this is a situation in which the best way to sur-vive a fight is to not get involved in one.

The Alley Behind Eom’ sTavern

Iel Vulgis in Arin Retal Va is known as a haven

for criminals, vermin, and lowlifes from allalong the Shattered Coast, and Eom’s Tavern isknown as a haven within the haven. The rule ofneutrality is heavily enforced, so when it seemslikely a fight is about to break out, the combat-ants-to-be are forcibly ejected into the narrowalley behind the establishment, a location thathas seen more duels than the Great Arena of



The alley is narrow, only four feet wide, andbadly cluttered with trash, broken bottles andmugs, organic debris, and the occasionalcorpse. The net effect is rating 1 obstacles, rat-ing 1 slipperiness, plus the effects of being in aspace less than 5 feet wide. Furthermore, thejunk that fills the alley is very often sharp andpointy—anyone knocked down must make aReflex save (DC 10) or take 1d4 points of

piercing damage.


Small or Tiny weapons work well in the closeconfines of the alley, and an agile person whois light on her feet will do better among slip-pery muck and immobile lumps of trash than astronger, but more stolid, opponent. The Alleyis a good example of how relatively minorenvironmental effects can still tip the balanceof a fight.

Inside the Gnomish GreatClock

Delorais was once known as the City of aMillion Clocks, and even though most of themare broken now, the Great Clock in the RubyTower of the Imperial War Academy still func-tions perfectly. While it seems an odd place forconflict, over the years its inner workings haveseen a surprisingly large number of battles.


Obstacles rating 4. The entire interior of theclock is a maze of gears, springs, cogs, pulsingmagic crystals, and sparks of electricity arcingfrom point to point. Use the movement checkas noted for rating 4 obstacles when adjudicat-ing fights in the great clock. Furthermore, fail-ing a Balance check inside the great clockmeans that the character has put a hand orfoot in a precarious position. A Reflexsave (DC 10) is needed to avoid taking


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lope will change from one round to the next.Characters with five or more ranks in Tumblegain a +2 synergy bonus to all Balance checksmade to keep standing. Spellcasters must alsomake Concentration checks (DC 15+spelllevel) in order to cast spells.


Being lightly armored will help with Balancechecks, as well as making Swim checks easiershould you fall into the sea. Spider climb orsimilar magic might help assure a grip on thedeck.


This section presents a variety of exotic andstrange arms and armor. All of the weaponspresented below are exotic, thus requiring theExotic Weapon Proficiency to be wielded with-out penalty.

ArmorElven Warpaint: Elves are often observedpatrolling their woodland homes covered inswirls and whorls of color. Those who haveseen this gaudy spectacle often wonder how a

patrol can avoid being ambushed when theystand out so readily. Those who know the secretof elven warpaint could tell them—except forthe fact that they are most likely dead.

When applied, elven warpaint is a riot of clash-ing colors, usually greens, reds, and tans. Itremains thus until the wearer holds still for 1d4rounds. At the end of this time, the brightly-col-ored paint slowly changes to match the sur-rounding foliage—not a perfect match, butclose enough to add considerably to Hidechecks (+6 circ*mstance bonus). If the wearermoves suddenly (more than half speed) thepaint reverts to its bright coloration. The effectis that the brightly painted, garish elves seem tomaterialize out of nowhere.

Warpaint also serves to protect the skin slight-ly. Once dry, it is surprisingly tough, acting asskin-tight armor that provides a +1 armorbonus to its wearer.Applying elven warpaint takes 15 minutes;

removing it takes about 1 minute. No otherarmor can be worn while using the paint. It isextremely rare for elves to sell this paint tonon-elves. An alchemist who has a sample towork with might be able to work up the recipe;finding the formula requires a successfulAlchemy check (DC 35), while manufacturingit once the formula has been discovered is DC


Elven warpaint assists in Hide checks onlywhen in forests; it is worse than useless else-where, conferring a –2 circ*mstance penalty onHide checks instead.

Spidersilk Vest: It is well known that spider’ssilk is many times stronger than steel.Attempting to farm spiders is impossible, how-ever, as they quickly consume each other. Thus,to do anything practical with spider silk, a largesupply must be found and gathered from thewild. This often leads merchants to hire merce-naries to travel to known spider dens deep inthe woods or in honeycombed caverns in thebowels of the earth.

Any monstrous spider of at least Large size canprovide enough silk for a single spidersilk vestfor a Medium-size creature. A Craft (tailor)check (DC 27) is needed to successfully weavethe silk into the vest, which counts as lightarmor.

Chitin Armor: Fey races, and non-fey whodwell near insect-infested swamps, havelearned to take advantage of the abundance ofgiant arthropods, forming useful armor fromtheir discarded husks. While some feel thatonly shells stripped from living beasts have theflexibility needed to make decent armor, mosthusk-hunters, as they are known, find a freshlyshed exoskeleton to be just as good, and fareasier to obtain.

Chitin armor offers decent protection, and isoften used by cultures that do not have ready

access to metalworking. It has one major draw-back, though—it is incredibly brittle. Anyattack that deals more than 20 points of damagein a single blow destroys the armor. In addition,if the wearer of the armor takes more than 50points of damage before he can repair his armor(Craft (armorsmithing) check (DC 20)), thehusk is destroyed.

Anyone wearing chitin armor presents an


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alien and exotic appearance, at least to thoseunused to such armor. This grants a +1 circum-stance bonus to Intimidate checks, but a –1 cir-c*mstance penalty to Diplomacy checks.

ShieldsBuzzshield: The buzzshield is an example ofwhat happens when the ingenuity of thegnomes is applied to the art of war. It is the sizeof a small steel shield, and anyone with shieldproficiency can use it as one without penalty. If

the wielder also has Exotic WeaponProficiency (buzzshield), however, it is some-thing more.

The shield contains a powerful spring, a com-plex gearing mechanism, and a number ofretractable metal teeth. When wound up (a fullround action that provokes an attack of oppor-tunity) it becomes a lethal weapon, all thewhile still functioning as a shield. It can beused as an off-hand weapon, and is consideredto be a light weapon for that purpose. The buz-zshield remains wound for 1d4+4 rounds, and

it deals 1d6 points of slashing damage on a suc-cessful hit. It has a threat range of 20/x3.

The mechanism is robust, as it is designed forwar, but it is not indestructible. After 25 roundsof use, the mechanism will need maintenance.Maintaining a buzzshield requires a Craft(weaponsmithing) check (DC 20) and 10 min-

utes of work. Gnomes gain a +4 racial bonusto this check and can perform the work inhalf the time. If the shield is used without

maintenance, it ceases to function as anythingbut a small shield until repaired.

Melee WeaponsBladed Cloak: Bladed cloaks are stealthyweapons that are not easily detected by casualobservation, thus they are useful for combat inplaces where weapons would not normally beallowed. A character is always considered armedwhen wearing a bladed cloak, thus he need notdraw his weapon to make an attack. The bladed

cloak may not be disarmed or sundered.

Chain-Axe: No one is quite sure when theseweapons became favored by minotaurs, orwhere they learned to make them, but they areextremely popular among minotaur chieftainsand other veteran fighters within the ranks. Thechain-axe is a large, two-headed axe mountedon a length of chain. The wielder whirls thechain rapidly, controlling the position of theaxe by pulling in or letting out the chain. Askilled wielder can inflict considerable damageon his targets. Those untrained in the strange

weapon’s use or who have not been using it forvery long may find themselves in a seriouspredicament, however, as the weapon can bedangerous to wield.

The rapidly whirling axe is very hard to parryor dodge; wielders gain a +1 bonus to attackrolls against any target that does not have ashield. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (chain-axe)is required to use this weapon. The weapon hasa 10-ft. reach and cannot be used against an





Table 4-6: New Armor and Shields


Armor Max Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell

Type Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Speed Weight

Chitin Armor 45 gp +4 +3 –3 20% 30 ft. 25 lb.Elven War Paint 15 gp +1 N/A 0 0% 30 ft. 1 lb.

Spidersilk Vest 500 gp +3 +7 –1 5 % 30 ft. 5 lb.


Armor Max Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell

Type Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Speed Weight

Buzzshield 50 gp +1 — –1 10% — 10 lb.

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adjacent foe. If an attack misses by five ormore points, the chain-axe has gotten entan-gled, requiring a full round action to disengage.Missing by 10 or more points causes the wield-er to strike himself with the axe blade, alsoentangling the weapon as above.

False Weapons: These cunning forgeries arean example of the gnomes’ sense of humorcombined with their expert craftsmanship.False weapons are designed to resemble actual,even masterwork, weapons in every way—until they are used in combat. They use oddmixes of alloys, exotic paints, unusual weight-

ing, etc., to create near-perfect forgeries. Itrequires a Craft (weaponsmithing) check (DC25) to detect the false nature of these weapons.

The weapons will function as masterworkweapons in combat for 1d4 rounds, after whichtime they begin to rapidly deteriorate. On thefollowing round, they are reduced to normalweapons, a change the wielder immediatelynotices. If used again, the weapon shatters onits target, dealing no damage and becoming


A false weapon costs half as much as a normalweapon. Traders who make a habit of passingoff false weapons as masterworks are oftentossed into gladiatorial arenas armed with theirown wares. These weapons cannot holdenchantments, and any attempt to do so will befoiled during the ceremony, costing the mageperforming the rite half the gold cost in materi-als and no XP.

Ogre Mattock: Ogres are not normallycrafters. Most use whatever weapons they can

scrounge or steal, using a greatsword as a one-handed longsword and a large shield as a buck-ler. A rare few, however, have the disciplineand skill needed to actually forge weapons, andone of the weapons that ogre smiths invariablylearn to make is the ogre mattock.

Any character of Medium-size or smaller whois struck by this weapon must make aFortitude save (DC 10 + the damage dealt)or be knocked back 5 ft. Characters


Table 4-7: New Weapons and Equipment

Exotic Weapons – Melee

RangeWeapon Cost Damage Critical Increment Weight Type

Bladed Cloak 40 gp 1d6 19–20/x2 — 8 lb. SlashingChain-Axe 45 gp 2d6 20/x3 — 25 lb. SlashingFalse Weapons var var var var var var Ogre Mattock 50 gp 2d6 20/x2 — 50 lb. BludgeoningThornblade 10 gp 1d6 19–20/x2 — 2 lb. Piercing

Exotic Weapons – Ranged

RangeWeapon Cost Damage Critical Increment Weight TypeBowreel 40 gp 1d6 20/x3 20 ft. 9 lb. PiercingDart Thrower 35 gp 1d4 20/x2 40 ft. 5 lb. Piercing

Harpoon Crossbow 100 gp 1d10 19–20/x2 50 ft. 10 lb. PiercingWarpipes 10 gp 1-2 20/x2 10 ft. 2 lb. Piercing

New Equipment and Ammunition

Item Cost WeightScreaming Arrow 2 gp — Weapon Harness 5 gp 5 lb.

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affected in such a way must also make a Reflexsave (DC 15) or lose their footing and fall prone.Ogres find this to be very useful, as their 10-ft.reach means that creatures that are knocked backno longer threaten the ogre, but are still threat-ened by the ogre.

Thornblade: This weapon is favored by wood

elves, since they can easily manufacture themfrom the material provided by the forest itself.It consists of a rose thorn, plucked from a rosethat has been subject to multiple plant growthspells in a carefully guarded ritual. The weaponis useful as a short sword or long dagger, butthe lifeforce that remains interwoven in thethorn has an effect on extra-planar creatures ofan evil bent—any evil outsider struck by athornblade takes an extra point of damage.Thornblades are considered a simple weapon.

Missile WeaponsBowreel: Most missile weapons function poor-ly underwater (see the Seafarer’s Handbookforcomplete rules), but underwater races havedevised methods of making effective underwa-ter crossbows. Some races have gone even fur-ther, inventing interesting and fiendish varia-tions on the concept. The sahuagin, nostrangers to creative sadism, are one such race.

The bowreel looks like a normal crossbow,although it is generally a bit larger than most.

Only the trigger mechanism seems odd, beingquite oversized. It can be used as a normalheavy underwater crossbow, but, when fittedwith appropriate ammunition, its functionalitychanges. Abarbed shaft attached to a light ropeof treated seaweed is fitted into the bow andfired. If it hits, the target is impaled on theshaft, and the mechanism of the bowreel is trig-gered, pulling the target towards the sahuagin.

The bowreel has a Strength score of 20 anddrags opponents at a rate of 10 feet per round.Each round the opponent takes an additional

point of damage from the mechanism. If theopponent wishes to attempt to break away, hemust make an opposed Strength check. He cansimply pull free of the mechanism, but in doingso causes grievous aggravation to the existingwound (1d8 points of damage).

Dart Thrower: This small crossbow allows itsuser to fire darts instead of normal bolts. Themechanism holds two darts at a time, and

the user can choose to fire either one or twowith a single action. If two darts are fired, bothmust have the same target and the attacker suf-fers a –2 penalty to his attack roll. Darts spe-cially made for the dart thrower come in clipsof six, two of which can be attached at anygiven time. Reloading from a clip is a freeaction, while retrieving and loading up to two

clips can be accomplished as a full roundaction. The dart thrower has a range incrementof 30 feet. Assassins and others who use poisonfavor the dart thrower as a means of quicklydelivering their deadly load at a longer rangeand a quicker pace than other options.

Harpoon Crossbow: This weapon consists ofa two-foot long barbed metal shaft that cranksback in a crossbow-like weapon. The butt endof the shaft has a line in it, and the end of theline can be attached to the wielder’s belt. Ashaft can be removed by a skilled healer with-out further damage with a successful Healcheck (DC 15), or it can be ripped out. Rippingit out causes excruciating pain (1d6 points ofdamage). A character hit by a harpoon isrestricted in movement to the length of the ropeused, and the wielder can make an opposedStrength check to pull the trapped charactertoward him at up to 10 feet per round.

This weapon can also be used as a grapplinghook, shooting special metal-tipped harpoonsthat can hew through rock and create a solid

climbing rope.

Warpipes: Satyrs are not warlike by nature,but even the most peaceful and benign crea-tures must engage in combat from time to time,whether to defend their homes or themselvesfrom invaders and predators alike. Like mostfey, they would rather avoid or trick their ene-mies than confront them in battle. Thus wereborn the satyr warpipes, known as kandekin inthe satyr’s native tongue.

Satyr warpipes resemble musical pipes, and

can even be used in that fashion, though at a –2circ*mstance penalty to Perform checks. (Satyrwarpipes cannot be used as the focus of aSatyr’s magical powers.) When used as aweapon, a set of warpipes acts as a powerfulblowgun. The warpipes are loaded with barbedneedles, which are usually coated with one of avariety of poisons, and each pipe holds 10 suchneedles. This allows the pipes to be used 10times before needing to be reloaded. Reloading





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one pipe is a move equivalent action; a skilledwielder can reload all 10 as a single full roundaction. The small size of the pipes enables themto be used in melee without provoking anattack of opportunity.

A needle shot from a satyr warpipe deals 1d2points of damage, plus whatever poison effects

the needle may transfer. Satyrs prefer non-lethal poisons in general, but will use deadlyvenoms if necessary. All satyrs know the use ofsatyr warpipes; non-satyrs may learn the skillby selecting the Exotic Weapon Proficiencyfeat.

New Equipment andAmmunition

Screaming Arrows: These arrows are mainlyused for signaling, but can be used as a weapon

if need be. Ascreaming arrow has various holescut into it, causing it to make a loud, shrill,shrieking noise once the arrow has been fired.When shot straight up into the air, the arrowcan be heard from up to a mile away.Screaming arrows suffer a –1 penalty to dam-age rolls due to their light weight.Weapon Harness: This lightweight harness

slips over the user’s backpack and over thearms. It has two chest belts (one directly belowthe chest, the other across the chest) that mustbe secured lest the harness fall off. The harnesshas sheathes for two swords on the back, aswell as two hooks that snap together and holdtwo Medium-size weapons on the waist. Thereis also a sheath on the front of the weapon har-

ness, and six sheaths along the front straps holddaggers.

PersonalizingArms andArmor

Each weapon and piece of armor in most fanta-sy settings is an individual, created by thehands of a craftsman. Most weapons and armorcreated by an average craftsman are going to berelatively similar to their counterparts, but it ispossible to commission easily distinguished orcustom pieces that are not even necessarilymasterwork-quality enhancements. Below you


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will find a discussion of several of theseenhancements, their costs, and the benefits oftaking the time to be unique.

Precise Fitting

Armor can be tailored to a specific individual.The character that wears the armor must bemeasured precisely before the work can com-mence, and then, the cost of the item isincreased by 50%. (Custom fitted armor isalways assumed to be of masterwork quality.)Precisely fitted armor has some minor, but use-ful, benefits, as follows:

• Hasty donning time is reduced by oneround if the armor is padded, leather,hide, studded leather, or a chain shirt; bytwo rounds if the armor is a breastplate,

scale mail, chainmail, banded mail, orsplint mail; and by one minute if thearmor is half-plate or full-plate.

• The armor check penalties to Balance,Climb, and Tumble are reduced by one.

• While the armor is not physically lighter,the precise fit enables you to move moreeasily within it, reducing the apparent

weight by 10% for purposes of load cal-culation. This weight reduction alsoapplies to Swim checks.

• Well-made armor simply looks better.You gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus toBluff or Diplomacy checks when, in theDM’s opinion, the target of the check

would be favorably impressed by some-one in high-quality armor.

Embossing and DecoratingBoth weapons and armor can be covered withdecorations, fine enameled designs, intricateembossed patterns, and so on. This does noth-ing for the armor or weapon’s functionality, butit does make the armor extremely distinctive.Characters who are nobles, high-ranking mili-tary commanders, or successful merchants

might desire such equipment to demonstratetheir status and wealth. Decorated and person-alized items do grant the following benefits:

• The items are much easier to locate ifstolen. Add a +2 circ*mstance bonus to anyGather Information checks related to track-ing down lost or stolen items that have beendecorated.

• Those likely to be impressed by wealth,especially ostentatious displays of wealth,are going to be favorably disposed towards

a character wearing or wielding decoratedarms and armor. Such a character gains a +2circ*mstance bonus to Bluff or Diplomacychecks against those individuals.

There is one major drawback to such items, andthat is that extensive field use can mar the finecraftsmanship. Any time a character sustainsmore than 50% of his hit points in damage,decorated armor has been marred and must berepaired. Likewise, if a character scores morethan two critical hits with a decorated weaponin a single combat, it is also considered marred

and must be repaired.

Decorated items cost a minimum of double thecost of masterwork items. If the characterinsists on particularly costly decorations – forexample, an image of the character slaying agreen dragon to be placed on a large shield,with the dragon made of precisely-cut emeraldsand the character formed of rubies – the pricecan be made as high as the DM thinks is rea-





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Functional ModificationsThe following modifications can be made toweapons and armor to improve their function-ality or to add abilities. In the case of weapons,making more than one modification to a basic

design renders it an exotic weapon, requiringthe Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to use suc-cessfully. Functional modifications can bemade to normal or masterwork weapons.

Basket Hilt: This is a complex grip that wrapsaround the wielders hand. It can only be usedon one-handed weapons of Medium-size orless. It adds 15% to the cost of a weapon, andgrants the wielder a +2 circ*mstance bonuswhen defending against disarm attempts.

Strengthening: The weapon is made ofstronger, thicker, materials. This makes it con-siderably heavier, but also harder to break. Astrengthened weapon has its hardness increasedby one and its hit points increased by 25%(round up). This increases the cost of theweapon by 50%.

Armor-Piercing: This may be applied only tolight weapons that deal piercing damage. Theweapon has been modified to slip betweenpieces of armor. Against any opponent with anarmor bonus (natural armor is not affected) to

AC, it grants a +1 bonus to hit. This modifica-tion increases the cost of the weapon by 50%.

Weighted: This applies only to weapons thatdeal bludgeoning damage. The head of theweapon is designed to be extremely heavy byadding extra metal, wrapping it in steel bands,and so on. This increases the weapon’s damageby +1, increases the weight of the weapon by50%, and doubles the weapon’s cost.

Hollow Hilt: A weapon with a hollow hilt hasa small compartment in the hilt, grip, or shaft,

which can store 4 cubic inches worth of mater-ial in a light weapon, or 6 cubic inches in aMedium-size weapon. This costs 15 gp in anormal weapon of any size, and the cost isincreased to 45 gp for a masterwork weapon.

Quick Removal: Armor can be designed to beremoved extremely quickly, by adding snaps,buckles, spring-loaded catches, and so on.Light and medium armor so designed can be

removed in 1d4 rounds, heavy armor in oneminute. This modification is often requested bysailors who wish to wear armor on board shipbut do not want it to weigh them down shouldthey be thrown overboard. The addition ofquick removal elements increases the cost of

any armor by 50%.


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Tournamentsand Games

Often player characters will encounter a faire,carnival, or other such festivity that includescontests of skill. Or perhaps they must suitablyimpress a nobleman or king with their prowessbefore he agrees to send them on a royal quest.There are often times where violence can beavoided by the simple proposal of a contest tovent aggression and honorably (or not so hon-orably, depending on the nature and characterof the participants) determine a victor withoutresorting to combat.

Regardless of the circ*mstances under which

they are presented, contests of skill can be awelcome diversion for a group of adventurersseeking a break from the constant battling oftheir chosen profession. This can also be aprime opportunity to introduce any number ofroleplaying elements into a game. The charac-

ters could win accolades from the people of atown, perhaps becoming local heroes or engen-dering the wrath and jealousy of last year’swinners (this is particularly common if the PCsare not even from the area in which they arecompeting). Locals in need of a group ofexceptional people might approach victoriousPCs with job requests or sorrowful pleadings.

Contests of skill are meant primarily as enter-taining diversions for the players, and are espe-cially appropriate after a long string of combat-heavy sessions or a particularly grueling dun-geon. While they present interesting opportuni-ties, if overused they can become somewhat ofa bore. After all, they are primarily resolvedwith simple dice rolling, and too much of thiscan lead players to view their characters asnothing but statistics.

Awarding experience for participation in suchcontests should be handled carefully. By theirvery nature, there is probably less to do for awizard or sorcerer than for a fighter or rogue.Even on the rare occasion that magical contestsare included in the festivities, the sheer numberof strength and arms-related contests is sure to





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favor the martial characters. In the minds ofmost, magic and skill at arms do not mix. Forexample, it is rare that a wizard would beallowed to substitute a ray of frostfor a bow inan archery contest, even though they are essen-tially the same in terms of game mechanics. Ifa relatively equal amount of contests are avail-able to different PCs, then individual XP

awards should be used. If the majority or all ofthe contests feature feats of strength, arms, orskill that many classes might not excel at, thena group award might be in order. Tournamentgames and challenges range anywhere fromCR ½ to CR 2, depending mostly on the natureand abilities of the competition.

It could be easy for a group of adventurers towalk into a faire and dominate the games, sincethey are generally much better trained andequipped than most of the participants. TheDM should discourage this in a number ofways, but the simplest is to provide a goodchallenge to the PCs. Every village has itschampion, and every tournament has itsfavorites, and the PCs should be sure to run upagainst them at every turn. Certainly most ofthe participants are not going to measure up tothe characters in ability, but it is acceptable thatat least one or two of the challenges to be foundwill not be easily overcome. If the PCs act tooco*cky as they win events, have the crowdquickly turn against them, even giving bonusesto their adversaries due to the crowd’s support.

Have shopkeepers spontaneously raise priceson goods and inns suddenly fill up as soon asthe characters need a room. It should be imme-diately evident to the characters that theirantics are not welcome. On the other hand, ifthe PCs win with humility and grace, it is pos-sible that they will become local heroes, or atleast legends whose feats will be sung by bardsat faires in years to come.

The majority of the games presented here canbe resolved quickly so that the DM does nothave to worry about the other players getting

bored while one resolves his contest. In somecases, such as in many of the equestrian events,the resolution can take longer, and indeed isoften more entertaining when it does. In thisway the DM can build suspense by presentingworthy adversaries or get the players excitedby demonstrating the growing frenzy of thecrowd. During longer challenges, the DMmight prepare several NPC contestants andallow the other players to take on their roles. In

these cases friendly taunting and other compet-itive acts between players should be encour-aged as far as the participants would take them.In all cases, remember that fun and entertain-ment are the goals of these diversions.

So, without further ado, let the games begin!

FootracesThese are probably the most commonly heldcontests throughout the realms, as they requireno expenditure or specialized training on thepart of the organizers or participants. For thisreason as well, footraces are not popular amongthe upper class and elite. In general, there aretwo types of footrace: long distance and shortsprint. Both have different sets of requirementsfor excelling at them, and it is rare that one per-son is able to dominate both types of events.

Short Sprints: These are short races that takeplace at various times throughout a festival.Typical distances are 150 feet, 300 feet, 600feet, and 1,200 feet, and anywhere from five toseven contestants generally vie in a single race.Competing in a short sprint is simple: for each150-foot increment participants roll 1d20 andadd their Strength modifier. Participants withbase speeds of greater than 30 ft. add 1 to theroll for each additional foot of movement.Subtract 1 from the roll for each foot of move-ment less than 30 ft. So, a dwarf with a 20 ft.

base speed would subtract 10 from his roll,while a human barbarian would add 10. Havingthe Run feat allows the character to add 10 toeach roll as well.

The first roll determines the initial order of theparticipants after the first 150 feet. The winnerbecomes the leader of the race, or he wins therace outright if it is only a 150-foot race. Eachconsecutive roll thereafter determines positionrelative to the leader in the following manner.All participants roll their checks, and the scoresare determined. Then each participant com-

pares his roll to that of the man that was in frontof him at the beginning of the race. If he beatsthat roll, he moves up one spot. Additionally, ifsomeone else has recently fallen to that spot, hemay compare his check to that participant tosee if he may pass him as well.

Example: There are five participants in arace: A, B, C, D, and E. After the first rollin a 600-foot short sprint they have fall-


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en into alphabetical order. The second roll is thus:


E-3 (E is a halfling)

A was the leader going into this race, so first Bmust compare his roll to A. Since his roll ishigher, he moves up one slot and takes over thelead, moving A into second place. Now C com-pares his roll to B’s roll (since B was directlyahead of him at the beginning of the race). C’sroll does not beat B, so he does not move. SinceA has fallen into second place, C may also com-pare his roll to A’s roll. Alas, he does not beatthat either, so C remains in third place, for now.Next comes D whose 18 beats C’s 14, so he

moves into third place. E, well, E doesn’t beatanyone and stays in last. The order of the race isnow B, A, D, C, E. There are two more rolls inthe race to determine the winner, so things arenot looking very good for the poor halfling.

Long Distance: These races tend to be muchlonger than the short sprints, and are usually

anywhere from 3 miles to 20 miles in length.If not all day affairs, there is rarely more

than one long distance race in a single day.Each character rolls only once per mile in along distance race instead of once per 150 feet,and they do not add their Strength modifier tothe roll. For each mile run the character mustmake a Constitution check (DC 10+1 per pre-vious check). Failure indicates that the partici-pant gains a cumulative –1 on subsequent rolls

due to fatigue. Characters still modify theirrolls depending on their base speed, but usingthe Run feat to add 10 to the roll imposes a –2penalty on the subsequent Constitution checkto determine fatigue. The Endurance feat givescharacters a +10 on their Constitution checks toavoid fatigue.

Determining the leader and relative placementof each participant is handled in exactly thesame manner as in short sprints.

Archery ContestsThese contests are much more common atgames sponsored by nobles or military organi-zations than in traveling faires or small villagetournaments, primarily due to the level of train-ing necessary to compete in such affairs.Nevertheless, there are several options for test-ing the relative prowess of participants inarchery contests.

Target Shooting: This is the most basic, andmost common, type of archery contest in which

characters might participate. It consists ofshooting at targets from various distances andmeasuring the accuracy of the shots. An archerytarget is AC 6 and consists of three rings and acentral bullseye. Characters advance one ring infor every five points by which they exceed thetarget’s AC. So a character that hits AC 9 hitsthe target, but not in any scoring position. Acharacter hitting AC 11 hits the outer ring, AC16 hits the middle ring, AC 21 hits the innerring, and AC 26 hits the bullseye. The target ismoved back one range increment after each par-ticipant takes one shot at the board, and there

are generally three to five scoring rounds.Scoring is determined thus:

Target ScoreOuter Ring 1 pt.Middle Ring 2 pts.Inner Ring 3 pts.Bullseye 5 pts.Other 0 pts.Miss –2 pts.





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A character can attempt to split an opponent’sarrow, but such a feat is difficult and risky. Anarrow is AC 31, and if the participant misses byfive or less his arrow is deflected and fails to hitthe target at all. If successful, however, theopponent loses his points scored for the roundand the shooter claims whatever points he getsfor his arrow’s placement. The participant with

the most points goes first every round, allowinghis opponents to take their shots based on hisresults.

Speed Shooting: In this type of archery com-petition, three targets are lined up about 50 feetaway from the competitors. Each must attemptto hit the target areas (location does not matterin this contest) of the three targets one at a timein order. Each participant gets 30 seconds toshoot at the targets as many times as he can,scoring one point for each successful hit.

The competition is essentially broken downinto five rounds, and a normal character canonly fire one arrow per round. Since impactspeed and target location do not matter in thesecontests, even normal archers can choose toincrease their rate of fire at the expense ofaccuracy. Of course, participants with iterativeattacks and feats such as Rapid Shot still haveadvantages over those who do not. Any partic-ipant may gain one extra shot per round by tak-ing a –4 penalty to every shot. So, a contestantwith no feats who elected to take three shots

per round would suffer a –8 penalty to eachshot. A character can take up to a maximum ofsix shots per round. To score with a shot, thecontestant must hit AC 11.

Hammer ThrowThe hammer throw is purely a test of strength,wherein the participants try to toss a twelve tofourteen pound hammer the farthest distance.Agility does count for something in the throw,however, because proper balance can help lendmomentum to the hammer, thus making it fly

farther than normal.

Characters involved in the hammer throw mustmake a Strength check to determine theirresult. A check result of 10 means the characterhas thrown the hammer 20 feet, an averagethrow, and each point above 10 results in anadditional three feet. So, a contestant thatrolled a 17 on his Strength check would throwthe hammer 41 feet. A Balance check can be

made before the throw to add momentum to thethrow. For every point by which the checkexceeds 15, add 1 ft. to the distance achievedthrough the Strength check, to a maximum of+10 ft.

Axe/Knife TossThese games are not oriented toward purestrength like events such as the hammer toss.They measure accurate aim and dexterity muchmore than raw power. If throwing at a target,the participants must merely hit AC 11 to suc-ceed at any given throw. Often rather than anormal target, a large piece of fruit is hungbefore each contestant on a rope, and the firstcontestant to split the fruit is declared the win-ner. In order to do this, the character must suc-ceed at increasingly difficult checks. The char-acter must hit AC 6, then AC 11, then AC 16

(another AC 21 check is required for excep-tionally large fruits such as a watermelon). Acharacter may attempt a strong blow to thefruit, which skips the need for the next check(so doing a strong blow on the first throwmeans the contestant’s next throw is at AC 16).Doing so, however, imposes a –8 penalty to theattack roll. Longer variants exist in which anew piece of fruit is substituted any time a par-ticipant misses the fruit altogether (fails hisattack roll by 5 or more). In these contests eachparticipant is usually expected to provide hisown fruit.

Gypsy Knife FightThis popular diversion is most often found insmall town faires or as part of a traveling car-nival or circus. It is usually run tournamentstyle, because only two contestants can fight ata time. A ring is drawn in the ground, oftenbuilt with carved wooden arcs or piled stones,and the two contestants enter. Each carries onlya knife; no armor or other equipment isallowed. The contestants must each hold oneend of a rope, which both limits their move-

ment and provides them with a means to unbal-ance their foe. If either contestant lets go of therope, he is immediately disqualified from thecompetition. Otherwise, the fight goes on untilfirst blood is drawn. For this reason, contes-tants are limited to scant clothing so that awound can be immediately spotted. Either con-testant may call for a wound check at anytime, though doing so repeatedly or for anobvious break in the action can quickly


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turn a crowd against the contestant.

The gypsy knife fight is resolved just like anormal combat, with initiative being rolled byboth contestants at the beginning of the fight.Movement around the ring is limited by itssmall size (usually 15-20 ft. in radius) and therope that attaches the opponents (usually no

more than 7 ft. in length). Characters must fol-low each other around the ring because of therope, and it is possible to pull a character off hisfeet or yank the rope from his hand.

HunkerhausenThis is a popular two-man tug of war event inwhich both contestants stand on boxes or treestumps and attempt to knock the other man tothe ground. The contest requires a mixture ofbalance, strength, and the ability to bluff your

opponent into taking a misstep. Each charactermust make an initial Balance check (DC 5) tograb hold of his opponent—sometimes theseevents are over before they start! After makingthe initial grab, opponents take turns makingStrength checks opposed by their opponent’sBalance or Strength check. Checks must be

made each round.

In any round after making a Strength check(either offensive or defensive) the character canattempt a Bluff check opposed by his oppo-nent’s Sense Motive. If successful, the bluffingcharacter may immediately make a Strengthcheck at +4 to throw his opponent from the

stump. If he fails, he may take no further actionon his round and his opponent gains a +4 to hisnext attempt.

Having certain feats related to unarmed combatcan also aid a character competing in a round ofhunkerhausen. Each such feat, such asImproved Trip or Improved Unarmed Strike,grants a +2 bonus to all Strength and Balancechecks made during a bout. Monks gain anadditional +1 bonus per level on top of any featbonuses to represent their increased trainingand knowledge in unarmed combat. Somemonks may forgo their training, however, as insome communities using such “tricks” isdeemed to be unsportsmanlike or even cheat-ing. In this case they can willfully forgo thebonuses due to class.





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Weapon DisplayThis activity is very popular among the martialclasses, as well as in cultures that valuestrength of arms and prowess in war. It is oftenjudged by the crowd, rather than by any objec-tive measures. In more formalized tourna-

ments, such as might be found sponsored by anoble or king, a panel of esteemed warriors andexperts judges the competition. Most of thetime, the weapon used is not mandated.Participants can choose any weapon or style inwhich to display their skill at arms. The con-tests are usually judged for equal parts exper-tise, application, and aesthetics. Expertise isjudged as general knowledge of the weapon,including different styles and attacks.Application entails some show of force withthe weapon, be it lancing a straw target or rip-ping a piece of stretched leather with a double

knife attack. The final category is aesthetics,and this is the most subjective. Some judgesmerely have their favorite weapons, and almostalways choose from amongst these. Othersenjoy the show put on by the contestants, whocan win favor by putting on an exciting show.

The rules of these contests change from site tosite, but there are a few rules that are nearlyuniversal. First, contestants must performalone. They cannot hire or use additional fight-ers to enhance their performances. This some-

times leads to creativity, such as the archer whorigged up a puppet that appeared to wiggle andmoan each time an arrow plunked into the sur-rounding targets. Second, it is considered badform to mock another contestant’s perfor-mance. The use of magic is forbidden in mostcontests, although some allow minor enhance-ments via illusion magic or the innate proper-ties of the weapons themselves (a flamingsword, for example). Finally, it is quite impor-tant that the participants avoid any display thatcould endanger the crowd. This might seem tobe a self-imposed policy (killing fans is a sure-

fire way to turn the crowd against you), but insome rougher areas it does bear codification.

The game mechanics behind weapon displaysrepresent the diversity of skills necessary tocompete in such affairs. A grim fighter that hasmastered his chosen weapon but fails to appealto the crowd or the judges is not likely to win,be it during a chivalric competition or the cele-bratory feast of a barbarian tribe.

Expertise is handled by comparing the baseattack bonus of each participant. Each contes-tant gains one point for each point of baseattack bonus, representing his knowledge andtraining with a particular weapon. Several featscan also modify the expertise score, if used inthe display, as follows:

Feat BonusBlind-Fight +1Spring Attack +2Exotic Weapon Proficiency +1Expertise **Whirlwind Attack +4Quick Draw +1Two Weapon Fighting +1Improved Two Weapon Fighting +3Weapon Finesse +1Weapon Focus +1

** Bonus equal to half the character’s maxi-mum Expertise bonus, rounded up.

The application score measures how well theparticipant has integrated his knowledge into auseful combat style. At this point all flash dis-appears and the character attempts to showhow deadly his particular style can be. Thecharacter gains points based on the attackbonus he gains from the relevant attribute,either Strength or Dexterity, for his chosenweapon. In the case of Weapon Finesse, thecharacter can gain points for a melee weapon

based on Dexterity bonus. In addition, the fol-lowing feats can modify his score:

Feat BonusCombat Reflexes +1Improved Critical +1Power Attack +1Cleave +1Great Cleave +2Weapon Specialization +1

The aesthetics score is by far the most arbitraryof the three. Many people refuse to participate

in such challenges due to the nature of thisjudgment, and truly a good aesthetics score canhelp a contestant win even where his weaponskill might be lacking. Although this irritatespurists, the contests would not be nearly asentertaining without this aspect. Some contes-tants might dress in wild costumes, or have asignature yell to get the crowd rollicking inthe stands. Indeed, having embossedweapons or armor adds a +1 bonus to the


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character’s final aesthetics check. Others mightlight the arrows they use on fire, or employpaint and dye to make interesting patterns afterthey complete their display. Each participantmakes a Charisma check, gaining a bonus totheir final score for every two points above 10on their check. A character with an appropriatePerform skill could substitute a Perform check

for the Charisma check, although most skillswill not confer a bonus. Knowing how to playthe lute would not help during a weapon dis-play, for example, but singing or chantingmight. It is up to the DM to determine whetheror not a certain Perform skill is appropriate,and it is up to the player to be creative enoughto convince him. The DM can also give a bonusbetween +1 and +8 for particularly creativeroleplaying or clever ideas for gaining crowdsupport, such as dressing in a wild costume ortelling dirty jokes during the performance (ofcourse, telling dirty jokes at a royal tournamentmight be cause for a penalty instead!).

“Trap” DisarmThese contests are usually found in largercities, and often times will be run by a localthieves’ guild as a half-heartedly sanctioned“community outreach” program. Guilds oftenengage in such activities to show the populacetheir lighter side, knowing that if the localswere to start demanding their eradication thenthe lord or city council would have to take


First, a prop is built that simulates a commonlyfound trap. It is customary to use this prop tosomehow poke fun at the authorities, perhapshaving it in the shape of a gallows or a jail cellfrom which the “rogue” escapes. Penalties forfailure range from the explosion of a dye-filledballoon to a release of fireworks, both of whichdelight the onlooking crowd to no end.

The trap is often built so that the turn of a screwor addition of a few well-placed iron rods

makes it much more difficult to disarm. It usu-ally begins fairly easy (Disable Device checkDC 15) and gets gradually more difficult (add4 to the DC for each subsequent attempt).Crowd favorites often attempt to disarm thetrap with no tools, and a daring few even per-form the task blindfolded (–8 to the attempt).

Mounted RacingWith its ancient and proud history, horse racingis an extremely popular sport among many cul-tures. Racers themselves are a curious breed,spending months in training for just a singleevent. No one else can better handle an

extremely sharp turn or tell a trail horse from aracing horse just by its stride while walking.Racers have an intense determination, a pur-pose, found only in speed. The allure of thetrack. The excitement of the race. The immensepride and satisfaction found only in crossingthe victory line first and being carried acrossthe town. Such are the pursuits of those whochoose to race.

DM’s Note: The mechanics of these races arewithout much flavor, so it is suggested that younarrate each as if you were a track announcer.

Call for initial Ride checks and then describethe action, calling for additional checks as need-ed. It will increase the excitement of the playersand keep their minds on the race rather than onthe numbers and rolls. In addition, if one playerhas already won the race (such as by winningthe first two rolls of a barrel race), do not let theplayers know that. Continue the race, perhapshaving one horse stumble a bit on the track oranother pull ahead with a burst of speed. One ofthe allures of racing is witnessing the miraclecomeback or seeing a horse slowly overtake the

leader. Let your players have some fun!

Barrel Racing: A common race usually prac-ticed in the middle of small towns or on a largehorse farm, barrel racing consists of three bar-rels placed 30 to 50 feet away from each otherin a triangular shape. The goal is to travelaround each barrel in a specific order andreturn to a single starting point within a settime. Control and focus is more important thanthe speed of the mount in this type of race.

To run a barrel race in a game, have each con-

testant roll three different Ride checks. Thecharacter that wins two of the three Ridechecks wins the race. If the third check comesup a tie, the characters have each raced thesame time! Have each make a Charisma orPerform check to determine the winner.

Pole Bending: Another popular race with manyvariations is called pole bending. It involvesbetween two and 10 poles placed in single fileover a 100-ft. long line. Contestants must weave





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in and out of the poles to the end of the line,then turn around, and weave back to the startingpoint. Racers compete for the best time.

To run a pole-bending race in a game, haveeach contestant take turns making Dexteritychecks (DC 15) for their mounts. If the charac-ter succeeds at a Ride check (DC 10) he can

add a +2 bonus to the mount’s check. The firstmount to make five successful Dexteritychecks wins.

Track: A track race takes place in a long, usu-ally oval-shaped field with a dirt track runningaround it. Competitors line up at a startingpoint together and race to see who can make itaround the track a certain number of times first.Track races are very competitive and requiregreat speed, strength, and cunning.

To play a track race in a game, determine thenumber of times the contestants must circle thetrack. Usually this number is three to four forshort races or 10 to 20 for longer races. Foreach revolution, have the racers roll a Ridecheck (DC 25) and a Speed check for theirmount. The Speed check for a mount is1d20+the mount’s Dex modifier. Subtract fourfrom the Speed roll if the rider fails his Ridecheck, and add or subtract four for each 10 ft.of base speed away from 50 ft. (thus a horsewith a 40 ft. base move subtracts four from hisSpeed check, a horse with a 60 ft. base move

adds four). Award points as follows dependingon the placement on each lap:

Place Points1st 10 points2nd 8 points3rd 6 points4th 4 points5th 3 points6th 2 points7th 1 point8th+ 0 points

The horse with the most points each roundbecomes the leader, and the leader after the lastlap is the winner.

Steeplechase: The unusual steeplechaseinvolves a lot of jumping and moving aroundan obstacle course composed of hedges, fences,and small pools of water. Style and grace are ofequal importance to speed in this type of race.

To play a steeplechase in a game, each mountrolls five Jump checks (DC 12) and one bigJump check (DC 15). The contestant also rollstwo Ride checks (DC 20). Finally, the contes-tant makes a Perform check which the mountcan aid, adding +1 for each successful smalljump, +2 for the big jump, and +1 for each suc-cessful Ride check. The contestant with the

highest Perform check wins the steeplechase.

Cross Country: Not exactly a favorite amongaudiences, a cross country race takes place overa long distance, usually several miles, throughrough and treacherous terrain. Cross-countryraces focus on endurance and good riding skills.

To play a cross-country race in a game, haveeach player take turns making Ride checks (DC15+1 for each previous roll). Failing a rolltakes a contestant out of the race. Continuerolling until only one contestant remains.

Gambling on Mounted Races

Racers are not the only ones who have fun atraces. Gamblers get their fair share of excite-ment too. By betting on the races, gamblersensure that they too feel the tension. After all, itis easy to get excited when the winner of a racedetermines the life or death of your near for-tune. A true gambler considers many factors ina race, such as the past performances of themounts and riders and the mount’s current con-dition.

Most gambling is done parimutually, whichmeans the general public bets against eachother. That way, the gambling houses nevertake a loss. In real odds betting, the numberschange rapidly to match the total bets but forsimplicity’s sake the system here is brokendown into basics.

Odds are determined by the predicted placementof a rider. As such, the rider expected to come in1st would have the odds of one to one, the rider

in second 2–to–1, and so forth. Longshots haveodds of 20–to–1 or more. To determine the win-nings in odds betting, multiply the amount bet bythe odds and add it back to the total.

For example: Tilsa bets 40 gp on a horseexpected to come second. Much to her surprise,she was right and her chosen horse wins. Herticket says the odds are 2–to–1. (40 x 2 =80 + 40 = 120). Therefore Tilsa gets 120gp for her winning ticket.


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Jousting TournamentsA joust is a competition between two mountedwarriors who charge at each other with lances,attempting to knock each other from the saddle.Usually a low, long barrier is placed along theline of the joust, with one competitor on each

side so the mounts ride past each other as themounted warriors strike. A rider’s charge issometimes called a tilt, and huge crowds oftengather to cheer their favorite jousters as they tiltat each other.

The joust is a highly respected competitionamong knights and nobles, and in a societywhere mounted knights are the core of militarystrength, the joust may be the most honoredand eagerly anticipated competition in an entireyear’s worth of festivals. Frequently the firstfull day of any grand tournament is devoted to

the joust, with much ritual and pageantry bothbefore and after the event.

The goal of a joust is to knock the opposingrider from his saddle without being knocked offoneself. Occasionally riders must take severalpasses at each before one of them is unhorsed.Since the light lances used in entertainmentjousts are made to shatter on impact (to reducethe likelihood of killing a knight), a squire whoassists the knight is usually present by the sideof the field to toss fresh lances to his master

after each charge.

If a knight unhorses his opponent, he wins. Ifboth riders are unhorsed simultaneously, theknights typically recover themselves and con-tinue the fight on foot. Since riders usually donot carry weapons other than a lance (some-times jousts involve swords or spears, butlances are the most common), squires have tohand a melee weapon to their masters if thejoust progresses to close combat.

Because jousts are primarily for entertainment

and not actually intended to injure, knights typ-ically ride in full plate and carry large shields toabsorb most of the shock of a lance strike.Some jousts limit knights so they can onlystrike at each other’s shields as a safety precau-tion, but not all do. As mentioned above, manyjousts also use weak wooden lances that shatterupon impact, making critical hits impossible.

Regardless of the precautions taken, however,jousts always carry an element of risk.

Though occasionally bloody, or even deadly,jousts are beloved by festivalgoers for the thun-der of hooves, flashing glint of steel armor, andcrack of lance against shield.


The core rules present most of the necessary

information for running jousts, with one excep-tion. According to the rules for the Ride skill,the DC for staying in a saddle when injured isa mere 5, simple for even novice horsem*n.Since practical experience shows that it isindeed quite possible to unhorse someone in ajoust, the following rule should be implement-ed to simulate a joust.

To resolve a joust, have each character make anattack roll. Both rolls are resolved simultane-ously; there is no initiative. Apply each attackroll to the opponent’s AC. If an attack hits, the

opposing character must make a Ride check(DC 20 + 1 per point by which the attack rollexceeded the character’s AC). Any characterthat fails this Ride check is knocked from hishorse. For this exchange, each character is con-sidered to be charging and applies a –2 penaltyto his AC and a +2 bonus to his attack roll.

If one rider falls, the one still on his mountwins. If both riders are unhorsed, the joust turnsinto melee combat, with each warrior usuallyhaving one round to get up and get a weaponbefore combat renews. Melee combat usuallylasts only until one side submits, though somefights are fought to unconsciousness. If neitherrider falls, then both knights reach the end ofthe jousting field, turn, and make anothercharge at each other, repeating until someonewins.

A knight who is unhorsed can attempt a Ridecheck (DC 15) to make a soft fall. Otherwise,he takes 1d6 points of damage from the fall.Most knights use warhorses when jousting,since they more readily obey commands, but if

for some reason a warrior jousts with a non-warhorse, he must succeed at a Ride check (DC20) to convince it to charge into combat.

Each combatant may also select from a fewoptions:

Aim at the helm: Using this maneuver appliesa –8 penalty to the attack roll, but the Ride DCto stay mounted if the knight is struck increas-es by 10.





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Joust defensively: A knight who chooses tojoust defensively has a –4 penalty to his attackroll but a +4 bonus to his Ride checks for thatpass.


Lances may either be outrance, with a standard

sharpened point, or may be tipped with a blunt-ing wooden plate, referred to as arms of cour-tesy. Arms of courtesy deal only subdual dam-age, although all other effects remain the same.Alternatively, weaker lances may be used thatalways shatter after one strike. In this casedamage is subdual as well. If a lance is intend-ed to break, it cannot inflict critical hits, andany lance that shatters upon impact grants a +4bonus to the opponent’s Ride check to remainmounted. A lance that deals more than 15points of damage automatically breaks. This isdesirable in some respects, as breaking a lance

on an opponent wins the crowd’s favor (thelance is immediately replaced).

Variants and Optional Rules

Most jousting tournaments do not simply havelists, but also test knights in other ways.Usually, over the course of a tournament, thevarious tests are worth points, and preliminary

tilts are worth more points, with the four high-est-scoring knights proceeding to an elimina-tion final competition. Each knight competes ineach of the small tests, a sample few of whichare presented here.

Ring and Wreath: In this competition, a ridermust charge at full speed down the length of a

field, using his lance to pick up three smallrings held out by squires. At the end of thecharge, a fourth squire holds a wreath of leaves,which, if the knight succeeds in catching it, heusually gives to a maiden in the audience thatcatches his eye. The rings and wreath (tinyobjects) each require an attack roll against AC7 to pick up. The knight can try for each ringand wreath regardless of the number of attackshe gets, because this is not actually combat.Each ring is worth one point, and the wreath isworth five points.

Javelin Toss: In the javelin toss, the knightrides at full speed down the field and tosses ajavelin at an archery target at the end of thefield, from a range of at least twenty feet. Usethe rules presented in the archery section aboveto determine what area of the target the knightstrikes and how many points he earns. Eachknight is allowed to make two tosses, taking


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the best score of the two.

Windmill Tilt: At mid-length down the field, arotating sign is placed, with one side paintedred, the other white. The knight rides at the signand strikes its edge as hard as possible. For

every four points of damage dealt with theattack, the sign rotates once, earning the knightone point per rotation.

Race: A race between two or more mountedwarriors, this contest uses the rules presentedearlier for mounted races. Each knight partici-pates in only one race, usually involving fourlaps around the jousting field, and the winnertakes 10 points.

Obstacle Course: This competition requiresthe knight to guide his horse down the field,

which is obstructed with bails of hay that mustbe jumped, high wooden walls that must be rid-den around, low bars that must be ducked, orsometimes even ramps that lead up to a longpool over which the horse must leap. Theobstacles are made to be more hazardous to therider than to the horse, so obstacles that couldresult in a broken leg are usually avoided. The

DM should devise a combination of Jumpand Ride checks, with points earned equal-

ing one for every five points of DC beyond 10.For jumps, use the lower bonus of either therider’s Ride skill or the mount’s Jump skill todetermine how far the mount can jump. Duringa leap, the rider must succeed at a Ride check(DC 15) or fall off the horse.

For example, an obstacle course might require

hurdling three bales of hay (Jump or Ridecheck DC 10, 1 point each), ride through aseries of silk curtains that shroud vision andconceal wooden poles at head height (Reflexsave DC 8 to avoid, 2 points), and finally jumpa 15-foot-wide lake (Jump or Ride check DC14 for a light horse or DC 16 for a heavy horse,10 points).

Some obstacle courses include a javelin toss,ring and wreath, or windmill tilt in addition toavoiding the obstacles. The distraction present-ed by the obstacles incurs a –2 circ*mstancepenalty to the knight’s attack rolls for thesetests.

Preliminary Tilts: In qualifying tilts, a knightearns eight points for unhorsing an opponentwhile staying in his own saddle. If he defeatshis opponent in melee on foot, he gains onlythree points. Each knight usually participates inthree to six preliminary tilts.

Little Jousts: Instead of using tournamentfields, halflings sometimes host jousts on long,

narrow bridges over water, which sometimeshave their railings removed to add to the ten-sion. The knights and their mounts (ridingdogs, most often) charge and make one strikeeach, then wheel around and continue to fightin the center of the bridge. A mount by the edgemust make a Balance check (DC 5) each roundit is in combat to avoid falling off. A knight canwin either by knocking his opponent from hismount, outfighting him in melee, or knockinghim off the bridge. The fall into the waterbelow can be a jolt, but it is rarely dangerous.





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Acrobatic Combat 88-92

Adamantine Warrior 50-53

Alley Behind Eom’s Tavern 153

Anrath Betrayers 113-116

Archery Contests 164-165

Armor 155-156

Axe/Knife Toss 165

Barding 134-135

Barroom Brawler 82

Black Knight 53-55

Blade of the Emperor 16-18

Blood of Iron 82-83

Brood of Verthaxis 15-16

Brother of the Cloak 5-7

Brotherhood of the Cloak 7-9

Bull Strike 83

Champion of the Shining Light 9-11

Champions of Light, The 11-12

Clinging Combat 83-84

Close Quarters 148

Collective Fury 84Combat Locations 146-155

Commander, The 69-72

Contemplative Order 143

Demonic Servant 55-57

Dragon Warrior 12-15

Dragon, The 57-60

Dragon’s Breath School, The 29-30

Equipment, new 155-161

Feat Combos 102

Feats, new 82-87

Feats, rage 82Fists of Ramos 119-121

Footraces 163-164

Frontier Marshal 20-22

Furious Strength 84

Ghost Hunter 81

Glare 149-150

Gravity 150-151

Great Teacher, The 61-62

Grymir Swamp 151-1

Guardian of the Way 24-25

Guardians of the Way, organization 25-27

Guild of Adventurers, The 141-1

Gypsy Knife Fight 165-1

Hammer Throw 165

Holy Fury 84

Hunkerhausen 166

Hunter, The 72-75

Hunter’s Wisdom 84

Icefields of South Akatan 152-1

Improved Leverage 84

Improved Soft Step 84-85

Inside the Gnomish Great Clock 153-1

Jadan Spearmen, The 121-1

Jousting Tournaments 170-1

Justicar 62-64

Ki Warrior 27-29

Ledge, The 153

Legendary Classes 49-69

Lionhearted 85Master Tracker 85

Mechanics of Melee 96-10

Melee Archetypes 96-98

Melee Combat vs. Magic Combat 101-1

Melee Tactics 98-99

Mount Descriptions 127-1

Mount Equipment 133-1

Mounted Combat 92-95

Mounted Combat Tactics 99-10

Mounted Racing 168-1

Mounts 125-1Mounts in Combat 135-1

Obstacles 148-1

Order of Illianel 109-1

Order of Jurats, The 22-24

Order of the Unicorn 30-32

Order of the Unicorn, organization 32-34

Organizational Templates 137-1

Organizations, Creating 137-1

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Outdoorsman, The 76-79

Parry 85

Parrying Weapon 85

Personalizing Arms and Armor 159-161

Pit Fighter 34-36

Pressing Attack 85

Prestige Classes 5-49

Quick Leap 85

Raging Jump 85

Ranged Combat Tactics 100-101Reaver 38-40

Riposte 85

Rising Strike 86

Savage Health 86

Schools of Combat 103-124

Seeker of Wisdom 80-81

Servants of Ice, The 145-146

Shadow Tiger 41-44

Shadow Tiger, creature 44

Shadow Tigers, organization 44-46

Shields 156

Ship at Sea During Winter Storms 154-155

Slayer, The 64-66

Slipperiness 146-147

Slope 147-148

Soft Step 86

Soldiers of the White Shield 104-1

Stable of the Outlander, The 36-38

Stormwalker 66-69

Superior Mounted Archery 86

Sword Children 47-49

Talaxian Duelists 116-1

Taunt 86

Tournaments and Games 162-1

Trap Disarm 168

Tribal Protector 46-47Troovad’s Band 40-41

Twenty Shards of Glory, The 18-20

Two-Weapon Defense 86-87

Urban Lore 80

Urban Warrior 79-80

Variant Classes 69-81

Veldar’s Hollow 154

Veruthian Slayers, The 111-1

Vinekeepers, The 106-1

Warcry 87

Wardens of the Great Wood 143-1

Weapon Display 167-1

Weapon Trip 87

Weapons of Opportunity 87

Weapons, Melee 156-1

Weapons, Missile 158-1

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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and

is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights


1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trade-

mark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;

(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including

derivative works and translations (including into other computer lan-

guages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension,upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in

which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)

“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,

publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game

Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, pro-

cedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not

embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior

art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game

Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this

License, including translations and derivative works under copyright

law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product

Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identify-

ing marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; sto-

ries, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, lan-

guage, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats,

poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visualor audio representations; names and descriptions of characters,

spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and

special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equip-

ment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or

graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark

clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product

Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content;

(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs

that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the

associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the

Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute,

copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative

Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the

licensee in terms of this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Contentthat contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may

only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix

such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms

may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described

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any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You

indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this

License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-

free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to

Use, the Open Game Content.

5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing

original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your

Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient

rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT

NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPY-

RIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modify-

ing or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and

the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any orig-

inal Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product

Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as

expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the

owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to

indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or

Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open

Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent

Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered

Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content

does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product

Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open GameContent shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product


8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must

clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing

are Open Game Content.

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may pub-

lish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized

version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open

Game Content originally distributed under any version of this


10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License

with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the

Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You

have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with

any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the

Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental

regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affect-


13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You

fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach

within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses

shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unen-forceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent neces-

sary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,


System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,

Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on

original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Path of the Sword Copyright 2002, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

Tournaments, Fairs, and Taverns, Copyright 2002, Natural 20 Press

Wild Spellcraft, Copyright 2002, Natural 20 Press

Traps & Treachery Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

Deadlands d20 Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

Dragonstar: Starfarer’s Handbook Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight

Publishing, Inc.

Open Game Content from The Tide of Years Copyright 2001,

Michelle A. Brown Nephew

Seafarer’s Handbook Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing,


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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